# Copyright 1999-2001 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, v2 or later # Author Preston A. Elder S=${WORKDIR}/ACE_wrappers ACE_VER=5.2 DESCRIPTION="The Adaptive Communications Environment" SRC_URI="http://deuce.doc.wustl.edu/ACE-${ACE_VER}.tar.gz ftp://deuce.doc.wustl.edu/pub/ACE+TAO-distribution/ACE-${ACE_VER}.tar.gz" HOMEPAGE="http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt/ACE.html" #DEPEND="" src_unpack() { unpack ${A} cd ${S}/ace cp config-linux.h config.h cd ${S}/include/makeinclude sed -e "s:-O3:${CFLAGS}:" platform_linux.GNU >platform_macros.GNU } src_compile() { export ACE_ROOT=${S} cd ${S} emake static_libs=1 || die } src_install() { dodir /usr/include/ace /usr/lib /usr/share/man/man3 cd ${S}/ace cp libACE.so ${D}/usr/lib/libACE.so.${ACE_VER} cp libACE.a ${D}/usr/lib/libACE.a cd ${D}/usr/lib ln -s libACE.so.${ACE_VER} libACE.so.`echo ${ACE_VER} | cut -f1 -d.` ln -s libACE.so.${ACE_VER} libACE.so cd ${S}/ace cp -r *.h *.cpp *.i *.inl ${D}/usr/include/ace chmod 644 ${D}/usr/include/ace/* cd ${S}/man/man3 cp *.3 ${D}/usr/share/man/man3 chmod 644 ${D}/usr/share/man/man3/*.3 gzip ${D}/usr/share/man/man3/*.3 cd ${S} dodoc ACE-INSTALL* AUTHORS COPYING FAQ PROBLEM-REPORT-FORM README dodoc THANKS TODO VERSION cd ${S}/docs dodoc *.html *.txt *gz cd ${S} docinto ChangeLogs dodoc ChangeLog cd ${S}/ChangeLogs dodoc ChangeLog* }