diff options
authorLuca Barbato <>2006-07-22 01:53:42 +0000
committerLuca Barbato <>2006-07-22 01:53:42 +0000
commit33920adb4bffc0dab8cd41470b2cf1b0f07438d5 (patch)
parentsystem headers with a spu workaround (diff)
cell, ppu, spu target support
svn path=/; revision=20
4 files changed, 628 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sys-devel/crossdev/Manifest b/sys-devel/crossdev/Manifest
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd887d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/crossdev/Manifest
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+AUX crossdev 17204 RMD160 004726569cbd753481a9de4f5a066f30c9bddac3 SHA1 6ddbb5f67046fdb6e86f67b22eadc2ab5916a4e4 SHA256 3a515625c3c5eed50bd012f71910782f0eca75bdf7a484c641790e6316eab47e
+MD5 a066224129da559e78ab26690c76653e files/crossdev 17204
+RMD160 004726569cbd753481a9de4f5a066f30c9bddac3 files/crossdev 17204
+SHA256 3a515625c3c5eed50bd012f71910782f0eca75bdf7a484c641790e6316eab47e files/crossdev 17204
+EBUILD crossdev-0.9.15-r2.ebuild 593 RMD160 0a675e4b467678387366bcfb3c41211b826ce3ba SHA1 c08169baee6c7346251a369f853c88385dd7ffd8 SHA256 4dfb38b0a842791d696cd64ff397e9225746bf1c977d519aa12a8d1c3b901c8e
+MD5 66124941ea71be0dd8eeeab241ea32fa crossdev-0.9.15-r2.ebuild 593
+RMD160 0a675e4b467678387366bcfb3c41211b826ce3ba crossdev-0.9.15-r2.ebuild 593
+SHA256 4dfb38b0a842791d696cd64ff397e9225746bf1c977d519aa12a8d1c3b901c8e crossdev-0.9.15-r2.ebuild 593
+MD5 68b329da9893e34099c7d8ad5cb9c940 files/digest-crossdev-0.9.15-r2 1
+RMD160 c0da025038ed83c687ddc430da9846ecb97f3998 files/digest-crossdev-0.9.15-r2 1
+SHA256 01ba4719c80b6fe911b091a7c05124b64eeece964e09c058ef8f9805daca546b files/digest-crossdev-0.9.15-r2 1
diff --git a/sys-devel/crossdev/crossdev-0.9.15-r2.ebuild b/sys-devel/crossdev/crossdev-0.9.15-r2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e6e1c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/crossdev/crossdev-0.9.15-r2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-devel/crossdev/crossdev-0.9.15-r1.ebuild,v 1.3 2006/06/25 01:28:25 vapier Exp $
+DESCRIPTION="Gentoo Cross-toolchain generator"
+KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm hppa ia64 m68k mips ppc ppc64 s390 sh sparc x86 ~x86-fbsd"
+ app-shells/bash"
+src_install() {
+ dosbin "${FILESDIR}"/crossdev || die
+ dosed "s:GENTOO_PV:${PV}:" /usr/sbin/crossdev
diff --git a/sys-devel/crossdev/files/crossdev b/sys-devel/crossdev/files/crossdev
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..15e28a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/crossdev/files/crossdev
@@ -0,0 +1,596 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-devel/crossdev/files/crossdev,v 1.68 2006/06/27 08:08:10 vapier Exp $
+cd /
+if [[ ${ROOT:-/} != "/" ]] ; then
+ echo "Sorry, but crossdev does not support ROOT."
+ exit 2
+source /sbin/ || exit 1
+esyslog() { :; }
+die() {
+ echo
+ eerror $*
+ eerror If you file a bug, please attach the following logfiles:
+ eerror ${PORT_LOGDIR}/cross-${CTARGET}-info.log
+ eerror ${logfile}
+ exit 1
+usage() {
+ local exit_status=${1:-0}
+ shift
+cat << EOF
+Usage: ${HILITE}crossdev${NORMAL} ${GOOD}[options]${NORMAL} ${BRACKET}--target TARGET${NORMAL}
+ ${GOOD}--b, --binutils${NORMAL} ver Specify version of binutils to use
+ ${GOOD}--g, --gcc${NORMAL} ver Specify version of gcc to use
+ ${GOOD}--k, --kernel${NORMAL} ver Specify version of kernel headers to use
+ ${GOOD}--l, --libc${NORMAL} ver Specify version of libc to use
+ ${GOOD}-C, --clean${NORMAL} target Uninstall specified target
+ ${GOOD}-b, -d, -p, -v, -q${NORMAL} Options to pass to emerge (see emerge(1))
+Stage Options:
+ ${GOOD}-s0, --stage0${NORMAL} Build just binutils
+ ${GOOD}-s1, --stage1${NORMAL} Also build a C compiler (no libc/C++)
+ ${GOOD}-s2, --stage2${NORMAL} Also build kernel headers
+ ${GOOD}-s3, --stage3${NORMAL} Also build the C library (no C++)
+ ${GOOD}-s4, --stage4${NORMAL} Also build a C++ compiler [default]
+Extra Fun (must be run after above stages):
+ ${GOOD}--ex-only${NORMAL} Skip the stage steps above
+ ${GOOD}--ex-gcc${NORMAL} Build extra gcc targets (gcj/ada/etc...)
+ ${GOOD}--ex-gdb${NORMAL} Build a cross gdb
+${BRACKET}Target (-t)${NORMAL}: takes the form: ${BRACKET}ARCH-VENDOR-OS-LIBC${NORMAL}
+ Run 'crossdev -t help' for examples
+ [[ -n $* ]] && echo && eerror "Error: $*"
+ exit ${exit_status}
+STAGE_DISP=( "binutils" "C compiler only" "kernel headers" "C compiler & libc" "C/C++ compiler" )
+parse_target() {
+ [[ -z $1 ]] && usage 1
+ CTARGET=${1#cross-}
+ local CPRE=${CTARGET%%-*} CPOST=${CTARGET#*-}
+ # Did they give us just an ARCH or the full TARGET ?
+ if [[ ${CTARGET/-} == ${CTARGET} || -z ${CPOST} ]] ; then
+ case ${CPRE} in
+ cris*) CPOST="axis-linux-gnu";;
+ x86|i?86*|amd64|x86_64*) CPOST="pc-linux-gnu";;
+ s390*) CPOST="ibm-linux-gnu";;
+ bfin*|nios2*|spu*) CPOST="elf";;
+ *) CPOST="unknown-linux-gnu";;
+ esac
+ fi
+ # Let's accept ARCH in both the portage and the standard forms ...
+ # CTARGET is in the standard form while TARCH is in the portage form
+ case ${CPRE} in
+ #####################
+ ### linux targets ###
+ alpha*) TARCH=alpha;;
+ arm*) TARCH=arm;;
+ hppa*) TARCH=hppa;;
+ parisc) TARCH=hppa; CPRE="hppa";;
+ ia64*) TARCH=ia64 WITH_DEF_HEADERS="yes";;
+ i?86*) TARCH=x86;;
+ x86) TARCH=x86; CPRE="i386";;
+ m68*) TARCH=m68k;;
+ mips*) TARCH=mips ; KPKG="mips-headers";;
+ powerpc64*) TARCH=ppc64;;
+ ppc64) TARCH=ppc64; CPRE="powerpc64";;
+ powerpc*) TARCH=ppc;;
+ ppc) TARCH=ppc; CPRE="powerpc";;
+ sparc*) TARCH=sparc;;
+ s390*) TARCH=s390;;
+ sh*) TARCH=sh;;
+ x86_64*) TARCH=amd64;;
+ amd64) TARCH=amd64; CPRE="x86_64";;
+ #####################
+ ### other targets ###
+ avr*) TARCH=${HARCH}; CPOST="";
+ KPKG="[none]"; STAGE=${STAGE_LIBC};
+ LCAT="dev-embedded"; LPKG="avr-libc";
+ GVER="3.4.6"; BVER="2.16.1-r2";
+ bfin*)
+ BPKG="binutils-bfin";
+ GPKG="gcc-bfin";
+ LPKG="uclibc";;
+ cris*)
+ LPKG="uclibc";;
+ msp430)
+ nios2*)
+ BPKG="binutils-nios2";
+ GPKG="gcc-nios2";
+ LPKG="uclibc";;
+ spu*)
+ TARCH=ppc64
+ GPKG="gcc-cell";
+ LPKG="newlib";;
+ ppu*) CPRE=powerpc64 #till ppu isn't supported by binutils...
+ TARCH=ppc64
+ GPKG="gcc-cell";;
+ vax*) TARCH=${HARCH};
+ LPKG="uclibc";;
+ ps2*) einfo "The ps2 target is really an alias for the ee/iop/dvp targets"
+ ${CROSSDEV} -t ee || exit 1
+ ${CROSSDEV} -t iop || exit 1
+ ${CROSSDEV} -t dvp || exit 1
+ exit 0;;
+ ee*) TARCH=${HARCH}; CPOST="";
+ KPKG="[none]"
+ GVER="3.2.2"; BVER="2.14";
+ iop*) TARCH=${HARCH}; CPOST="";
+ GVER="3.2.2"; BVER="2.14";
+ dvp*) TARCH=${HARCH}; CPOST="";
+ GVER="3.2.2"; BVER="2.14";
+ cell*) einfo "The cell target is really an alias for the spu/ppu targets"
+ ${CROSSDEV} -t ppu || exit 1
+ ${CROSSDEV} -t spu-elf || exit 1
+ exit 0;;
+ ############
+ ### help ###
+ help)
+ cat <<-EOF
+ Supported Architectures:
+ - alpha - arm / armeb
+ - hppa (parisc) - ia64
+ - i386 / i486 / i586 / i686 (x86) - m68k
+ - mips / mipsel / mips64 / mips64el
+ - powerpc (ppc) / powerpc64 (ppc64)
+ - sparc / sparc64 - s390 / s390x
+ - sh / sh[1-5] / sh64 - x86_64 (amd64)
+ Supported C Libraries:
+ - gnu (glibc)
+ - klibc [prob wont work]
+ - uclibc [not all arches are ported]
+ Special Targets:
+ - avr
+ - bfin
+ - msp430
+ - nios2
+ - ee / iop / dvp (ps2) [Playstation 2 targets]
+ Softfloat toolchains:
+ Set the 'vendor' field to 'softfloat'
+ e.g. armeb-softfloat-linux-uclibc
+ powerpc-softfloat-linux-gnu
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ #######################
+ ### unknown targets ###
+ *) usage 1 "Unknown target '$1'; bug to add it" ;;
+ esac
+ [[ -n ${CPOST} ]] && CTARGET=${CTARGET}-${CPOST}
+ # Tweak packages based upon CTARGET
+ case ${CTARGET} in
+ # Normal Linux host, just diff libc
+ *-dietlibc) LPKG="dietlibc";;
+ *-klibc) LPKG="klibc";;
+ *-uclibc) LPKG="uclibc";;
+ *-gnu*) LPKG="glibc";;
+ # Now for the BSDs ...
+ *-freebsd*)
+ TARCH="${TARCH}-fbsd"
+ LCAT="sys-freebsd" LPKG="freebsd-lib"
+ KPKG="[none]"
+ ;;
+ esac
+setup_portage_vars() {
+ PORTDIR=$(portageq envvar PORTDIR)
+ PORT_LOGDIR=$(portageq envvar PORT_LOGDIR)
+ PORT_LOGDIR=${PORT_LOGDIR:-/var/log/portage}
+ export PKGDIR=$(portageq envvar PKGDIR)/cross/${CTARGET}
+ export PORTAGE_TMPDIR=$(portageq envvar PORTAGE_TMPDIR)/cross/${CTARGET}
+ [[ ! -d ${PORT_LOGDIR} ]] && mkdir -p ${PORT_LOGDIR}
+ [[ ! -d ${PORTAGE_TMPDIR} ]] && mkdir -p ${PORTAGE_TMPDIR}
+uninstall() {
+ setup_portage_vars
+ ewarn "Uninstalling target '${CTARGET}' ..."
+ [[ -d ${PORTDIR_OVERLAY}/cross-${CTARGET} ]] \
+ && rm -r ${PORTDIR_OVERLAY}/cross-${CTARGET}
+ for f in package.{mask,keywords,use} categories ; do
+ f="/etc/portage/${f}"
+ [[ ! -e ${f} ]] && continue
+ sed -i -e "/cross-${CTARGET}\//d" "${f}"
+ done
+ if [[ ! -d /var/db/pkg/cross-${CTARGET} ]] ; then
+ eerror "${CTARGET} is not installed."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ export CLEAN_DELAY=0
+ cd /var/db/pkg
+ for p in cross-${CTARGET}/* ; do
+ emerge -C =${p} || exit 1
+ done
+ for b in addr2line ar as c++filt ld nm objcopy objdump ranlib readelf size strings strip ; do
+ rm -f /usr/bin/${CTARGET}-${b} /usr/${CTARGET}/bin/${b}
+ done
+ rm -f /usr/${CTARGET}/{sys-include,usr}
+ rm -f /usr/bin/${CTARGET}-{gcc,{c,g}++}
+ rmdir /usr/${CTARGET}/{include/asm,include} &> /dev/null
+ for d in /usr/${CTARGET} /usr/lib/gcc{,-lib}/${CTARGET} ; do
+ if [[ ! -d ${d} ]] ; then
+ rm -f "${d}" &> /dev/null
+ else
+ rmdir "${d}" &> /dev/null && continue
+ rm -ri "${d}"
+ fi
+ done
+ rm -f /etc/env.d/{binutils,gcc}/config-${CTARGET}
+ rmdir /var/db/pkg/cross-${CTARGET}
+ exit 0
+set_withval() {
+ local withval varname
+ varname=${*#--with-}
+ varname=${varname#--without-}
+ varname=${varname%%=*}
+ if [[ $* == *=* ]] ; then
+ withval=${*#*=}
+ else
+ [[ $* == --with-* ]] && withval="yes" || withval="no"
+ fi
+ echo WITH_`echo ${varname} | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'`=\"${withval}\"
+is_stage() { [[ ${STAGE} -ge $1 ]] ; }
+is_s0() { is_stage 0 ; }
+is_s1() { is_stage 1 ; }
+is_s2() { is_stage 2 ; }
+is_s3() { is_stage 3 ; }
+is_s4() { is_stage 4 ; }
+is_s5() { is_stage 5 ; }
+with_headers() { [[ ${WITH_HEADERS} == "yes" ]] ; }
+ex_fast() { [[ ${EX_FAST} == "yes" ]] ; }
+ex_gcc() { [[ ${EX_GCC} == "yes" ]] ; }
+ex_gdb() { [[ ${EX_GDB} == "yes" ]] ; }
+hr() {
+ local c=${COLUMNS:-0}
+ if [[ ${c} -eq 0 ]] ; then
+ c=$(stty size 2> /dev/null)
+ [[ -z ${c} ]] \
+ && c=50 \
+ || c=${c##* }
+ fi
+ local ext=${1:- _ - ~ -} br=""
+ while [[ ${#br} -lt ${c} ]] ; do
+ br=${br}${ext}
+ done
+ echo "${br:0:${c}}"
+### setup vars ###
+HARCH=$(unset ARCH ; portageq envvar ARCH)
+BCAT="sys-devel" ; BPKG="binutils" ; BVER="[latest]" ; BUSE=""
+GCAT="sys-devel" ; GPKG="gcc" ; GVER="[latest]" ; GUSE=""
+KCAT="sys-kernel" ; KPKG="linux-headers" ; KVER="[latest]" ; KUSE=""
+LCAT="sys-libs" ; LPKG="" ; LVER="[latest]" ; LUSE=""
+GUSE_DISABLE="-boundschecking -fortran -gtk -gcj -mudflap -objc -objc++ -objc-gc"
+while [[ $# -gt 0 ]] ; do
+ case $1 in
+ -V|--version) echo "crossdev-GENTOO_PV"; exit 0;;
+ -t|--target) shift; parse_target $1;;
+ --b|--binutils) shift; BVER=$1;;
+ --g|--gcc) shift; GVER=$1;;
+ --k|--kernel) shift; KVER=$1;;
+ --l|--libc) shift; LVER=$1;;
+ -C|--clean) shift; parse_target $1; uninstall;;
+ -s?|--stage?) [[ ${STAGE} == "COW" ]] && STAGE=${1:0-1};;
+ --ex-only) EX_FAST="yes";;
+ --ex-gcc) EX_GCC="yes";;
+ --ex-gdb) EX_GDB="yes";;
+ --with-*) eval $(set_withval $1);;
+ --without-*) eval $(set_withval $1);;
+ -x) SET_X="yes";;
+ -b|-d|-p|-v|-q) UOPTS="${UOPTS} $1";;
+ -pv|-vp) UOPTS="${UOPTS} -p -v";;
+ -h|--help) usage;;
+ -*) eerror "UNKNOWN OPTION: '$1'" ; usage 1;;
+ *) parse_target $1;;
+ esac
+ shift
+[[ ${SET_X} == "yes" ]] && set -x
+[[ -z ${CTARGET} ]] && usage 1
+[[ ${STAGE} == "COW" ]] && STAGE=${STAGE_C_CPP}
+for with in HEADERS ; do
+ var=WITH_${with} defvar=WITH_DEF_${with}
+ [[ ${!var} == "COW" ]] && eval ${var}=${!defvar}
+### sanity checks ###
+if ! binutils-config --version &> /dev/null ; then
+ eerror "Sorry, but your host system needs to have binutils-config"
+ eerror "in order to keep from screwing things up."
+ eerror "That means you must be running unstable versions of"
+ eerror "both binutils and binutils-config."
+ exit 1
+if ! egrep -qs 'inherit.*toolchain( |$)' /var/db/pkg/sys-devel/gcc-*/*.ebuild ; then
+ eerror "Sorry, but your host system needs to have"
+ eerror "an unstable version of gcc in order to"
+ eerror "keep from screwing things up."
+ exit 1
+if [[ -z ${PORTDIR_OVERLAY} ]] ; then
+ eerror "You need to set PORTDIR_OVERLAY in your make.conf."
+ eerror "A standard setting is /usr/local/portage"
+ exit 1
+if [[ $(unset CHOST ; portageq envvar CHOST) == ${CTARGET} ]] ; then
+ eerror "Refusing to create a cross-compiler using the same"
+ eerror "target name as your host utils."
+ exit 1
+# grab user settings
+ if [[ -e /etc/portage/crossdev/${CTARGET}/${v} ]] ; then
+ # yes, quotes are needed in this instance (export $var="...")
+ export ${v}="$(</etc/portage/crossdev/${CTARGET}/${v})"
+ einfo "Restoring user setting '${v}' to '${!v}'"
+ fi
+ if [[ -e /etc/portage/crossdev/${CTARGET}/env ]] ; then
+ einfo "Restoring generic user env settings"
+ source /etc/portage/crossdev/${CTARGET}/env
+ fi
+### do the emerge ###
+hr -
+einfo "Host Portage ARCH: ${HARCH}"
+einfo "Target Portage ARCH: ${TARCH}"
+einfo "Target System: ${CTARGET}"
+einfo "Stage: ${STAGE} (${STAGE_DISP[${STAGE}]})"
+ex_fast || {
+is_s0 && {
+einfo "binutils: ${BPKG}-${BVER}"
+is_s1 && {
+einfo "gcc: ${GPKG}-${GVER}"
+is_s2 && {
+[[ ${KPKG} != "[none]" ]] && \
+einfo "headers: ${KPKG}-${KVER}"
+is_s3 && {
+einfo "libc: ${LPKG}-${LVER}"
+ex_gcc && {
+einfo "Extra: gcc pass: DO IT"
+ex_gdb && {
+einfo "Extra: gdb: DO IT"
+einfo "PKGDIR: ${PKGDIR}"
+) >& ${PORT_LOGDIR}/cross-${CTARGET}-info.log || exit 1
+cat ${PORT_LOGDIR}/cross-${CTARGET}-info.log
+emerge --info >> ${PORT_LOGDIR}/cross-${CTARGET}-info.log
+### Fix up portage files / paths ###
+set_keywords() {
+ local pkg=$1 ver=$2
+ [[ -z ${pkg} ]] && return 0
+ sed -i -e "/^cross-${CTARGET}\/${pkg} /d" package.keywords
+ if [[ ${ver} == "[latest]" ]] || [[ -z ${ver} ]] ; then
+ echo "cross-${CTARGET}/${pkg} $TARCH ~$TARCH" >> package.keywords
+ else
+ sed -i -e "/cross-${CTARGET}\/${pkg}/d" package.mask
+ echo ">cross-${CTARGET}/${pkg}-${ver}" >> package.mask
+ echo "cross-${CTARGET}/${pkg} * ~* -*" >> package.keywords
+ fi
+set_use() {
+ local pkg=$1
+ shift
+ local use=$@
+ [[ -z ${use} ]] && return 0
+ sed -i -e "/cross-${CTARGET}\/${pkg}/d" package.use
+ echo "cross-${CTARGET}/${pkg} ${use}" >> package.use
+set_links() {
+ local cat=$1 pkg=$2
+ local s srcdir=${PORTDIR}
+ rm -f "${PORTDIR_OVERLAY}"/cross-${CTARGET}/${pkg}
+ for s in ${PORTDIR_OVERLAYS} ; do
+ if [[ -d ${s}/${cat}/${pkg} ]] ; then
+ einfo "Using ${cat}/${pkg} from ${s} instead of ${PORTDIR}"
+ srcdir=${s}
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ ln -s "${srcdir}"/${cat}/${pkg} "${PORTDIR_OVERLAY}"/cross-${CTARGET}/${pkg}
+set_portage() {
+ local cat=$1 pkg=$2 ver=$3
+ shift ; shift ; shift
+ local use=$@
+ [[ ${pkg} == "[none]" ]] && return 0
+ set_keywords ${pkg} ${ver}
+ set_use ${pkg} ${use}
+ set_links ${cat} ${pkg}
+mkdir -p /etc/portage
+grep -qs "^cross-${CTARGET}$" /etc/portage/categories \
+ || echo cross-${CTARGET} >> /etc/portage/categories
+mkdir -p "${PORTDIR_OVERLAY}"/cross-${CTARGET}
+cd /etc/portage
+touch package.{keywords,mask,use}
+set_portage ${BCAT} ${BPKG} ${BVER}
+set_portage ${GCAT} ${GPKG} ${GVER}
+set_portage ${KCAT} ${KPKG} ${KVER}
+set_portage ${LCAT} ${LPKG} ${LVER}
+set_portage sys-devel gdb
+emerged_with_use() {
+ local pkg=$1 use=$2
+ grep -qs ${use} /var/db/pkg/cross-${CTARGET}/${pkg}-*/USE
+set_eopts_on_pkg_status() {
+ emerged_with_use "$@" \
+doemerge() {
+ [[ $1 == "[none]" ]] && return 0
+ local logfile=${PORT_LOGDIR}/cross-${CTARGET}
+ [[ -z $2 ]] \
+ && logfile=${logfile}-$1.log \
+ || logfile=${logfile}-$2.log
+ einfo "Log: ${logfile}"
+ ebegin "Emerging cross-${2:-$1}"
+ set_use $1 ${USE}
+ if [[ ${UOPTS/-v} != ${UOPTS} ]] ; then
+ emerge cross-${CTARGET}/$1 ${EOPTS} \
+ 2>&1 | tee ${logfile}
+ else
+ emerge cross-${CTARGET}/$1 ${EOPTS} \
+ >& ${logfile}
+ fi
+ local _pipestatus=${PIPESTATUS[*]}
+ [[ "${_pipestatus// /}" -eq 0 ]] || die "$1 failed :("
+ eend 0
+# we include the '-u' so that we don't re-emerge packages
+EOPTS_DEF="${UOPTS} --nodeps --oneshot"
+# make sure multilib crap doesn't screw us over
+export ABI=${ABI:-pos} LIBDIR_pos="lib" CFLAGS_pos="" LDFLAGS_pos=""
+# only allow UCLIBC_CPU from env, not from make.conf/profile
+ex_fast || {
+ebegin "Forcing the latest versions of binutils-config/gcc-config"
+emerge {binutils,gcc}-config -qu --ignore-default-opts &> /dev/null
+eend $? || exit 1
+doemerge ${BPKG}
+is_s1 || exit 0
+if with_headers ; then
+ doemerge ${KPKG} ${KPKG}-quick
+ doemerge ${LPKG} ${LPKG}-headers
+ doemerge ${GPKG} ${GPKG}-stage1
+is_s2 || exit 0
+set_eopts_on_pkg_status ${KPKG} _E_CROSS_HEADERS_ONLY
+ doemerge ${KPKG}
+is_s3 || exit 0
+set_eopts_on_pkg_status ${LPKG} _E_CROSS_HEADERS_ONLY
+ doemerge ${LPKG}
+is_s4 || exit 0
+set_eopts_on_pkg_status ${GPKG} _E_CROSS_BOOTSTRAP
+ doemerge ${GPKG} ${GPKG}-stage2
+ex_gcc && USE="${GUSE} ${USE}" doemerge ${GPKG} ${GPKG}-extra
+ex_gdb && doemerge gdb
+exit 0
diff --git a/sys-devel/crossdev/files/digest-crossdev-0.9.15-r1 b/sys-devel/crossdev/files/digest-crossdev-0.9.15-r1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b13789
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-devel/crossdev/files/digest-crossdev-0.9.15-r1
@@ -0,0 +1 @@