diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'python/gentoo_www/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 205 deletions
diff --git a/python/gentoo_www/ b/python/gentoo_www/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9984309..0000000
--- a/python/gentoo_www/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1998-2015 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-from django.shortcuts import render, get_object_or_404, HttpResponseRedirect
-from django.conf import settings
-from gentoo_www.models import SiteSettings, Layout, Pages, SubPages, Sponsors, Posts
-import feedparser
-import urllib3
-import re
-# drv_libxml2 have a error with feedparser we work around it for now
-def default_TmpDict(pagerequest):
- site = get_object_or_404(SiteSettings)
- page = get_object_or_404(Pages, nav1 = pagerequest)
- pages = Pages.objects.all()
- if page.SubMenu:
- subpages = SubPages.objects.filter(PageId = page.PageId)
- else:
- subpages = False
- contact = get_object_or_404(SubPages, nav2 = 'contact')
- TmpDict = {'site' : site}
- TmpDict['page'] = page
- TmpDict['pages'] = pages
- TmpDict['subpages'] = subpages
- TmpDict['contact'] = contact
- TmpDict['smappages'] = SubPages.objects.all()
- return TmpDict
-def home(request):
- pagerequest = 'home'
- TmpDict = default_TmpDict(pagerequest)
- showposts = 5
- posts = Posts.objects.all()
- sponsors = Sponsors.objects.all()
- pp = feedparser.parse('')
- planetposts = []
- i = 0
- for ppost in pp['entries']:
- if i is showposts:
- break
- attr = {}
- attr['author'] = ppost['author']
- attr['url'] = ppost['link']
- attr['title'] = ppost['title']
- attr['published'] = ppost['published']
- planetposts.append(attr)
- i = i + 1
- gp = feedparser.parse('')
- glsaposts = []
- i = 0
- for gpost in gp['entries']:
- if i is showposts:
- break
- split_title = re.split(': ', gpost['title'])
- attr = {}
- attr['id'] = split_title[0]
- attr['url'] = gpost['link']
- attr['title'] = split_title[1] + ': ' + split_title[2]
- attr['severity'] = 'normal'
- glsaposts.append(attr)
- i = i + 1
- pkp = feedparser.parse('')
- packageposts = []
- i = 0
- for ppost in pkp['entries']:
- if i is showposts:
- break
- split_title = re.split(': ', ppost['title'])
- attr = {}
- attr['url'] = ppost['links'][0]['href']
- attr['atom'] = re.sub('<span class="cpvstr">', '', re.sub('</span>', '', split_title[0]))
- attr['atom_p'] = attr['atom']
- attr['description'] = re.sub('<span class="description">', '', re.sub('</span>', '', split_title[1]))
- packageposts.append(attr)
- i = i + 1
- wp = feedparser.parse('')
- wikiposts = []
- i = 0
- for wpost in wp['entries']:
- if i is showposts:
- break
- attr = {}
- attr['author'] = wpost['author']
- attr['url'] = wpost['link']
- attr['title'] = wpost['title']
- wikiposts.append(attr)
- i = i + 1
- TmpDict['posts'] = posts
- TmpDict['sponsors'] = sponsors
- TmpDict['planetposts'] = planetposts
- TmpDict['glsaposts'] = glsaposts
- TmpDict['packageposts'] = packageposts
- TmpDict['wikiposts'] = wikiposts
- return render(request, 'pages/' + pagerequest + '/index.html', TmpDict)
-def downloads(request):
- pagerequest = 'downloads'
- http = urllib3.PoolManager()
- archlist = []
- #FIXME get arch list from db
- archlist.append('amd64')
- archlist.append('x86')
- #archlist.append('ia64')
- downloads_dict = {}
- for arch in archlist:
- # Stage3
- r = http.request('GET', '' + arch + '/autobuilds/latest-stage3.txt')
- rlines = re.split('\n','utf-8'))
- attr2 = {}
- i = 0
- stage3list = []
- for line in rlines:
- if line == '':
- break
- if i >= 2:
- attr = {}
- attr['tag'] = ''
- attr['defaultstage'] = False
- attr['title'] = 'Stage 3'
- split1 = re.split(' ', line)
- attr['size'] = split1[1]
- attr['link'] = split1[0]
- split2 = re.split('/', split1[0], maxsplit=1)
- attr['date'] = split2[0]
- if '/' in split2[1]:
- split3 = re.split('/', split2[1])
- stage3id = re.split('-' + attr['date'] + '.tar.bz2', re.split('stage3-', split3[1])[1])[0]
- else:
- stage3id = re.split('-' + attr['date'] + '.tar.bz2', re.split('stage3-', split2[1])[1])[0]
- if'nomultilib', stage3id):
- attr['tag'] = 'no multilib'
- elif'uclibc', stage3id):
- attr['tag'] = 'uclibc'
- elif'x32', stage3id):
- attr['tag'] = 'X32'
- else:
- if arch == 'x86':
- if'i686', stage3id):
- attr['defaultstage'] = True
- attr['tag'] = 'i686' +'|' + attr['tag']
- if'i486', stage3id):
- attr['tag'] = 'i486' +'|' + attr['tag']
- else:
- attr['tag'] = False
- else:
- attr['tag'] = False
- attr['defaultstage'] = True
- if'hardened', stage3id):
- attr['title'] = 'Hardened ' + attr['title']
- attr['defaultstage'] = False
- attr['id'] = stage3id
- stage3list.append(attr)
- i = i + 1
- attr2['stage3s'] = stage3list
- # cd's
- r = http.request('GET', '' + arch + '/autobuilds/latest-iso.txt')
- rlines = re.split('\n','utf-8'))
- isolist = []
- i = 0
- for line in rlines:
- if line == '':
- break
- if i >= 2:
- attr = {}
- split1 = re.split(' ', line)
- attr['size'] = split1[1]
- attr['link'] = split1[0]
- split2 = re.split('/', split1[0], maxsplit=1)
- attr['date'] = split2[0]
- if'/', split2[1]):
- split3 = re.split('/', split2[1])
- if'/', split2[1]):
- split3 = re.split('/', split2[1])
- cdid = re.split('-' + attr['date'] + '.iso', split3[1])[0]
- else:
- cdid = re.split('-' + attr['date'] + '.iso', split2[1])[0]
- if'minimal', cdid):
- attr['id'] = 'minimal'
- attr['title'] = 'Minimal Installation CD'
- elif'admincd', cdid):
- attr['id'] = 'admincd'
- attr['title'] = 'Admin CD'
- else:
- attr['id'] = ''
- attr['title'] = ''
- isolist.append(attr)
- i = i +1
- attr2['isos'] = isolist
- attr2['arch'] = arch
- if arch == 'amd64':
- attr2['aka'] = 'x86_64'
- else:
- attr2['aka'] = False
- downloads_dict[arch] = attr2
- TmpDict = default_TmpDict(pagerequest)
- print(downloads_dict)
- TmpDict['downloadsinfo'] = downloads_dict
- return render(request, 'pages/' + pagerequest + '/index.html', TmpDict)