############################################################################## # Cocoon Configuration file # ############################################################################## ########################################## # Global Configurations # ########################################## # Indicates whether or not Cocoon should be visible if # the requested URI equals the specified one. selfservlet.enabled = true selfservlet.uri = /Cocoon.xml # Indicates whether or not Cocoon should handle errors internally # and format the error and the exception stack trace to the client # or return the HTTP error code to the web server and let it handle it. handle.errors.internally = true # Indicates the log severity level #log.level = emergency #log.level = critical log.level = error #log.level = warning #log.level = info #log.level = debug ########################################## # XML Parsers # ########################################## # Apache Xerces 1.0.1+ (http://xml.apache.com/) parser = org.apache.cocoon.parser.XercesParser # SUN ProjectX TR2 (http://java.sun.com/xml/) #parser = org.apache.cocoon.parser.SunXMLParser # Indicate whether the XML file should be validated or not # this is turned off by default for faster operation. parser.validate = false ########################################## # XSLT Transformers # ########################################## # Apache Xalan (http://xml.apache.org/) transformer = org.apache.cocoon.transformer.XalanTransformer # James Clark's XT (http://www.jclark.com/) #transformer = org.apache.cocoon.transformer.XTTransformer ########################################## # XML Producers # ########################################## # For example, if you want to produce your XML template reading it from # the file system, using your producer, you should request the URI: # http://your.site.com/your_XML_file.xml?producer=file # This is the request parameter used to identify the producer in the request: # (default value is "producer") producer.parameter = producer # The syntax for this is # producer.type.xxx = full.class.name # where "xxx" is the producer indentier used in the request producer.type.file = org.apache.cocoon.producer.ProducerFromFile # This is used in the example files producer.type.dummy = org.apache.cocoon.example.DummyProducer # When producer indication is present in the request # this configuration allows to map those requests to a particular # producer indicated here with its type. # NOTE: this type must present in the above map. producer.default = file ########################################## # XML Processors # ########################################## # These are used when the PI is present. # If no PI of that type is present, no processing is performed. # The syntax for this is # processor.type.xxx = full.class.name # XSL Transformations (XSLT) processor.type.xslt = org.apache.cocoon.processor.xslt.XSLTProcessor # SQL Processor processor.type.sql = org.apache.cocoon.processor.sql.SQLProcessor # LDAP Processor # NOTE: you need to have the SUN JDNI API (jndi.jar) in your classpath # in order for this processor to work. Check the FAQ for more information. #processor.type.ldap = org.apache.cocoon.processor.ldap.LdapProcessor # XInclude Processor processor.type.xinclude = org.apache.cocoon.processor.xinclude.XIncludeProcessor ########################################## # XSP Processor # ########################################## # eXtensible Server Pages Processor (XSP) processor.type.xsp = org.apache.cocoon.processor.xsp.XSPProcessor # supported languages processor.xsp.languages = java # Default encoding to be used for code generation and compilation # If omitted, the platform's default encoding will be used # This encoding should also be used in: # - The XSP document declaration # - The "encoding" configuration property of the formatter to be used # Example: Russian uses "Cp1251" # processor.xsp.encoding = Cp1251 # support for the java language processor.xsp.java.processor = org.apache.cocoon.processor.xsp.language.java.XSPJavaProcessor processor.xsp.java.processor.compiler = org.apache.cocoon.processor.xsp.language.java.SunJavaCompiler #processor.xsp.java.processor.compiler = org.apache.cocoon.processor.xsp.language.java.JikesJavaCompiler processor.xsp.java.logicsheet = xsp-java.xsl processor.xsp.java.preprocessor = org.apache.cocoon.processor.xsp.language.java.XSPJavaPreprocessor # sets the repository where the compiled pages are stored. # NOTE: make sure the directory is readable. This directory is usually # relative to the web server's or to the servlet engine's. In case you're not # sure, use an absolute location. # WARNING: since this repository may contain information you want to remain # secret, we highly suggest that you protect the repository from untrusted # access, even read-only. Only Cocoon and the system administrators should # have access here. processor.xsp.repository = ./repository # Set the libraries associated with the given namespace. # Use the syntax: # processor.xsp.logicsheet.. = URL to file # where "URL to file" is usually starting with file:// if you locate # your custom library in your file system. processor.xsp.logicsheet.context.java = resource://org/apache/cocoon/processor/xsp/library/java/context.xsl processor.xsp.logicsheet.cookie.java = resource://org/apache/cocoon/processor/xsp/library/java/cookie.xsl processor.xsp.logicsheet.global.java = resource://org/apache/cocoon/processor/xsp/library/java/global.xsl processor.xsp.logicsheet.request.java = resource://org/apache/cocoon/processor/xsp/library/java/request.xsl processor.xsp.logicsheet.response.java = resource://org/apache/cocoon/processor/xsp/library/java/response.xsl processor.xsp.logicsheet.session.java = resource://org/apache/cocoon/processor/xsp/library/java/session.xsl processor.xsp.logicsheet.util.java = resource://org/apache/cocoon/processor/xsp/library/java/util.xsl processor.xsp.logicsheet.sql.java = resource://org/apache/cocoon/processor/xsp/library/sql/sql.xsl processor.xsp.logicsheet.fp.java = resource://org/apache/cocoon/processor/xsp/library/fp/fp.xsl # Turbine DB Connection Pool ############################ # These are your database settings, look in the # org.apache.turbine.util.db.pool.* package for more information. processor.xsp.pool.database.default.driver=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver processor.xsp.pool.database.default.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:ORCL processor.xsp.pool.database.default.username=dbUser processor.xsp.pool.database.default.password=dbPass processor.xsp.pool.database.default.maxConnections=3 processor.xsp.pool.database.default.expiryTime=3600000 # These are the supported jdbc-drivers and their adaptors. # These properties are used by the DBFactory. processor.xsp.pool.database.adaptor=DBWeblogic,DBOracle,DBInstantDB,DBPostgres,DBSybase,DBInformix processor.xsp.pool.database.adaptor.DBWeblogic=weblogic.jdbc.pool.Driver processor.xsp.pool.database.adaptor.DBOracle=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver processor.xsp.pool.database.adaptor.DBInstantDB=org.enhydra.instantdb.jdbc.idbDriver processor.xsp.pool.database.adaptor.DBPostgres=postgresql.Driver processor.xsp.pool.database.adaptor.DBInformix=com.informix.jdbc.IfxDriver processor.xsp.pool.database.adaptor.DBSybase=com.sybase.jdbc.SybDriver # The full path name to a pool log file # if not given, commands to log events using org.apache.turbine.util.Log will be ignored. # This file must already exist and be writable. # Default: none #processor.xsp.pool.logfile=/opt/apache/var/log/dbPool.log #### !!!!WARNING!!!! ########### # The DCP processor should be considered -deprecated- and we highly suggest # you to convert all of your DCP stuff into XSP pages that, in the future, # will totally replace DCP. # # Dynamic Content Processor (DCP) processor.type.dcp = org.apache.cocoon.processor.dcp.DCPProcessor # ################################ ########################################## # XML Formatters # ########################################## # This is used when no PI is present to indicate # which MIME type to associate to the document. # NOTE: this type must present in the map below. formatter.default = text/html # These are used when the PI is present # The syntax for this is # formatter.type.xxx/yyy = full.class.name # Full configurable formatters ############################### formatter.type.text/html = org.apache.cocoon.formatter.HTMLFormatter formatter.type.text/html/loose = org.apache.cocoon.formatter.HTMLFormatter formatter.type.text/xhtml = org.apache.cocoon.formatter.XHTMLFormatter formatter.type.text/xhtml/loose = org.apache.cocoon.formatter.XHTMLFormatter formatter.type.text/xml = org.apache.cocoon.formatter.XMLFormatter formatter.type.text/wml = org.apache.cocoon.formatter.XMLFormatter formatter.type.text/plain = org.apache.cocoon.formatter.TextFormatter formatter.type.model/vrml = org.apache.cocoon.formatter.TextFormatter formatter.type.text/xslfo = org.apache.cocoon.formatter.FO2PDFFormatter formatter.type.application/smil = org.apache.cocoon.formatter.XMLFormatter formatter.type.image/svg-xml = org.apache.cocoon.formatter.XMLFormatter # You can modify the formatter's behavior by adding the following configurations # for each formatter you want to specifize. Note that even if two formatters # share the same class, they are will be seen as different entities, accessed # only by their types. # # formatter.[type].MIME-type = [formatter MIME type] # formatter.[type].encoding = [encoding type] # formatter.[type].doctype-public = [public identifier] # formatter.[type].doctype-system = [system identifier] # formatter.[type].preserve-space = [whether to preserve space or not] # formatter.[type].line-width = [page width, wrapping column] # formatter.[type].indent = [numbers of spaces for tag indenting] # HTML 4.0 (strict) formatter.text/html.doctype-public = -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN formatter.text/html.doctype-system = http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd # XHTML 1.0 (strict) formatter.text/xhtml.doctype-public = -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN formatter.text/xhtml.doctype-system = xhtml1-strict.dtd # WML 1.1 formatter.text/wml.doctype-public = -//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN formatter.text/wml.doctype-system = http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/wml_1.1.xml formatter.text/wml.MIME-type = text/vnd.wap.wml # VRML 97 formatter.model/vrml.MIME-type = model/vrml # PDF formatter.text/xslfo.MIME-type = application/pdf # HTML 4.0 (transitional) formatter.text/html/loose.doctype-public = -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN formatter.text/html/loose.doctype-system = http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd formatter.text/html/loose.preserve-space = true formatter.text/html/loose.encoding = UTF-8 formatter.text/html/loose.indent = 1 formatter.text/html/loose.line-width = 120 formatter.text/html/loose.MIME-type = text/html # XHTML 1.0 (transitional) formatter.text/xhtml/loose.doctype-public = -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN formatter.text/xhtml/loose.doctype-system = xhtml1-transitional.dtd # SMIL formatter.application/smil.doctype-public = -//W3C//DTD SMIL 1.0//EN formatter.application/smil.doctype-system = http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-smil/SMIL10.dtd formatter.application/smil.MIME-type = application/smil # SVG (20000303 WD) formatter.image/svg-xml.doctype-public = -//W3C//DTD SVG 20000303 Stylable//EN formatter.image/svg-xml.doctype-system = http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/03/WD-SVG-20000303/ formatter.image/svg-xml.MIME-type = image/svg-xml ########################################## # Cache Managers # ########################################## # the default cache cache = org.apache.cocoon.cache.CocoonCache # disable page caching #cache = org.apache.cocoon.cache.NoCache ########################################## # Object Storage Systems # ########################################## # the default object storage store = org.apache.cocoon.store.MemoryStore # Indicates how much free memory should always be available to the JVM. (in bytes) store.freememory = 1000000 # Indicates what is the maximum heap size that your JVM can reach (in byte). # This is normally set using the -mx or -Xmx command line argument. store.heapsize = 60000000 # Indicates the sleeping time for the background thread (in seconds) #store.interval = 10 # Indicates the thread priority (1-10: 10 is maximum, 1 is minimum) #store.threadpriority = 10 # Uncomment this to disable the background thread that manages the cache # overflow and leave this at request time. #store.usethread = false ########################################## # Language Interpreters # ########################################## # These are used by the DCP Processor interpreter.type.java = org.apache.cocoon.interpreter.java.JavaInterpreter #interpreter.type.ecmascript = org.apache.cocoon.interpreter.ecmascript.EcmaScriptInterpreter #interpreter.type.javascript = org.apache.cocoon.interpreter.ecmascript.EcmaScriptInterpreter # Indicates the default language if not specified in the DCP PIs interpreter.default = java # NOTE: see the DCP user guide for instructions on using ecmascript and the # packages required for this operation. ########################################## # User Agents (Browsers) # ########################################## # NOTE: numbers indicate the search order. This is very important since # some words may be found in more than one browser description. (MSIE is # presented as "Mozilla/4.0 (Compatible; MSIE 4.01; ...") # # for example, the "explorer=MSIE" tag indicates that the XSL stylesheet # associated to the media type "explorer" should be mapped to those browsers # that have the string "MSIE" in their "user-Agent" HTTP header. browser.0 = explorer=MSIE browser.1 = pocketexplorer=MSPIE browser.2 = handweb=HandHTTP browser.3 = avantgo=AvantGo browser.4 = imode=DoCoMo browser.5 = opera=Opera browser.6 = lynx=Lynx browser.7 = java=Java browser.8 = wap=Nokia browser.9 = wap=UP browser.10 = wap=Wapalizer browser.11 = mozilla5=Mozilla/5 browser.12 = mozilla5=Netscape6/ browser.13 = netscape=Mozilla ########################################## # Profiling # ########################################## #Uncomment this to enable coarse performance profiling. #Look at samples/profiler/profiler.xml to see the results of the profiler #profiler.enabled=true #Comment this out to remove the <--this page was served ... comment from the #end of text pages served by Cocoon verbosity=true