# Copyright 1999-2002 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, v2 or later # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-sound/apollo/apollo-1.4.1.ebuild,v 1.2 2002/10/05 05:39:16 drobbins Exp $ IUSE="kde qt" #inherit kde-base #use kde && inherit kde-base #need-kde 3 S=${WORKDIR}/${P}-1 DESCRIPTION="A Qt-based front-end to mpg123" SRC_URI="mirror://sourceforge/apolloplayer/apollo-src-1.4.1-1.tar.bz2" HOMEPAGE="http://www.apolloplayer.org" SLOT="2" LICENSE="GPL-2" KEYWORDS="x86" DEPEND="media-sound/mpg123 media-libs/id3lib media-sound/mad qt? ( x11-libs/qt ) kde? ( kde-base/kdelibs )" # dev-libs/STLport src_unpack() { cd ${WORKDIR} unpack ${A} cd ${S} bzip2 -dc ${FILESDIR}/${P}.patch.bz2 | patch || die "Patch failed" mv install.sh install.sh.orig sed -e 's:$PREFIX/local:$PREFIX:g' -e 's:BINDIR=$dir::' \ install.sh.orig > install.sh } src_compile() { local myconf myconf="--without-kde" # use kde && kdeconf="--with-kde=$KDEDIR" || kdeconf="--without-kde" myconf="$myconf $kdeconf" use qt && myconf="$myconf --with-qt-dir=$QTDIR --with-qmake" || myconf="$myconf --with-tmake" # use stl && myconf="$myconf --with-stl" || myconf="$myconf --without-stl" # use buffer && myconf="$myconf --enable-buffer" || myconf="$myconf --disable-buffer" # use mad && myconf="$myconf --with-mad=/usr/lib" myconf="$myconf --with-mad=/usr/lib" ./configure.sh $myconf gmake || die "Make failed" } src_install () { dodir /usr/bin sh install.sh --prefix=${D}/usr $kdeconf }