# ChangeLog for gnustep-apps/mylibrary # Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/gnustep-apps/mylibrary/ChangeLog,v 1.4 2007/02/09 07:48:50 flameeyes Exp $ 09 Feb 2007; Diego Pettenò ChangeLog: Regenerate digest in Manifest2 format. *mylibrary-0.4.5g-r1 (11 Nov 2004) 11 Nov 2004; Armando Di Cianno +mylibrary-0.4.5g-r1.ebuild, mylibrary-0.4.5g.ebuild: Mass Update: gnustep.eclass revamped to allow configurable root install; gnustep-base/libs/apps updated to utilize new gnustep.eclass (only versions bumped where files would change); some KEYWORDS were accidentally dropped between version bumps of packages -- this has been resolved; windowmaker correctly supports gnustep now 17 Oct 2004; David Holm mylibrary-0.4.5g.ebuild: Added to ~ppc. *mylibrary-0.4.5g (25 Sep 2004) 25 Sep 2004; Armando Di Cianno +metadata.xml, +mylibrary-0.4.5g.ebuild: New package; key'd for ~x86.