diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'g_common/')
1 files changed, 110 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/g_common/ b/g_common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5c1120
--- /dev/null
+++ b/g_common/
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+import getopt, sys, os, string, urllib, re
+import settings
+#__doc__="Usage: "+sys.argv[0]+" <local repository directory> <action> [<action arguments>...]"
+def list_configured_drivers():
+ return [os.listdir(settings.GLOBAL_CONF_DIR)]
+def read_driver_config(driver_name):
+#sync a local repository's PACKAGES file
+def action_sync(repo_location,remote_uri):
+ if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(repo_location, REPO_MYDIR)):
+ os.mkdir(os.path.join(repo_location,REPO_MYDIR))
+ packages_filename=os.path.join(repo_location, REPO_MYDIR, 'PACKAGES')
+ urllib.urlretrieve(remote_uri+'/src/contrib/PACKAGES',packages_filename)
+ repo_file=open(os.path.join(repo_location,REPO_MYDIR,'remote_uri'),'w')
+ repo_file.write(remote_uri)
+#list categories in this repositorie
+def list_categories(repo_location):
+ print "dev-R"
+#idem ditto
+def list_packages(repo_location):
+ packages=read_packages(os.path.join(repo_location,REPO_MYDIR,'PACKAGES'),repo_location)
+ for package in packages:
+ print 'dev-R/'+package.ebuild_vars['pn'],package.ebuild_vars['pv']
+#generate a tree of ebuilds... note that we only link ebuild files
+#metadata.xml and Manifest and whatnot is not generated
+def generate_tree(repo_location):
+ packages=read_packages(os.path.join(repo_location,REPO_MYDIR,'PACKAGES'),repo_location)
+ ebuild_file=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'cran.ebuild')
+ for package in packages:
+ ebuild_dir=os.path.join(repo_location,'dev-R',package.ebuild_vars['pn'])
+ if not os.path.exists(ebuild_dir):
+ os.makedirs(ebuild_dir)
+ os.symlink(ebuild_file,os.path.join(ebuild_dir,package.ebuild_vars['pn']+'-'+package.ebuild_vars['pv']+'.ebuild'))
+#list package details, in PMS's format
+def action_package(repo_location,package_name):
+ defined_phases=[]
+ package=find_package(repo_location,package_name[package_name.find('/')+1:])
+ #output data
+ for key,value in package.ebuild_vars.iteritems():
+ if key=='pn' or key=='pv': #readonly vars, we cannot set these in ebuilds
+ pass
+ elif isinstance(value,str): #if string
+ print key.upper()+'='+value.replace('\n','')
+ elif isinstance(value,list) and key=='license':
+ if len(value)>1:
+ print "LICENSE=|| ( "+' '.join(value)+' )'
+ else:
+ print "LICENSE="+' '.join(value)
+ elif isinstance(value,list): #list, concat items
+ print key.upper()+'='+' '.join(value).replace('\n','')
+ for pms_func in pms_phases:
+ if hasattr(phases,pms_func):
+ defined_phases.append(pms_func)
+ print 'GCOMMON_PHASES='+' '.join(defined_phases)
+def usage():
+ print __doc__
+def main():
+ arguments=sys.argv[1:]
+ #print options, arguments
+ if len(arguments)<2: #we need at least a local repository location and an action
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ action=arguments[1]
+ repo_location=os.path.abspath(arguments[0])
+ if action=='sync':
+ if len(arguments)<3:
+ print "The 'sync' action takes the following parameters:"
+ print " * remote_repository_uri"
+ sys.exit(1)
+ remote_repo=arguments[2]
+ action_sync(repo_location,remote_repo)
+ elif action=='list-categories':
+ list_categories(repo_location)
+ elif action=='list-packages':
+ list_packages(repo_location)
+ elif action=='generate-tree':
+ generate_tree(repo_location)
+ elif action=='package':
+ if len(arguments)<3:
+ print "The 'package' action takes the following parameters:"
+ print " * category/package_name"
+ print " * [version]"
+ sys.exit(1)
+ package_name=arguments[2]
+ action_package(repo_location,package_name)
+ elif action=='usage':
+ usage()
+ elif action in pms_phases and hasattr(phases,action):
+ getattr(phases,action)(os.environ,repo_location)
+ elif action in actions_wanted:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ else:
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(0)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()