# ChangeLog for net-wireless/iw # Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-wireless/iw/ChangeLog,v 1.4 2009/02/04 20:13:50 rbu Exp $ *iw-0.9.9 (04 Feb 2009) 04 Feb 2009; Robert Buchholz -files/iw-0.9.7-cflags.patch, -files/iw-0.9.7-ldflags.patch, -files/iw-0_p20080605-ldflags.patch, -iw-0_p20080605.ebuild, -iw-0.9.7.ebuild, +iw-0.9.9.ebuild: Version bump, patches are upstream (bug #257443). 13 Jan 2009; Robert Buchholz iw-0.9.7.ebuild: iw-0.9.7 needs >=dev-libs/libnl-1.1, bug #254402 by selex *iw-0.9.7 (07 Jan 2009) 07 Jan 2009; Robert Buchholz +files/iw-0.9.7-cflags.patch, +files/iw-0.9.7-ldflags.patch, metadata.xml, +iw-0.9.7.ebuild: Version bump from obsolete version of the code to an actual release (bug #238879). Include patches to fix LDFLAGS and CFLAGS, both applied upstream. *iw-0_p20080605 (05 Jan 2009) 05 Jan 2009; Robert Buchholz +files/iw-0_p20080605-ldflags.patch, +metadata.xml, +iw-0_p20080605.ebuild: Initial version of iw for aircrack-ng, ebuild contributions by Roel Aaij and Pierre Guinoiseau, bug 233285.