diff options
authorJory Pratt <>2006-06-02 01:56:01 +0000
committerJory Pratt <>2006-06-02 01:56:01 +0000
commit7fe818681b5322f3d6ac3b9e607c56db2143f0ad (patch)
tree6f88cca52e1ff26b31cc1a90ca12750c786d5bd4 /net-libs/xulrunner
parentxulrunner masked for testing (diff)
initial import to tree
Package-Manager: portage-2.1_rc3-r3
Diffstat (limited to 'net-libs/xulrunner')
5 files changed, 177 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/net-libs/xulrunner/ChangeLog b/net-libs/xulrunner/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fbdd19cb21b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-libs/xulrunner/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# ChangeLog for net-libs/xulrunner
+# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-libs/xulrunner/ChangeLog,v 1.1 2006/06/02 01:56:01 anarchy Exp $
+*xulrunner- (02 Jun 2006)
+ 02 Jun 2006; Jory A. Pratt <> +metadata.xml,
+ +xulrunner-
+ initial import to tree
diff --git a/net-libs/xulrunner/Manifest b/net-libs/xulrunner/Manifest
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2297d28c1f52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-libs/xulrunner/Manifest
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+DIST xulrunner- 57275 RMD160 4779f4d562aa4e7d306a770912717c3e334dfd9f SHA1 db3e3dba763ae87b02fe87e479502dae1010b80d SHA256 5a1b11bdb234a875cf37d96859a60f4fc2980a85cde64a85c29ba1e0debf86f3
+DIST xulrunner- 33170371 RMD160 9c85ae4faebb7c47e19d881003f21031d21554ff SHA1 e5051d52f6c3ae066c6a95aff90a84774e24952c SHA256 9410745cad7620bb00798a0c287d90a60abee6c42aa061f908f31e62274a0558
+EBUILD xulrunner- 4456 RMD160 d9c5a49d928aa0171e2a52b699422107b80f4797 SHA1 03e22b70b024d688fa9707f4e0fe015f32507039 SHA256 13f34da6c4902a4a482a48eee75a56fe374c5d20cc7f43e5c1f731fd757ba3f6
+MD5 6ace5a45e8d3b5cc982205a8a7e381b9 xulrunner- 4456
+RMD160 d9c5a49d928aa0171e2a52b699422107b80f4797 xulrunner- 4456
+SHA256 13f34da6c4902a4a482a48eee75a56fe374c5d20cc7f43e5c1f731fd757ba3f6 xulrunner- 4456
+MISC ChangeLog 364 RMD160 c482d3b9b7cb26e0f4cfc12a577a21c9b241ce19 SHA1 3830be702399c81d542759bfddee4c70d01d9753 SHA256 0f0fe9fecfa6ae7eb228ae81db56602a5c15e695db37791bd407d3e44c76202e
+MD5 a5b7c6cfdf023dc715df428a104dba44 ChangeLog 364
+RMD160 c482d3b9b7cb26e0f4cfc12a577a21c9b241ce19 ChangeLog 364
+SHA256 0f0fe9fecfa6ae7eb228ae81db56602a5c15e695db37791bd407d3e44c76202e ChangeLog 364
+MISC metadata.xml 160 RMD160 d5a9f0bf8989621c2bde30facb53bcae00aba709 SHA1 5015c07af2083f20f9552d7fb11afb5ea69af345 SHA256 0cc5126362a12cee42ec1197c528a804cf36859329dd2c6d9225726831d14b8b
+MD5 ce23390351fe8020387d93ee29e09a3d metadata.xml 160
+RMD160 d5a9f0bf8989621c2bde30facb53bcae00aba709 metadata.xml 160
+SHA256 0cc5126362a12cee42ec1197c528a804cf36859329dd2c6d9225726831d14b8b metadata.xml 160
+MD5 69a43303e7c8db7ed76cfff599241c64 files/digest-xulrunner- 572
+RMD160 a1bb9dc57ba93f648965fb6adc9f9a0db12bfff2 files/digest-xulrunner- 572
+SHA256 9e06d645e834045d1d6e4884747d4f377f4632259649ddad7ab48d3040553f2f files/digest-xulrunner- 572
diff --git a/net-libs/xulrunner/files/digest-xulrunner- b/net-libs/xulrunner/files/digest-xulrunner-
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..17f8c13bb4fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-libs/xulrunner/files/digest-xulrunner-
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+MD5 52ab374a303bf3ed0494df6bc6f87a6c xulrunner- 57275
+RMD160 4779f4d562aa4e7d306a770912717c3e334dfd9f xulrunner- 57275
+SHA256 5a1b11bdb234a875cf37d96859a60f4fc2980a85cde64a85c29ba1e0debf86f3 xulrunner- 57275
+MD5 d60ccb6cc28afa7d880c8602a2c88450 xulrunner- 33170371
+RMD160 9c85ae4faebb7c47e19d881003f21031d21554ff xulrunner- 33170371
+SHA256 9410745cad7620bb00798a0c287d90a60abee6c42aa061f908f31e62274a0558 xulrunner- 33170371
diff --git a/net-libs/xulrunner/metadata.xml b/net-libs/xulrunner/metadata.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..74d9257900cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-libs/xulrunner/metadata.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
diff --git a/net-libs/xulrunner/xulrunner- b/net-libs/xulrunner/xulrunner-
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0fbd6079ef7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-libs/xulrunner/xulrunner-
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-libs/xulrunner/xulrunner-,v 1.1 2006/06/02 01:56:01 anarchy Exp $
+inherit flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs eutils makeedit multilib autotools mozconfig-2
+DESCRIPTION="Mozilla runtime package that can be used to bootstrap XUL+XPCOM applications"
+ mirror://gentoo/${P}-patches-${PVER}.tar.bz2
+LICENSE="MPL-1.1 NPL-1.1"
+KEYWORDS="-* ~amd64 ~x86"
+RDEPEND="java? ( virtual/jre )
+ >=sys-libs/zlib-1.1.4
+ >=sys-devel/binutils-2.16.1
+ >=dev-libs/nss-3.10
+ >=dev-libs/nspr-4.6.1"
+ dev-util/pkgconfig
+ java? ( >=dev-java/java-config-0.2.0 )"
+# Needed by src_compile() and src_install().
+# Would do in pkg_setup but that loses the export attribute, they
+# become pure shell variables.
+export MOZ_CO_PROJECT=xulrunner
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${P}-source.tar.bz2 ${P}-patches-${PVER}.tar.bz2
+ # Apply our patches
+ cd ${S} || die "cd failed"
+ # exclude the xpcomglue-shared.patch from debian for now
+ # until we figured out if we need also the versioning patch
+ EPATCH_EXCLUDE="113-xpcomglue-shared.patch.bz2"
+ EPATCH_FORCE="yes" epatch ${WORKDIR}/patch
+ # Fix a compilation issue using the 32-bit userland with 64-bit kernel on
+ # PowerPC, because with that configuration, it detects a ppc64 system.
+ # -- hansmi, 2005-11-13
+ if use ppc && [[ "${PROFILE_ARCH}" == ppc64 ]]; then
+ sed -i -e "s#OS_TEST=\`uname -m\`\$#OS_TEST=${ARCH}#" \
+ ${S}/configure
+ sed -i -e "s#OS_TEST :=.*uname -m.*\$#OS_TEST:=${ARCH}#" \
+ ${S}/security/coreconf/
+ fi
+ WANT_AUTOCONF="2.13" \
+ eautoreconf || die "failed running eautoreconf"
+src_compile() {
+ declare MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}
+ ####################################
+ #
+ # mozconfig, CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS setup
+ #
+ ####################################
+ mozconfig_init
+ mozconfig_config
+ mozconfig_annotate '' --enable-extensions="default,cookie,permissions"
+ mozconfig_annotate '' --enable-native-uconv
+ mozconfig_annotate '' --enable-image-encoder=all
+ mozconfig_annotate '' --enable-canvas
+ #mozconfig_annotate '' --enable-js-binary
+ mozconfig_annotate '' --enable-embedding-tests
+ mozconfig_annotate '' --with-system-nspr
+ mozconfig_annotate '' --with-system-nss
+ mozconfig_annotate '' --with-system-bz2
+ mozconfig_annotate '' --enable-jsd
+ mozconfig_annotate '' --enable-xpctools
+ # Bug 60668: Galeon doesn't build without oji enabled, so enable it
+ # regardless of java setting.
+ mozconfig_annotate '' --enable-oji --enable-mathml
+ mozconfig_annotate '' --with-default-mozilla-five-home=${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}
+ # Finalize and report settings
+ mozconfig_final
+ # hardened GCC uses -fstack-protector-all by default, which breaks us
+ gcc-specs-ssp && append-flags -fno-stack-protector-all
+ # remove -fstack-protector because now it borks firefox
+ CFLAGS=${CFLAGS/-fstack-protector-all/}
+ CFLAGS=${CFLAGS/-fstack-protector/}
+ CXXFLAGS=${CXXFLAGS/-fstack-protector-all/}
+ CXXFLAGS=${CXXFLAGS/-fstack-protector/}
+ append-flags -freorder-blocks -fno-reorder-functions
+ # Export CPU_ARCH_TEST as it is not exported by default.
+ case $(tc-arch) in
+ amd64) [[ ${ABI} == "x86" ]] && CPU_ARCH_TEST="x86" || CPU_ARCH_TEST="x86_64" ;;
+ *) CPU_ARCH_TEST=$(tc-arch) ;;
+ esac
+ export CPU_ARCH_TEST
+ ####################################
+ #
+ # Configure and build
+ #
+ ####################################
+ CC="$(tc-getCC)" CXX="$(tc-getCXX)" LD="$(tc-getLD)" \
+ econf || die
+ # It would be great if we could pass these in via CPPFLAGS or CFLAGS prior
+ # to econf, but the quotes cause configure to fail.
+ sed -i -e \
+ 's|-DARON_WAS_HERE|-DGENTOO_NSPLUGINS_DIR=\\\"/usr/'"$(get_libdir)"'/nsplugins\\\" -DGENTOO_NSBROWSER_PLUGINS_DIR=\\\"/usr/'"$(get_libdir)"'/nsbrowser/plugins\\\"|' \
+ ${S}/config/ \
+ ${S}/xpfe/global/buildconfig.html
+ # This removes extraneous CFLAGS from the Makefiles to reduce RAM
+ # requirements while compiling
+ edit_makefiles
+ emake || die
+src_install() {
+ einstall || die "failed running make install"