# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/x11-misc/sddm/sddm-0.9.0.ebuild,v 1.1 2014/09/21 20:07:45 jauhien Exp $ EAPI=5 inherit cmake-utils toolchain-funcs user DESCRIPTION="Simple Desktop Display Manager" HOMEPAGE="https://github.com/sddm/sddm" SRC_URI="http://github.com/${PN}/${PN}/archive/v${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86" LICENSE="GPL-2+ MIT CC-BY-3.0 public-domain" SLOT="0" IUSE="consolekit +qt4 qt5 systemd +upower" REQUIRED_USE="?? ( upower systemd ) ^^ ( qt4 qt5 )" RDEPEND="sys-libs/pam x11-libs/libxcb[xkb(-)] qt4? ( dev-qt/qtcore:4 dev-qt/qtdbus:4 dev-qt/qtdeclarative:4 dev-qt/qttest:4 ) qt5? ( dev-qt/qtcore:5 dev-qt/qtdbus:5 dev-qt/qtdeclarative:5 dev-qt/linguist-tools:5 dev-qt/qttest:5 ) systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd:= ) upower? ( || ( sys-power/upower sys-power/upower-pm-utils ) )" DEPEND="${RDEPEND} >=sys-devel/gcc-4.7.0 virtual/pkgconfig" pkg_pretend() { if [[ ${MERGE_TYPE} != binary ]]; then [[ $(gcc-version) < 4.7 ]] && \ die 'The active compiler needs to be gcc 4.7 (or newer)' fi } src_prepare() { use consolekit && epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-consolekit.patch" # respect user's cflags sed -e 's|-Wall -march=native||' \ -e 's|-O2||' \ -i CMakeLists.txt || die 'sed failed' } src_configure() { local mycmakeargs=( $(cmake-utils_use_use qt5 QT5) $(cmake-utils_use_no systemd SYSTEMD) ) cmake-utils_src_configure } pkg_postinst() { if use consolekit; then ewarn "This display manager doesn't have native built-in ConsoleKit support." ewarn "In order to use ConsoleKit pam module with this display manager," ewarn "you should remove the \"nox11\" parameter from pm_ck_connector.so" ewarn "line in /etc/pam.d/system-login" fi ewarn "Add the sddm user manually to the video group" ewarn "if you experience flickering or other rendering issues of sddm-greeter" ewarn "see https://github.com/gentoo/qt/pull/52" } pkg_setup() { enewgroup ${PN} enewuser ${PN} -1 -1 /var/lib/sddm ${PN} }