# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/eclass/mysql.eclass,v 1.102 2008/11/29 02:30:43 robbat2 Exp $ # Author: Francesco Riosa (Retired) <vivo@gentoo.org> # Maintainer: MySQL Team <mysql-bugs@gentoo.org> # - Luca Longinotti <chtekk@gentoo.org> # - Robin H. Johnson <robbat2@gentoo.org> WANT_AUTOCONF="latest" WANT_AUTOMAKE="latest" inherit eutils flag-o-matic gnuconfig autotools mysql_fx # Shorten the path because the socket path length must be shorter than 107 chars # and we will run a mysql server during test phase S="${WORKDIR}/mysql" [[ "${MY_EXTRAS_VER}" == "latest" ]] && MY_EXTRAS_VER="20070108" if [[ "${MY_EXTRAS_VER}" == "live" ]]; then EGIT_PROJECT=mysql-extras EGIT_REPO_URI="git://git.overlays.gentoo.org/proj/mysql-extras.git" inherit git fi if [[ ${PR#r} -lt 60 ]] ; then IS_BITKEEPER=0 elif [[ ${PR#r} -lt 90 ]] ; then IS_BITKEEPER=60 else IS_BITKEEPER=90 fi # MYSQL_VERSION_ID will be: # major * 10e6 + minor * 10e4 + micro * 10e2 + gentoo revision number, all [0..99] # This is an important part, because many of the choices the MySQL ebuild will do # depend on this variable. # In particular, the code below transforms a $PVR like "5.0.18-r3" in "5001803" # We also strip off upstream's trailing letter that they use to respin tarballs MYSQL_VERSION_ID="" tpv="${PV%[a-z]}" tpv=( ${tpv//[-._]/ } ) ; tpv[3]="${PVR:${#PV}}" ; tpv[3]="${tpv[3]##*-r}" for vatom in 0 1 2 3 ; do # pad to length 2 tpv[${vatom}]="00${tpv[${vatom}]}" MYSQL_VERSION_ID="${MYSQL_VERSION_ID}${tpv[${vatom}]:0-2}" done # strip leading "0" (otherwise it's considered an octal number by BASH) MYSQL_VERSION_ID=${MYSQL_VERSION_ID##"0"} # Be warned, *DEPEND are version-dependant # These are used for both runtime and compiletime DEPEND="ssl? ( >=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6d ) userland_GNU? ( sys-process/procps ) >=sys-apps/sed-4 >=sys-apps/texinfo-4.7-r1 >=sys-libs/readline-4.1 >=sys-libs/zlib-1.2.3" # Having different flavours at the same time is not a good idea for i in "" "-community" ; do [[ "${i}" == ${PN#mysql} ]] || DEPEND="${DEPEND} !dev-db/mysql${i}" done RDEPEND="${DEPEND} !minimal? ( dev-db/mysql-init-scripts ) selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-mysql )" # compile-time-only mysql_version_is_at_least "5.1" \ || DEPEND="${DEPEND} berkdb? ( sys-apps/ed )" # compile-time-only mysql_version_is_at_least "5.1.12" \ && DEPEND="${DEPEND} innodb? ( >=dev-util/cmake-2.4.3 )" # BitKeeper dependency, compile-time only [[ ${IS_BITKEEPER} -eq 90 ]] && DEPEND="${DEPEND} dev-util/bk_client" # dev-perl/DBD-mysql is needed by some scripts installed by MySQL PDEPEND="perl? ( >=dev-perl/DBD-mysql-2.9004 )" # Work out the default SERVER_URI correctly if [ -z "${SERVER_URI}" ]; then # The community build is on the mirrors if [ "${PN}" == "mysql-community" ]; then SERVER_URI="mirror://mysql/Downloads/MySQL-${PV%.*}/mysql-${PV//_/-}.tar.gz" # The enterprise source is on the primary site only elif [ "${PN}" == "mysql" ]; then SERVER_URI="ftp://ftp.mysql.com/pub/mysql/src/mysql-${PV//_/-}.tar.gz" fi fi # Define correct SRC_URIs SRC_URI="${SERVER_URI}" [[ ${MY_EXTRAS_VER} != live ]] && SRC_URI="${SRC_URI} mirror://gentoo/mysql-extras-${MY_EXTRAS_VER}.tar.bz2 http://g3nt8.org/patches/mysql-extras-${MY_EXTRAS_VER}.tar.bz2" mysql_version_is_at_least "5.1.12" \ && [[ -n "${PBXT_VERSION}" ]] \ && SRC_URI="${SRC_URI} pbxt? ( mirror://sourceforge/pbxt/pbxt-${PBXT_VERSION}.tar.gz )" DESCRIPTION="A fast, multi-threaded, multi-user SQL database server." HOMEPAGE="http://www.mysql.com/" LICENSE="GPL-2" SLOT="0" IUSE="big-tables debug embedded minimal perl selinux ssl static" mysql_version_is_at_least "4.1" \ && IUSE="${IUSE} latin1" mysql_version_is_at_least "4.1.3" \ && IUSE="${IUSE} cluster extraengine" mysql_version_is_at_least "5.0" \ || IUSE="${IUSE} raid" mysql_version_is_at_least "5.0.18" \ && IUSE="${IUSE} max-idx-128" mysql_version_is_at_least "5.1" \ && IUSE="${IUSE} innodb" mysql_version_is_at_least "5.1" \ || IUSE="${IUSE} berkdb" mysql_version_is_at_least "5.1.12" \ && IUSE="${IUSE} pbxt" EXPORT_FUNCTIONS pkg_setup src_unpack src_compile src_install pkg_preinst \ pkg_postinst pkg_config pkg_postrm # # HELPER FUNCTIONS: # bitkeeper_fetch() { local reposuf if [[ -z "${1}" ]] ; then local tpv tpv=( ${PV//[-._]/ } ) reposuf="mysql-${tpv[0]}.${tpv[1]}" else reposuf="${1}" fi einfo "Using '${reposuf}' repository." local repo_uri="bk://mysql.bkbits.net/${reposuf}" ## -- ebk_store_dir: bitkeeper sources store directory local ebk_store_dir="${PORTAGE_ACTUAL_DISTDIR-${DISTDIR}}/bk-src" ## -- ebk_fetch_cmd: bitkeeper fetch command # always fetch the latest revision, use -r<revision> if a specified revision is wanted # hint: does not work local ebk_fetch_cmd="sfioball" ## -- ebk_update_cmd: bitkeeper update command local ebk_update_cmd="update" # addread "/etc/bitkeeper" addwrite "${ebk_store_dir}" if [[ ! -d "${ebk_store_dir}" ]] ; then debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: initial checkout, creating bitkeeper directory ..." mkdir -p "${ebk_store_dir}" || die "BK: couldn't mkdir ${ebk_store_dir}" fi pushd "${ebk_store_dir}" || die "BK: couldn't chdir to ${ebk_store_dir}" local wc_path=${reposuf} if [[ ! -d "${wc_path}" ]] ; then local options="-r+" # first checkout einfo "bitkeeper checkout start -->" einfo " repository: ${repo_uri}" ${ebk_fetch_cmd} ${options} "${repo_uri}" "${wc_path}" \ || die "BK: couldn't fetch from ${repo_uri}" else if [[ ! -d "${wc_path}/BK" ]] ; then popd die "Looks like ${wc_path} is not a bitkeeper path" fi # update working copy einfo "bitkeeper update start -->" einfo " repository: ${repo_uri}" ${ebk_update_cmd} "${repo_uri}" "${wc_path}" \ || die "BK: couldn't update from ${repo_uri} to ${wc_path}" fi einfo " working copy: ${wc_path}" cd "${wc_path}" rsync -rlpgo --exclude="BK/" . "${S}" || die "BK: couldn't export to ${S}" echo popd } mysql_disable_test() { local testname="${1}" ; shift local reason="${@}" local mysql_disable_file="${S}/mysql-test/t/disabled.def" echo ${testname} : ${reason} >> "${mysql_disable_file}" ewarn "test '${testname}' disabled: '${reason}'" } # void mysql_init_vars() # # Initialize global variables # 2005-11-19 <vivo@gentoo.org> mysql_init_vars() { MY_SHAREDSTATEDIR=${MY_SHAREDSTATEDIR="/usr/share/mysql"} MY_SYSCONFDIR=${MY_SYSCONFDIR="/etc/mysql"} MY_LIBDIR=${MY_LIBDIR="/usr/$(get_libdir)/mysql"} MY_LOCALSTATEDIR=${MY_LOCALSTATEDIR="/var/lib/mysql"} MY_LOGDIR=${MY_LOGDIR="/var/log/mysql"} MY_INCLUDEDIR=${MY_INCLUDEDIR="/usr/include/mysql"} if [[ -z "${MY_DATADIR}" ]] ; then MY_DATADIR="" if [[ -f "${MY_SYSCONFDIR}/my.cnf" ]] ; then MY_DATADIR=`"my_print_defaults" mysqld 2>/dev/null \ | sed -ne '/datadir/s|^--datadir=||p' \ | tail -n1` if [[ -z "${MY_DATADIR}" ]] ; then MY_DATADIR=`grep ^datadir "${MY_SYSCONFDIR}/my.cnf" \ | sed -e 's/.*=\s*//' \ | tail -n1` fi fi if [[ -z "${MY_DATADIR}" ]] ; then MY_DATADIR="${MY_LOCALSTATEDIR}" einfo "Using default MY_DATADIR" fi elog "MySQL MY_DATADIR is ${MY_DATADIR}" if [[ -z "${PREVIOUS_DATADIR}" ]] ; then if [[ -e "${MY_DATADIR}" ]] ; then # If you get this and you're wondering about it, see bug #207636 elog "MySQL datadir found in ${MY_DATADIR}" elog "A new one will not be created." PREVIOUS_DATADIR="yes" else PREVIOUS_DATADIR="no" fi export PREVIOUS_DATADIR fi fi MY_SOURCEDIR=${SERVER_URI##*/} MY_SOURCEDIR=${MY_SOURCEDIR%.tar*} export MY_SHAREDSTATEDIR MY_SYSCONFDIR export MY_LIBDIR MY_LOCALSTATEDIR MY_LOGDIR export MY_INCLUDEDIR MY_DATADIR MY_SOURCEDIR } configure_minimal() { # These are things we exclude from a minimal build, please # note that the server actually does get built and installed, # but we then delete it before packaging. local minimal_exclude_list="server embedded-server extra-tools innodb bench berkeley-db row-based-replication readline" for i in ${minimal_exclude_list} ; do myconf="${myconf} --without-${i}" done myconf="${myconf} --with-extra-charsets=none" myconf="${myconf} --enable-local-infile" if use static ; then myconf="${myconf} --with-client-ldflags=-all-static" myconf="${myconf} --disable-shared --with-pic" else myconf="${myconf} --enable-shared --enable-static" fi if mysql_version_is_at_least "4.1" && ! use latin1 ; then myconf="${myconf} --with-charset=utf8" myconf="${myconf} --with-collation=utf8_general_ci" else myconf="${myconf} --with-charset=latin1" myconf="${myconf} --with-collation=latin1_swedish_ci" fi } configure_common() { myconf="${myconf} $(use_with big-tables)" myconf="${myconf} --enable-local-infile" myconf="${myconf} --with-extra-charsets=all" myconf="${myconf} --with-mysqld-user=mysql" myconf="${myconf} --with-server" myconf="${myconf} --with-unix-socket-path=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock" myconf="${myconf} --without-libwrap" if use static ; then myconf="${myconf} --with-mysqld-ldflags=-all-static" myconf="${myconf} --with-client-ldflags=-all-static" myconf="${myconf} --disable-shared --with-pic" else myconf="${myconf} --enable-shared --enable-static" fi if use debug ; then myconf="${myconf} --with-debug=full" else myconf="${myconf} --without-debug" mysql_version_is_at_least "4.1.3" \ && use cluster \ && myconf="${myconf} --without-ndb-debug" fi if [ -n "${MYSQL_DEFAULT_CHARSET}" -a -n "${MYSQL_DEFAULT_COLLATION}" ]; then ewarn "You are using a custom charset of ${MYSQL_DEFAULT_CHARSET}" ewarn "and a collation of ${MYSQL_DEFAULT_COLLATION}." ewarn "You MUST file bugs without these variables set." myconf="${myconf} --with-charset=${MYSQL_DEFAULT_CHARSET}" myconf="${myconf} --with-collation=${MYSQL_DEFAULT_COLLATION}" elif mysql_version_is_at_least "4.1" && ! use latin1 ; then myconf="${myconf} --with-charset=utf8" myconf="${myconf} --with-collation=utf8_general_ci" else myconf="${myconf} --with-charset=latin1" myconf="${myconf} --with-collation=latin1_swedish_ci" fi if use embedded ; then myconf="${myconf} --with-embedded-privilege-control" myconf="${myconf} --with-embedded-server" else myconf="${myconf} --without-embedded-privilege-control" myconf="${myconf} --without-embedded-server" fi } configure_40_41_50() { myconf="${myconf} $(use_with perl bench)" myconf="${myconf} --enable-assembler" myconf="${myconf} --with-extra-tools" myconf="${myconf} --with-innodb" myconf="${myconf} --without-readline" mysql_version_is_at_least "5.0" || myconf="${myconf} $(use_with raid)" # --with-vio is not needed anymore, it's on by default and # has been removed from configure if use ssl ; then mysql_version_is_at_least "5.0.4" || myconf="${myconf} --with-vio" fi if mysql_version_is_at_least "5.1.11" ; then myconf="${myconf} $(use_with ssl)" else myconf="${myconf} $(use_with ssl openssl)" fi if mysql_version_is_at_least "5.0.60" ; then if use berkdb ; then elog "Berkeley DB support was disabled due to build failures" elog "on multiple arches, go to a version earlier than 5.0.60" elog "if you want it again. Gentoo bug #224067." fi myconf="${myconf} --without-berkeley-db" elif use berkdb ; then # The following fix is due to a bug with bdb on SPARC's. See: # http://www.geocrawler.com/mail/msg.php3?msg_id=4754814&list=8 # It comes down to non-64-bit safety problems. if use alpha || use amd64 || use hppa || use mips || use sparc ; then elog "Berkeley DB support was disabled due to compatibility issues on this arch" myconf="${myconf} --without-berkeley-db" else myconf="${myconf} --with-berkeley-db=./bdb" fi else myconf="${myconf} --without-berkeley-db" fi if mysql_version_is_at_least "4.1.3" ; then myconf="${myconf} --with-geometry" myconf="${myconf} $(use_with cluster ndbcluster)" fi if mysql_version_is_at_least "4.1.3" && use extraengine ; then # http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/archive-storage-engine.html myconf="${myconf} --with-archive-storage-engine" # http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/csv-storage-engine.html myconf="${myconf} --with-csv-storage-engine" # http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/blackhole-storage-engine.html myconf="${myconf} --with-blackhole-storage-engine" # http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/federated-storage-engine.html # http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/federated-description.html # http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/federated-limitations.html if mysql_version_is_at_least "5.0.3" ; then elog "Before using the Federated storage engine, please be sure to read" elog "http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/federated-limitations.html" myconf="${myconf} --with-federated-storage-engine" fi fi if [ "${PN}" == "mysql-community" ]; then myconf="${myconf} --enable-community-features" fi mysql_version_is_at_least "5.0.18" \ && use max-idx-128 \ && myconf="${myconf} --with-max-indexes=128" } configure_51() { # TODO: !!!! readd --without-readline # the failure depend upon config/ac-macros/readline.m4 checking into # readline.h instead of history.h myconf="${myconf} $(use_with ssl)" myconf="${myconf} --enable-assembler" myconf="${myconf} --with-geometry" myconf="${myconf} --with-readline" myconf="${myconf} --with-row-based-replication" myconf="${myconf} --with-zlib=/usr/$(get_libdir)" myconf="${myconf} --without-pstack" use max-idx-128 && myconf="${myconf} --with-max-indexes=128" # 5.1 introduces a new way to manage storage engines (plugins) # like configuration=none local plugins="csv,myisam,myisammrg,heap" if use extraengine ; then # like configuration=max-no-ndb, archive and example removed in 5.1.11 plugins="${plugins},archive,blackhole,example,federated,partition" elog "Before using the Federated storage engine, please be sure to read" elog "http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/federated-limitations.html" fi if use innodb ; then plugins="${plugins},innobase" fi # like configuration=max-no-ndb if use cluster ; then plugins="${plugins},ndbcluster" myconf="${myconf} --with-ndb-binlog" fi if mysql_version_is_at_least "5.2" ; then plugins="${plugins},falcon" fi myconf="${myconf} --with-plugins=${plugins}" } pbxt_src_compile() { mysql_init_vars pushd "${WORKDIR}/pbxt-${PBXT_VERSION}" &>/dev/null einfo "Reconfiguring dir '${PWD}'" AT_GNUCONF_UPDATE="yes" eautoreconf local myconf="" myconf="${myconf} --with-mysql=${S} --libdir=${D}/${MY_LIBDIR}" use debug && myconf="${myconf} --with-debug=full" # TODO: is it safe/needed to use econf here ? ./configure ${myconf} || die "Problem configuring PBXT storage engine" # TODO: is it safe/needed to use emake here ? make || die "Problem making PBXT storage engine (${myconf})" popd # TODO: modify test suite for PBXT } pbxt_src_install() { pushd "${WORKDIR}/pbxt-${PBXT_VERSION}" &>/dev/null make install || die "Failed to install PBXT" popd } # # EBUILD FUNCTIONS # mysql_pkg_setup() { if hasq test ${FEATURES} ; then if ! use minimal ; then if [[ $UID -eq 0 ]]; then eerror "Testing with FEATURES=-userpriv is no longer supported by upstream. Tests MUST be run as non-root." fi fi fi # Check for USE flag problems in pkg_setup if use static && use ssl ; then eerror "MySQL does not support being built statically with SSL support enabled!" die "MySQL does not support being built statically with SSL support enabled!" fi if ! mysql_version_is_at_least "5.0" \ && use raid \ && use static ; then eerror "USE flags 'raid' and 'static' conflict, you cannot build MySQL statically" eerror "with RAID support enabled." die "USE flags 'raid' and 'static' conflict!" fi if mysql_version_is_at_least "4.1.3" \ && ( use cluster || use extraengine ) \ && use minimal ; then eerror "USE flags 'cluster' and 'extraengine' conflict with 'minimal' USE flag!" die "USE flags 'cluster' and 'extraengine' conflict with 'minimal' USE flag!" fi # This should come after all of the die statements enewgroup mysql 60 || die "problem adding 'mysql' group" enewuser mysql 60 -1 /dev/null mysql || die "problem adding 'mysql' user" mysql_check_version_range "4.0 to" \ && use berkdb \ && elog "Berkeley DB support is deprecated and will be removed in future versions!" } mysql_src_unpack() { # Initialize the proper variables first mysql_init_vars unpack ${A} # Grab the patches [[ "${MY_EXTRAS_VER}" == "live" ]] && S="${WORKDIR}/mysql-extras" git_src_unpack # Bitkeeper checkout support if [[ ${IS_BITKEEPER} -eq 90 ]] ; then if mysql_check_version_range "5.1 to 5.1.99" ; then bitkeeper_fetch "mysql-5.1-ndb" elif mysql_check_version_range "5.2 to 5.2.99" ; then bitkeeper_fetch "mysql-5.2-falcon" else bitkeeper_fetch fi cd "${S}" einfo "Running upstream autorun over BK sources ..." BUILD/autorun.sh else mv -f "${WORKDIR}/${MY_SOURCEDIR}" "${S}" cd "${S}" fi # Apply the patches for this MySQL version EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" mkdir -p "${EPATCH_SOURCE}" || die "Unable to create epatch directory" # Clean out old items rm -f "${EPATCH_SOURCE}"/* # Now link in right patches mysql_mv_patches # And apply epatch # Additional checks, remove bundled zlib rm -f "${S}/zlib/"*.[ch] sed -i -e "s/zlib\/Makefile dnl/dnl zlib\/Makefile/" "${S}/configure.in" rm -f "scripts/mysqlbug" # Make charsets install in the right place find . -name 'Makefile.am' \ -exec sed --in-place -e 's!$(pkgdatadir)!'${MY_SHAREDSTATEDIR}'!g' {} \; if mysql_version_is_at_least "4.1" ; then # Remove what needs to be recreated, so we're sure it's actually done find . -name Makefile \ -o -name Makefile.in \ -o -name configure \ -exec rm -f {} \; rm -f "ltmain.sh" rm -f "scripts/mysqlbug" fi local rebuilddirlist d if mysql_version_is_at_least "5.1.12" ; then rebuilddirlist="." # TODO: check this with a cmake expert use innodb \ && cmake \ -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=$(type -P $(tc-getCC)) \ -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=$(type -P $(tc-getCXX)) \ "storage/innobase" else rebuilddirlist=". innobase" fi for d in ${rebuilddirlist} ; do einfo "Reconfiguring dir '${d}'" pushd "${d}" &>/dev/null AT_GNUCONF_UPDATE="yes" eautoreconf popd &>/dev/null done if mysql_check_version_range "4.1 to" \ && use berkdb ; then [[ -w "bdb/dist/ltmain.sh" ]] && cp -f "ltmain.sh" "bdb/dist/ltmain.sh" cp -f "/usr/share/aclocal/libtool.m4" "bdb/dist/aclocal/libtool.ac" \ || die "Could not copy libtool.m4 to bdb/dist/" #These files exist only with libtool-2*, and need to be included. if [ -f '/usr/share/aclocal/ltsugar.m4' ]; then cat "/usr/share/aclocal/ltsugar.m4" >> "bdb/dist/aclocal/libtool.ac" cat "/usr/share/aclocal/ltversion.m4" >> "bdb/dist/aclocal/libtool.ac" cat "/usr/share/aclocal/lt~obsolete.m4" >> "bdb/dist/aclocal/libtool.ac" cat "/usr/share/aclocal/ltoptions.m4" >> "bdb/dist/aclocal/libtool.ac" fi pushd "bdb/dist" &>/dev/null sh s_all \ || die "Failed bdb reconfigure" popd &>/dev/null fi } mysql_src_compile() { # Make sure the vars are correctly initialized mysql_init_vars # $myconf is modified by the configure_* functions local myconf="" if use minimal ; then configure_minimal else configure_common if mysql_version_is_at_least "5.1.10" ; then configure_51 else configure_40_41_50 fi fi # Bug #114895, bug #110149 filter-flags "-O" "-O[01]" # glib-2.3.2_pre fix, bug #16496 append-flags "-DHAVE_ERRNO_AS_DEFINE=1" # As discovered by bug #246652, doing a double-level of SSP causes NDB to # fail badly during cluster startup. if [[ $(gcc-major-version) -lt 4 ]]; then filter-flags "-fstack-protector-all" fi CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS} -fno-exceptions -fno-strict-aliasing" CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS} -felide-constructors -fno-rtti" mysql_version_is_at_least "5.0" \ && CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS} -fno-implicit-templates" export CXXFLAGS econf \ --libexecdir="/usr/sbin" \ --sysconfdir="${MY_SYSCONFDIR}" \ --localstatedir="${MY_LOCALSTATEDIR}" \ --sharedstatedir="${MY_SHAREDSTATEDIR}" \ --libdir="${MY_LIBDIR}" \ --includedir="${MY_INCLUDEDIR}" \ --with-low-memory \ --with-client-ldflags=-lstdc++ \ --enable-thread-safe-client \ --with-comment="Gentoo Linux ${PF}" \ --without-docs \ ${myconf} || die "econf failed" # TODO: Move this before autoreconf !!! find . -type f -name Makefile -print0 \ | xargs -0 -n100 sed -i \ -e 's|^pkglibdir *= *$(libdir)/mysql|pkglibdir = $(libdir)|;s|^pkgincludedir *= *$(includedir)/mysql|pkgincludedir = $(includedir)|' emake || die "emake failed" mysql_version_is_at_least "5.1.12" && use pbxt && pbxt_src_compile } mysql_src_install() { # Make sure the vars are correctly initialized mysql_init_vars emake install DESTDIR="${D}" benchdir_root="${MY_SHAREDSTATEDIR}" || die "emake install failed" mysql_version_is_at_least "5.1.12" && use pbxt && pbxt_src_install insinto "${MY_INCLUDEDIR}" doins "${MY_INCLUDEDIR}"/my_{config,dir}.h # Convenience links dosym "/usr/bin/mysqlcheck" "/usr/bin/mysqlanalyze" dosym "/usr/bin/mysqlcheck" "/usr/bin/mysqlrepair" dosym "/usr/bin/mysqlcheck" "/usr/bin/mysqloptimize" # Various junk (my-*.cnf moved elsewhere) rm -Rf "${D}/usr/share/info" for removeme in "mysql-log-rotate" mysql.server* \ binary-configure* my-*.cnf mi_test_all* do rm -f "${D}"/usr/share/mysql/${removeme} done # Clean up stuff for a minimal build if use minimal ; then rm -Rf "${D}${MY_SHAREDSTATEDIR}"/{mysql-test,sql-bench} rm -f "${D}"/usr/bin/{mysql{_install_db,manager*,_secure_installation,_fix_privilege_tables,hotcopy,_convert_table_format,d_multi,_fix_extensions,_zap,_explain_log,_tableinfo,d_safe,_install,_waitpid,binlog,test},myisam*,isam*,pack_isam} rm -f "${D}/usr/sbin/mysqld" rm -f "${D}${MY_LIBDIR}"/lib{heap,merge,nisam,my{sys,strings,sqld,isammrg,isam},vio,dbug}.a fi # Configuration stuff if mysql_version_is_at_least "4.1" ; then mysql_mycnf_version="4.1" else mysql_mycnf_version="4.0" fi insinto "${MY_SYSCONFDIR}" doins scripts/mysqlaccess.conf sed -e "s!@DATADIR@!${MY_DATADIR}!g" \ "${FILESDIR}/my.cnf-${mysql_mycnf_version}" \ > "${TMPDIR}/my.cnf.ok" if mysql_version_is_at_least "4.1" && use latin1 ; then sed -e "s|utf8|latin1|g" -i "${TMPDIR}/my.cnf.ok" fi newins "${TMPDIR}/my.cnf.ok" my.cnf # Minimal builds don't have the MySQL server if ! use minimal ; then # Empty directories ... diropts "-m0750" if [[ "${PREVIOUS_DATADIR}" != "yes" ]] ; then dodir "${MY_DATADIR}" keepdir "${MY_DATADIR}" chown -R mysql:mysql "${D}/${MY_DATADIR}" fi diropts "-m0755" for folder in "${MY_LOGDIR}" "/var/run/mysqld" ; do dodir "${folder}" keepdir "${folder}" chown -R mysql:mysql "${D}/${folder}" done fi # Docs dodoc README COPYING ChangeLog EXCEPTIONS-CLIENT INSTALL-SOURCE doinfo "${S}"/Docs/mysql.info # Minimal builds don't have the MySQL server if ! use minimal ; then docinto "support-files" for script in \ "${S}"/support-files/my-*.cnf \ "${S}"/support-files/magic \ "${S}"/support-files/ndb-config-2-node.ini do dodoc "${script}" done docinto "scripts" for script in "${S}"/scripts/mysql* ; do [[ "${script%.sh}" == "${script}" ]] && dodoc "${script}" done fi mysql_lib_symlinks "${D}" } mysql_pkg_preinst() { enewgroup mysql 60 || die "problem adding 'mysql' group" enewuser mysql 60 -1 /dev/null mysql || die "problem adding 'mysql' user" } mysql_pkg_postinst() { # Make sure the vars are correctly initialized mysql_init_vars # Check FEATURES="collision-protect" before removing this [[ -d "${ROOT}/var/log/mysql" ]] || install -d -m0750 -o mysql -g mysql "${ROOT}${MY_LOGDIR}" # Secure the logfiles touch "${ROOT}${MY_LOGDIR}"/mysql.{log,err} chown mysql:mysql "${ROOT}${MY_LOGDIR}"/mysql* chmod 0660 "${ROOT}${MY_LOGDIR}"/mysql* # Minimal builds don't have the MySQL server if ! use minimal ; then docinto "support-files" for script in \ support-files/my-*.cnf \ support-files/magic \ support-files/ndb-config-2-node.ini do dodoc "${script}" done docinto "scripts" for script in scripts/mysql* ; do [[ "${script%.sh}" == "${script}" ]] && dodoc "${script}" done einfo elog "You might want to run:" elog "\"emerge --config =${CATEGORY}/${PF}\"" elog "if this is a new install." einfo fi if mysql_version_is_at_least "5.1.12" && use pbxt ; then # TODO: explain it better elog " mysql> INSTALL PLUGIN pbxt SONAME 'libpbxt.so';" elog " mysql> CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 int, c2 text) ENGINE=pbxt;" elog "if, after that, you cannot start the MySQL server," elog "remove the ${MY_DATADIR}/mysql/plugin.* files, then" elog "use the MySQL upgrade script to restore the table" elog "or execute the following SQL command:" elog " CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plugin (" elog " name char(64) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL," elog " dl char(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL," elog " PRIMARY KEY (name)" elog " ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin;" fi mysql_check_version_range "4.0 to" \ && use berkdb \ && elog "Berkeley DB support is deprecated and will be removed in future versions!" } mysql_pkg_config() { # Make sure the vars are correctly initialized mysql_init_vars [[ -z "${MY_DATADIR}" ]] && die "Sorry, unable to find MY_DATADIR" if built_with_use ${CATEGORY}/${PN} minimal ; then die "Minimal builds do NOT include the MySQL server" fi local pwd1="a" local pwd2="b" local maxtry=5 if [[ -d "${ROOT}/${MY_DATADIR}/mysql" ]] ; then ewarn "You have already a MySQL database in place." ewarn "(${ROOT}/${MY_DATADIR}/*)" ewarn "Please rename or delete it if you wish to replace it." die "MySQL database already exists!" fi # Bug #213475 - MySQL _will_ object strenously if your machine is named # localhost. Also causes weird failures. [[ "${HOSTNAME}" == "localhost" ]] && die "Your machine must NOT be named localhost" einfo "Creating the mysql database and setting proper" einfo "permissions on it ..." einfo "Insert a password for the mysql 'root' user" ewarn "Avoid [\"'\\_%] characters in the password" read -rsp " >" pwd1 ; echo einfo "Retype the password" read -rsp " >" pwd2 ; echo if [[ "x$pwd1" != "x$pwd2" ]] ; then die "Passwords are not the same" fi local options="" local sqltmp="$(emktemp)" local help_tables="${ROOT}${MY_SHAREDSTATEDIR}/fill_help_tables.sql" [[ -r "${help_tables}" ]] \ && cp "${help_tables}" "${TMPDIR}/fill_help_tables.sql" \ || touch "${TMPDIR}/fill_help_tables.sql" help_tables="${TMPDIR}/fill_help_tables.sql" pushd "${TMPDIR}" &>/dev/null "${ROOT}/usr/bin/mysql_install_db" >"${TMPDIR}"/mysql_install_db.log 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then grep -B5 -A999 -i "ERROR" "${TMPDIR}"/mysql_install_db.log 1>&2 die "Failed to run mysql_install_db. Please review /var/log/mysql/mysqld.err AND ${TMPDIR}/mysql_install_db.log" fi popd &>/dev/null [[ -f "${ROOT}/${MY_DATADIR}/mysql/user.frm" ]] \ || die "MySQL databases not installed" chown -R mysql:mysql "${ROOT}/${MY_DATADIR}" 2>/dev/null chmod 0750 "${ROOT}/${MY_DATADIR}" 2>/dev/null if mysql_version_is_at_least "4.1.3" ; then options="--skip-ndbcluster" # Filling timezones, see # http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/time-zone-support.html "${ROOT}/usr/bin/mysql_tzinfo_to_sql" "${ROOT}/usr/share/zoneinfo" > "${sqltmp}" 2>/dev/null if [[ -r "${help_tables}" ]] ; then cat "${help_tables}" >> "${sqltmp}" fi fi local socket="${ROOT}/var/run/mysqld/mysqld${RANDOM}.sock" local pidfile="${ROOT}/var/run/mysqld/mysqld${RANDOM}.pid" local mysqld="${ROOT}/usr/sbin/mysqld \ ${options} \ --user=mysql \ --skip-grant-tables \ --basedir=${ROOT}/usr \ --datadir=${ROOT}/${MY_DATADIR} \ --skip-innodb \ --skip-bdb \ --skip-networking \ --max_allowed_packet=8M \ --net_buffer_length=16K \ --socket=${socket} \ --pid-file=${pidfile}" ${mysqld} & while ! [[ -S "${socket}" || "${maxtry}" -lt 1 ]] ; do maxtry=$((${maxtry}-1)) echo -n "." sleep 1 done # Do this from memory, as we don't want clear text passwords in temp files local sql="UPDATE mysql.user SET Password = PASSWORD('${pwd1}') WHERE USER='root'" "${ROOT}/usr/bin/mysql" \ --socket=${socket} \ -hlocalhost \ -e "${sql}" einfo "Loading \"zoneinfo\", this step may require a few seconds ..." "${ROOT}/usr/bin/mysql" \ --socket=${socket} \ -hlocalhost \ -uroot \ -p"${pwd1}" \ mysql < "${sqltmp}" # Stop the server and cleanup kill $(< "${pidfile}" ) rm -f "${sqltmp}" einfo "Stopping the server ..." wait %1 einfo "Done" } mysql_pkg_postrm() { : # mysql_lib_symlinks "${D}" }