-*-outline-*- * Gentoo Specific Notes for Araneida ** Documentation Araneida comes with a HTML reference manual. In Gentoo the normal installation path for HTML documentation is /usr/share/doc/cl-araneida-*/html/, however Araneida's documentation references part of its source code. Indeed the HTML is part of its definition system. Therefore, you can find the HTML documentation for Araneida at: file:///usr/share/common-lisp/source/araneida/doc/index.html ** Reverse Web Proxies Araneida benifits from a reverse web proxy for deployments, however a proxy isn't really required while you develop with Araneida. Nonetheless, the choice between two reverse web proxy servers has been included in the runtime dependency list: net-www/apache www-servers/pound See the CLiki at http://www.cliki.net/Araneida for more information on this. -- Matthew Kennedy