no-herd Daniel Drake Cédric Krier Enables support for indexing of the MS CHM (Compressed HTML) file format using app-doc/chmlib. Builds programmer documentation for Beagle using app-doc/monodoc. Enables debug XML dumps of all messages passed between the daemons and the UIs. WARNING, this option will fill up your Beagle Log directory very quickly. Enables Beagle to index the Addressbook and Calendar from mail-client/evolution stored in gnome-extra/evolution-data-server. The information is accessed using dev-dotnet/evolution-sharp. Compiles and installs the extension for either www-client/epiphany. This extension helps Beagle index the websites you visit. Compiles and installs the extension for either www-client/mozilla-firefox or www-client/mozilla-firefox-bin. This extension helps Beagle index the websites you visit. Allows Beagle to get status information from applications such as Pidgin to show in the search results. Enables the GTK+ Beagle Search UI for showing search results. This is the default GUI for Beagle. Enables support for indexing of the PDF (Portable Document Format) file format using `pdfinfo` and `pdftotext` from app-text/poppler Enables OLE (Object Linking and Editing) support via dev-dotnet/gsf-sharp, app-text/wv, and app-office/gnumeric(ssindex). These allow Beagle to index MS Powerpoint, Word, and Spreadsheet Documents. Compiles and installs the extension for either mail-client/mozilla-thunderbird or mail-client/mozilla-thunderbird-bin. This extension helps Beagle index your mails. Allow Beagle to detect when the screensaver is switched on. This allows Beagle to use more resources and index faster when the computer is not in use.