diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/jetpack/modules/stats.php')
1 files changed, 34 insertions, 63 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/modules/stats.php b/plugins/jetpack/modules/stats.php
index 220b1268..bcd9deea 100644
--- a/plugins/jetpack/modules/stats.php
+++ b/plugins/jetpack/modules/stats.php
@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ function stats_admin_menu() {
- $hook = add_submenu_page( 'jetpack', __( 'Site Stats', 'jetpack' ), __( 'Site Stats', 'jetpack' ), 'view_stats', 'stats', 'stats_reports_page' );
+ $hook = add_submenu_page( 'jetpack', __( 'Site Stats', 'jetpack' ), __( 'Site Stats', 'jetpack' ), 'view_stats', 'stats', 'jetpack_admin_ui_stats_report_page_wrapper' );
add_action( "load-$hook", 'stats_reports_load' );
@@ -461,10 +461,7 @@ function stats_reports_load() {
wp_enqueue_script( 'postbox' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'underscore' );
- $rtl = is_rtl() ? '.rtl' : '';
- wp_enqueue_style( 'dops-css', plugins_url( "_inc/build/admin.dops-style$rtl.css", JETPACK__PLUGIN_FILE ), array(), JETPACK__VERSION );
- wp_enqueue_style( 'components-css', plugins_url( "_inc/build/style.min$rtl.css", JETPACK__PLUGIN_FILE ), array(), JETPACK__VERSION );
+ Jetpack_Admin_Page::load_wrapper_styles();
add_action( 'admin_print_styles', 'stats_reports_css' );
if ( isset( $_GET['nojs'] ) && $_GET['nojs'] ) {
@@ -491,14 +488,6 @@ function stats_reports_load() {
function stats_reports_css() {
<style type="text/css">
-#wpcontent {
- padding-left: 0 !important;
-.jetpack_page_stats {
- background-color: #f3f6f8;
#jp-stats-wrap {
max-width: 1040px;
margin: 0 auto;
@@ -556,6 +545,15 @@ if ( -1 == document.location.href.indexOf( 'noheader' ) ) {
+function jetpack_admin_ui_stats_report_page_wrapper() {
+ if( ! isset( $_GET['noheader'] ) && empty( $_GET['nojs'] ) && empty( $_COOKIE['stnojs'] ) ) {
+ Jetpack_Admin_Page::wrap_ui( 'stats_reports_page', array( 'is-wide' => true ) );
+ } else {
+ stats_reports_page();
+ }
* Stats Report Page.
@@ -578,57 +576,30 @@ function stats_reports_page( $main_chart_only = false ) {
$http = is_ssl() ? 'https' : 'http';
// Loading message. No JS fallback message.
-<div id="jp-plugin-container">
- <div class="jp-masthead">
- <div class="jp-masthead__inside-container">
- <div class="jp-masthead__logo-container">
- <a class="jp-masthead__logo-link" href="<?php echo esc_url( $jetpack_admin_url ); ?>">
- <svg class="jetpack-logo__masthead" xmlns="" x="0px" y="0px" height="32" viewBox="0 0 118 32"><path fill="#00BE28" d="M16,0C7.2,0,0,7.2,0,16s7.2,16,16,16s16-7.2,16-16S24.8,0,16,0z M15,19H7l8-16V19z M17,29V13h8L17,29z"></path><path d="M41.3,26.6c-0.5-0.7-0.9-1.4-1.3-2.1c2.3-1.4,3-2.5,3-4.6V8h-3V6h6v13.4C46,22.8,45,24.8,41.3,26.6z"></path><path d="M65,18.4c0,1.1,0.8,1.3,1.4,1.3c0.5,0,2-0.2,2.6-0.4v2.1c-0.9,0.3-2.5,0.5-3.7,0.5c-1.5,0-3.2-0.5-3.2-3.1V12H60v-2h2.1V7.1 H65V10h4v2h-4V18.4z"></path><path d="M71,10h3v1.3c1.1-0.8,1.9-1.3,3.3-1.3c2.5,0,4.5,1.8,4.5,5.6s-2.2,6.3-5.8,6.3c-0.9,0-1.3-0.1-2-0.3V28h-3V10z M76.5,12.3 c-0.8,0-1.6,0.4-2.5,1.2v5.9c0.6,0.1,0.9,0.2,1.8,0.2c2,0,3.2-1.3,3.2-3.9C79,13.4,78.1,12.3,76.5,12.3z"></path><path d="M93,22h-3v-1.5c-0.9,0.7-1.9,1.5-3.5,1.5c-1.5,0-3.1-1.1-3.1-3.2c0-2.9,2.5-3.4,4.2-3.7l2.4-0.3v-0.3c0-1.5-0.5-2.3-2-2.3 c-0.7,0-2.3,0.5-3.7,1.1L84,11c1.2-0.4,3-1,4.4-1c2.7,0,4.6,1.4,4.6,4.7L93,22z M90,16.4l-2.2,0.4c-0.7,0.1-1.4,0.5-1.4,1.6 c0,0.9,0.5,1.4,1.3,1.4s1.5-0.5,2.3-1V16.4z"></path><path d="M104.5,21.3c-1.1,0.4-2.2,0.6-3.5,0.6c-4.2,0-5.9-2.4-5.9-5.9c0-3.7,2.3-6,6.1-6c1.4,0,2.3,0.2,3.2,0.5V13 c-0.8-0.3-2-0.6-3.2-0.6c-1.7,0-3.2,0.9-3.2,3.6c0,2.9,1.5,3.8,3.3,3.8c0.9,0,1.9-0.2,3.2-0.7V21.3z"></path><path d="M110,15.2c0.2-0.3,0.2-0.8,3.8-5.2h3.7l-4.6,5.7l5,6.3h-3.7l-4.2-5.8V22h-3V6h3V15.2z"></path><path d="M58.5,21.3c-1.5,0.5-2.7,0.6-4.2,0.6c-3.6,0-5.8-1.8-5.8-6c0-3.1,1.9-5.9,5.5-5.9s4.9,2.5,4.9,4.9c0,0.8,0,1.5-0.1,2h-7.3 c0.1,2.5,1.5,2.8,3.6,2.8c1.1,0,2.2-0.3,3.4-0.7C58.5,19,58.5,21.3,58.5,21.3z M56,15c0-1.4-0.5-2.9-2-2.9c-1.4,0-2.3,1.3-2.4,2.9 C51.6,15,56,15,56,15z"></path></svg>
- </a>
- </div>
- <div class="jp-masthead__nav"><span class="dops-button-group"><a href="<?php echo esc_url( $jetpack_admin_url ); ?>" type="button" class="dops-button is-compact"><?php esc_html_e( 'Dashboard', 'jetpack' ); ?></a><a href="<?php echo esc_url( $jetpack_admin_url . '#/settings' ); ?>" type="button" class="dops-button is-compact"><?php esc_html_e( 'Settings', 'jetpack' ); ?></a></span></div>
+ <div id="jp-stats-wrap">
+ <div class="wrap">
+ <h2><?php esc_html_e( 'Site Stats', 'jetpack' ); ?> <?php if ( current_user_can( 'jetpack_manage_modules' ) ) : ?><a style="font-size:13px;" href="<?php echo esc_url( admin_url( 'admin.php?page=jetpack&configure=stats' ) ); ?>"><?php esc_html_e( 'Configure', 'jetpack' ); ?></a><?php endif; ?></h2>
+ </div>
+ <div id="stats-loading-wrap" class="wrap">
+ <p class="hide-if-no-js"><img width="32" height="32" alt="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Loading&hellip;', 'jetpack' ); ?>" src="<?php
+ echo esc_url(
+ /**
+ * Sets external resource URL.
+ *
+ * @module stats
+ *
+ * @since 1.4.0
+ *
+ * @param string $args URL of external resource.
+ */
+ apply_filters( 'jetpack_static_url', "{$http}://" )
+ ); ?>" /></p>
+ <p style="font-size: 11pt; margin: 0;"><a href="<?php echo esc_attr( $domain ); ?>" target="_blank"><?php esc_html_e( 'View stats on right now', 'jetpack' ); ?></a></p>
+ <p class="hide-if-js"><?php esc_html_e( 'Your Site Stats work better with JavaScript enabled.', 'jetpack' ); ?><br />
+ <a href="<?php echo esc_url( $nojs_url ); ?>"><?php esc_html_e( 'View Site Stats without JavaScript', 'jetpack' ); ?></a>.</p>
- <div id="jp-stats-wrap">
-<div class="wrap">
- <h2><?php esc_html_e( 'Site Stats', 'jetpack' ); ?> <?php if ( current_user_can( 'jetpack_manage_modules' ) ) : ?><a style="font-size:13px;" href="<?php echo esc_url( admin_url( 'admin.php?page=jetpack&configure=stats' ) ); ?>"><?php esc_html_e( 'Configure', 'jetpack' ); ?></a><?php endif; ?></h2>
-<div id="stats-loading-wrap" class="wrap">
-<p class="hide-if-no-js"><img width="32" height="32" alt="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Loading&hellip;', 'jetpack' ); ?>" src="<?php
- echo esc_url(
- /**
- * Sets external resource URL.
- *
- * @module stats
- *
- * @since 1.4.0
- *
- * @param string $args URL of external resource.
- */
- apply_filters( 'jetpack_static_url', "{$http}://" )
- ); ?>" /></p>
-<p style="font-size: 11pt; margin: 0;"><a href="<?php echo esc_attr( $domain ); ?>" target="_blank"><?php esc_html_e( 'View stats on right now', 'jetpack' ); ?></a></p>
-<p class="hide-if-js"><?php esc_html_e( 'Your Site Stats work better with JavaScript enabled.', 'jetpack' ); ?><br />
-<a href="<?php echo esc_url( $nojs_url ); ?>"><?php esc_html_e( 'View Site Stats without JavaScript', 'jetpack' ); ?></a>.</p>
-<div class="jp-footer">
- <ul class="jp-footer__links">
- <li class="jp-footer__link-item">
- <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="jp-footer__link" title="<?php esc_html_e( 'Jetpack version', 'jetpack' ); ?>">Jetpack <?php echo JETPACK__VERSION; ?></a>
- </li>
- <li class="jp-footer__link-item">
- <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" title="<?php esc_html__( ' Terms of Service', 'jetpack' ); ?>" class="jp-footer__link"><?php echo esc_html_x( 'Terms', 'Navigation item', 'jetpack' ); ?></a>
- </li>
- <li class="jp-footer__link-item">
- <a href="<?php echo esc_url( $jetpack_admin_url . '#/privacy' ); ?>" rel="noopener noreferrer" title="<?php esc_html_e( 'Automattic\'s Privacy Policy', 'jetpack' ); ?>" class="jp-footer__link"><?php echo esc_html_x( 'Privacy', 'Navigation item', 'jetpack' ); ?></a>
- </li>
- <li class="jp-footer__link-item">
- <a href="<?php echo esc_url( admin_url() . 'admin.php?page=jetpack-debugger' ); ?>" title="<?php esc_html_e( 'Test your site\'s compatibility with Jetpack.', 'jetpack' ); ?>" class="jp-footer__link"><?php echo esc_html_x( 'Debug', 'Navigation item', 'jetpack' ); ?></a>
- </li>
- </ul>
@@ -1698,7 +1669,7 @@ function stats_get_remote_csv( $url ) {
function stats_str_getcsv( $csv ) {
if ( function_exists( 'str_getcsv' ) ) {
- $lines = str_getcsv( $csv, "\n" );
+ $lines = str_getcsv( $csv, "\n" ); // phpcs:ignore PHPCompatibility.PHP.NewFunctions.str_getcsvFound
return array_map( 'str_getcsv', $lines );
if ( ! $temp = tmpfile() ) { // The tmpfile() automatically unlinks.