diff options
authorGunnar Wrobel <>2006-02-02 19:35:13 +0000
committerGunnar Wrobel <>2006-02-02 19:35:13 +0000
commitf9027a1379bf721007df7326c6dadc06e22a24ff (patch)
tree66d36228e69533c10f26d93c56e48d5ed150f0a9 /www-apps/postfixadmin
parentFix rmd160 digests. (diff)
Fixed the use of enewuser. Moved ebuild to portage.
(Portage version: 2.0.54)
Diffstat (limited to 'www-apps/postfixadmin')
7 files changed, 231 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www-apps/postfixadmin/ChangeLog b/www-apps/postfixadmin/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7092d556d206
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-apps/postfixadmin/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# ChangeLog for www-apps/postfixadmin
+# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-apps/postfixadmin/ChangeLog,v 1.1 2006/02/02 19:35:13 wrobel Exp $
+*postfixadmin-2.1.0 (02 Feb 2006)
+ 02 Feb 2006; <> +files/,
+ +files/postinstall-en.txt, +metadata.xml, +postfixadmin-2.1.0.ebuild:
+ Fixed the use of enewuser. Moved ebuild to portage
+ 03 Jan 2006; <> ChangeLog:
+ Repoman fixes.
+ 28 Dec 2005; Gunnar Wrobel <> ChangeLog:
+ Minor cleanup for postfixadmin. Seems to work with php5.
+ 14 Dec 2005; <> ChangeLog:
+ Initial ebuild import into the overlay. Original ebuild from SteveB
+ <>. See bug #50035
diff --git a/www-apps/postfixadmin/Manifest b/www-apps/postfixadmin/Manifest
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6768b7ffeeb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-apps/postfixadmin/Manifest
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+MD5 c5933552552be6a288bba668828b947f ChangeLog 685
+MD5 17d031307a6d7279883bd84e00c7ab36 files/ 202
+MD5 7892309c6746f5bbc334992cc0f90a97 files/digest-postfixadmin-2.1.0 67
+MD5 0d999fdb7bfafcc1fb395b07b38ca939 files/postinstall-en.txt 1859
+MD5 2475b9abb75a74d9fa92ea07cfaf7d41 metadata.xml 300
+MD5 d57933e6629438c220be9f83ba596235 postfixadmin-2.1.0.ebuild 3829
diff --git a/www-apps/postfixadmin/files/ b/www-apps/postfixadmin/files/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bc2222716509
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-apps/postfixadmin/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+case "$1" in
+ install)
+ sed -i "s:^\(AuthUserFile \).*$:\1${MY_INSTALLDIR}/admin/.htpasswd:gI" ${MY_INSTALLDIR}/admin/.htaccess || exit
+ ;;
+ *)
+ # Nothing to do for clean up
+ ;;
diff --git a/www-apps/postfixadmin/files/digest-postfixadmin-2.1.0 b/www-apps/postfixadmin/files/digest-postfixadmin-2.1.0
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f15183b50bce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-apps/postfixadmin/files/digest-postfixadmin-2.1.0
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+MD5 89043e52796298f44a06d65eaddaef09 postfixadmin-2.1.0.tgz 160525
diff --git a/www-apps/postfixadmin/files/postinstall-en.txt b/www-apps/postfixadmin/files/postinstall-en.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c28ec3092ea3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-apps/postfixadmin/files/postinstall-en.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+To complete installation, you must:
+ 1. Create the needed MySQL database and tables and user:
+ mysql -u root -p < ${MY_SQLSCRIPTSDIR}/mysql/${PVR}_create.sql
+ 2. Reload MySQL:
+ /etc/init.d/mysql restart
+ 3. Change the password for the admin user! Inital password is
+ "admin" (without the qotes).
+Updating from older version of Postfix Admin:
+ * When you are upgrading from an older Postfix Admin version, make sure you
+ * backup your database before you run the update script on your database.
+ * mysqldump -a -u root -p > /tmp/postfixadmin-backup.sql
+ For update from 2.0.x version of Postfix Admin:
+ 1. Please read the BACKUP_MX.TXT
+ 2. Update the needed MySQL database and tables:
+ mysql -u root -p < ${MY_SQLSCRIPTSDIR}/mysql/2.0.x_to_${PVR}.sql
+ 3. Reload MySQL:
+ /etc/init.d/mysql restart
+ For update from 1.5x (or older) version of Postfix Admin:
+ 1. Please read the UPGRADE.TXT
+ 2. Update the needed MySQL database and tables:
+ mysql -u root -p < ${MY_SQLSCRIPTSDIR}/mysql/1.5x_to_${PVR}.sql
+ 3. Reload MySQL:
+ /etc/init.d/mysql restart
+To use Virtual Vacation, please read VIRTUAL_VACATION_INSTALL.
+Check the file. There you can specify settings that are
+relevant to your setup.
+Postfix Admin contains 3 views of administration:
+ 1. Site Admin view, located at http://${VHOST_HOSTNAME}${VHOST_APPDIR}/admin/.
+ 2. Domain Admin view, located at http://${VHOST_HOSTNAME}${VHOST_APPDIR}/.
+ 3. User Admin View, located at http://${VHOST_HOSTNAME}${VHOST_APPDIR}/users/.
+In order to do the initial configuration you have to go to the Site Admin view.
+The default password for the Site Admin view of Postfix Admin is admin/admin.
+This is specified in the .htpasswd file in the /admin directory. Make sure
+that the location of the .htpasswd file matches your path.
diff --git a/www-apps/postfixadmin/metadata.xml b/www-apps/postfixadmin/metadata.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2dde2f793249
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-apps/postfixadmin/metadata.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Gunnar Wrobel</name>
+ <description>Primary maintainer</description>
diff --git a/www-apps/postfixadmin/postfixadmin-2.1.0.ebuild b/www-apps/postfixadmin/postfixadmin-2.1.0.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..51b003e13411
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-apps/postfixadmin/postfixadmin-2.1.0.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-apps/postfixadmin/postfixadmin-2.1.0.ebuild,v 1.1 2006/02/02 19:35:13 wrobel Exp $
+# Source:
+# Submitted-By: SteveB <>
+# Reviewed-By: wrobel 2005-12-14
+# $Id: postfixadmin-2.1.0.ebuild,v 1.1 2006/02/02 19:35:13 wrobel Exp $
+inherit eutils webapp
+IUSE="mysql postgres vhosts"
+DESCRIPTION="Postfix Admin is a Web Based Management tool for Postfix when you are dealing with Postfix Style Virtual Domains and Virtual Users that are stored in MySQL."
+ >=mail-mta/postfix-2.0.0
+ >=net-www/apache-1.3.27
+ mysql? ( >=dev-db/mysql-3.23
+ >=dev-lang/perl-5.0
+ dev-perl/DBI
+ dev-perl/DBD-mysql )
+ postgres? ( >=dev-db/postgresql-7.4.3 )"
+ sys-apps/grep
+ sys-apps/findutils"
+pkg_setup() {
+ webapp_pkg_setup
+ if use mysql; then
+ id vacation 2>/dev/null || enewgroup vacation
+ id vacation 2>/dev/null || enewuser vacation -1 -1 /dev/null vacation
+ fi
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A} || die
+ cd ${S}
+ # Remove .cvs* files and CVS directories
+ find ${S} -name .cvs\* -or \( -type d -name CVS -prune \) -exec rm -rf {} \;
+ # Database support (we don't care wich one is used. Allow both of them!)
+ if use mysql; then
+ cp ./DATABASE_MYSQL.TXT ${T}/mysql-setup.sql || die "Creating MySQL setup script failed!"
+ cp ./TABLE_CHANGES.TXT ${T}/mysql-update.sql || die "Creating MySQL update script failed!"
+ fi
+ if use postgres ; then
+ cp ./DATABASE_PGSQL.TXT ${T}/pgsql-setup.sql || die "Creating PostgreSQL setup script failed!"
+ fi
+ # Rename
+ cp ./ ${T}/ || die "Creating config file failed!"
+src_install() {
+ webapp_src_preinst
+ # Virtual Vacation only works with MySQL
+ if use mysql; then
+ diropts -m0770 -o vacation -g vacation
+ dodir /var/spool/vacation
+ keepdir /var/spool/vacation
+ insinto /var/spool/vacation
+ insopts -m770 -o vacation -g vacation
+ fi
+ # Documentation
+ #
+ if use mysql; then
+ fi
+ if use postgres ; then
+ docs="${docs} DATABASE_PGSQL.TXT"
+ fi
+ # install the SQL scripts available to us
+ #
+ # unfortunately, we do not have scripts to upgrade from older versions
+ # these are things we need to add at a later date
+ #
+ if use mysql; then
+ webapp_sqlscript mysql ${T}/mysql-setup.sql
+ webapp_sqlscript mysql ${T}/mysql-update.sql 2.0.x
+ webapp_sqlscript mysql ${T}/mysql-update.sql 1.5x
+ fi
+ if use postgres ; then
+ webapp_sqlscript pgsql ${T}/pgsql-setup.sql
+ fi
+ # Copy the app's main files
+ #
+ einfo "Installing main files"
+ mkdir -p ${D}${MY_HTDOCSDIR}
+ cp -r . ${D}${MY_HTDOCSDIR} || die "cp failed"
+ cp ${T}/ ${D}${MY_HTDOCSDIR} || die "cp failed"
+ # handle documentation files
+ #
+ # NOTE that doc files go into /usr/share/doc as normal; they do NOT
+ # get installed per vhost!
+ #
+ dodoc ${docs}
+ do
+ rm -f ${D}${MY_HTDOCSDIR}/${foo}
+ done
+ # Identify the configuration files that this app uses
+ #
+ webapp_configfile ${MY_HTDOCSDIR}/
+ webapp_configfile ${MY_HTDOCSDIR}/admin/.htpasswd
+ # Add the hook file to fix the .htaccess file
+ webapp_hook_script ${FILESDIR}/
+ # Add the post-installation instructions
+ #
+ webapp_postinst_txt en ${FILESDIR}/postinstall-en.txt
+ # All done
+ #
+ # Now we let the eclass strut its stuff ;-)
+ #
+ webapp_src_install