# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/x11-base/x11-drm/x11-drm-20050104.ebuild,v 1.2 2005/01/25 02:39:17 battousai Exp $ inherit eutils x11 linux-mod IUSE="" IUSE_VIDEO_CARDS="3dfx ffb i810 i830 i915 mach64 matrox rage128 radeon savage sis via" # Make sure Portage does _NOT_ strip symbols. We will do it later and make sure # that only we only strip stuff that are safe to strip ... RESTRICT="nostrip" S="${WORKDIR}/drm" PATCHVER="0.1" PATCHDIR="${WORKDIR}/patch" EXCLUDED="${WORKDIR}/excluded" DESCRIPTION="DRM Kernel Modules for X11" HOMEPAGE="http://dri.sf.net" SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${P}-gentoo-${PATCHVER}.tar.bz2 mirror://gentoo/linux-drm-${PV}-kernelsource.tar.bz2" SLOT="${KV}" LICENSE="X11" KEYWORDS="~x86 ~alpha ~ia64 ~ppc ~amd64" DEPEND="virtual/x11 virtual/linux-sources >=sys-apps/portage-2.0.49-r13" PROVIDE="virtual/drm" pkg_setup() { # Require at least one video card if [ -z "${VIDEO_CARDS}" ] then die "Please set at least one video card in VIDEO_CARDS in make.conf or the environment. Possible VIDEO_CARDS values are: ${IUSE_VIDEO_CARDS}." fi if [ "${ARCH}" != "sparc" ] && use video_cards_ffb then die "The ffb driver is for sparc-specific hardware. Please remove it from your VIDEO_CARDS." fi ewarn "Using koutput kernels is now deprecated. If you use a koutput kernel, please" ewarn "switch to kernel >=2.6.6 with a normal build system." # Set video cards to build for. set_vidcards # DRM CVS is undergoing changes which require splitting source to support both 2.4 # and 2.6 kernels. This determines which to use. get_drm_build_dir return 0 } src_unpack() { unpack linux-drm-${PV}-kernelsource.tar.bz2 unpack ${P}-gentoo-${PATCHVER}.tar.bz2 cd ${S} patch_prepare # Apply patches EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" epatch ${PATCHDIR} # Substitute new directory under /lib/modules/${KV} cd ${SRC_BUILD} sed -ie "s:/kernel/drivers/char/drm:/${PN}:g" Makefile cp ${S}/tests/*.c ${SRC_BUILD} } src_compile() { einfo "Building DRM in ${SRC_BUILD}..." cd ${SRC_BUILD} # This now uses an M= build system. Makefile does most of the work. unset ARCH make M="${SRC_BUILD}" \ LINUXDIR="${ROOT}/usr/src/linux" \ DRM_MODULES="${VIDCARDS}" \ modules || die_error # Building the programs. These are useful for developers and getting info from DRI and DRM. # # libdrm objects are needed for drmstat. cd ${S}/libdrm make || die "Could not build libdrm" cd ${SRC_BUILD} # LINUXDIR is needed to allow Makefiles to find kernel release. make LINUXDIR="${ROOT}/usr/src/linux" dristat || die "Building dristat failed." make LINUXDIR="${ROOT}/usr/src/linux" drmstat || die "Building drmstat failed." } src_install() { einfo "Installing DRM..." cd ${SRC_BUILD} unset ARCH make KV="${KV}" \ LINUXDIR="${ROOT}/usr/src/linux" \ DESTDIR="${D}" \ RUNNING_REL="${KV}" \ MODULE_LIST="${VIDCARDS}" \ install || die "Install failed." dodoc README.drm exeinto /usr/X11R6/bin doexe dristat doexe drmstat # Strip binaries, leaving /lib/modules untouched (bug #24415) strip_bins \/lib\/modules # Yoinked from the sys-apps/touchpad ebuild. Thanks to whoever made this. keepdir /etc/modules.d sed 's:%PN%:'${PN}':g' ${FILESDIR}/modules.d-${PN} > ${D}/etc/modules.d/${PN} sed -i 's:%KV%:'${KV}':g' ${D}/etc/modules.d/${PN} } pkg_postinst() { if use video_cards_sis then einfo "SiS direct rendering only works on 300 series chipsets." einfo "SiS framebuffer also needs to be enabled in the kernel." fi if use video_cards_mach64 then einfo "The Mach64 DRI driver is insecure." einfo "Malicious clients can write to system memory." einfo "For more information, see:" einfo "http://dri.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/moin.cgi/ATIMach64?value=CategoryHardwareChipset." fi einfo "Checking kernel module dependencies" update_modules update_depmod } # Functions used above are defined below: set_vidcards() { set_kvobj VIDCARDS="" use video_cards_matrox && \ VIDCARDS="${VIDCARDS} mga.${KV_OBJ}" use video_cards_3dfx && \ VIDCARDS="${VIDCARDS} tdfx.${KV_OBJ}" use video_cards_rage128 && \ VIDCARDS="${VIDCARDS} r128.${KV_OBJ}" use video_cards_radeon && \ VIDCARDS="${VIDCARDS} radeon.${KV_OBJ}" use video_cards_i810 && \ VIDCARDS="${VIDCARDS} i810.${KV_OBJ}" use video_cards_i830 && \ VIDCARDS="${VIDCARDS} i830.${KV_OBJ}" use video_cards_i915 && \ VIDCARDS="${VIDCARDS} i915.${KV_OBJ}" # use video_cards_gamma && \ # VIDCARDS="${VIDCARDS} gamma.${KV_OBJ}" use video_cards_mach64 && \ VIDCARDS="${VIDCARDS} mach64.${KV_OBJ}" use video_cards_savage && \ VIDCARDS="${VIDCARDS} savage.${KV_OBJ}" use video_cards_sis && \ VIDCARDS="${VIDCARDS} sis.${KV_OBJ}" use video_cards_via && \ VIDCARDS="${VIDCARDS} via.${KV_OBJ}" use video_cards_ffb && \ VIDCARDS="${VIDCARDS} ffb.${KV_OBJ}" } patch_prepare() { # Handle exclusions based on the following... # All trees (0**), Standard only (1**), Others (none right now) # 2.4 vs. 2.6 kernels kernel_is 2 4 && mv -f ${PATCHDIR}/*kernel-2.6* ${EXCLUDED} kernel_is 2 6 && mv -f ${PATCHDIR}/*kernel-2.4* ${EXCLUDED} # There is only one tree being maintained now. No numeric exclusions need # to be done based on DRM tree. } die_error() { eerror "Portage could not build the DRM modules. If you see an ACCESS DENIED error," eerror "this could mean that you were using an unsupported kernel build system. All" eerror "2.4 kernels are supported, but only 2.6 kernels at least as new as 2.6.6" eerror "are supported." die "Unable to build DRM modules." } get_drm_build_dir() { if kernel_is 2 4 then SRC_BUILD="${S}/linux" elif kernel_is 2 6 then SRC_BUILD="${S}/linux-2.6" fi }