" Vim plugin " Purpose: create content for new init.d scripts " Author: Aaron Walker " Copyright: Copyright (c) 2005 Aaron Walker " License: You may redistribute this under the same terms as Vim itself if &compatible || v:version < 603 || exists("g:loaded_newinitd") finish endif let g:loaded_newinitd=1 runtime! plugin/gentoo-common.vim fun! MakeNewInitd() call GentooHeader('#!/sbin/openrc-run') " {{{ variables let l:scriptname = expand("%:t:r") " }}} " " {{{ common metadata put ='name=\"' . l:scriptname . ' daemon\"' put ='description=\"\"' put ='command=/usr/bin/' . l:scriptname put ='command_args=\"${' . l:scriptname . '_args}\"' " }}} " {{{ functions put ='' put ='depend() {' put ='' put ='}' " }}} " Jump back to the first line 0 endfun com! -nargs=0 NewInitd call MakeNewInitd() | set filetype=gentoo-init-d.sh augroup NewInitd au! autocmd BufNewFile {/*/files/*.{rc*,init*},/etc/init.d/*} \ call MakeNewInitd() | set filetype=gentoo-init-d.sh augroup END " vim: set et foldmethod=marker : "