May 18 14:59:00 * quantumsummers starts the meeting with roll call May 18 14:59:06 here May 18 14:59:08 I'm here May 18 14:59:17 Neddyseagoon sends his regrets. May 18 14:59:27 is Betelgeuse around? May 18 14:59:42 well we have a quorum, so let's start May 18 14:59:49 he was an hour ago May 18 14:59:50 who is logging, dabbott ? May 18 14:59:55 quantumsummers: yes May 18 14:59:56 yep got it May 18 15:00:01 dabbott: thanks May 18 15:00:04 Hello Betelgeuse May 18 15:00:19 ok, so Old Business May 18 15:00:26 Me first it appears May 18 15:00:32 Let's see May 18 15:00:50 Well we are prepared for our upcoming end of the fiscal year May 18 15:00:56 our finances are strong May 18 15:00:59 we have no debts May 18 15:01:11 That is all the news I have there May 18 15:01:15 questions/ May 18 15:01:16 ? May 18 15:01:30 ok May 18 15:01:34 quantumsummers: And everything with the US gov ok? May 18 15:01:36 did the cpa want any money May 18 15:01:37 SwifT: The trademark bit May 18 15:01:52 ok May 18 15:01:55 dabbott: not yet, I am certain they will invoice seprately for this year May 18 15:02:07 I sent out a mail to the gentoo e.v. mailinglist to suggest cooperation on the trademark license document May 18 15:02:21 that was about one month ago, but I didn't receive any feedback yet May 18 15:02:37 I know a3li is interested but he has some (free) time issues May 18 15:03:03 ok. they are usually not super quick to have internal discussions May 18 15:03:32 it's not extremely urgent per se, but it would be nice to have the document updated between now and the summer or so May 18 15:04:05 that's it from me for this topic May 18 15:04:21 related, I plan to talk to our previous trademark attorneys this coming week to discuss a retainer. It should be relatively inexpensive given that the work is minimal May 18 15:04:34 Ok, any questions for SwifT ? May 18 15:04:59 do you want me to keep the topic on the agenda for next month? May 18 15:05:08 yes please May 18 15:05:18 dabbott: thanks, good idea May 18 15:05:51 Ok, looking at our bugs, I don't see anything new there May 18 15:06:01 with the agenda now on the wiki you can edit the agenda when you want to, make it easy May 18 15:06:13 re: bug 500450 May 18 15:06:15 quantumsummers: "Use of Gentoo Foundation on official paperwork for a donation of equipment for ZFS development"; Gentoo Foundation, Proposals; CONF; ryao:trustees May 18 15:06:25 I have not heard anything back on that since February May 18 15:06:41 I'll add a new comment May 18 15:07:49 anyone have any bugs stuff to discuss? May 18 15:07:55 nope May 18 15:08:02 none here May 18 15:08:13 Betelgeuse ? May 18 15:08:17 quantumsummers: nope May 18 15:08:21 quantumsummers: robbat2 did May 18 15:08:23 for open floor May 18 15:08:29 ok. moving right along May 18 15:08:30 yeah, i have open floor May 18 15:08:33 after your new business May 18 15:08:39 robbat2: ok, we'll be there shortly May 18 15:08:55 So, we have a single membership app from a developer Mikle Kolyada (zlogene) May 18 15:09:09 all in favor of his membership application state "aye" May 18 15:09:13 aye May 18 15:09:16 those opposed "nay" May 18 15:09:17 aye May 18 15:09:27 Betelgeuse ? May 18 15:09:37 * quantumsummers says aye May 18 15:09:41 aye May 18 15:09:44 the aye's have it May 18 15:09:47 I added him to the master member list May 18 15:09:55 Welcome zlogene to Foundation membership May 18 15:09:57 thanks dabbott May 18 15:10:03 I will send him an email May 18 15:10:10 dabbott: you are on the ball, thanks May 18 15:10:28 ok, date of next meeting 15 June 2014 19:00 UTC May 18 15:10:31 works for me May 18 15:10:38 fine here May 18 15:10:49 same bat time and bat channel May 18 15:10:55 who handles the Gentoo calendar? May 18 15:11:05 Betelgeuse: do we have a calendar proper? May 18 15:11:18 in other words, I have no idea May 18 15:11:18 quantumsummers: there's an entry in the Gentoo Google calendar May 18 15:11:22 quantumsummers: it's for 18UTC May 18 15:11:27 let me see if I can modify it May 18 15:11:29 that is wrong!! May 18 15:11:32 :D May 18 15:11:33 please do May 18 15:11:41 I do not have access :( May 18 15:11:48 all meetings are always 1900 UTC since forever May 18 15:11:48 The entry is created by May 18 15:11:53 that is dabbott May 18 15:12:01 ping vapier I think its his calender May 18 15:12:03 quantumsummers: the timezone is probably wrong May 18 15:12:08 yeah May 18 15:12:16 ok, that should be an easy thing to fix up May 18 15:12:23 so, lets see ... May 18 15:12:27 you can create events with the UTC timezone, so it shifts automatically May 18 15:12:28 thats me let me se if I can fixer May 18 15:12:47 Thanks dabbott Any other business? May 18 15:12:51 dabbott: use Iceland Reykjavik May 18 15:12:58 Any other business: May 18 15:13:02 I have one item May 18 15:13:04 Betelgeuse, there is a real UTC timezone actually May 18 15:13:11 robbat2: ok, good May 18 15:13:19 yes, its called "UTC" :D May 18 15:13:24 in gcal i mean May 18 15:13:34 robbat2: they didn't always have it May 18 15:13:48 reason does prevail from time to time May 18 15:13:53 anyway, quantumsummers, your AoB May 18 15:13:54 glad they added it May 18 15:13:56 yes May 18 15:14:22 so, I am interested in doing a teespring campaign for Gentoo, specifically to put a dent in some soon-to-be-proposed infra spending May 18 15:14:34 dabbott: I am hoping I can enlist PR to assist May 18 15:14:35 quantumsummers: what'a teespring? May 18 15:14:40 I see two paths May 18 15:14:49 Betelgeuse: lmgtfy May 18 15:14:57 its a t-shirt thing May 18 15:15:12 pretty good deal, I am happy with the quality of the shirts I have gotten from them May 18 15:15:33 basically, you set a minimim amount to sell, then sell as many as possible May 18 15:15:40 I think the abs min is 50 May 18 15:15:51 Django just did one and sold like 500 shirts May 18 15:16:03 I believe they netted $10 a shirt May 18 15:16:12 teespring handles all shipping and handling May 18 15:16:25 sounds good, we need a design May 18 15:16:28 it's pretty easy, all via a web thing May 18 15:16:35 dabbott: that is what I want to talk with PR about May 18 15:16:42 also re: two paths May 18 15:17:01 we could use an existing logo deal or something like the if it moved compile it graphic May 18 15:17:04 OR May 18 15:17:08 we could have a design contest May 18 15:17:27 Since I do not know the infra timeline at the moment, I cannot say if we have time to do the contest May 18 15:17:36 The last contest was a flop May 18 15:17:37 that's actually my AoB ;-) May 18 15:17:39 I can easily get someone to assist with a design May 18 15:17:46 noone was interested May 18 15:17:46 robbat2: I thought that might be the case May 18 15:17:52 It doesn't hurt to run one. May 18 15:18:05 Betelgeuse: if it wastes time, it would hurt May 18 15:18:18 that said, it doesn't have to be anything too fancy May 18 15:18:21 or work with a "This is our current suggested design - if you think you can do better, show us!" May 18 15:18:26 I have a couple ideas May 18 15:18:29 quantumsummers: Since time is limited you can have your contact work at th same time May 18 15:18:31 SwifT: I like that May 18 15:18:39 ok, seems reasonable May 18 15:18:49 I'll start the ball rolling tomorrow on that May 18 15:18:59 i don't think there will be time to run it entirely beforehand, but no reason not to run the projects concurrently May 18 15:19:05 perhaps we could leverage our newish social media power to get more involved May 18 15:19:13 robbat2: ok, sounds good. May 18 15:19:17 but tbh, if infra needs financial support for the services (which I'm all in favor for - I want planet.g.o back and guaranteed backups of everything ;) i'm sure we can also find direct donations for that as well (simultaneously with whatever we're launching) May 18 15:19:18 that is it for my AoB May 18 15:19:22 any other AoB? May 18 15:19:50 what happened to planet? May 18 15:20:08 server down according to infra-status.g.o May 18 15:20:19 SwifT: looks up to me May 18 15:20:34 anyway, lets get robbat2 in here as he has a hungry infant likely nearby May 18 15:20:37 ah cool... it's infra-status.g.o that's down now ;) May 18 15:20:46 yes May 18 15:20:49 robbat2: please, you have hte floor May 18 15:20:55 the sponsor of that box moved DC and lost our box for a while, due to bad tracking of ownership; then lost the box again due to paperwork falling through the cracks May 18 15:21:00 hi May 18 15:21:06 fed baby is sleeping on my chest now May 18 15:21:12 that is the best May 18 15:21:17 we need pictures :) May 18 15:21:20 congrats btw May 18 15:21:21 =) May 18 15:21:36 huge deal, that having a baby thing May 18 15:21:44 robbat2: congrats! May 18 15:21:46 * SwifT is imagining robbat2 with his baby on his chest, with a hot laptop on that baby May 18 15:21:48 my littlest just turned 1 the other day May 18 15:21:54 heh May 18 15:22:18 but enough diaper-talk, let's hear it ;) May 18 15:22:20 He going to get pretty good typing with one hand May 18 15:22:33 as if he isn't already May 18 15:22:39 * antarus snickers softly May 18 15:22:51 I bet he types faster with his eye lashes than I do with all my fingas May 18 15:23:04 antarus: your next :D May 18 15:23:08 back to the matter at hand May 18 15:23:14 robbat2: please continue May 18 15:23:33 one of our large older sponsors, TMG/Hyves May 18 15:23:38 is closing up shop May 18 15:23:53 we have a hard deadline of the end of August to move services away May 18 15:24:25 is that doable? May 18 15:24:36 they presently host 6 physical servers, that host Bugzilla & Wiki, as well as the databases for those (all fully redundant) May 18 15:25:05 ouch, that is a lot to loose May 18 15:25:33 i think after OSL, they are the 2nd or 3rd largest sponsor we have May 18 15:25:59 i do want to put out a thank you announcement about them May 18 15:26:17 dabbott: PR should have some involvement, no? May 18 15:26:19 and therein, start a campaign to find more sponsors in the EU May 18 15:26:26 sounds good May 18 15:26:28 time line? May 18 15:26:34 i'm fully in favor of that May 18 15:26:45 i want sponsors twofold: May 18 15:27:33 1. something like OSL, but in the EU; full service colo. we own the hardware, they provide bw/power/rack/hands May 18 15:27:52 2. either one new large sponsor, or 3+ smaller sponsors May 18 15:28:38 the reason behind #1 is more complex than just bugs/wiki May 18 15:28:46 robbat2: does #1 exist? May 18 15:28:52 one of our oldest boxes presently is dev.g.o May 18 15:28:57 which is pretty critical to all devs May 18 15:29:13 for a long time, EU devs have also complained that it's high latency for them to reach it May 18 15:29:45 so I want to split out email from dev.g.o, and have dev-us.g.o and dev-eu.g.o as smaller systems for devs in each region May 18 15:29:54 sounds just fine May 18 15:30:06 i don't know if #1 exists yet May 18 15:30:22 I assume they would be more or less mirrors of eachother, i.e. same stuff on each in case one fails or someone is travelling May 18 15:30:24 nothing in a quick look, but maybe the PR boost will help find it May 18 15:30:36 robbat2: With one operator my ipv6 traffice used to bounce over the atlantic form Finland to France May 18 15:30:37 robbat2: ok sounds good May 18 15:30:48 devs will have accounts on both, and we can offer unison maybe, but normally not mirrored May 18 15:30:56 robbat2: ok May 18 15:31:33 I guess the trick will be with distfiles, etc hosted in devspaces May 18 15:31:46 therein I want to get projects hosting off the ground May 18 15:32:11 but we'll deal with that when we come to it May 18 15:32:17 ok May 18 15:32:26 so timelines, then budget May 18 15:32:57 i want to get the announcement before the end of this week May 18 15:33:10 * antarus has a draft for that floating around May 18 15:33:24 with hope of having at least one new sponsor by end of may, and another by late june May 18 15:33:40 I will put it on this months GMN May 18 15:33:51 dabbott: when is the GMN publish deadline? May 18 15:34:04 25th about May 18 15:34:12 ok May 18 15:34:17 and migrating bugs+wiki by end of july, to leave august for slack room May 18 15:34:21 before the first for sure May 18 15:34:47 budget: May 18 15:35:53 if we get an EU OSL, i think that I can get a good server (or maybe two), plus PDU, switches, cabling, shipping, for $10k USD May 18 15:36:38 robbat2: ok, I can get behind that May 18 15:36:49 we could also for hosting? May 18 15:37:28 antarus: for a colo? I currently pay ~$800 a month for a half rack in a colo and the space isn't the big part of that, it's power and be May 18 15:37:29 we'd be looking for probably a quarter rack (or an 1/8th to start, and space to grow), with 5A+ of power; bandwidth: 5-10mbit commit, burstable to 25-50mbit May 18 15:37:31 bw May 18 15:38:11 doesn't hetzner already sponsor something? May 18 15:38:16 quantumsummers: we don't need a half rack though May 18 15:38:19 We could at least ask for discounted rates May 18 15:38:30 Betelgeuse: leaseweb is also an existing sponsor May 18 15:38:39 and their stuff is seemingly affordable May 18 15:38:45 the remote hands are actually a larger concern than the physical space/power/bw May 18 15:38:51 OSL's admins do a lot for us May 18 15:38:51 depending on how much gear we have to stuff in it May 18 15:38:51 robbat2: do you have a hard deadline to identify a facility? May 18 15:39:16 yeah, none of us can drive to amsterdam, heh. May 18 15:39:18 antarus: I have no idea of price level but here's for hetzner May 18 15:39:53 we may have to pay on of our devs to visit the servers @ times May 18 15:40:02 Too bad asking around in Finland is somewhat useless May 18 15:40:23 robbat2: are you targetting any specific country? May 18 15:40:28 unless we want it out of the way routing wise May 18 15:40:31 hetzner's racks are in Nuremberg or Falkenstein May 18 15:40:47 not amsterdam May 18 15:40:53 leaseweb is Amsterdam May 18 15:41:00 GB, FRA? May 18 15:41:18 mainland europe preferred, near at least two devs May 18 15:41:24 that we can invoke for help if needed May 18 15:41:35 yep May 18 15:41:48 so Germany would be the best, with the highest concentration of devs May 18 15:42:28 quantumsummers: well according to the map many Germans are on the western border May 18 15:42:41 Dusseldorf or Zurich have the best concentrations May 18 15:42:59 Zurich has high quality data lines apparently May 18 15:43:10 prague is also promising May 18 15:43:11 * antarus blinks May 18 15:43:20 28.56 a kw/h May 18 15:43:22 damn germans May 18 15:43:27 but it will really depend wherever we're offered May 18 15:43:29 yeah, noticed that too May 18 15:44:09 antarus: so expensive or cheap in your opinion? Can't say because it's expensive in comparison to Finland. May 18 15:45:53 I pay $ 0.15 / kWh May 18 15:46:02 which is fairly cheap May 18 15:46:11 with 100% ToS May 18 15:46:58 assuming 600W, the heztner rate is EUR125/mo May 18 15:47:10 on top of the base rack cost May 18 15:48:22 we should be able to afford that, and perhaps Hetzner would offer some additional support May 18 15:48:39 after the dust on this is settled; later this year we should replace dev.g.o, and possibly the old atoms May 18 15:48:50 so this will be a big capex year in infra May 18 15:48:56 that's all for me May 18 15:48:59 baby is squirming again May 18 15:49:00 robbat2: thanks! May 18 15:49:05 thanks May 18 15:49:14 ok, so that is a good bit to think about. May 18 15:49:22 antarus, can you shoot that draft to infra@ and i'll pass on to trustees@+pr@ May 18 15:49:34 yeah I need to finish it first ;p May 18 15:49:41 will get that done by CoB today May 18 15:49:43 antarus: stop slacking :P May 18 15:49:47 I need to consume the vapors May 18 15:49:50 ok, that is just great May 18 15:49:57 CoB on a non-business day ;-) May 18 15:50:07 robbat2: intentionally left vague May 18 15:50:09 ;p May 18 15:50:14 Once we see the proposal and evaluate it, we shall hold a vote via email May 18 15:50:28 let's try to turn this around quickly May 18 15:50:30 sounds good May 18 15:50:39 ok, anyone else for Open Floor? May 18 15:50:49 going once May 18 15:51:01 going twice May 18 15:51:16 three times a lady May 18 15:51:30 ok. The floor is closed. May 18 15:51:42 Thanks everyone for attending this month's meeting of the board May 18 15:51:54 * quantumsummers closes the meeting with the gavel bang May 18 15:51:58 **bang**