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Diffstat (limited to 'pym/transports/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 363 deletions
diff --git a/pym/transports/ b/pym/transports/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e9c624..0000000
--- a/pym/transports/
+++ /dev/null
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-#; implementation of a fetcher class useing httplib and ftplib.
-# Copyright 2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-#$Header: /local/data/ulm/cvs/history/var/cvsroot/gentoo-src/portage/pym/transports/,v 1.3 2004/11/07 14:38:39 ferringb Exp $
-import httplib, ftplib, urlparse, base64, re, sys, os
-class BundledConnection:
- """a fetcher abstraction using httplib and ftplib.
- offers api access to specify the specific window/chunk of a uri you want"""
- def __init__(self, persistant=False,chunk_size=8192,verbose=True):
- self.__persistant = persistant
- self.__chunk_size = chunk_size
- self.__verbose = verbose
- # lifting the connection caching from check_src_uri's code- combine them if possible
- self._http_conn = {}
- self._https_conn = {}
- self._ftp_conn = {}
- def __get_connection(self, uri):
- """internal function to raid from the instances cache of connections, or return a new one"""
- proto,host,con_dict,url,hash = self.__process_uri(uri)
- cons = getattr(self,"_%s_conn" % proto)
- if not self.__persistant or not cons.has_key(hash):
- if proto in ('http','https'):
- con = httpConnection(host,**con_dict)
- else:
- con = ftpConnection(host,chunk_size=self.__chunk_size,**con_dict)
- if self.__persistant:
- cons[hash] = con
- else:
- con = cons[hash]
- return proto, con, url
- def fetch(self,uri, file_name=None,verbose=None):
- """fetch uri, storing it in file_name"""
- if verbose==None:
- verbose=self.__verbose
- proto, con, url = self.__get_connection(uri)
- if not file_name:
- x= url.find("/")
- if x == -1:
- raise Exception,"Unable to deterimine file_name from %s" % uri
- file_name = url[x+1:]
- try:
- myf=open(file_name,"w",0)
- except (IOError, OSError), e:
- sys.stderr.write("Failed opening file %s for saving:\n%s\n" % (file_name,str(e)))
- return True
- if verbose:
- print "fetching '%s' -> '%s'" % (uri, file_name)
- if proto in ('http','https'):
- try:
- ret= self.__execute_transfer(con, url, myf, 0)
- except UnableToAccess,ua:
- if verbose:
- print ua
- myf.close()
- os.remove(file_name)
- return True
- else:
- ret = con.request(url, callback=myf.write)
- myf.close()
- return not ret
- def resume(self, uri, file_name=None,verbose=None):
- """resume uri into file_name"""
- if verbose==None:
- verbose=self.__verbose
- proto, con, url = self.__get_connection(uri)
- if not file_name:
- x= url.find("/")
- if x == -1:
- raise Exception,"Unable to deterimine file_name from %s" % uri
- file_name = url[x+1:]
- try:
- pos = os.stat(file_name).st_size
- # open it manually, since open(file_name,"a") has the lovely feature of
- # ignoring _all_ previous seek requests the minute a write is issued.
-, os.O_WRONLY)
- myf = os.fdopen(fd,"w",0)
- if pos > self.__chunk_size:
- pos -= self.__chunk_size
-, 0)
- else:
- pos=0
- except OSError, e:
- if e.errno == 2:
- # file not found
- pos = 0
- myf = open(file_name, "w",0)
- else:
- sys.stderr.write("Failed opening file %s for saving:\n%s\n" % (file_name,str(e)))
- return True
- if verbose:
- print "resuming '%s' -> '%s'" % (uri, file_name)
- if proto in ('http','https'):
- try:
- ret = self.__execute_transfer(con, url, myf, pos)
- except UnableToAccess,ua:
- if verbose:
- print ua
- myf.close()
- return True
- else:
- ret = con.request(url, callback=myf.write, start=pos)
- myf.close()
- return not ret
- def __execute_transfer(self, con, url, fd, pos):
- """internal http(|s) function for looping over requests storing to fd"""
- rc=1
- redirect_max = 10
- while rc:
-# print "fetching %i-%i" % (pos, pos + (self.__chunk_size *8) -1)
- try:
- data,rc=con.request(url,start=pos, end=(pos+(self.__chunk_size*8) -1))
- except MovedLocation, ml:
- sys.stderr.write(str(ml)+"\n")
- url = ml.location
- redirect_max -= 1
- if redirect_max <= 0:
- print "we've been redirected too many times- bailing"
- return False
- else:
- continue
- except UnhandledError, ue:
- print ue
- return False
- fd.write(data)
- pos += len(data)
- return True
- default_ports = {'http':80, 'https':443, 'ftp':21}
- def __process_uri(self, uri):
- """internal function to determine the proto, host, uri, options for
- __get_connection, and a hash representing this host's specific options.
- username, password, port, ssl, etc"""
- con_dict = {}
- proto,parts,url = urlparse.urlparse(uri)[0:3]
- if not self.default_ports.has_key(proto):
-# port = self.default_ports[proto]
-# else:
- raise Exception, "unknown protocol %s for uri %s" % (proto,uri)
- parts = parts.split("@")
- if len(parts) > 1:
- con_dict["user"] = parts.pop(0)
- r=re.compile(":\d+$").search(parts[0])
- if r:
- # found a port
- con_dict["port"] = parts[0][r.start() + 1:]
- parts[0] = parts[0][0:r.start()]
- del r
- #grab the pass.
- parts = parts[0].split(":")
- if len(parts) > 1:
- con_dict["passwd"] = parts.pop(0)
- hash=''
- k=con_dict.keys()
- k.sort()
- for x in k:
- hash += '%s:%s\n' % (x, str(con_dict[x]))
- hash += "host:%s" % parts[0]
- return [proto, parts[0], con_dict, url,hash]
-class ftpConnection:
- """higher level interface over ftplib"""
- def __init__(self,host,ssl=False,port=21,user=None,passwd=None,passive=True, chunk_size=8192,debug=0):
- """ssl is currently not supported
- debug flips on a bit of extra info
- chunk_size controls the size of chunks transferred per callback- useful for performance tweaking
- note a ftpConnection instance *must not* be called in a threaded/parallel manner-
- the connection can handle one, and only one request, and is currently not smart
- enough to lock itself for protection"""
- self.__chunk = chunk_size
- self.__pos = 0
- self.__end = 0
- self.__endlimit = False
- if ssl:
- raise Exception, "sftp isn't support atm"
- args=[]
- self.__con = ftplib.FTP()
- self.__con.set_debuglevel(debug)
- self.__con.connect(host,port)
- if user and passwd:
- self.__con.login(user,passwd)
- else:
- self.__con.login()
- self.__con.set_pasv(passive)
- def request(self, file, start=0, end=0, callback=None):
- """make a request of file, with optional start/end
- callback is used for processing data- if callback, then callback is called, and the return
- is true/false depending on success
- if no callback, then the requested window is returned, eg string.
- technical note: do to the way the protocol works, the remote host may send more then what
- was specified via start/end. Despite this, only that window is processed/returned.
- Just worth noting since it means if you're requested 3 bytes from a file, depending on how
- quickly the server disconnects, 13k may've been sent by that point (still, only the 3 bytes
- are actually processed by callback/returned)."""
- self.__pos = start
- self.__end = end
- self.__callback = callback
- self.__data = ''
- self.__aborted = False
- if end:
- self.__endlimit = True
- if end:
- block = end - start
- else:
- block = self.__chunk
- if block > self.__chunk:
- block = self.__chunk
- try:
- d=self.__con.retrbinary("retr %s" % file, self.__transfer_callback, block, start)
- except ftplib.all_errors:
- self.__data = ''
- return False
- if callback == None:
- d = self.__data
- self.__data = ''
- return d
- def __transfer_callback(self, data):
- """internal callback function used with ftplib. This either appends the returned data,
- or passes it off to the requested callback function"""
- if self.__aborted:
- return
- l=len(data)
- if self.__endlimit and self.__pos + l >= self.__end:
- data = data[:self.__end - l]
- l = self.__end - self.__pos
- self.__aborted = True
- self.__con.abort()
- self.__pos += l
- if self.__callback:
- self.__callback(data)
- else:
- self.__data += data
- return
-class httpConnection:
- """higher level abstraction over httplib allowing window level access to a remote uri"""
- def __init__(self,host,ssl=False,port=None,user=None,passwd=None):
- """options for this host connection, sent to the server via the headers
- note you cannot just specify the port as 443 and assume it'll do ssl-
- you must flip on ssl to enable descryption/encryption of the protocol
- just like with ftpConnection, instances *must not* be called in a parallel/threaded
- manner without external locking.
- This class isn't smart enough to protect itself, although it will be made so at
- some point."""
- self.__headers = {}
- self.__host = host
- if user and passwd:
- self.__headers.extend({"Authorization": "Basic %s" %
- base64.encodestring("%s:%s" % (user,passwd)).replace("\012","")
- })
- if port == None:
- if ssl:
- self.__port = httplib.HTTPS_PORT
- else:
- self.__port = httplib.HTTP_PORT
- else:
- self.__port = port
- if ssl:
- self.__conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(self.__host, self.__port)
- else:
- self.__conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(self.__host, self.__port)
- def request(self,uri,start=None,end=None):
- """returns httpconnection.response, our chucks an exception."""
- if end==None and start:
- end += 3000
- size = None
- if not (start == None or end == None):
- size = end - start
- self.__headers["Range"]="bytes=%i-%i" % (start, end)
- try:
- self.__conn.request("GET",uri,{},self.__headers)
- except httplib.HTTPException, e:
- print "caught exception %s" % str(e)
- if start and end:
- del self.__headers["Range"]
- return None,False
- if start and end:
- del self.__headers["Range"]
- response = self.__conn.getresponse()
- rc = response.status
- if rc in (301,302):
- for x in str(response.msg).split("\n"):
- p = x.split(":")
- # assume the remote server is dumb, and ignore case.
- if x[0].lower() == "location":
- raise MovedLocation(rc, x[1])
- # if we hit this point, the server is stupid.
- raise Exception,"received %i, but no location" % rc
- if rc in (404,403):
- raise UnableToAccess(rc,response.reason)
- elif rc not in (200,206):
- raise UnhandledError(rc,response.reason)
- if size != None:
- return data,(rc==206 and len(data) -1 == size)
- return data,(rc==206)
-class UnhandledError(Exception):
- """basically an unknown state/condition was encountered, so control is being relinquished"""
- def __init__(self, status, reason):
- self.status = status
- self.reason = str(reason)
- def __str__(self):
- return "Unhandled Status code: %i: %s" % (self.status, self.reason)
-class UnableToAccess(Exception):
- """404's and 403's"""
- def __init__(self,status,reason):
- self.status = status
- self.reason = str(reason)
- def __str__(self):
- return "%s code: %s" % (self.status,self.reason)
-class MovedLocation(Exception):
- """http 301/302 exception"""
- def __init__(self,status,new_loc):
- self.status=status
- self.location = str(new_loc)
- def __str__(self):
- if self.status == 301:
- return "301: Location has moved: %s" % self.location
- else:
- return "302: Location has temporarily moved: %s" % self.location