diff options
authorDonnie Berkholz <>2006-05-29 00:15:37 +0000
committerDonnie Berkholz <>2006-05-29 00:15:37 +0000
commitdf97c50ad2a6fe3fb71e652496530978386701c3 (patch)
treee005816e23217bdacd4b8edc14a3978b77777681 /sci-libs
parentBump patchset with patch to fix bug #134666. Thanks to cuicui for reporting. (diff)
Bump to autotool the package, which makes the build work much better in parallel and with gcc4.
Package-Manager: portage-2.1_rc1-r3
Diffstat (limited to 'sci-libs')
5 files changed, 488 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/sci-libs/cblas-reference/ChangeLog b/sci-libs/cblas-reference/ChangeLog
index 8cbb0a5b9d0b..d7748ee1b35e 100644
--- a/sci-libs/cblas-reference/ChangeLog
+++ b/sci-libs/cblas-reference/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
# ChangeLog for sci-libs/cblas-reference
# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-libs/cblas-reference/ChangeLog,v 1.4 2006/05/17 00:29:04 spyderous Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-libs/cblas-reference/ChangeLog,v 1.5 2006/05/29 00:15:37 spyderous Exp $
+*cblas-reference-20030223-r1 (29 May 2006)
+ 29 May 2006; Donnie Berkholz <>;
+ +files/cblas-reference-20030223-autotool.patch,
+ +cblas-reference-20030223-r1.ebuild:
+ Bump to autotool the package, which makes the build work much better in
+ parallel and with gcc4.
17 May 2006; Donnie Berkholz <>;
diff --git a/sci-libs/cblas-reference/Manifest b/sci-libs/cblas-reference/Manifest
index 2596d194bc39..421a5f32a44e 100644
--- a/sci-libs/cblas-reference/Manifest
+++ b/sci-libs/cblas-reference/Manifest
@@ -6,15 +6,23 @@ AUX cblas-gentoo.patch 687 RMD160 14e3ca4538042c63546d541d7298bc0e79bf7cb7 SHA1
MD5 f8daaa79dae0bb8839299cda34628ff1 files/cblas-gentoo.patch 687
RMD160 14e3ca4538042c63546d541d7298bc0e79bf7cb7 files/cblas-gentoo.patch 687
SHA256 86fa7726411a32a231bf17ce3dd3d47410b013c4b63a46e255c77dafd211aa5d files/cblas-gentoo.patch 687
+AUX cblas-reference-20030223-autotool.patch 8374 RMD160 5021917c27611293077b16220742091c6bb25f10 SHA1 218a1fe386569856a0bae4760347dd5be17725b1 SHA256 83f3ab6d8e8c843bf1e1e1582bf0e9f57bc4115514ea9745e4859da573d45b1f size 8374
+MD5 6baa7fb90ba4e8ae6561c55384c3e954 files/cblas-reference-20030223-autotool.patch 8374
+RMD160 5021917c27611293077b16220742091c6bb25f10 files/cblas-reference-20030223-autotool.patch 8374
+SHA256 83f3ab6d8e8c843bf1e1e1582bf0e9f57bc4115514ea9745e4859da573d45b1f files/cblas-reference-20030223-autotool.patch 8374
DIST cblas.tgz 197694 RMD160 77bd5111659f55540c72f9fcd9277d97bd1ea33b SHA256 9b49d7177fda62b6141bf2ca29e475e86f0b12d8f72e0b944058d02b439dd52a size 197694
+EBUILD cblas-reference-20030223-r1.ebuild 1276 RMD160 af4f007be668bccbaaa11bf0eb94ff65e6914f69 SHA1 e5bc266ef31f8b2e4c80b97bedef8061dfb4d678 SHA256 ff7384eae21b52c169fdf1a56009a12f2e7a37e1d1cda21fe3403261107cdd19 size 1276
+MD5 4c0e8beadeb10745679897d5095c0ab8 cblas-reference-20030223-r1.ebuild 1276
+RMD160 af4f007be668bccbaaa11bf0eb94ff65e6914f69 cblas-reference-20030223-r1.ebuild 1276
+SHA256 ff7384eae21b52c169fdf1a56009a12f2e7a37e1d1cda21fe3403261107cdd19 cblas-reference-20030223-r1.ebuild 1276
EBUILD cblas-reference-20030223.ebuild 1779 RMD160 f2368ef71324c4c4595eee9cd1e1cbd6b2a404bb SHA1 66a74f8f73575ac7938cb001c65bd47897daf8cc SHA256 9f8bac3f77ce71c5bd3545fb9f2a20e50dd7f0a54c3fb6a91127c6b05b67ad41 size 1779
MD5 dd690f46e41715bb9bd05ef914f6fe18 cblas-reference-20030223.ebuild 1779
RMD160 f2368ef71324c4c4595eee9cd1e1cbd6b2a404bb cblas-reference-20030223.ebuild 1779
SHA256 9f8bac3f77ce71c5bd3545fb9f2a20e50dd7f0a54c3fb6a91127c6b05b67ad41 cblas-reference-20030223.ebuild 1779
-MISC ChangeLog 954 RMD160 4da9fa7dc15475c70cf7d06767a471b1a37f90e3 SHA1 02c1b1dcc68b8d9bce1e8ff5e801017eb3d263c5 SHA256 90a00a47788b07bb4b83208a63df7d03a59a01e5b7e0d6c69407c12839fe918d size 954
-MD5 cd1c6f18a308bd318dbdb6761d669d3e ChangeLog 954
-RMD160 4da9fa7dc15475c70cf7d06767a471b1a37f90e3 ChangeLog 954
-SHA256 90a00a47788b07bb4b83208a63df7d03a59a01e5b7e0d6c69407c12839fe918d ChangeLog 954
+MISC ChangeLog 1243 RMD160 361f23ab810fcaa27be60c05303e84a574f965f9 SHA1 74c68e85fca14a6e8d79ca4721279f1088cab500 SHA256 336589eb12c60d63fec614864b0622090f33e9c59eab53eb6617fed521f9ab95 size 1243
+MD5 9c914fbdd4b4e60a9446dfea521aeebb ChangeLog 1243
+RMD160 361f23ab810fcaa27be60c05303e84a574f965f9 ChangeLog 1243
+SHA256 336589eb12c60d63fec614864b0622090f33e9c59eab53eb6617fed521f9ab95 ChangeLog 1243
MISC metadata.xml 156 RMD160 dc078172bfebcb25d69bdf8731714f9cce9d3e36 SHA1 da2b240a255820145b7c83a5c48e45b96b7e9ee6 SHA256 5d22100902db7507a5b5493dd4a66cdb08025faf80a2c0b75e6392315c47f900 size 156
MD5 8c623e53daafa025137077c6b65815bd metadata.xml 156
RMD160 dc078172bfebcb25d69bdf8731714f9cce9d3e36 metadata.xml 156
@@ -22,3 +30,6 @@ SHA256 5d22100902db7507a5b5493dd4a66cdb08025faf80a2c0b75e6392315c47f900 metadata
MD5 961baa7d756d594d303cb43c47e0aee2 files/digest-cblas-reference-20030223 208
RMD160 5e8239ac5c04544a04f8ec6b1a15e2d5f2d630e6 files/digest-cblas-reference-20030223 208
SHA256 f0caa7a78f2290eb3c627ec8fa5ea9c6cb5eb5b0b5db9e982ff1dfcb66f0a204 files/digest-cblas-reference-20030223 208
+MD5 961baa7d756d594d303cb43c47e0aee2 files/digest-cblas-reference-20030223-r1 208
+RMD160 5e8239ac5c04544a04f8ec6b1a15e2d5f2d630e6 files/digest-cblas-reference-20030223-r1 208
+SHA256 f0caa7a78f2290eb3c627ec8fa5ea9c6cb5eb5b0b5db9e982ff1dfcb66f0a204 files/digest-cblas-reference-20030223-r1 208
diff --git a/sci-libs/cblas-reference/cblas-reference-20030223-r1.ebuild b/sci-libs/cblas-reference/cblas-reference-20030223-r1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..591947dbcf76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-libs/cblas-reference/cblas-reference-20030223-r1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-libs/cblas-reference/cblas-reference-20030223-r1.ebuild,v 1.1 2006/05/29 00:15:37 spyderous Exp $
+inherit autotools eutils fortran multilib
+DESCRIPTION="C interface to the BLAS"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
+ sci-libs/blas-config"
+FORTRAN="gfortran g77 ifc"
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ # Must patch before changing to S. Patches that create new files
+ # will happily apply anywhere.
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-autotool.patch
+ cd "${S}"
+ eautoreconf
+src_install() {
+ TOP_PATH="${DESTTREE}/$(get_libdir)/blas"
+ RPATH="${TOP_PATH}/reference"
+ make DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "install failed"
+ # Fix for switching
+ dodir ${RPATH}
+ mv ${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)/libcblas* ${D}/${RPATH}
+ dodoc "${S}"/README || die "failed to install docs"
+ insinto "${TOP_PATH}"
+ doins "${FILESDIR}"/c-reference || \
+ die "failed to install blas-config file"
+pkg_postinst() {
+ blas-config c-reference
diff --git a/sci-libs/cblas-reference/files/cblas-reference-20030223-autotool.patch b/sci-libs/cblas-reference/files/cblas-reference-20030223-autotool.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cf8b25c7aeaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-libs/cblas-reference/files/cblas-reference-20030223-autotool.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+diff -urN CBLAS.orig/ CBLAS/
+--- CBLAS.orig/ 1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
++++ CBLAS/ 2006-05-17 00:06:17.000000000 -0700
+@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
++# -*- Autoconf -*-
++# Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
++AC_INIT(cblas, 20030223,
++# Checks for programs.
++# Needed when mixing Fortran and C in the same program/library
++AC_ARG_ENABLE(single-real, AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-single-real],
++ [Enable single real precision (default: enabled)]),
++ [S=$enableval], [S=yes SINGLE=yes])
++AC_ARG_ENABLE(double-real, AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-double-real],
++ [Enable double real precision (default: enabled)]),
++ [D=$enableval], [D=yes])
++AC_ARG_ENABLE(single-complex, AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-single-complex],
++ [Enable single complex precision (default: enabled)]),
++ [C=$enableval], [C=yes SINGLE=yes])
++AC_ARG_ENABLE(double-complex, AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-double-complex],
++ [Enable double complex precision (default: enabled)]),
++ [Z=$enableval], [Z=yes])
++AC_ARG_ENABLE(examples, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-examples],
++ [Build example programs (default: disabled)]),
++ [EXAMPLES=$enableval], [EXAMPLES=no])
++AC_ARG_ENABLE(tests, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-tests],
++ [Build test programs (default: disabled)]),
++ [DO_TEST=$enableval], [DO_TEST=no])
++if test "x$S" = "xno" \
++ && test "x$D" = "xno" \
++ && test "x$C" = "xno" \
++ && test "x$Z" = "xno"; then
++ AC_MSG_ERROR([You must enable at least one precision!])
++if test "x$DO_TEST" = "xyes"; then
++ TESTING=testing
++AM_CONDITIONAL([SINGLE], [test "x$SINGLE" = "xyes"])
++AM_CONDITIONAL([S], [test "x$S" = "xyes"])
++AM_CONDITIONAL([D], [test "x$D" = "xyes"])
++AM_CONDITIONAL([C], [test "x$C" = "xyes"])
++AM_CONDITIONAL([Z], [test "x$Z" = "xyes"])
++AM_CONDITIONAL([EXAMPLES], [test "x$EXAMPLES" = "xyes"])
++ src/Makefile
++ testing/Makefile])
+diff -urN CBLAS.orig/ CBLAS/
+--- CBLAS.orig/ 1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
++++ CBLAS/ 2006-05-17 00:01:22.000000000 -0700
+@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
++noinst_PROGRAMS = \
++ example1 \
++ example2
++LDADD = -lblas src/
++AM_CFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/src -DADD_
++example1_SOURCES = cblas_example1.c
++example2_SOURCES = cblas_example2.c
+diff -urN CBLAS.orig/src/ CBLAS/src/
+--- CBLAS.orig/src/ 1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
++++ CBLAS/src/ 2006-05-16 23:05:41.000000000 -0700
+@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
++ cblas_globals.c \
++ cblas_xerbla.c \
++ xerbla.c
++ cblas_scasum.c \
++ cblas_scnrm2.c \
++ scasumsub.f \
++ scnrm2sub.f
++if S
++ isamaxsub.f \
++ sdotsub.f \
++ sdsdotsub.f \
++ snrm2sub.f \
++ sasumsub.f
++ cblas_srotg.c \
++ cblas_srotmg.c \
++ cblas_srot.c \
++ cblas_srotm.c \
++ cblas_sswap.c \
++ cblas_sscal.c \
++ cblas_scopy.c \
++ cblas_saxpy.c \
++ cblas_sdot.c \
++ cblas_sdsdot.c \
++ cblas_snrm2.c \
++ cblas_sasum.c \
++ cblas_isamax.c
++ cblas_sgemv.c \
++ cblas_sgbmv.c \
++ cblas_sger.c \
++ cblas_ssbmv.c \
++ cblas_sspmv.c \
++ cblas_sspr.c \
++ cblas_sspr2.c \
++ cblas_ssymv.c \
++ cblas_ssyr.c \
++ cblas_ssyr2.c \
++ cblas_stbmv.c \
++ cblas_stbsv.c \
++ cblas_stpmv.c \
++ cblas_stpsv.c \
++ cblas_strmv.c \
++ cblas_strsv.c
++ cblas_sgemm.c \
++ cblas_ssymm.c \
++ cblas_ssyrk.c \
++ cblas_ssyr2k.c \
++ cblas_strmm.c \
++ cblas_strsm.c
++if D
++ ddotsub.f \
++ dsdotsub.f \
++ dnrm2sub.f \
++ dasumsub.f \
++ idamaxsub.f
++ cblas_drotg.c \
++ cblas_drotmg.c \
++ cblas_drot.c \
++ cblas_drotm.c \
++ cblas_dswap.c \
++ cblas_dscal.c \
++ cblas_dcopy.c \
++ cblas_daxpy.c \
++ cblas_ddot.c \
++ cblas_dsdot.c \
++ cblas_dnrm2.c \
++ cblas_dasum.c \
++ cblas_idamax.c
++ cblas_dgemv.c \
++ cblas_dgbmv.c \
++ cblas_dger.c \
++ cblas_dsbmv.c \
++ cblas_dspmv.c \
++ cblas_dspr.c \
++ cblas_dspr2.c \
++ cblas_dsymv.c \
++ cblas_dsyr.c \
++ cblas_dsyr2.c \
++ cblas_dtbmv.c \
++ cblas_dtbsv.c \
++ cblas_dtpmv.c \
++ cblas_dtpsv.c \
++ cblas_dtrmv.c \
++ cblas_dtrsv.c
++ cblas_dgemm.c \
++ cblas_dsymm.c \
++ cblas_dsyrk.c \
++ cblas_dsyr2k.c \
++ cblas_dtrmm.c \
++ cblas_dtrsm.c
++if C
++ cdotcsub.f \
++ cdotusub.f \
++ icamaxsub.f
++ cblas_cswap.c \
++ cblas_cscal.c \
++ cblas_csscal.c \
++ cblas_ccopy.c \
++ cblas_caxpy.c \
++ cblas_cdotu_sub.c \
++ cblas_cdotc_sub.c \
++ cblas_icamax.c
++ cblas_cgemv.c \
++ cblas_cgbmv.c \
++ cblas_chemv.c \
++ cblas_chbmv.c \
++ cblas_chpmv.c \
++ cblas_ctrmv.c \
++ cblas_ctbmv.c \
++ cblas_ctpmv.c \
++ cblas_ctrsv.c \
++ cblas_ctbsv.c \
++ cblas_ctpsv.c \
++ cblas_cgeru.c \
++ cblas_cgerc.c \
++ cblas_cher.c \
++ cblas_cher2.c \
++ cblas_chpr.c \
++ cblas_chpr2.c
++ cblas_cgemm.c \
++ cblas_csymm.c \
++ cblas_chemm.c \
++ cblas_cherk.c \
++ cblas_cher2k.c \
++ cblas_ctrmm.c \
++ cblas_ctrsm.c \
++ cblas_csyrk.c \
++ cblas_csyr2k.c
++if Z
++ zdotcsub.f \
++ zdotusub.f \
++ dzasumsub.f \
++ dznrm2sub.f \
++ izamaxsub.f
++ cblas_zswap.c \
++ cblas_zscal.c \
++ cblas_zdscal.c \
++ cblas_zcopy.c \
++ cblas_zaxpy.c \
++ cblas_zdotu_sub.c \
++ cblas_zdotc_sub.c \
++ cblas_dznrm2.c \
++ cblas_dzasum.c \
++ cblas_izamax.c
++ cblas_zgemv.c \
++ cblas_zgbmv.c \
++ cblas_zhemv.c \
++ cblas_zhbmv.c \
++ cblas_zhpmv.c \
++ cblas_ztrmv.c \
++ cblas_ztbmv.c \
++ cblas_ztpmv.c \
++ cblas_ztrsv.c \
++ cblas_ztbsv.c \
++ cblas_ztpsv.c \
++ cblas_zgeru.c \
++ cblas_zgerc.c \
++ cblas_zher.c \
++ cblas_zher2.c \
++ cblas_zhpr.c \
++ cblas_zhpr2.c
++ cblas_zgemm.c \
++ cblas_zsymm.c \
++ cblas_zhemm.c \
++ cblas_zherk.c \
++ cblas_zher2k.c \
++ cblas_ztrmm.c \
++ cblas_ztrsm.c \
++ cblas_zsyrk.c \
++ cblas_zsyr2k.c
++libcblas_la_SOURCES = \
++ cblas_f77.h \
++ cblas.h \
++libcblas_la_LIBADD = $(FLIBS)
+diff -urN CBLAS.orig/testing/ CBLAS/testing/
+--- CBLAS.orig/testing/ 1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
++++ CBLAS/testing/ 2006-05-16 23:59:08.000000000 -0700
+@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
++noinst_PROGRAMS = \
++ xscblat1 \
++ xscblat2 \
++ xscblat3 \
++ xdcblat1 \
++ xdcblat2 \
++ xdcblat3 \
++ xccblat1 \
++ xccblat2 \
++ xccblat3 \
++ xzcblat1 \
++ xzcblat2 \
++ xzcblat3
++LDADD = -lblas $(top_builddir)/src/ $(FLIBS)
++AM_CFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/src -DADD_
++ auxiliary.c \
++ c_xerbla.c
++xscblat1_SOURCES = \
++ c_sblas1.c \
++ c_sblat1.f
++xscblat2_SOURCES = \
++ c_sblas2.c \
++ c_s2chke.c \
++ c_sblat2.f \
++xscblat3_SOURCES = \
++ c_sblas3.c \
++ c_s3chke.c \
++ c_sblat3.f \
++xdcblat1_SOURCES = \
++ c_dblas1.c \
++ c_dblat1.f
++xdcblat2_SOURCES = \
++ c_dblas2.c \
++ c_d2chke.c \
++ c_dblat2.f \
++xdcblat3_SOURCES = \
++ c_dblas3.c \
++ c_d3chke.c \
++ c_dblat3.f \
++xccblat1_SOURCES = \
++ c_cblas1.c \
++ c_cblat1.f
++xccblat2_SOURCES = \
++ c_cblas2.c \
++ c_c2chke.c \
++ c_cblat2.f \
++xccblat3_SOURCES = \
++ c_cblas3.c \
++ c_c3chke.c \
++ c_cblat3.f \
++xzcblat1_SOURCES = \
++ c_zblas1.c \
++ c_zblat1.f
++xzcblat2_SOURCES = \
++ c_zblas2.c \
++ c_z2chke.c \
++ c_zblat2.f \
++xzcblat3_SOURCES = \
++ c_zblas3.c \
++ c_z3chke.c \
++ c_zblat3.f \
diff --git a/sci-libs/cblas-reference/files/digest-cblas-reference-20030223-r1 b/sci-libs/cblas-reference/files/digest-cblas-reference-20030223-r1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..823a069b1666
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-libs/cblas-reference/files/digest-cblas-reference-20030223-r1
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+MD5 716329646ac933592a7cbdbeae9d3d06 cblas.tgz 197694
+RMD160 77bd5111659f55540c72f9fcd9277d97bd1ea33b cblas.tgz 197694
+SHA256 9b49d7177fda62b6141bf2ca29e475e86f0b12d8f72e0b944058d02b439dd52a cblas.tgz 197694