# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-apps/trac/trac-0.9.2.ebuild,v 1.1 2005/12/05 22:30:16 dju Exp $ inherit distutils webapp DESCRIPTION="Trac is a minimalistic web-based project management, wiki and bug/issue tracking system." HOMEPAGE="http://trac.edgewall.com/" SRC_URI="http://ftp.edgewall.com/pub/trac/${P}.tar.gz" LICENSE="trac" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~sparc ~x86" IUSE="vhosts cgi fastcgi postgres sqlite enscript silvercity" # doing so because utils (such as trac-admin), manpages... overlap SLOT="0" WEBAPP_MANUAL_SLOT="yes" # we need virtual/httpd-cgi to bring apache/lighttpd/whatever in when USE cgi # we need virtual/httpd-fcgi to bring mod_fastcgi/lighttpd/whtever in when USE fastcgi # we need virtual/httpd-python to bring mod_python/whatever in (when USE python?) DEPEND="$DEPEND >=dev-lang/python-2.3 app-text/pytextile >=dev-python/docutils-0.3.3 dev-libs/clearsilver >=dev-util/subversion-1.1 sqlite? ( >=dev-python/pysqlite-2 ) postgres? ( dev-python/psycopg ) enscript? ( app-text/enscript ) silvercity? ( app-text/silvercity )" pkg_setup () { if ! use postgres && ! use sqlite ; then eerror "You must select at least one database backend," eerror "using sqlite or postgres USE flags." die "no database backend selected!" fi webapp_pkg_setup } src_install () { # project databases might go in here keepdir /var/lib/trac webapp_src_preinst distutils_src_install dodoc AUTHORS INSTALL RELEASE THANKS UPGRADE rm ${D}/usr/share/doc/${P}/MANIFEST.in.gz rm ${D}/usr/share/doc/${P}/PKG-INFO.gz # if needed, install cgi/fcgi scripts for webapp-config local my_dir=${D}/usr/share/trac if use cgi ; then mv ${my_dir}/cgi-bin/trac.cgi ${D}${MY_CGIBINDIR} || die fi if use fastcgi ; then mv ${my_dir}/cgi-bin/trac.fcgi ${D}${MY_CGIBINDIR} || die fi rm -rf ${my_dir}/cgi-bin || die for lang in en; do webapp_postinst_txt ${lang} ${FILESDIR}/${PV}-postinst-${lang}.txt done webapp_src_install }