Fix build failure against dev-haskell/test-framework-0.8 [147 of 147] Compiling Main ( src/test.hs, dist/build/darcs-test/darcs-test-tmp/Main.o ) src/test.hs:100:30: No instance for (Typeable ShellTest) arising from a use of `Test' Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Typeable ShellTest) In the expression: Test (file ++ " (" ++ show fmt ++ ")") In the expression: Test (file ++ " (" ++ show fmt ++ ")") $ ShellTest fmt file tdir dp In an equation for `shellTest': shellTest dp fmt tdir file = Test (file ++ " (" ++ show fmt ++ ")") $ ShellTest fmt file tdir dp diff --git a/src/test.hs b/src/test.hs index 39adcc1..9687074 100644 --- a/src/test.hs +++ b/src/test.hs @@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ data ShellTest = ShellTest { format :: Format , testdir :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ only if you want to set it explicitly , _darcspath :: FilePath } + deriving Typeable runtest' :: ShellTest -> FilePath -> ShIO Result runtest' (ShellTest fmt _ _ dp) srcdir =