**The official repository for new Gentoo packages, maintained collaboratively by Gentoo users.** This README contains some additional useful information for GURU contributors, such as common mistakes, frequently asked questions and other tips and tricks. The [GURU regulations](https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:GURU#The_regulations), and the Gentoo [developer manual](https://devmanual.gentoo.org/) take precedence over any information here. *See [wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:GURU](https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:GURU) for more information on the project.* | ### Contents 1. [Frequently Asked Questions](#FAQ) 2. [Common Mistakes](#CommMist) 3. [Other Tips and Tricks](#tips) 4. [Useful Links](#links) 5. [Email Addresses](#email) |