diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'net-dns/pdnsd')
3 files changed, 11 insertions, 137 deletions
diff --git a/net-dns/pdnsd/Manifest b/net-dns/pdnsd/Manifest
index 78854b027354..b2c80fa2588d 100644
--- a/net-dns/pdnsd/Manifest
+++ b/net-dns/pdnsd/Manifest
@@ -31,25 +31,18 @@ EBUILD pdnsd-1.2.4-r3.ebuild 4076 RMD160 65ea81a4cd2b14e67c86951c28a88513725e0fa
MD5 f9f73529f6e9a20ae8ca68d7fbb66c61 pdnsd-1.2.4-r3.ebuild 4076
RMD160 65ea81a4cd2b14e67c86951c28a88513725e0fa2 pdnsd-1.2.4-r3.ebuild 4076
SHA256 7d8f75b5ce36098c3a3e4c9e4fff2bb62aceabb5848a8a579ebe66930c7ac7c7 pdnsd-1.2.4-r3.ebuild 4076
-EBUILD pdnsd-1.2.4.ebuild 3889 RMD160 bcbf1f62b83639d17ff29d23e32692f98e16d29b SHA1 8154196537a0a2fef450649076b01e0d3c186c01 SHA256 2ba3fa5ac5fb617132025fa529b818c75dd360ee174ec72758ff35923e7e3dce
-MD5 0bd9240a8e73728857da354bc687531e pdnsd-1.2.4.ebuild 3889
-RMD160 bcbf1f62b83639d17ff29d23e32692f98e16d29b pdnsd-1.2.4.ebuild 3889
-SHA256 2ba3fa5ac5fb617132025fa529b818c75dd360ee174ec72758ff35923e7e3dce pdnsd-1.2.4.ebuild 3889
-EBUILD pdnsd-1.2.5.ebuild 4005 RMD160 9431e7d729f653eb1f3f21be2098c560c323d88d SHA1 78cb2b8f9c482cfe0f46205292aabd30a11682b3 SHA256 b284a8c84f9c4a19de160b10494164bfc248c2193f748cabb311adad81f7ba70
-MD5 68ca792f546913158adf9260f67addde pdnsd-1.2.5.ebuild 4005
-RMD160 9431e7d729f653eb1f3f21be2098c560c323d88d pdnsd-1.2.5.ebuild 4005
-SHA256 b284a8c84f9c4a19de160b10494164bfc248c2193f748cabb311adad81f7ba70 pdnsd-1.2.5.ebuild 4005
-MISC ChangeLog 9715 RMD160 1ea8aae9b5d3a2a3ec9c77afc48df41d9babed04 SHA1 38f8df26ab011165863c26119f70ad5a857a1a8f SHA256 f1aa475ad31804f5a78154852cafe3a3f8d5563bc2e81cb7b19055e139ac58f8
-MD5 d0299f4b48fb6c2b3271bf722d3614ed ChangeLog 9715
-RMD160 1ea8aae9b5d3a2a3ec9c77afc48df41d9babed04 ChangeLog 9715
-SHA256 f1aa475ad31804f5a78154852cafe3a3f8d5563bc2e81cb7b19055e139ac58f8 ChangeLog 9715
+EBUILD pdnsd-1.2.5.ebuild 4004 RMD160 7968a2ef9cd496c371274f13c9c2a05b0a5f9f20 SHA1 ffedf316c7ab4468af986d3f6189c184ac34e2e7 SHA256 81171b59448e83adc791be8c8a605f3a889eb6f1026028fb95b958e20ff49e77
+MD5 10ae477016331ecc35a44301164cfde5 pdnsd-1.2.5.ebuild 4004
+RMD160 7968a2ef9cd496c371274f13c9c2a05b0a5f9f20 pdnsd-1.2.5.ebuild 4004
+SHA256 81171b59448e83adc791be8c8a605f3a889eb6f1026028fb95b958e20ff49e77 pdnsd-1.2.5.ebuild 4004
+MISC ChangeLog 9843 RMD160 ba540d9b2453fa29479fbb95889e7d8b2dd732bc SHA1 301bd908c45faeeb7b3b5e925a442a8d81a8a2a2 SHA256 adc947d69cff54f3a10b85c50501950285cb2931d070aade109caef5be60ddf5
+MD5 5a2171d183ad1d9c1790d495cda87178 ChangeLog 9843
+RMD160 ba540d9b2453fa29479fbb95889e7d8b2dd732bc ChangeLog 9843
+SHA256 adc947d69cff54f3a10b85c50501950285cb2931d070aade109caef5be60ddf5 ChangeLog 9843
MISC metadata.xml 402 RMD160 2dbd46b28843db4e7c216ec2d38354fe544d3d4b SHA1 8e51bef82c01c04db3c4a130b8bf726195c3acb9 SHA256 d5dba4f72c2ee03f15efe1a6954b8e81dc4d2e2842611cf5db90b9c241433ac6
MD5 03c559c81ebc357c5f906e8247f1b79b metadata.xml 402
RMD160 2dbd46b28843db4e7c216ec2d38354fe544d3d4b metadata.xml 402
SHA256 d5dba4f72c2ee03f15efe1a6954b8e81dc4d2e2842611cf5db90b9c241433ac6 metadata.xml 402
-MD5 0206348621925721875c0a8e013a80fd files/digest-pdnsd-1.2.4 247
-RMD160 ae7499c8e9585c07bd01061cc11e9863e01cd248 files/digest-pdnsd-1.2.4 247
-SHA256 e7ac61d711062ec862f2bccce3bf7ec943887cfecaf35c1b7e390bf30e4a099d files/digest-pdnsd-1.2.4 247
MD5 0206348621925721875c0a8e013a80fd files/digest-pdnsd-1.2.4-r1 247
RMD160 ae7499c8e9585c07bd01061cc11e9863e01cd248 files/digest-pdnsd-1.2.4-r1 247
SHA256 e7ac61d711062ec862f2bccce3bf7ec943887cfecaf35c1b7e390bf30e4a099d files/digest-pdnsd-1.2.4-r1 247
@@ -62,7 +55,7 @@ SHA256 cadd2f658fe98f1e8a7194a51fec307aff7d8412d0d6feb03c550228f5bc053f files/di
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/net-dns/pdnsd/files/digest-pdnsd-1.2.4 b/net-dns/pdnsd/files/digest-pdnsd-1.2.4
deleted file mode 100644
index a46253777836..000000000000
--- a/net-dns/pdnsd/files/digest-pdnsd-1.2.4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 aafb9d65d713b4bc2c6c4ba822e0bd3c pdnsd-1.2.4-par.tar.gz 537362
-RMD160 19cbb5d03eacdd8153ac3b9675cdbe07b1edfbd4 pdnsd-1.2.4-par.tar.gz 537362
-SHA256 b9172094feee0ebe6b2aec3c1358419cc928469e16c96718d7d0fc639fc17e55 pdnsd-1.2.4-par.tar.gz 537362
diff --git a/net-dns/pdnsd/pdnsd-1.2.4.ebuild b/net-dns/pdnsd/pdnsd-1.2.4.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 356bb07f49e5..000000000000
--- a/net-dns/pdnsd/pdnsd-1.2.4.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dns/pdnsd/pdnsd-1.2.4.ebuild,v 1.8 2006/04/26 19:16:22 tcort Exp $
-inherit eutils
-DESCRIPTION="Proxy DNS server with permanent caching"
-LICENSE="|| ( BSD GPL-2 )"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm ppc s390 sparc x86"
-IUSE="ipv6 debug isdn nptl"
-pkg_setup() {
- enewgroup pdnsd
- enewuser pdnsd -1 -1 /var/lib/pdnsd pdnsd
-src_compile() {
- local myconf=""
- if use debug; then
- myconf="${myconf} --with-debug=3"
- fi
- use nptl && myconf="${myconf} --with-thread-lib=NPTL"
- [ -c /dev/urandom ] && myconf="${myconf} --with-random-device=/dev/urandom"
- econf \
- --sysconfdir=/etc/pdnsd \
- --with-cachedir=/var/cache/pdnsd \
- --infodir=/usr/share/info --mandir=/usr/share/man \
- --with-default-id=pdnsd \
- `use_enable ipv6` `use_enable isdn` \
- ${myconf} \
- || die "bad configure"
- emake all || die "compile problem"
-pkg_preinst() {
- # Duplicated so that binary packages work
- enewgroup pdnsd
- enewuser pdnsd -1 -1 /var/lib/pdnsd pdnsd
-src_test() {
- if [ -x /usr/bin/dig ]; then
- mkdir "${T}/pdnsd"
- echo -n -e "pd12\0\0\0\0" > "${T}/pdnsd/pdnsd.cache"
- IPS=$(grep ^nameserver "${ROOT}/etc/resolv.conf" | sed -e 's/nameserver \(.*\)/\tip=\1;/g' | xargs)
- sed -e "s/\tip=/${IPS}/" -e "s:cache_dir=:cache_dir=${T}/pdnsd:" "${FILESDIR}/pdnsd.conf.test" \
- > "${T}/pdnsd.conf.test"
- src/pdnsd -c "${T}/pdnsd.conf.test" -g -s -d -p "${T}/pid" || die "couldn't start daemon"
- sleep 3
- find "${T}" -ls
- [ -s "${T}/pid" ] || die "empty or no pid file created"
- [ -S "${T}/pdnsd/pdnsd.status" ] || die "no socket created"
- src/pdnsd-ctl/pdnsd-ctl -c "${T}/pdnsd" server all up || die "failed to start the daemon"
- src/pdnsd-ctl/pdnsd-ctl -c "${T}/pdnsd" status || die "failed to communicate with the daemon"
- sleep 3
- dig @ -p 33455 | fgrep "status: NOERROR" || die " lookup failed"
- kill $(<"${T}/pid") || die "failed to terminate daemon"
- fi
-src_install() {
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die
- # Copy cache from prev older versions
- [ -f "${ROOT}/var/lib/pdnsd/pdnsd.cache" ] && \
- cp "${ROOT}/var/lib/pdnsd/pdnsd.cache" "${D}/var/cache/pdnsd/pdnsd.cache"
- # Don't clobber existing cache - copy prev cache so unmerging prev version
- # doesn't remove the cache.
- [ -f "${ROOT}/var/cache/pdnsd/pdnsd.cache" ] && \
- rm "${D}/var/cache/pdnsd/pdnsd.cache"
- docinto contrib ; dodoc contrib/{README,dhcp2pdnsd,}
- docinto html ; dohtml doc/html/*
- docinto txt ; dodoc doc/txt/*
- newdoc doc/pdnsd.conf pdnsd.conf.sample
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}/pdnsd.rc6" pdnsd
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}/" pdnsd-online
- keepdir /etc/conf.d
- local config="${D}/etc/conf.d/pdnsd-online"
- echo -e "# Enter the interface that connects you to the dns servers" >> "${config}"
- echo "# This will correspond to /etc/init.d/net.${IFACE}" >> "${config}"
- echo -e "\n# IMPORTANT: Be sure to run after modifiying IFACE" >> "${config}"
- echo "IFACE=ppp0" >> "${config}"
- config="${D}/etc/conf.d/pdnsd"
- "${D}/usr/sbin/pdnsd" --help | sed "s/^/# /g" > "${config}"
- echo "# Command line options" >> "${config}"
- use ipv6 && echo PDNSDCONFIG="-a" >> "${config}" \
- || echo PDNSDCONFIG="" >> "${config}"
-pkg_postinst() {
- einfo
- einfo "Add pdnsd to your default runlevel - rc-update add pdnsd default"
- einfo ""
- einfo "Add pdnsd-online to your online runlevel."
- einfo "The online interface will be listed in /etc/conf.d/pdnsd-online"
- einfo ""
- einfo "Sample config file in /etc/pdnsd/pdnsd.conf.sample"