diff options
authorDiego Elio Pettenò <>2012-11-22 02:36:22 +0000
committerDiego Elio Pettenò <>2012-11-22 02:36:22 +0000
commita94e2da583e44ff44a6b1a2d60edcd968cd08c8a (patch)
tree9186069ad42398169c7ed3c53656cd2abbd0dbfe /app-admin/eselect-boost/files/boost.eselect-0.3
parentRemove obsolete masks. (diff)
Remove select-boost since boost is no longer slotted.
Diffstat (limited to 'app-admin/eselect-boost/files/boost.eselect-0.3')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 229 deletions
diff --git a/app-admin/eselect-boost/files/boost.eselect-0.3 b/app-admin/eselect-boost/files/boost.eselect-0.3
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d9f02edaa2a..000000000000
--- a/app-admin/eselect-boost/files/boost.eselect-0.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id: boost.eselect-0.3,v 1.3 2011/08/28 06:48:29 ulm Exp $
-# This eclass-module has been initially written by Łukasz Michalik <>
-# Corrections and extensions by Tiziano Müller <>
-DESCRIPTION="Manage boost installations"
-_boost_tools="bcp bjam compiler_status inspect library_status process_jam_log quickbook wave"
-# ... meaning: <none> and -debug:
-find_targets() {
- local f
- # use ls here to get a really empty set in case no boost is installed
- for d in $(ls -d "${ROOT}"/usr/share/boost-eselect/profiles/* 2>/dev/null) ; do
- for p in "${d}"/* ; do
- echo "boost-$(basename ${d})/$(basename ${p})"
- done
- done
-remove_installation() {
- echo "Removing symlinks from old version"
- local link
- for link in "${ROOT}/usr/include/boost" "${ROOT}/usr/share/boostbook" ; do
- if [[ -L "${link}" ]] ; then
- rm "${link}" || die -q "Couldn't remove \"${link}\" symlink"
- else
- [[ -e "${link}" ]] && die -q "\"${link}\" exists and isn't a symlink"
- fi
- done
- pushd "${ROOT}/usr/%LIBDIR%" 1>/dev/null
- local lib
- for lib in libboost_*.{a,so} ; do
- [[ -L "${lib}" && "${lib}" != libboost_*[[:digit:]]_[[:digit:]][[:digit:]]@(${_suffices}).@(a|so) ]] || continue
- rm "${lib}" || die -q "Unable to remove \"/usr/%LIBDIR%/${lib}\" symlink"
- done
- popd 1>/dev/null
- pushd "${ROOT}"/usr/bin 1>/dev/null
- local tool
- for tool in ${_boost_tools} ; do
- [[ -L "${tool}" ]] && ( rm "${tool}" || die -q "Unable to remove \"/usr/bin/${tool}\" symlink" )
- done
- popd 1>/dev/null
- local mod=""
- for moddir in "${ROOT}"/usr/%LIBDIR%/python*/site-packages ; do
- if [ -L "${moddir}/${mod}" ] ; then
- rm "${moddir}/${mod}" || die -q "Unable to remove \"${moddir}/${mod}\" symlink"
- else
- [[ -e "${moddir}/${mod}" ]] && die -q "\"${moddir}/${mod}\" exists and isn't a symlink"
- fi
- done
- if [ -L "${ROOT}/etc/eselect/boost/active" ] ; then
- rm "${ROOT}/etc/eselect/boost/active" || die -q "Unable to remove \"${ROOT}/etc/eselect/boost/active\" symlink"
- else
- [[ -e "${ROOT}/etc/eselect/boost/active" ]] && die -q "\"${ROOT}/etc/eselect/boost/active\" exists and isn't a symlink"
- fi
-set_installation() {
- [[ -z "${1}" ]] && die -q "Too few parameters to set_installation()"
- local target="${1}"
- echo "Creating symlinks for ${target}"
- local profile="${target/*\/}"
- local version="${target/\/${profile}}"
- version="${version/boost-}"
- version="${version/./_}"
- cd "${ROOT}/etc/eselect/boost"
- ln -s "${ROOT}/usr/share/boost-eselect/profiles/${target//boost-}" active || die -q "Couldn't create symlink active -> /usr/share/boost-eselect/profiles/${target//boost-}/${profile}"
- . "${ROOT}/usr/share/boost-eselect/profiles/${target//boost-}"
- for t in ${dirs} ${bins} ${libs} ; do
- [[ -e "${ROOT}${t}" ]] || die -q "\"${t}\" listed as target does not exist"
- pushd "$(dirname ${ROOT}${t})" 1>/dev/null
- local ts=$(basename "${t}")
- local tt="${ts//-${version}}"
- tt="${tt//${suffix}}"
- ln -s ${ts} ${tt} || die -q "Couldn't create symlink \"$(pwd)/${tt}\""
- popd 1>/dev/null
- done
- [[ -d "${ROOT}${includes}" ]] || die -q "\"${includes}\" does not exist"
- pushd "${ROOT}/usr/include" 1>/dev/null
- ln -s ${includes//\/usr\/include\/} boost || die -q "Couldn't create symlink \"/usr/include/boost\""
- popd 1>/dev/null
- for t in ${python} ; do
- pushd "$(dirname ${ROOT}${t})/.." 1>/dev/null
- local ts="$(basename $(dirname ${ROOT}${t}))/${t//*\/}"
- ts="${ts//${suffix}}"
- local tt=${t//*\/}
- ln -s "${ts}" "${tt}" || die -q "Couldn't create symlink \"$(pwd)/${tt}\""
- popd 1>/dev/null
- done
-### show action ###
-describe_show() {
- echo "Show the current boost version used"
-do_show() {
- local include
- write_list_start "Current boost version:"
- if [[ -L "${ROOT}"/usr/include/boost ]] ; then
- include=$(basename $(dirname $(canonicalise "${ROOT}"/usr/include/boost )))
- write_kv_list_entry "${include%/}" ""
- else
- write_kv_list_entry "(unset)" ""
- fi
-### list action ###
-describe_list() {
- echo "List available boost versions"
-do_list() {
- local targets=( $(find_targets ) )
- write_list_start "Available boost versions:"
- if [[ -n "${targets[@]}" ]] ; then
- local i
- local active_slot=$(canonicalise "${ROOT}/etc/eselect/boost/active")
- active_slot=${active_slot/"${ROOT}/usr/share/boost-eselect/profiles/"/boost-}
- for (( i = 0 ; i < ${#targets[@]} ; i = i + 1 )) ; do
- if [[ "${targets[${i}]}" == ${active_slot} ]] ; then
- targets[${i}]="${targets[${i}]} $(highlight '*' )"
- fi
- done
- write_numbered_list "${targets[@]}"
- else
- write_kv_list_entry "(none found)" ""
- fi
-### set action ###
-describe_set() {
- echo "Set a new boost version"
-describe_set_parameters() {
- echo "<target>"
-describe_set_options() {
- echo "target : Target name or number (from 'list' action)"
-do_set() {
- if [[ -z "${1}" ]] ; then
- # no parameter
- die -q "You didn't tell me what to set the version to"
- fi
- local target="${1}"
- if is_number "${target}" ; then
- targets=($(find_targets))
- target="${targets[$((${target} - 1))]}"
- fi
- remove_installation
- set_installation "${target}"
-### update action ###
-describe_update() {
- echo "Automatically update boost version used"
-do_update() {
- # set default profile
- profile="default"
- # extract profile if there's already one boost version selected
- if [ -L "${ROOT}"/etc/eselect/boost/active ] ; then
- profile=$(basename $(canonicalise "${ROOT}/etc/eselect/boost/active"))
- fi
- echo "Previously selected profile: ${profile}"
- remove_installation
- local targets=($(find_targets))
- [[ ${#targets[@]} -gt 0 ]] || die -q "No slotted boost version found"
- # contains surely the highest available version, but maybe not the right profile
- local last_target="${targets[@]:(-1)}"
- # strip profile
- local target_version="${last_target//\/*}"
- # in case the previously used profile isn't available anymore
- local target="${target_version}/default"
- local matching_profile_found=0
- for (( i = 0 ; i < ${#targets[@]} ; i = i + 1 )) ; do
- if [[ "${targets[${i}]}" == "${target_version}/${profile}" ]] ; then
- target="${targets[${i}]}"
- matching_profile_found=1
- break
- fi
- done
- if [[ "${matching_profile_found}" == 1 ]] ; then
- echo "Found a matching profile \"${profile}\" for the new version."
- else
- echo "Didn't find the previously selected profile \"${profile}\" for the new version. Resetting to \"default\"."
- fi
- set_installation "${target}"