# ChangeLog for sci-geosciences/gpsd # Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-geosciences/gpsd/ChangeLog,v 1.8 2005/12/16 12:10:52 flameeyes Exp $ 16 Dec 2005; Diego Pettenò gpsd-2.30.ebuild: Remove --with-gnu-ld option, bug #108386. *gpsd-2.30 (01 Oct 2005) 01 Oct 2005; Steve Arnold -files/gpsd-2.25-SiRF.patch, -files/gpsd-2.25-y-format.patch, -files/gpsd-2.26-dbus.patch, -files/gpsd-2.26-python.patch, -gpsd-2.25-r1.ebuild, -gpsd-2.26.ebuild, gpsd-2.29.ebuild, +gpsd-2.30.ebuild: version bump, fix for bug #107147, and cleanup of old ebuilds 20 Sep 2005; Steve Arnold gpsd-2.25-r1.ebuild, gpsd-2.26.ebuild, gpsd-2.29.ebuild: added additional LDFLAGS to fix bug #106330 (fix submitted by Morgan Collins ) *gpsd-2.29 (06 Sep 2005) *gpsd-2.25-r1 (06 Sep 2005) 06 Sep 2005; Steve Arnold +files/gpsd-2.25-SiRF.patch, -gpsd-2.25.ebuild, +gpsd-2.25-r1.ebuild, gpsd-2.26.ebuild, +gpsd-2.29.ebuild: fixed dbus depends and added new version 20 Aug 2005; Olivier Fisette gpsd-2.26.ebuild: Depend on dbus version 0.23.4 or later (fixes bug #102049). *gpsd-2.26 (08 Aug 2005) 08 Aug 2005; Steve Arnold +files/gpsd-2.26-dbus.patch, +files/gpsd-2.26-python.patch, +gpsd-2.26.ebuild: slightly updated, but hotplug still doesn't quite work right 02 Jun 2005; Olivier Fisette gpsd-2.25.ebuild: Use "virtual/motif" instead of "x11-libs/openmotif". *gpsd-2.25 (28 May 2005) 28 May 2005; Steve Arnold +files/40-usb-serial.rules, +files/gpsd-2.25-y-format.patch, +files/gpsd.conf, +files/gpsd.init, +metadata.xml, +gpsd-2.25.ebuild: added esr's patch for Y format messages, updated the einfo, and cleaned up the arch stuff a bit *gpsd-2.25 (28 May 2005) 28 May 2005; Steve Arnold +files/40-usb-serial.rules, +files/gpsd.conf, +files/gpsd.init, +metadata.xml, +gpsd-2.25.ebuild: adding current version of gpsd (most other gps daemons are dead now)