hollow@gentoo.org Benedikt Böhm dev-zero@gentoo.org Tiziano Müller Enables file AIO support Enable HTTP core support Enable HTTP cache support Use libatomic instead of builtin atomic operations This module adds contents of other locations before and after the current location's content. This module adds the HTTP and WebDAV methods PUT, DELETE, MKCOL, COPY and MOVE. This module provides the ability to seek within FLV (Flash) files using time-based offsets. Pick a random directory index from a directory. This module allows to change the client's IP address to value from request header (e. g. X-Real-IP or X-Forwarded-For). Enables support for gzipping static content on disk This module provides the ability to get some status from nginx Enable support for search and replace text in the nginx response Enable support for handling file uploads using multipart/form-data encoding This module adds an upstream connection queue to nginx This module adds the ability to cache static files This module adds the ability to track POST upload progress via JSON API This module adds pseudo-streaming support for H.264/AAC in MP4 containers. Enables IMAP proxy support Enables POP3 proxy support Enables SMTP proxy support http://nginx.org/en/CHANGES