# ChangeLog for dev-tex/svninfo # Copyright 2005-2006 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-tex/svninfo/ChangeLog,v 1.3 2006/03/03 18:40:57 nattfodd Exp $ *svninfo-0.5 (03 Mar 2006) 03 Mar 2006; Alexandre Buisse +files/svninfo-0.5-latex-compile.patch, +svninfo-0.5.ebuild: Bump to 0.5 as requested on bug #124765. Homepage changes and SRC_URI is now the upstream tarball. 12 Feb 2006; Alexandre Buisse +files/svninfo-0.2.1-latex-compile.patch, svninfo-0.2.1.ebuild: Allow clean compilation of the documentation and uses the provided Makefile to do so (closing bug #122486). *rcsinfo-0.2.1 (01 Aug 2005) 01 Aug 2005; Nicholas Jones +svninfo-0.2.1.ebuild: Initial import.