diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sci-geosciences/mapnik/files/mapnik-0.6.1-libagg.patch')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/sci-geosciences/mapnik/files/mapnik-0.6.1-libagg.patch b/sci-geosciences/mapnik/files/mapnik-0.6.1-libagg.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e99a7598040d..000000000000
--- a/sci-geosciences/mapnik/files/mapnik-0.6.1-libagg.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
---- SConstruct.orig 2009-11-11 16:28:33.738781120 -0800
-+++ SConstruct 2009-11-11 16:43:40.272245603 -0800
-@@ -152,10 +152,12 @@
- PathVariable('TIFF_LIBS', 'Search path for libtiff library files', '/usr/' + LIBDIR_SCHEMA, PathVariable.PathAccept),
- PathVariable('PROJ_INCLUDES', 'Search path for PROJ.4 include files', '/usr/include', PathVariable.PathAccept),
- PathVariable('PROJ_LIBS', 'Search path for PROJ.4 library files', '/usr/' + LIBDIR_SCHEMA, PathVariable.PathAccept),
-+ PathVariable('AGG_INCLUDES', 'Search path for AGG include files', '/usr/include/agg2', PathVariable.PathAccept),
-+ PathVariable('AGG_LIBS', 'Search path for AGG library files', '/usr/' + LIBDIR_SCHEMA, PathVariable.PathAccept),
- ('PKG_CONFIG_PATH', 'Use this path to point pkg-config to .pc files instead of the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment setting',''),
- # Variables affecting rendering back-ends
-- BoolVariable('INTERNAL_LIBAGG', 'Use provided libagg', 'True'),
-+ BoolVariable('INTERNAL_LIBAGG', 'Use provided libagg', 'False'),
- # Variables for optional dependencies
- # Note: cairo, cairomm, and pycairo all optional but configured automatically through pkg-config
-@@ -657,6 +659,7 @@
- ['proj', 'proj_api.h', True,'C'],
- ['icuuc','unicode/unistr.h',True,'C++'],
- ['icudata','unicode/utypes.h' , True,'C++'],
-+ ['agg','agg2/agg_config.h' , True,'C++'],
- ]
---- src/SConscript.orig 2009-11-11 16:57:07.660782538 -0800
-+++ src/SConscript 2009-11-11 17:00:50.337532240 -0800
-@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
- filesystem = 'boost_filesystem%s' % env['BOOST_APPEND']
- regex = 'boost_regex%s' % env['BOOST_APPEND']
--libraries = ['freetype','ltdl','png','tiff','z','jpeg','proj','icuuc',filesystem,regex]
-+libraries = ['freetype','ltdl','png','tiff','z','jpeg','proj','icuuc','agg',filesystem,regex]
- if '-DHAVE_CAIRO' in env['CXXFLAGS']:
- # add cairo and cairomm-1.0 to libs
-@@ -53,9 +53,6 @@
- libraries.append('boost_system%s' % env['BOOST_APPEND'])
--if env['INTERNAL_LIBAGG']:
-- libraries.insert(0, 'agg')
- if env['PLATFORM'] == 'Darwin':
- if env['FULL_LIB_PATH']:
- lib_path = '%s/libmapnik.dylib' % lib_dir