# -*-eselect-*- vim: ft=eselect # Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Id: mpost.eselect-0.3,v 1.1 2011/01/09 18:41:34 aballier Exp $ DESCRIPTION="Manage /usr/bin/mpost implementations" MAINTAINER="ml@gentoo.org" SVN_DATE='$Date: 2011/01/09 18:41:34 $' VERSION=$(svn_date_to_version "${SVN_DATE}" ) # find a list of mpost symlink targets, best first find_targets() { local f for f in "${ROOT}"/usr/bin/mpost-*; do if [[ -f ${f} ]] ; then echo "${f##*/mpost-}" fi done | sort } # find version number of currently symlinked version identify_target() { local f f="$(canonicalise "${ROOT}"/usr/bin/mpost)" echo "${f##*/mpost-}" } # try to remove the mpost symlink remove_symlinks() { rm -f "${ROOT}"/usr/bin/mpost &>/dev/null } # set the mpost symlink set_symlinks() { local target="${1}" targets if is_number "${target}" && [[ ${target} -ge 1 ]] ; then targets=( $(find_targets ) ) target=${targets[$(( ${target} - 1 ))]} fi if [[ -f "${ROOT}/usr/bin/mpost-${target}" ]] ; then remove_symlinks ln -s "mpost-${target}" "${ROOT}/usr/bin/mpost" || \ die "Could not set ${target} /usr/bin/mpost symlink" echo "Updating TeX formats" "${ROOT}"/usr/bin/fmtutil-sys --all &>/dev/null || write_warning_msg "Could not update TeX formats for some reason, mpost may not work properly." else die -q "Target \"${target}\" doesn't appear to be valid!" fi } ### show action ### describe_show() { echo "Show the current mpost version" } do_show() { [[ -z "${@}" ]] || die -q "Too many parameters" write_list_start "Current mpost version:" if [[ -L "${ROOT}/usr/bin/mpost" ]] ; then write_kv_list_entry "$(identify_target)" "" elif [[ -e "${ROOT}/usr/bin/mpost" ]] ; then write_kv_list_entry "(not a symlink)" "" else write_kv_list_entry "(unset)" "" fi } ### list action ### describe_list() { echo "List available mpost versions" } do_list() { [[ -z "${@}" ]] || die -q "Too many parameters" local i targets current targets=( $(find_targets ) ) current=$(identify_target) for (( i = 0; i < ${#targets[@]}; i++ )); do [[ ${targets[i]} = ${current} ]] \ && targets[i]=$(highlight_marker "${targets[i]}") done write_list_start "Available mpost versions:" write_numbered_list -m "(none found)" "${targets[@]}" } ### set action ### describe_set() { echo "Set a new mpost version" } describe_set_options() { echo "target : Target version number or index from 'list' action" } describe_set_parameters() { echo "" } do_set() { if [[ -z "${1}" ]] ; then die -q "You didn't give me a version number" elif [[ -n "${2}" ]] ; then die -q "Too many parameters" elif [[ -L "${ROOT}/usr/bin/mpost" ]] ; then if ! remove_symlinks ; then die -q "Can't remove existing version symlink" elif ! set_symlinks "${1}" ; then die -q "Can't set new version" fi elif [[ -e "${ROOT}/usr/bin/mpost" ]] ; then die -q "${ROOT}/usr/bin/mpost seems to be from an old ebuild, please remove manually" else set_symlinks "${1}" || die -q "Can't set new version" fi } ### update action ### describe_update() { echo "Automatically update the mpost version number" } describe_update_options() { echo "--if-unset : Do not override currently selected version" } do_update() { [[ -z "${1}" ]] || ( [[ -z "${2}" ]] && [[ "${1}" == "--if-unset" ]] ) || \ die -q "Usage error" if [[ -L "${ROOT}/usr/bin/mpost" ]] ; then [[ ${1} == "--if-unset" ]] && return remove_symlinks || die -q "Can't remove existing symlink" fi if [[ -e "${ROOT}/usr/bin/mpost" ]] ; then die -q "${ROOT}/usr/bin/mpost seems to be from an old ebuild, please remove manually" elif ! [[ -z $(find_targets ) ]] ; then set_symlinks 1 || die -q "Can't set a new version" fi }