diff options
authorTavis Ormandy <>2003-04-28 16:25:10 +0000
committerTavis Ormandy <>2003-04-28 16:25:10 +0000
commita7ab75773725999e4001f5ef72cf277d4e205030 (patch)
treeb1439db7b8eb025d1687a63b9e4c1943d04f83f4 /app-editors/videoteco
parentInitial import of two TECO-style editors, one classic, one visual. (diff)
adding ChangeLogs, digests, patches, etc.
Diffstat (limited to 'app-editors/videoteco')
3 files changed, 139 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app-editors/videoteco/ChangeLog b/app-editors/videoteco/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..195c9df405aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-editors/videoteco/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# ChangeLog for app-editors/videoteco
+# Copyright 2000-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.; Distributed under the GPL v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-editors/videoteco/ChangeLog,v 1.1 2003/04/28 16:25:10 taviso Exp $
+*videoteco-4.69 (28 Apr 2003)
+ 28 Apr 2003; Tavis Ormandy <> videoteco-4.69.ebuild:
+ Initial import, marking ~x86 ~alpha
diff --git a/app-editors/videoteco/files/digest-videoteco-4.69 b/app-editors/videoteco/files/digest-videoteco-4.69
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5d540e0a04d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-editors/videoteco/files/digest-videoteco-4.69
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+MD5 91612ee697e3a91ead7d4c2f7d3e582c teco_4_69.tar.gz 11895
+MD5 2a229aefc7e347d1c42b5f4ff18ce1be patch1 745
diff --git a/app-editors/videoteco/files/teco_linux_gcc3.patch b/app-editors/videoteco/files/teco_linux_gcc3.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..422cea8de930
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-editors/videoteco/files/teco_linux_gcc3.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+diff -u teco_4_69.orig/makefile teco_4_69/makefile
+--- teco_4_69.orig/makefile 1994-09-21 07:37:34.000000000 +0100
++++ teco_4_69/makefile 2003-04-28 15:57:36.000000000 +0100
+@@ -5,20 +5,21 @@
+ # $Locker: $
++# DEBUG_STUFF = -g
+ LIBS = -ltermcap
+ #Change the -ltermcap to -lxtermcap on the INTEL 386 System V system
+ #Change the -ltermcap to -llcurses on the Stardent System V.4 system
+ #
+-teco.default: teco.posix.aux
++teco.default: teco.linux
+ teco.posix.aux:
+ make teco MACHINE_DEF="-DAUX -D_POSIX_SOURCE" LIBS=-ltermcap CC=gcc
+@@ -54,7 +55,7 @@
+ make teco LIBS=-lcurses MACHINE_DEF="-DSUNV" CC=/usr/5bin/cc
+ teco.linux:
+- make teco MACHINE_DEF="-DLINUX -D_POSIX_SOURCE" LIBS=-ltermcap
++ make teco MACHINE_DEF="-DLINUX -D_MISC_SOURCE" LIBS=-ltermcap
+ teco.solaris2:
+ make teco MACHINE_DEF="-DSOLARIS2" LINK_MAGIC= LIBS=-lcurses CC=gcc
+@@ -72,50 +73,50 @@
+ teco: teco.o tecparse.o tecstate.o tecexec.o tecundo.o tecbuf.o \
+ tecdisp.o tecterm.o teccmd.o tecmem.o tecdebug.o
+- ${CC} ${DEBUG_STUFF} ${LINK_MAGIC} -o teco teco.o tecparse.o \
++ ${CC} ${G_CFLAGS} ${DEBUG_STUFF} ${LINK_MAGIC} -o teco teco.o tecparse.o \
+ tecstate.o tecexec.o \
+ tecundo.o tecbuf.o tecdisp.o tecterm.o teccmd.o tecmem.o \
+ tecdebug.o ${LIBS}
+ tecdisp.o: tecdisp.c teco.h
+- ${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${DEBUG_STUFF} -c tecdisp.c
++ ${CC} ${G_CFLAGS} ${DEBUG_STUFF} -c tecdisp.c
+ tecterm.o: tecterm.c teco.h
+- ${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${DEBUG_STUFF} -c tecterm.c
++ ${CC} ${G_CFLAGS} ${DEBUG_STUFF} -c tecterm.c
+ teccmd.o: teccmd.c teco.h
+- ${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${DEBUG_STUFF} -c teccmd.c
++ ${CC} ${G_CFLAGS} ${DEBUG_STUFF} -c teccmd.c
+ tecmem.o: tecmem.c teco.h
+- ${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${DEBUG_STUFF} -c tecmem.c
++ ${CC} ${G_FLAGS} ${DEBUG_STUFF} -c tecmem.c
+ tecbuf.o: tecbuf.c teco.h
+- ${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${DEBUG_STUFF} -c tecbuf.c
++ ${CC} ${G_CFLAGS} ${DEBUG_STUFF} -c tecbuf.c
+ tecparse.o: tecparse.h tecparse.c teco.h
+- ${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${DEBUG_STUFF} -c tecparse.c
++ ${CC} ${G_CFLAGS} ${DEBUG_STUFF} -c tecparse.c
+ tecstate.o: tecparse.h teco.h tecstate.c
+- ${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${DEBUG_STUFF} -c tecstate.c
++ ${CC} ${G_CFLAGS} ${DEBUG_STUFF} -c tecstate.c
+ tecexec.o: tecparse.h teco.h tecexec.c
+- ${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${DEBUG_STUFF} -c tecexec.c
++ ${CC} ${G_CFLAGS} ${DEBUG_STUFF} -c tecexec.c
+ tecundo.o: tecparse.h teco.h tecundo.c
+- ${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${DEBUG_STUFF} -c tecundo.c
++ ${CC} ${G_CFLAGS} ${DEBUG_STUFF} -c tecundo.c
+ teco.o: teco.c teco.h
+- ${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${DEBUG_STUFF} -c teco.c
++ ${CC} ${G_CFLAGS} ${DEBUG_STUFF} -c teco.c
+ tecdebug.o: tecdebug.c teco.h
+- ${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${DEBUG_STUFF} -c tecdebug.c
++ ${CC} ${G_CFLAGS} ${DEBUG_STUFF} -c tecdebug.c
+ teco.lint.locus_i386:
+ make teco.lint MACHINE_DEF=-DLOCUS_MACH_i386
+ teco.lint: tecparse.h teco.h tecparse.c tecstate.c tecexec.c tecundo.c teco.c \
+ tecdisp.c tecterm.c tecbuf.c teccmd.c tecmem.c tecdebug.c
+- lint ${CFLAGS} tecparse.c tecstate.c tecexec.c \
++ lint ${G_CFLAGS} tecparse.c tecstate.c tecexec.c \
+ tecundo.c teco.c tecdisp.c \
+ tecterm.c tecbuf.c teccmd.c tecmem.c tecdebug.c \
+ > teco.lint
+Only in teco_4_69: tecdebug.o
+diff -u teco_4_69.orig/tecdisp.c teco_4_69/tecdisp.c
+--- teco_4_69.orig/tecdisp.c 1994-09-21 07:37:02.000000000 +0100
++++ teco_4_69/tecdisp.c 2003-04-28 15:42:06.000000000 +0100
+@@ -988,7 +988,7 @@
+ * position.
+ */
+ switch(data){
+- case NULL:
++ case '\0':
+ /*
+ * If we are on a high-speed line, do the reverse-video space trick to
+diff -u teco_4_69.orig/teco.c teco_4_69/teco.c
+--- teco_4_69.orig/teco.c 1994-09-21 07:37:16.000000000 +0100
++++ teco_4_69/teco.c 2003-04-28 15:58:53.000000000 +0100
+@@ -1773,7 +1773,7 @@
+ {
+ #ifdef UNIX
+-extern char *sys_errlist[];
++//extern char *sys_errlist[];
+ extern int sys_nerr;
+ #endif