diff options
authorDenis Dupeyron <>2008-04-04 14:35:21 +0000
committerDenis Dupeyron <>2008-04-04 14:35:21 +0000
commite2855b19f7ffd894783ef35702935b688266f622 (patch)
treee8cd70983c11ab13fcdba73f5ee345181bcd40fd /net-print
parentFixed dll.conf for hplip. (diff)
Version bump, bug #209641.
Package-Manager: portage-
Diffstat (limited to 'net-print')
3 files changed, 152 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/net-print/hplip/ChangeLog b/net-print/hplip/ChangeLog
index 620a99d529f2..d811b1cce074 100644
--- a/net-print/hplip/ChangeLog
+++ b/net-print/hplip/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
# ChangeLog for net-print/hplip
# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-print/hplip/ChangeLog,v 1.96 2008/03/24 19:38:18 calchan Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-print/hplip/ChangeLog,v 1.97 2008/04/04 14:35:21 calchan Exp $
+*hplip-2.8.2 (04 Apr 2008)
+ 04 Apr 2008; Denis Dupeyron <> +hplip-2.8.2.ebuild:
+ Version bump, bug #209641.
24 Mar 2008; Denis Dupeyron <> hplip-2.7.10.ebuild,
hplip-2.7.12.ebuild, hplip-2.7.12-r1.ebuild:
diff --git a/net-print/hplip/Manifest b/net-print/hplip/Manifest
index 939595c44da4..c08df96d70a3 100644
--- a/net-print/hplip/Manifest
+++ b/net-print/hplip/Manifest
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
AUX 70-hpmud.rules 763 RMD160 b8326b26658b8e8355ae3d74423b51e2e15001e2 SHA1 fdb6b4937a814db50dc3ac3ca9b9c04cb44a6590 SHA256 6e7f2a0fd5a2111505066a412daea0d29c1ce858f09dbbaa489bb5a2f231e837
DIST hplip-2.7.10.tar.gz 14441901 RMD160 1bbfd405eb3d75fa38c0f2fc485438ee064ccce9 SHA1 722e95d0a2b5e4b9535a68c94ed3aef0f3c28ab6 SHA256 e289d5f6190caf4596f6770037569638d96915583339933d6c202f35fc02d8c3
DIST hplip-2.7.12.tar.gz 14543662 RMD160 6d278ccd3d19df46c6d7fc6bd1b9a6b995749f88 SHA1 4a80e46a633674db53d8063349b8bbb3f9070d49 SHA256 22c1b626c633acac74ab5f7994060304570a81a038f2be5b9e35e44e938a30a0
+DIST hplip-2.8.2.tar.gz 14195737 RMD160 52ad20b3900d038ed5ed91ca2396a66c6cd5897d SHA1 65541eee6fc4d1b2b0be535bff8590ec4efabb14 SHA256 2135f2e02077cf5388c4b9b8214f0fd56f24f8bb2ccfa564a80402520e2d5aa8
EBUILD hplip-2.7.10.ebuild 4049 RMD160 c17835ca07868e4ae83a7bdfef86d4e663aefdb3 SHA1 d1acdaff237aeb2f941cfaf8c9214aecf7d89130 SHA256 f1473d68cfd129c274e1791e1789561cd694de069c2875ac0f46125bc118db5d
EBUILD hplip-2.7.12-r1.ebuild 4164 RMD160 1f10df18278b0a378a9af1cd967a35c1449cbf71 SHA1 29f5d77563a5ab66c379fe1a7c40608d2493b8f9 SHA256 8814a184fa7c15c353d25e76759e54f8003ed2d5549dc4cf1daa58a0d7c087bf
EBUILD hplip-2.7.12.ebuild 4053 RMD160 d611810ff118f923e20163187d203b454f3b08b9 SHA1 9a65992aa1ea0b0ebcd28cf40363729dceb38e3d SHA256 547209f50f10cc5a1e55f32ce16bb30db4d53666378a663f2aae523052949864
-MISC ChangeLog 16399 RMD160 fdcb7f3b45255e64a06299e49b5febf1daf79dc9 SHA1 1fbe5a5f1995d79fbe8ae2ba1d22bb0cd13b5cd4 SHA256 ac57de348868e25187b9a8294853b49ddf5b555a55d4010ff749a046cafaebc3
+EBUILD hplip-2.8.2.ebuild 4591 RMD160 d6a37cf53f9b6850a0059bee7417bf6591d85ff3 SHA1 878c7d92018bffa6f2dfbdaf717085fac60cf9dc SHA256 9292ab2237d4a29bc8be25d4c3924d6cad33cd37c862b14fee46573532236f78
+MISC ChangeLog 16529 RMD160 106e3a2f67d3a9fa7b8564e9f2bc33d83383f513 SHA1 ac930e33761c7768378c1981aa3d456058df1dfa SHA256 c8d09ca353ded6fe8ebff85acd052e404bd518ea457299587ff4ebadc942e93c
MISC metadata.xml 250 RMD160 00f8254bd6b52bc050cdc822b7370b3e2d2f4970 SHA1 f91d1e6c01026cba252d042ba254f4a4bc61194a SHA256 ab106df12671f3f541e0416f8c0d5a96b6e725ed7b3b111d27af7a584c4bf164
diff --git a/net-print/hplip/hplip-2.8.2.ebuild b/net-print/hplip/hplip-2.8.2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ae747d15abe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-print/hplip/hplip-2.8.2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-print/hplip/hplip-2.8.2.ebuild,v 1.1 2008/04/04 14:35:21 calchan Exp $
+inherit eutils linux-info
+DESCRIPTION="HP Linux Imaging and Printing System. Includes net-print/hpijs, scanner drivers and service tools."
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~x86"
+# Some stuff commented out because I wasn't able to make dynamic PPD install work properly. If you can or
+# simply want to help with this feel free to contact me (
+IUSE="X doc fax minimal parport ppds scanner snmp"
+#IUSE="X cupsddk doc fax minimal parport ppds scanner snmp"
+ !net-print/hpoj
+ virtual/ghostscript
+ >=media-libs/jpeg-6b
+ net-print/foomatic-filters
+ !minimal? (
+ >=net-print/cups-1.2
+ dev-libs/libusb
+ scanner? ( >=media-gfx/sane-backends-1.0.19-r1 )
+ snmp? (
+ net-analyzer/net-snmp
+ dev-libs/openssl
+ )
+ )"
+# The code snippet below should go in the '!minimal?' block above
+# cupsddk? ( net-print/cupsddk )
+ !minimal? (
+ !<sys-fs/udev-114
+ fax? ( dev-python/reportlab )
+ scanner? (
+ dev-python/imaging
+ X? ( >=media-gfx/xsane-0.89 )
+ !X? ( >=media-gfx/sane-frontends-1.0.9 )
+ )
+ X? ( >=dev-python/PyQt-3.14 )
+ )"
+ERROR_PARPORT="Please make sure parallel port support is enabled in your kernel (PARPORT and PPDEV)."
+pkg_setup() {
+ if ! use ppds ; then
+ ewarn "Not installing built-in PPD files, which is probably not what you want. Without"
+ ewarn "them you will almost certainly not be able to print."
+ ewarn "You need USE=ppds if you want to install them."
+ epause
+ fi
+# if ! use ppds && ! use cupsddk; then
+# ewarn "Installing neither static (USE=-ppds) nor dynamic (USE=-cupsddk) PPD files,"
+# ewarn "which is probably not what you want (recommended: USE=\"cupsddk -ppds\")."
+# fi
+ if use minimal ; then
+ ewarn "Installing hpijs driver only, make sure you know what you are doing."
+ else
+ use parport && linux-info_pkg_setup
+ fi
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd "${S}"
+ sed -i -e "s:\$(doc_DATA)::" || die "Patching failed"
+ sed -i -e "s/'skipstone']/'skipstone', 'epiphany']/" \
+ -e "s/'skipstone': ''}/'skipstone': '', 'epiphany': '--new-window'}/" \
+ base/ || die "Patching base/ failed"
+ # bug 98428
+ sed -i -e "s:/usr/bin/env python:/usr/bin/python:g" || die "Patching failed"
+ # Force recognition of Gentoo distro by hp-check
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s:file('/etc/issue', 'r').read():'Gentoo':" \
+ installer/ || die "sed"
+ # Replace udev rules, see bug #197726.
+ rm data/rules/55-hpmud.rules
+ cp "${FILESDIR}"/70-hpmud.rules data/rules
+ sed -i -e "s/55-hpmud.rules/70-hpmud.rules/g" Makefile.* */*.html */*/*.html
+src_compile() {
+ econf \
+ --disable-dependency-tracking \
+ --disable-cups11-build \
+ --with-cupsbackenddir=$(cups-config --serverbin)/backend \
+ --with-cupsfilterdir=$(cups-config --serverbin)/filter \
+ $(use_enable minimal hpijs-only-build) \
+ $(use_enable doc doc-build) \
+ $(use_enable snmp network-build) \
+ $(use_enable parport pp-build) \
+ $(use_enable scanner scan-build) \
+ $(use_enable X gui-build) \
+ $(use_enable fax fax-build) \
+ $(use_enable ppds foomatic-ppd-install) \
+ $(use_enable ppds foomatic-rip-hplip-install) \
+ || die "econf failed"
+ emake || die "Compilation failed"
+# The code snippet below should go in the 'econf' block above
+# $(use_enable cupsddk foomatic-drv-install) \
+src_install() {
+ emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "emake install failed"
+ rm -f "${D}"/etc/sane.d/dll.conf
+ # bug 106035
+ use X || rm -Rf "${D}"/usr/share/applications
+ use minimal && rm -rf "${D}"/usr/lib
+pkg_preinst() {
+ # avoid collisions with cups-1.2 compat symlinks
+ if [ -e "${ROOT}"/usr/lib/cups/backend/hp ] && [ -e "${ROOT}"/usr/libexec/cups/backend/hp ]; then
+ rm -f "${ROOT}"/usr/libexec/cups/backend/hp{,fax};
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ elog "You should run hp-setup as root if you are installing hplip for the first time, and may also"
+ elog "need to run it if you are upgrading from an earlier version."
+ elog
+ elog "If your device is connected using USB, users will need to be in the lp group to access it."
+ elog
+ elog "This release doesn't use an init script anymore, so you should probably do a"
+ elog "'rc-update del hplip' if you are updating from an old version."