diff options
authorAaron Walker <>2005-02-22 10:52:18 +0000
committerAaron Walker <>2005-02-22 10:52:18 +0000
commitccbfc4a0a7f462be4822ea97f5e46f4efbaf524b (patch)
tree0feb264d47e2c1597163541c3081c6cdf59abcd6 /net-analyzer/amap
parentMarked ~mips (diff)
Version bump for bug 82876; updated pcre patch and added a patch to fix amap's icky lvalue casts which cause numerous warnings w/gcc-3.4. Updated HOMEPAGE and SRC_URI. Marked 4.7 stable on x86.
Package-Manager: portage-
Diffstat (limited to 'net-analyzer/amap')
7 files changed, 249 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/net-analyzer/amap/ChangeLog b/net-analyzer/amap/ChangeLog
index b4b6a36e1915..d889807202ec 100644
--- a/net-analyzer/amap/ChangeLog
+++ b/net-analyzer/amap/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
# ChangeLog for net-analyzer/amap
# Copyright 2000-2005 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-analyzer/amap/ChangeLog,v 1.16 2005/01/25 10:30:14 ka0ttic Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-analyzer/amap/ChangeLog,v 1.17 2005/02/22 10:52:18 ka0ttic Exp $
+*amap-4.8 (22 Feb 2005)
+ 22 Feb 2005; Aaron Walker <>
+ +files/4.8-system-pcre.patch, +files/amap-4.8-fix-icky-lvalue-casts.diff,
+ amap-4.7.ebuild, +amap-4.8.ebuild:
+ Version bump for bug 82876; updated pcre patch and added a patch to fix
+ amap's icky lvalue casts which cause numerous warnings w/gcc-3.4. Updated
+ HOMEPAGE and SRC_URI. Marked 4.7 stable on x86.
25 Jan 2005; Aaron Walker <> amap-4.6.ebuild,
diff --git a/net-analyzer/amap/Manifest b/net-analyzer/amap/Manifest
index 57cb4f0ce10d..95ecbfeb7e74 100644
--- a/net-analyzer/amap/Manifest
+++ b/net-analyzer/amap/Manifest
@@ -2,17 +2,21 @@
Hash: SHA1
MD5 6f1e34801a7ab85b6284cfeb3f889c29 amap-4.6.ebuild 1393
-MD5 7ee6c8fef4e565debeea30278013d81d amap-4.7.ebuild 1399
-MD5 782d2a898eb5ae48587af88ce640df45 ChangeLog 2076
+MD5 415b36fc87ad32785703aa0570163bee amap-4.8.ebuild 1435
+MD5 7876e2a1bc7131d7e9c82d6c455fa095 amap-4.7.ebuild 1398
+MD5 9b20edd5cbec15e92e298b1b5a53d031 ChangeLog 2464
MD5 f34e3c8858756da0001b12d2d3fa1af2 metadata.xml 159
MD5 a5f16a887d88f7d685dbaed470ee6ec8 files/digest-amap-4.6 60
MD5 0650e1a8429fc7f1febbffe8435ed1c4 files/digest-amap-4.7 60
+MD5 6a77a9ce3b2272dff2d409eccdf38833 files/digest-amap-4.8 60
MD5 c1c1d543f5427e6ccf71fe8648a6b322 files/4.7-system-pcre.patch 1155
+MD5 a11774428cb7e97a81107a22682d1798 files/4.8-system-pcre.patch 1232
+MD5 36fabda09cbfbb3c4c9eab818e99a501 files/amap-4.8-fix-icky-lvalue-casts.diff 7058
MD5 c50165b5bb6fb19a617df68f6001d98d files/4.6-system-pcre.patch 1103
Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/net-analyzer/amap/amap-4.7.ebuild b/net-analyzer/amap/amap-4.7.ebuild
index 312203f78411..a425968d9b3f 100644
--- a/net-analyzer/amap/amap-4.7.ebuild
+++ b/net-analyzer/amap/amap-4.7.ebuild
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-analyzer/amap/amap-4.7.ebuild,v 1.2 2005/01/25 10:30:14 ka0ttic Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-analyzer/amap/amap-4.7.ebuild,v 1.3 2005/02/22 10:52:18 ka0ttic Exp $
inherit eutils
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ SRC_URI="${P}.tar.gz"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ia64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ia64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc x86"
diff --git a/net-analyzer/amap/amap-4.8.ebuild b/net-analyzer/amap/amap-4.8.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bdc1bc765778
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-analyzer/amap/amap-4.8.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-analyzer/amap/amap-4.8.ebuild,v 1.1 2005/02/22 10:52:18 ka0ttic Exp $
+inherit eutils
+DESCRIPTION="A network scanning tool for pentesters"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ia64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86"
+ dev-libs/libpcre
+ ssl? ( >=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6j )"
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd ${S}
+ sed -i \
+ -e 's:/usr/local:/usr:' \
+ -e '/AMAP_APPDEF_PATH/s:/bin:/share/amap:' \
+ amap.h || die "sed amap.h failed"
+ rm -rf pcre-3.9
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PV}-system-pcre.patch
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-fix-icky-lvalue-casts.diff
+src_compile() {
+ # has it's own stupid custom configure script
+ ./configure || die "configure failed"
+ sed -i \
+ -e '/^XDEFINES=/s:=.*:=:' \
+ -e '/^XLIBS=/s:=.*:=:' \
+ -e '/^XLIBPATHS/s:=.*:=:' \
+ -e '/^XIPATHS=/s:=.*:=:' \
+ Makefile || die "pruning vars"
+ if use ssl ; then
+ sed -i \
+ -e '/^XDEFINES=/s:=:=-DOPENSSL:' \
+ -e '/^XLIBS=/s:=:=-lcrypto -lssl:' \
+ Makefile || die "adding ssl"
+ fi
+ emake OPT="${CFLAGS}" || die "emake failed"
+src_install() {
+ dobin amap amapcrap || die "dobin failed"
+ insinto /usr/share/amap
+ doins appdefs.* || die "doins failed"
+ doman ${PN}.1
diff --git a/net-analyzer/amap/files/4.8-system-pcre.patch b/net-analyzer/amap/files/4.8-system-pcre.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..097bfbf45eb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-analyzer/amap/files/4.8-system-pcre.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+diff --exclude='*~' -urN amap-4.8.orig/amap-inc.h amap-4.8/amap-inc.h
+--- amap-4.8.orig/amap-inc.h 2005-02-21 21:47:47.251638320 -0500
++++ amap-4.8/amap-inc.h 2005-02-21 21:48:27.774477912 -0500
+@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
+ #include <errno.h>
+ #include <sys/resource.h>
+ #include <sys/wait.h>
+-#include "pcre-3.9/pcre.h"
++#include <pcre.h>
+ #ifdef OPENSSL
+ #include <openssl/ssl.h>
+ #include <openssl/err.h>
+diff --exclude='*~' -urN amap-4.8.orig/configure amap-4.8/configure
+--- amap-4.8.orig/configure 2005-02-21 21:47:47.240639992 -0500
++++ amap-4.8/configure 2005-02-21 21:48:41.379409648 -0500
+@@ -13,10 +13,6 @@
+ exit 0
+ fi
+-cd pcre-3.9 || exit 1
+-./configure || exit 1
+-cd ..
+ echo
+ echo
+ echo "Starting amap auto configuration ..."
+diff --exclude='*~' -urN amap-4.8.orig/ amap-4.8/
+--- amap-4.8.orig/ 2005-02-21 21:47:47.242639688 -0500
++++ amap-4.8/ 2005-02-21 21:49:16.070135856 -0500
+@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
+ CC=gcc
+-LIB=-lpcre -L./pcre-3.9/ -I./pcre-3.9/
+ OPT=-O2
+ OPT_DEBUG=-ggdb -Wall -lefence
+ BINDIR=/bin
+@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
+ MANDIR=/man/man1
+ SCRIPTS=appdefs.trig appdefs.resp appdefs.rpc
+ MANPAGE=amap.1
+-all: pcre strip
++all: amap amapcrap
+ pcre:
+ cd pcre-3.9 && make
diff --git a/net-analyzer/amap/files/amap-4.8-fix-icky-lvalue-casts.diff b/net-analyzer/amap/files/amap-4.8-fix-icky-lvalue-casts.diff
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a22afecda61e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-analyzer/amap/files/amap-4.8-fix-icky-lvalue-casts.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+diff --exclude='*~' -urN amap-4.8.orig/amap.c amap-4.8/amap.c
+--- amap-4.8.orig/amap.c 2005-02-21 21:55:38.616979896 -0500
++++ amap-4.8/amap.c 2005-02-21 22:27:37.473269400 -0500
+@@ -352,8 +352,8 @@
+-char *amap_memdup(char *string, int len) {
+- char *ptr;
++void *amap_memdup(char *string, int len) {
++ void *ptr;
+ if (string == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@
+ if ((line[0] != '#') && (index(line, ':') != NULL) && (only_trigger == NULL || strncmp(only_trigger, line, strlen(only_trigger)) == 0)) { // weed out comment lines
+ count_triggers++;
+ if (count_triggers > 1) {
+- if (((amap_struct_triggers*) trigger->next = (amap_struct_triggers*) malloc(sizeof(amap_struct_triggers))) == NULL)
++ if ((trigger->next = malloc(sizeof(amap_struct_triggers))) == NULL)
+ amap_error("malloc failed");
+ trigger = (amap_struct_triggers*) trigger->next;
+ memset(trigger, 0, sizeof(amap_struct_triggers));
+@@ -609,7 +609,7 @@
+ if ((line[0] != '#') && (index(line, ':') != NULL)) { // weed out comment lines
+ count_responses++;
+ if (count_responses > 1) {
+- if (((amap_struct_responses*) response->next = (amap_struct_responses*) malloc(sizeof(amap_struct_responses))) == NULL)
++ if ((response->next = malloc(sizeof(amap_struct_responses))) == NULL)
+ amap_error("malloc failed");
+ response = (amap_struct_responses*) response->next;
+ memset(response, 0, sizeof(amap_struct_responses));
+@@ -656,7 +656,7 @@
+ triggerptr_tmp->trigger = strdup(triggerptr);
+ if (i + 1 < count) {
+ triggerptr = ptr;
+- if (((amap_struct_triggerptr*) triggerptr_tmp->next = malloc(sizeof(amap_struct_triggerptr))) == NULL)
++ if ((triggerptr_tmp->next = malloc(sizeof(amap_struct_triggerptr))) == NULL)
+ amap_error("malloc failed");
+ triggerptr_tmp = (amap_struct_triggerptr*) triggerptr_tmp->next;
+ triggerptr_tmp->next = NULL;
+@@ -728,7 +728,7 @@
+ if (opt->verbose > 1)
+ printf("%d/%s ", port_tmp->port, port_tmp->ip_prot == AMAP_PROTO_TCP ? "tcp" : "udp");
+ if (pto != pfrom) {
+- if (((amap_struct_ports *) port_tmp->next = (amap_struct_ports *) malloc(sizeof(amap_struct_ports))) == NULL)
++ if ((port_tmp->next = malloc(sizeof(amap_struct_ports))) == NULL)
+ amap_error("malloc failed");
+ port_tmp = (amap_struct_ports *) port_tmp->next;
+ memset(port_tmp, 0, sizeof(amap_struct_ports));
+@@ -768,7 +768,7 @@
+ amap_error("line in nmap file is too long or not terminating with \\n: %s", line);
+ if ((line[0] == 'H') && (index(line, ' ') != NULL) && ((portinfo = strstr(line, "/open/")) != NULL)) { // just care for data lines
+ if (count != 0) {
+- if (((amap_struct_targets*) target->next = (amap_struct_targets*) malloc(sizeof(amap_struct_targets))) == NULL)
++ if ((target->next = malloc(sizeof(amap_struct_targets))) == NULL)
+ amap_error("malloc failed");
+ target = (amap_struct_targets*) target->next;
+ memset(target, 0, sizeof(amap_struct_targets));
+@@ -809,7 +809,7 @@
+ if (opt->verbose > 1)
+ printf("%d/%s ", port_tmp->port, port_tmp->ip_prot == AMAP_PROTO_TCP ? "tcp" : "udp");
+ while ((portinfo = strstr(proto + 1, "/open/")) != NULL) {
+- if (((amap_struct_ports *) port_tmp->next = (amap_struct_ports *) malloc(sizeof(amap_struct_ports))) == NULL)
++ if ((port_tmp->next = malloc(sizeof(amap_struct_ports))) == NULL)
+ amap_error("malloc failed");
+ port_tmp = (amap_struct_ports *) port_tmp->next;
+ memset(port_tmp, 0, sizeof(amap_struct_ports));
+@@ -1024,7 +1024,7 @@
+ } else {
+ while (ids->next != NULL)
+ ids = (amap_struct_identifications*) ids->next;
+- if (((char *) ids->next = malloc(sizeof(amap_struct_identifications))) == NULL)
++ if ((ids->next = malloc(sizeof(amap_struct_identifications))) == NULL)
+ amap_error("malloc failed");
+ ids = (amap_struct_identifications*) ids->next;
+ }
+@@ -1765,7 +1765,7 @@
+ fcntl(s, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
+ coms[i].timer = time(NULL);
+ coms[i].socket = s;
+- (char*) coms[i].sockaddr = amap_memdup((char *) &target_in, sizeof(target_in));
++ coms[i].sockaddr = amap_memdup((char *) &target_in, sizeof(target_in));
+ coms[i].sockaddr_len = sizeof(target_in);
+ scaninfo.running++;
+ errno = 0;
+@@ -2098,7 +2098,7 @@
+ port_tmp = amap_add_port_string(port_tmp, argv[optind + 1], cmd_proto, &opt);
+ i = optind + 2;
+ while (i < argc) {
+- if (((amap_struct_ports *) port_tmp->next = (amap_struct_ports *) malloc(sizeof(amap_struct_ports))) == NULL)
++ if ((port_tmp->next = malloc(sizeof(amap_struct_ports))) == NULL)
+ amap_error("malloc failed");
+ port_tmp = (amap_struct_ports *) port_tmp->next;
+ memset(port_tmp, 0, sizeof(amap_struct_ports));
+@@ -2110,7 +2110,7 @@
+ while (strcmp(target_tmp->target, argv[optind]) != 0 && target_tmp->next != NULL)
+ target_tmp = (amap_struct_targets *) target_tmp->next;
+ if (strcmp(target_tmp->target, argv[optind]) != 0) { // it is not
+- if (((amap_struct_targets *) target_tmp->next = (amap_struct_targets *) malloc(sizeof(amap_struct_targets))) == NULL)
++ if ((target_tmp->next = malloc(sizeof(amap_struct_targets))) == NULL)
+ amap_error("malloc failed");
+ target_tmp = (amap_struct_targets *) target_tmp->next;
+ memset(target_tmp, 0, sizeof(amap_struct_targets));
+@@ -2125,7 +2125,7 @@
+ printf("%d/%s ", port_tmp->port, port_tmp->ip_prot == AMAP_PROTO_TCP ? "tcp" : "udp");
+ i = optind + 2;
+ while (i < argc) {
+- if (((amap_struct_ports *) port_tmp->next = (amap_struct_ports *) malloc(sizeof(amap_struct_ports))) == NULL)
++ if ((port_tmp->next = malloc(sizeof(amap_struct_ports))) == NULL)
+ amap_error("malloc failed");
+ port_tmp = (amap_struct_ports *) port_tmp->next;
+ memset(port_tmp, 0, sizeof(amap_struct_ports));
+@@ -2155,7 +2155,7 @@
+ while (((port_tmp->ip_prot != cmd_proto) || (port_tmp->port != (unsigned short int) pfrom)) && port_tmp->next != NULL)
+ port_tmp = (amap_struct_ports *) port_tmp->next;
+ if (port_tmp->port != (unsigned short int) pfrom) { // we have to add the port
+- if (((amap_struct_ports *) port_tmp->next = (amap_struct_ports *) malloc(sizeof(amap_struct_ports))) == NULL)
++ if ((port_tmp->next = malloc(sizeof(amap_struct_ports))) == NULL)
+ amap_error("malloc failed");
+ port_tmp = (amap_struct_ports *) port_tmp->next;
+ memset(port_tmp, 0, sizeof(amap_struct_ports));
+Files amap-4.8.orig/.amap.c.swp and amap-4.8/.amap.c.swp differ
+Files amap-4.8.orig/.amap.h.swp and amap-4.8/.amap.h.swp differ
diff --git a/net-analyzer/amap/files/digest-amap-4.8 b/net-analyzer/amap/files/digest-amap-4.8
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..81a50fc78fa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-analyzer/amap/files/digest-amap-4.8
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+MD5 db6f6aa06afc6aeea7c7e0c594c73b69 amap-4.8.tar.gz 258019