The SU2 package contains several bunbled libraries that currently
aren't unbundled in ebuild.
Tried to unbundled CNGS but it failed to compiled against system
gcnslib-3.3.0; successfully compiled against cgnslib-3.4.0
but related tests are failed.
Metis, Parmetis:
This packages couldn't be installed simultaneously in Gentoo
and required by build system if compiled via meson build system
with mpi option being enabled. They could be optionaly chosen
if autotools build system is used (ebuild uses meson).
Some addidional features disabled due to their experimantal status
or due to requirement to download additional third-party libraries.
At this moment ebuild doesn't provide such features to be built.
They are also will be bundled if implemented and compiled statically.
Signed-off-by: Sergey Torokhov <torokhov-s-a@yandex.ru>