[19:00:47] Meeting started by prometheanfire [19:00:54] $ chronyc tracking | grep NTP [19:00:54] System time : 0.000032269 seconds fast of NTP time [19:01:08] Meeting chairs are: dabbott|irssi, antarus, robbat2, swift, [19:01:12] Meeting chairs are: dabbott|irssi, antarus, robbat2, swift, prometheanfire, [19:01:54] .topic rollcall [19:02:02] subject [19:02:07] Current subject: rollcall, (set by prometheanfire) [19:02:13] here [19:02:14] topic tries to change the channel topic [19:02:19] here [19:02:24] here [19:02:44] robbat2: antarus ? [19:02:53] antarus might be moving [19:02:59] Meeting chairs are: dabbott|irssi, antarus, robbat2, swift, prometheanfire, dabbott, [19:03:06] he should be moved already [19:03:57] texted him [19:04:20] thanks [19:05:02] texted robin [19:05:26] moving on [19:05:41] Current subject: dabbot's items, (set by prometheanfire) [19:05:56] Bank: change of trustees & mailing progress [19:06:29] dabbott: ? [19:06:46] I always miss a b or a t when I type your name :| [19:06:51] prometheanfire: you and antarus will need to call cap one again and tell them to look for your signature cards in our emails [19:07:26] that probably means resending the email, they don't seem to keep emails too long [19:07:44] for the legacy account robbat2 was talking to tunsum about it [19:08:16] right, I'll work with out out of meeting on the call stuff [19:08:23] they like the email to come from your gentoo email account, same as for antarus [19:08:30] right [19:08:39] thats how i got mine approved [19:08:39] antarus reports he will be absent today [19:09:11] #.apologies :P [19:09:31] k [19:09:33] fyi tunsum is Joshua Jackson our old treasure [19:10:07] he still has access to the checking account afaik, I have access to the savings [19:10:17] next [19:10:23] dabbott: Initiate Trustee Election [19:10:23] Do we need to add allumini to tho Foundation web space? [19:10:49] we need to start the election process https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Foundation:Elections#Procedure [19:11:22] lets make the recording date next months meeting [19:11:46] sure [19:11:59] Thats very traditional :) [19:12:00] NeddySeagoon: would be good to have a record, sure [19:12:16] dabbott: anything else? [19:12:41] I will send oyut the emails for the election stuff [19:12:47] nothing else [19:13:21] who is up for election? [19:13:43] my seat is [19:13:57] robbat2 is too iirc [19:13:58] robbat2 is [19:14:09] antarus: ? [19:14:24] 2 year term right? [19:14:28] robbat2 has said he does not intend to stand [19:14:34] yes [19:15:33] ok, we can sort this out over the coming month I imagine [19:15:37] The who is not needed for the meeting [19:15:55] its needed for the emails [19:16:18] yes [19:16:57] I took over for summers, NeddySeagoon and I retired in 2016 [19:17:33] retiring doesn't mean you can't be a trustee [19:17:37] I don't think [19:17:40] aye [19:17:51] you need only be a foundation member to be a trustee [19:17:52] Retire by rotation [19:18:24] we stepped aside so to speak [19:18:33] right [19:18:33] can we continue the meeting? there's still quite a few topics left (and I'm getting tired :) [19:18:57] ya, I think we can handle this on the side before emails are sent [19:19:10] Current subject: prometheanfire's items, (set by prometheanfire) [19:19:15] D&O insurance Bug 592198 [19:19:17] https://bugs.gentoo.org/592198 "D&O insurance"; Gentoo Foundation, Proposals; CONF; prometheanfire:trustees [19:19:42] so, we had an offer for the insurance, but it's more expensive than expected [19:20:00] lets put it on the back burner for later [19:20:20] dabbott: what is 'it'? [19:20:30] D&O [19:20:58] ok, I think it's worth doing, but not sure about cost is all [19:21:03] insurance in general [19:21:03] next [19:21:08] prune the email aliases (trustees, paypal, cafepress, etc) of old members/trustees. [19:21:31] I'll do that this week, anyone have anything of note for the pruning? [19:22:43] prometheanfire: do we have an archival user of some kind which keeps the received mails "just in case"? Or do we assume that the members do that? [19:23:01] that seems smart, I'll talk to robbat2 about it [19:23:21] I have the mails going back to 2008 ... except the spam. [19:23:46] I don't have anything else I think is needed this month [19:23:47] next? [19:24:15] yup, next [19:24:26] Current subject: swit's stuff, (set by prometheanfire) [19:24:31] Short feedback on artwork approval process: [19:24:32] two things [19:24:51] I've (today) uploaded the process for artwork approval on the Project:Artwork wiki [19:25:06] SwifT: thanks :) [19:25:14] part of it is the creation of an additional bugzilla component, for which i've created a bug report for infra to handle [19:25:35] I don't think they'll have an issue with it - but if they do, we can work around it [19:25:50] I'm also going to make myself a member of the project for now to follow things up [19:25:58] and get things started with the next approval [19:26:09] speaking of which (second stuff), we got a request to approve artwork [19:26:31] I couldn't initiate it through the documented process yet, and I don't think we should have the requestee wait for another month, so I would like this meetings' consent on it [19:26:52] he would like to create a personal t-shirt (no selling otherwise) because he's a fond Gentoo user [19:27:06] see bug #619150 [19:27:09] SwifT: https://bugs.gentoo.org/619150 "Grant use of Gentoo logo for personal t-shirt design (Tobias Wensing)"; Gentoo Foundation, Proposals; CONF; swift:trustees [19:27:30] I've already given my approval there [19:27:40] I personally don't see a problem with his request. There's no distortion of any kind on the logo (just a purple filter) [19:27:47] and the dots just mean "gentoo" in braille [19:27:59] I just approved on the bug [19:28:15] great, thanks [19:28:18] I also think that a monochromatic official image would be useful to us for things like flags and t-shirts [19:28:49] prometheanfire: that's indeed a good idea, i'll suggest it toward the artwork project as well [19:29:06] that's all for me [19:29:22] k [19:29:30] is alicef around? [19:29:38] yes [19:29:54] hi alicef [19:29:59] hi [19:30:01] Current subject: Is SPI worth another look? Status?, (set by prometheanfire) [19:30:50] alicef: floor is yours :D [19:31:27] sorry didn't had so much time to look into it, still have to send the mail. [19:32:08] np, we can hold off on it for next month [19:32:39] next week I have presentation and still busy with work interview [19:33:10] good luck :D [19:33:29] thanks [19:33:47] next [19:33:54] I will talk about Gentoo Kernel project at Open Source Summit [19:33:59] open bugs [19:34:05] alicef: :D [19:34:13] I'll list the bugs since last meeting [19:34:21] bug 611376 [19:34:23] prometheanfire: https://bugs.gentoo.org/611376 "New GitHub Terms of Service"; Gentoo Foundation, Proposals; CONF; ulm:trustees [19:34:37] here I think we don't need to take action [19:35:02] prometheanfire: agreed [19:35:36] vote then? [19:36:10] no, I would just wait and see what happens for now [19:36:34] eh, I commented/voted [19:36:44] others can feel free to if they wish [19:37:13] prometheanfire: thats fine :) [19:37:17] bug 607622 [19:37:20] prometheanfire: https://bugs.gentoo.org/607622 "a new sparc machine is needed"; Gentoo Foundation, Infra Support; CONF; ago:trustees [19:37:41] is infra working with him to get something? [19:37:47] I'm not sure [19:37:54] I just searched ebay and the servers are cheap [19:38:05] T5220 for less that 200 [19:38:35] He needs to fill out a funding request once he decides what he wants, I would approve most likely [19:38:55] right [19:38:56] same [19:39:00] k, next then [19:39:09] where is it going to be hosted etc [19:39:34] Current subject: next meeting date, (set by prometheanfire) [19:39:42] Date of Next Meeting - Sun June 18 2017 19:00 UTC [19:39:45] that fine for others? [19:39:54] ok here [19:39:57] same [19:39:58] yup [19:40:13] k, tentitive ack based on antarus/robbat2 [19:40:21] Current subject: open floor, (set by prometheanfire) [19:41:21] gonna keep it open til 1945 [19:42:10] Thats fathers day [19:42:19] we was talking about gentoo.slack.com, and if infra want to manage it. [19:42:20] Two things [19:42:24] with prometheanfire [19:42:40] SwifT: Will you stand for a further term? [19:42:44] alicef: I personally try to avoid slack, define manage [19:43:00] get ownership [19:43:05] aliases etc includes bugs and wiki [19:43:34] as now the owner is on three gentoo dev if i remeber correctly [19:43:43] NeddySeagoon: not likely, i have significant time issues to do anything useful and it's not going to get better the first time period [19:43:58] alicef: shouldn't it be managed by comrel and/or pr? [19:44:00] NeddySeagoon: my real-life job is getting very, very interesting, but also very daunting and time-consuming [19:44:18] prometheanfire: whchever for me is ok [19:44:23] SwifT: me too [19:44:35] SwifT: I've been there done that. Good luck. [19:44:46] ah maffblaster is also admin [19:45:33] alicef: bring it up next meeting (I'll add it under yourself for the agenda) [19:45:39] maybe open a bug [19:45:52] as now is used by gentoo jp community mainly [19:46:00] possibly review in 6mo? [19:46:12] NeddySeagoon: sounds like a bunch of new blood then, SwifT robbat2 at the very least [19:46:15] ver|laptop: review? [19:46:19] we are giving manly user support [19:46:26] prometheanfire: review g.slack.com [19:46:31] I am going to nominate maffblaster and alicef for trustee's :) [19:46:58] alicef: is this english or jp? would it be helpful to have a distinction, or is it working ok as is? [19:47:04] dabbott: Not yet ... you have to wait for nominations to open :) [19:47:08] dabbott: sgtm [19:47:09] NeddySeagoon: what about you, readdy for a comeback :P [19:47:26] ver|laptop: it have channels similar to irc [19:47:33] dabbott: Not this year. Maybe in a year or two [19:47:34] alicef: aha yes, ofc. [19:47:39] ty ^ [19:47:42] rats :( [19:47:44] so gentoo-ja is manly in japanese [19:47:59] and is bidirectional mirrored to irc [19:48:10] imho, with maff as admin, its in 'pr's camp :D [19:48:12] dabbott: I'll be nipping at your heels though [19:48:13] so if someone write in irc it come up in slack [19:48:27] alicef: yup seen that elsewhere .. its quite handy :D [19:49:01] if someone is interested i keep the slack page here https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/User:Aliceinwire/Gentoo_Slack [19:49:03] it breaks gentoo out of the irc 'mould' a bit [19:49:10] NeddySeagoon: thanks I need help on procedure sometimes [19:49:23] as now #gentoo-jp and #gentoo-dotnet are connected to slack [19:49:26] any accessibility improvements gotta be a + imho. but thats just my 2c [19:49:34] same rules as irc imo [19:49:56] prometheanfire: probably worth making that clear as a gentoo channel .. but is it official or not?! :) [19:50:19] I guess that could be tabled for next month prehaps [19:50:28] ver|laptop: ya [19:50:33] ya [19:50:43] also, we could wait til/if alicef and maffblaster are trustees [19:50:52] lol true [19:50:52] what ? [19:51:03] alicef: more work [19:51:13] eh [19:51:53] chuckles . [19:52:03] alicef: did you see dabbott's nomination?! [19:52:23] I believe it was a joke :D [19:53:10] I will think about it [19:53:12] :) [19:53:21] (thumbsup) [19:53:27] no joke, just not official yet just a hope they will be interested [19:53:59] we need interested people to get involved [19:54:04] yep [19:54:08] dabbott: yeah, normally they have to agree to stand first :P lolol [19:54:22] minor technicality [19:54:32] prometheanfire: do you wish to close up .. tis 1953h UTC here [19:54:37] thinking out loud :) [19:55:21] yep, I think we are done [19:55:24] Meeting ended by prometheanfire, total meeting length 3276 seconds