# ChangeLog for app-sci/gromacs
# Copyright 2002-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header $

  04 Oct 2003; Donnie Berkholz <spyderous@gentoo.org>; gromacs-3.1.3.ebuild,
  Pulling old versions.

  04 Oct 2003; Donnie Berkholz <spyderous@gentoo.org>;
  Fixing fftw dep. Won't compile against fftw-3 yet, in part because it looks
  for fftw3.h instead of fftw.h, and in part because MPI doesn't work in fftw-3

*gromacs-3.1.4-r1 (23 Mar 2003)

  23 Mar 2003; George Shapovalov <george@gentoo.org> gromacs-3.1.4-r1.ebuild :
  added mpi support, lam-mpi is the only working implementation at the moment.
  Since portage cannot at present check whether optional dependencies of dependencies were turned on, 
  please check yourself that gromacs and fftw have identical mpi setting.
  Generally USE="mpi" emerge gromacs should work fine if you did not install fftw previously (with 
  different mpi off for example).

*gromacs-3.1.4 (08 Nov 2002)

  08 Nov 2002; George Shapovalov <george@gentoo.org> gromacs-3.1.4.ebuild, files/digest-gromacs-3.1.4 :

  new version.
  I changed --prefix to point to /usr for FHS compliance.
  Now the binaries and the libs are getting installed into
  /usr/i686-pc-linux-gnu/{bin,lib} correspondingly and the data into /usr/share/gromacs-${PV}
  This seems to fit well in the existing direcory structure and does not conflict with gcc.

*gromacs-3.1.3 (27 Apr 2002)
  27 Apr 2002; George Shapovalov <george@gentoo.org> all_files :

  initial release.