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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/herds.dtd b/herds.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 37ce92a..0000000
--- a/herds.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-<!ELEMENT herds ( (herd)* )>
- <!-- One tag for each herd -->
- <!ELEMENT herd (name, email? , description?, (maintainersof|maintainer*))>
- <!-- One tag for each maintainer of a herd, multiple allowed-->
- <!ELEMENT maintainer ( email, (role| name)* )>
- <!-- Get the maintainers of another herd and make them maintainers of this
- one-->
- <!ELEMENT maintainersof EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST maintainersof herd CDATA #REQUIRED>
-<!-- Common attributes -->
-<!-- the lang attribute, specifies the language of this tag. This is
- only useful for descriptions of various kinds. If a tag with this
- attribute is included there must be a description in the default
- language "C" or "en", which is equivalent -->
- <!ATTLIST description lang CDATA "C" >
-<!-- The restrict attribute, this attribute specifies restrictions on
- the applicability of tags on versions. The format of this attribute is
- equal to the format of DEPEND lines in ebuilds. There is one special
- value though: restrict="*". A tag that specifies this only applies if
- there are no other tags that apply.
- For required tags, there must be either an unrestricted version, or a
- version that is default restricted. -->
-<!-- standard parts -->
-<!ELEMENT email (#PCDATA) ><!-- an email address -->
-<!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA) ><!-- the name of a herd or maintainer-->
-<!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA) ><!-- A description of the herd-->
-<!ELEMENT role (#PCDATA) ><!-- The role this maintainer plays within the herd-->