--- api.tex.old	2005-03-06 11:31:59.862760952 -0500
+++ api.tex	2005-03-06 11:42:31.375756384 -0500
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@
 \item Build two Sequence objects, from a file or strings (\ref{object_Sequence})
 \item Optionally convert the Sequence objects into Protein objects (\ref{object_Protein}). This ensures you have proteins
 \item Read in the comparison matrix using CompMat (\ref{object_CompMat})
-\item Use one of the algorithm calls in sw_wrap module (\ref{module_sw_wrap})
+\item Use one of the algorithm calls in sw\_wrap module (\ref{module_sw_wrap})
 \item Show the alignment using a call in the seqaligndisaply module (\ref{module_seqaligndisplay})
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@
 \item Read in a sequence object and convert it to a protein object (\ref{object_Protein},\ref{object_Sequence})
 \item Make a protein database from the single protein object (\ref{object_ProteinDB})
 \item Make a protein database from a single fasta file (\ref{object_ProteinDB})
-\item Using one of the calls to the sw_wrap module, make a Hscore object (\ref{module_sw_wrap})
+\item Using one of the calls to the sw\_wrap module, make a Hscore object (\ref{module_sw_wrap})
 \item Show the Hscore object using a show function (\ref{object_Hscore})
 \item Retrieve individual protein objects from the database by taking out the
 DataEntry objects (\ref{object_DataEntry}) and passing them into the ProteinDB object (\ref{object_ProteinDB}), giving you a protein object
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@
 \item Read in a codon table (\ref{object_CodonTable})
 \item Make a random DNA model (\ref{object_RandomModelDNA})
 \item Make an algorithm type (\ref{module_gwrap})
-\item Build an entire parameter set for genewise using Wise2::GeneParameter21_wrap (\ref{module_gwrap})
+\item Build an entire parameter set for genewise using Wise2::GeneParameter21\_wrap (\ref{module_gwrap})
 \item Run the actual algorithm (\ref{module_gwrap})
 \item show the alignment using genedisplay (\ref{module_gwrap})
@@ -5055,7 +5055,7 @@
 Member functions of RandomModel
 This module only contains factory methods
 \subsection{sequence\_codon factory methods}