# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-java/jython/jython-2.1-r5.ebuild,v 1.13 2005/01/26 21:13:04 corsair Exp $ inherit java-pkg DESCRIPTION="An implementation of Python written in Java" HOMEPAGE="http://www.jython.org" MY_PV="21" SRC_URI="mirror://sourceforge/${PN}/${PN}-${MY_PV}.class" LICENSE="JPython" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="x86 ppc sparc amd64 ppc64" IUSE="readline jikes" # servlet DEPEND=">=virtual/jdk-1.2 readline? ( >=dev-java/libreadline-java-0.8.0 ) jikes? ( >=dev-java/jikes-1.18 )" # servlet? ( >=net-www/tomcat-5.0 ) src_unpack() { cp ${DISTDIR}/${A} ${WORKDIR} cd ${WORKDIR} `java-config -J` -classpath . ${PN}-${MY_PV} -o ${S}/ demo lib source || die "unpack failed" } src_compile() { javac=$(java-config -c) if use jikes ; then java=$(which jikes) fi local cp=".:${CLASSPATH}" local exclude="" if use readline ; then cp=${cp}:$(java-config -p libreadline-java) else exclude="${exclude} ! -name ReadlineConsole.java" fi #if use servlet; then # cp=${cp}:$(java-config -p servlet) #else exclude="${exclude} ! -name PyServlet.java" #fi find org -name "*.java" ${exclude} | xargs ${javac} -source 1.3 -classpath ${cp} -nowarn || die "Failed to compile" find org -name "*.class" | xargs jar cf jython-${PV}.jar } src_install() { java-pkg_dojar jython-${PV}.jar || die "install failed" dodoc {README,LICENSE}.txt NEWS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS java-pkg_dohtml -A .css .jpg .gif -r Doc newbin ${FILESDIR}/jython jython newbin ${FILESDIR}/jythonc jythonc dodir /usr/share/jython/cachedir chmod a+rw ${D}/usr/share/jython/cachedir cp -R Lib ${D}/usr/share/${PN}/ cp -R Demo ${D}/usr/share/${PN}/ dodir /usr/share/${PN}/tools/ cp -R Tools/* ${D}/usr/share/${PN}/tools/ cp registry ${D}/usr/share/${PN}/ } pkg_postinst() { if use readline; then einfo "To use readline you need to add the following to your registery" einfo einfo "python.console=org.python.util.ReadlineConsole" einfo "python.console.readlinelib=GnuReadline" einfo einfo "The global registry can be found in /usr/share/${PN}/registry" einfo "User registry in \$HOME/.jython" einfo "See http://www.jython.org/docs/registry.html for more information" fi }