metagen is copyright 2004,2005 Rob Cakebread, released under the terms of the GNU Public License v2 metagen is a command line tool that writes a Gentoo metadata.xml file in the current working directory. The metagen package also has a metagenerator class that can be used from Python 3 to create metadata.xml files easily: from metagen.metagenerator import MyMetadata metadata = MyMetadata() metadata.set_maintainer([""], ["Rob Cakebread"], ["Maintainer description."] ) print metadata * All methods use lists of strings as arguments except set_longdescription, which is a string * See for more detailed examples * There isn't much in the way of error checking in Most of the sanity checking is done in Command line tool examples: metagen -m * This takes the maintainer info from your ECHANGELOG_USER variable. Rob Cakebread metagen -m -d "I maintain this because I'm crazy." * Maintainer with description of maintenance Rob Cakebread I maintain this because I'm crazy. metagen -m -l "This package does X, Y, and Z." * Maintainer, long description Rob Cakebread This package does X, Y, and Z. metagen -m -e "","" -n "Jane Doe","Tom Smith" -l "This package does X, Y, and Z." * 3 maintainers, long description Rob Cakebread Jane Doe Tom Smith This package does X, Y, and Z.