# ChangeLog for app-pda/libimobiledevice # Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-pda/libimobiledevice/ChangeLog,v 1.4 2010/05/28 16:01:59 bangert Exp $ *libimobiledevice-1.0.1 (28 May 2010) 28 May 2010; Thilo Bangert +libimobiledevice-1.0.1.ebuild: version bump - fix dep (#316547) 28 May 2010; Markus Meier libimobiledevice-1.0.0.ebuild: add ~x86, bug #313691 07 Apr 2010; Olivier CrĂȘte libimobiledevice-1.0.0.ebuild: Update license (parts are lgpl-2.1) *libimobiledevice-1.0.0 (07 Apr 2010) 07 Apr 2010; Olivier CrĂȘte +libimobiledevice-1.0.0.ebuild, +metadata.xml: Added because it is a dep of newer libgpod for bug #311093, ebuild from bug #311087