diff options
authorZac Medico <>2007-12-21 04:48:13 +0000
committerZac Medico <>2007-12-21 04:48:13 +0000
commit47c67af058b15f6df6c82de62cc3db7cbe190727 (patch)
treea1e357fde1b87087e31c7343e234840dd91f04e4 /sys-apps
parentUpdate documentation. (diff)
2.1.4_rc11 bump. This fixes bugs #149816 (support for binary package
masking and other visibility filtering), and #176467 (limit values in $USE to ones in $IUSE). Bug #200044 tracks all bugs fixed since 2.1.3.x. Package-Manager: portage-2.1.4_rc11
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-apps')
4 files changed, 298 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/sys-apps/portage/ChangeLog b/sys-apps/portage/ChangeLog
index b97707eedeab..c5daf2d6c240 100644
--- a/sys-apps/portage/ChangeLog
+++ b/sys-apps/portage/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
# ChangeLog for sys-apps/portage
# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/portage/ChangeLog,v 1.483 2007/12/14 01:13:02 zmedico Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/portage/ChangeLog,v 1.484 2007/12/21 04:48:12 zmedico Exp $
+*portage-2.1.4_rc11 (21 Dec 2007)
+ 21 Dec 2007; Zac Medico <> +portage-2.1.4_rc11.ebuild:
+ 2.1.4_rc11 bump. This fixes bugs #149816 (support for binary package
+ masking and other visibility filtering), and #176467 (limit values in
+ $USE to ones in $IUSE). Bug #200044 tracks all bugs fixed since 2.1.3.x.
*portage-2.1.4_rc10 (14 Dec 2007)
diff --git a/sys-apps/portage/Manifest b/sys-apps/portage/Manifest
index e3517eb4eed9..feeaa56a1e79 100644
--- a/sys-apps/portage/Manifest
+++ b/sys-apps/portage/Manifest
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ DIST portage- 336043 RMD160 7994d95bad6672f6602b3556a2237c7547ee
DIST portage- 375210 RMD160 06d0e9bc25431cb5e63004fd651020a11acfb47d SHA1 b3257fb75c4e1db1192814551e30b0a2c986fdd1 SHA256 6657857fa5a0c18c4a9ae3a22665896aae7004a6b69bef50c0046514dd4fdb8f
DIST portage- 20196 RMD160 3d33ecc8ae5176426666ba1aa03155a10ed97c01 SHA1 89a525959e493b0b1834e3b59d182a9b35a6508c SHA256 a69c095a32b2d731cb7b74731269ae7c42357a3c34d7f183e2fc779d79652296
DIST portage-2.1.4_rc10.patch.bz2 64393 RMD160 0a561467d63e5fc95ae4e5c2e3b324e04a389d41 SHA1 c51d77297fa0f7e657787f9ef282805edb9e4986 SHA256 cf0041f901b18c55570f0f1e6fc793686aeeb834be95182c2224aabd745f7d9d
+DIST portage-2.1.4_rc11.patch.bz2 74418 RMD160 263267724bb38764b9480641f9f28cbbb86f9e72 SHA1 e64f94eff94602e39af888938b00f30649b7c3ae SHA256 a1d9aa455ec7c01778a519085ba50212ee5557f63d8c3aeb783cf4d5f764bb3d
DIST portage-2.1.4_rc9.patch.bz2 57981 RMD160 f8fd7eccca5e6dab507b56a46278667f845c7bc6 SHA1 5a68d9cf5a6bbfac50467c118f930f6f26b0667f SHA256 1aa2cdcc47501dcff8e5bdd60fb802b1a15d18ed5fb2f5161f886f1b097b9bae
DIST portage-man-pl-2.1-r1.patch.bz2 2076 RMD160 be3898714b94fb0253c1826909649ea51da205ad SHA1 6ec21b29a3eff4a034ea68b4e6a889c8f95dcc3e SHA256 28176c04290478ba4373c28ea047edbdf3a40d3ff69bf92da55d1cfcb828ea5b
DIST portage-man-pl-2.1.2.tar.bz2 53893 RMD160 46c3656b40bf4ad2530ab2b5fbc563708b86748c SHA1 c3151e0b330c589625830e54053fbc676b2c64de SHA256 960eaa7c6f3a2af44bdc665266a8e884628a562373cc477d301597ecc5ef961f
@@ -44,14 +45,18 @@ EBUILD portage-2.1.4_rc10.ebuild 7764 RMD160 6d81feb7e3aea700affef54e8ae48b7fde7
MD5 47f91ff6ca35a67d4caa7ad0b5bc8e7e portage-2.1.4_rc10.ebuild 7764
RMD160 6d81feb7e3aea700affef54e8ae48b7fde79e017 portage-2.1.4_rc10.ebuild 7764
SHA256 ba723b47c099c17fb8a1bf0aa7d2f8d99e8635add662cca9ae4b15a91e808562 portage-2.1.4_rc10.ebuild 7764
+EBUILD portage-2.1.4_rc11.ebuild 7946 RMD160 ad0453e6209914f3f9139c9274b0b857ecbaea9a SHA1 34f5c507f61d64b32e0be35effe06afaee79a702 SHA256 75b00d1dda94e8cd589ac5f92455a07eda0a7ea1112d5a31ef84d6e8f088608e
+MD5 6e36709f6e92d8260e3b3a868825946a portage-2.1.4_rc11.ebuild 7946
+RMD160 ad0453e6209914f3f9139c9274b0b857ecbaea9a portage-2.1.4_rc11.ebuild 7946
+SHA256 75b00d1dda94e8cd589ac5f92455a07eda0a7ea1112d5a31ef84d6e8f088608e portage-2.1.4_rc11.ebuild 7946
EBUILD portage-2.1.4_rc9.ebuild 7757 RMD160 7ff6744309f4b4a131cd0d5037193565ce6293e2 SHA1 c00e28017ac5be004e5de11ce22ad20fdfbf69d0 SHA256 43f1d218bdaba14da6e86694224c02fd1a52846d1e0bc15db39eaf073f3355f5
MD5 30b201487b82a4996aaf3b83f4c7e942 portage-2.1.4_rc9.ebuild 7757
RMD160 7ff6744309f4b4a131cd0d5037193565ce6293e2 portage-2.1.4_rc9.ebuild 7757
SHA256 43f1d218bdaba14da6e86694224c02fd1a52846d1e0bc15db39eaf073f3355f5 portage-2.1.4_rc9.ebuild 7757
-MISC ChangeLog 15054 RMD160 acc4186914f46b28c9c68bfef0831495abb4c26b SHA1 ef657ada050b6a3985e4842b80adb5310d365c28 SHA256 4d38eb1cfd699d6f76d444e310abddc2f775fd8e573cdc186ade0ea7e7884ea7
-MD5 2c56b3a8a0daf8019b64858c57551db7 ChangeLog 15054
-RMD160 acc4186914f46b28c9c68bfef0831495abb4c26b ChangeLog 15054
-SHA256 4d38eb1cfd699d6f76d444e310abddc2f775fd8e573cdc186ade0ea7e7884ea7 ChangeLog 15054
+MISC ChangeLog 15383 RMD160 8b3ea6bf74ae130bb8d96e3f4f8cd5d7003bca1c SHA1 491ca7690e8165f14fa15724e145f1c536a50d06 SHA256 41ffb3782d4aa7b76c09e8fd19ce1d4a6e7a15fa8a48ab075a0ddbaaf2e6d16d
+MD5 6ca99ae991af84ff8e93d5f1417a4738 ChangeLog 15383
+RMD160 8b3ea6bf74ae130bb8d96e3f4f8cd5d7003bca1c ChangeLog 15383
+SHA256 41ffb3782d4aa7b76c09e8fd19ce1d4a6e7a15fa8a48ab075a0ddbaaf2e6d16d ChangeLog 15383
MISC metadata.xml 282 RMD160 6c4808b6cd95ab87688faa56ba4d2fcf15d2ab53 SHA1 91e4b3ed133aefe77b32ea6de69cd0062b8e40a4 SHA256 8f9dedd85eefb6985a8f28c79b4e7ec448ff3933fbac27cd169e15ed9e686c18
MD5 dfcfc175ec5ae4909adae41bc375bcd6 metadata.xml 282
RMD160 6c4808b6cd95ab87688faa56ba4d2fcf15d2ab53 metadata.xml 282
@@ -71,13 +76,16 @@ SHA256 41cfad5b48183c6fa7667e247eb242a5a04eacd7a73123f5ea1c5192b3761327 files/di
MD5 acd1dcbb65516395699dc98520d31c38 files/digest-portage-2.1.4_rc10 777
RMD160 aee5c167c048311797085652f6346fb96491c3d0 files/digest-portage-2.1.4_rc10 777
SHA256 029b6b6e89f520ce68ee6822eacd042136ea23a9143ee6e6aa4b95068384e4a6 files/digest-portage-2.1.4_rc10 777
+MD5 7ec1ef768cb81f77ca10668c3b0d4b52 files/digest-portage-2.1.4_rc11 777
+RMD160 4b3da7a79143a4b0cd6582b7f39510f52d6c99f8 files/digest-portage-2.1.4_rc11 777
+SHA256 4d7f197175b0d487615ad600449059290017127d6da9bbfc4fe8a4bfa83c9b08 files/digest-portage-2.1.4_rc11 777
MD5 16d957ce37855b61311cf214a530a23e files/digest-portage-2.1.4_rc9 774
RMD160 15a03120af244bbdf28b9c944834195e7727078b files/digest-portage-2.1.4_rc9 774
SHA256 ed56c997f58db6d0fa82f74cf5e1c37663435dbbce7a32a7d32582b644132dad files/digest-portage-2.1.4_rc9 774
Version: GnuPG v2.0.7 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/sys-apps/portage/files/digest-portage-2.1.4_rc11 b/sys-apps/portage/files/digest-portage-2.1.4_rc11
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..870ebb345997
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/portage/files/digest-portage-2.1.4_rc11
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+MD5 1650b5ea49895b610fc21ae6d36413ad portage- 375210
+RMD160 06d0e9bc25431cb5e63004fd651020a11acfb47d portage- 375210
+SHA256 6657857fa5a0c18c4a9ae3a22665896aae7004a6b69bef50c0046514dd4fdb8f portage- 375210
+MD5 da1db1c22b6fed0853b7cef4cef0f956 portage-2.1.4_rc11.patch.bz2 74418
+RMD160 263267724bb38764b9480641f9f28cbbb86f9e72 portage-2.1.4_rc11.patch.bz2 74418
+SHA256 a1d9aa455ec7c01778a519085ba50212ee5557f63d8c3aeb783cf4d5f764bb3d portage-2.1.4_rc11.patch.bz2 74418
+MD5 6409f79dd5efe7922dd8fa36340c4912 portage-man-pl-2.1.2.tar.bz2 53893
+RMD160 46c3656b40bf4ad2530ab2b5fbc563708b86748c portage-man-pl-2.1.2.tar.bz2 53893
+SHA256 960eaa7c6f3a2af44bdc665266a8e884628a562373cc477d301597ecc5ef961f portage-man-pl-2.1.2.tar.bz2 53893
diff --git a/sys-apps/portage/portage-2.1.4_rc11.ebuild b/sys-apps/portage/portage-2.1.4_rc11.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..10c05017c81c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/portage/portage-2.1.4_rc11.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/portage/portage-2.1.4_rc11.ebuild,v 1.1 2007/12/21 04:48:12 zmedico Exp $
+inherit toolchain-funcs eutils flag-o-matic multilib
+DESCRIPTION="The Portage Package Management System. The primary package management and distribution system for Gentoo."
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~m68k ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~sparc-fbsd ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
+IUSE="build doc epydoc selinux linguas_pl"
+ !build? ( >=sys-apps/sed-4.0.5 )
+ doc? ( app-text/xmlto ~app-text/docbook-xml-dtd-4.4 )
+ epydoc? ( >=dev-python/epydoc-2.0 )"
+ !build? ( >=sys-apps/sed-4.0.5
+ >=app-shells/bash-3.2_p17 )
+ elibc_FreeBSD? ( sys-freebsd/freebsd-bin )
+ elibc_glibc? ( >=sys-apps/sandbox-1.2.17 !mips? ( >=sys-apps/sandbox- ) )
+ elibc_uclibc? ( >=sys-apps/sandbox-1.2.17 !mips? ( >=sys-apps/sandbox- ) )
+ >=app-misc/pax-utils-0.1.13
+ selinux? ( >=dev-python/python-selinux-2.16 )"
+ doc? (
+ || ( app-portage/eclass-manpages app-portage/portage-manpages )
+ )
+ !build? (
+ >=net-misc/rsync-2.6.4
+ userland_GNU? ( >=sys-apps/coreutils-6.4 )
+ || ( >=dev-lang/python-2.5 >=dev-python/pycrypto-2.0.1-r6 )
+ )"
+# coreutils-6.4 rdep is for date format in emerge-webrsync #164532
+# rsync-2.6.4 rdep is for the --filter option #167668
+ ${SRC_ARCHIVES}/${PN}-${TARBALL_PV}.tar.bz2
+ linguas_pl? ( mirror://gentoo/${PN}-man-pl-${PV_PL}.tar.bz2
+ ${SRC_ARCHIVES}/${PN}-man-pl-${PV_PL}.tar.bz2 )"
+if [ -n "${PATCHVER}" ]; then
+ SRC_URI="${SRC_URI} mirror://gentoo/${PN}-${PATCHVER}.patch.bz2
+ ${SRC_ARCHIVES}/${PN}-${PATCHVER}.patch.bz2"
+if [ -n "${PATCHVER_PL}" ]; then
+ SRC_URI="${SRC_URI} linguas_pl? ( mirror://gentoo/${PN}-man-pl-${PV_PL}${PATCHVER_PL}.patch.bz2
+ ${SRC_ARCHIVES}/${PN}-man-pl-${PV_PL}${PATCHVER_PL}.patch.bz2 )"
+portage_docs() {
+ elog ""
+ elog "For help with using portage please consult the Gentoo Handbook"
+ elog "at"
+ elog ""
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd "${S}"
+ if [ -n "${PATCHVER}" ]; then
+ cd "${S}"
+ epatch "${WORKDIR}/${PN}-${PATCHVER}.patch"
+ fi
+ einfo "Setting portage.VERSION to ${PVR} ..."
+ sed -i "s/^VERSION=.*/VERSION=\"${PVR}\"/" pym/ || \
+ die "Failed to patch portage.VERSION"
+ eend 0
+ if [ -n "${PATCHVER_PL}" ]; then
+ use linguas_pl && \
+ epatch "${WORKDIR}/${PN}-man-pl-${PV_PL}${PATCHVER_PL}.patch"
+ fi
+src_compile() {
+ append-lfs-flags
+ cd "${S}"/src
+ $(tc-getCC) ${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} -o tbz2tool tbz2tool.c || \
+ die "Failed to build tbz2tool"
+ if use doc; then
+ cd "${S}"/doc
+ touch fragment/date
+ sed -i "s/svn-trunk/${PVR}/" fragment/version
+ make xhtml xhtml-nochunks || die "failed to make docs"
+ fi
+ if use epydoc; then
+ einfo "Generating api docs"
+ mkdir "${WORKDIR}"/api
+ local my_modules
+ my_modules="$(find "${S}/pym" -name "*.py" \
+ | sed -e 's:/$::' -e 's:\.py$::' -e "s:^${S}/pym/::" \
+ -e 's:/:.:g')" || die "error listing modules"
+ PYTHONPATH="${S}/pym:${PYTHONPATH}" epydoc -o "${WORKDIR}"/api \
+ -qqqqq --ignore-param-mismatch --no-frames --show-imports \
+ --name "${PN}" --url "${HOMEPAGE}" \
+ ${my_modules} || die "epydoc failed"
+ fi
+src_test() {
+ ./tests/runTests || \
+ die "test(s) failed"
+src_install() {
+ local libdir=$(get_libdir)
+ local portage_base="/usr/${libdir}/portage"
+ cd "${S}"/cnf
+ insinto /etc
+ doins etc-update.conf dispatch-conf.conf make.globals
+ if [ -f "make.conf.${ARCH}".diff ]; then
+ patch make.conf "make.conf.${ARCH}".diff || \
+ die "Failed to patch make.conf.example"
+ newins make.conf make.conf.example
+ else
+ eerror ""
+ eerror "Portage does not have an arch-specific configuration for this arch."
+ eerror "Please notify the arch maintainer about this issue. Using generic."
+ eerror ""
+ newins make.conf make.conf.example
+ fi
+ insinto /etc/logrotate.d
+ doins "${S}"/cnf/logrotate.d/elog-save-summary
+ dodir ${portage_base}/bin
+ exeinto ${portage_base}/bin
+ # BSD and OSX need a sed wrapper so that find/xargs work properly
+ if use userland_GNU; then
+ rm "${S}"/bin/sed || die "Failed to remove sed wrapper"
+ else
+ local x
+ for x in awk make patch ; do
+ # these wrappers will be preferred in $PATH
+ # and they do foo -> gfoo translation
+ dosym sed "${portage_base}/bin/${x}"
+ done
+ fi
+ cd "${S}"/bin
+ doexe *
+ doexe "${S}"/src/tbz2tool
+ dosym newins ${portage_base}/bin/donewins
+ local mydir
+ for mydir in pym pym/cache pym/elog_modules; do
+ dodir ${portage_base}/${mydir}
+ insinto ${portage_base}/${mydir}
+ cd "${S}"/${mydir}
+ doins *.py
+ done
+ doman "${S}"/man/*.[0-9]
+ if use linguas_pl; then
+ doman -i18n=pl "${S_PL}"/man/pl/*.[0-9]
+ doman -i18n=pl_PL.UTF-8 "${S_PL}"/man/pl_PL.UTF-8/*.[0-9]
+ fi
+ dodoc "${S}"/ChangeLog
+ dodoc "${S}"/NEWS
+ dodoc "${S}"/RELEASE-NOTES
+ use doc && dohtml "${S}"/doc/*.html
+ use epydoc && dohtml -r "${WORKDIR}"/api
+ dodir /usr/bin
+ local x
+ for x in ebuild emerge portageq repoman tbz2tool xpak; do
+ dosym ../${libdir}/portage/bin/${x} /usr/bin/${x}
+ done
+ dodir /usr/sbin
+ local my_syms="archive-conf
+ dispatch-conf
+ emaint
+ emerge-webrsync
+ env-update
+ etc-update
+ fixpackages
+ quickpkg
+ regenworld"
+ local x
+ for x in ${my_syms}; do
+ dosym ../${libdir}/portage/bin/${x} /usr/sbin/${x}
+ done
+ dosym env-update /usr/sbin/update-env
+ dosym etc-update /usr/sbin/update-etc
+ dodir /etc/portage
+ keepdir /etc/portage
+ echo PYTHONPATH=\"${portage_base}/pym\" > "${WORKDIR}"/05portage.envd
+ doenvd "${WORKDIR}"/05portage.envd
+pkg_preinst() {
+ if ! use build && ! has_version dev-python/pycrypto && \
+ has_version '>=dev-lang/python-2.5' ; then
+ if ! built_with_use '>=dev-lang/python-2.5' ssl ; then
+ echo "If you are a Gentoo developer and you plan to" \
+ "commit ebuilds with this system then please install" \
+ "pycrypto or enable python's ssl USE flag in order" \
+ "to enable RMD160 hash support. See bug #198398 for" \
+ "more information." | \
+ fmt -w 70 | while read line ; do ewarn "${line}" ; done
+ fi
+ fi
+ local portage_base="/usr/$(get_libdir)/portage"
+ if has livecvsportage ${FEATURES} && [ "${ROOT}" = "/" ]; then
+ rm -rf "${D}"/${portage_base}/pym/*
+ mv "${D}"/${portage_base}/bin/tbz2tool "${T}"
+ rm -rf "${D}"/${portage_base}/bin/*
+ mv "${T}"/tbz2tool "${D}"/${portage_base}/bin/
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ local x
+ if [ ! -f "${ROOT}/var/lib/portage/world" ] &&
+ [ -f "${ROOT}"/var/cache/edb/world ] &&
+ [ ! -h "${ROOT}"/var/cache/edb/world ]; then
+ mv "${ROOT}"/var/cache/edb/world "${ROOT}"/var/lib/portage/world
+ ln -s ../../lib/portage/world /var/cache/edb/world
+ fi
+ for x in "${ROOT}"/etc/._cfg????_make.globals; do
+ # Overwrite the globals file automatically.
+ [ -e "${x}" ] && mv -f "${x}" "${ROOT}etc/make.globals"
+ done
+ # Compile all source files recursively. Any orphans
+ # will be identified and removed in postrm.
+ compile_all_python_bytecodes "${ROOT}usr/$(get_libdir)/portage/pym"
+ portage_docs
+pkg_postrm() {
+ remove_orphan_python_bytecodes "${ROOT}usr/$(get_libdir)/portage/pym"
+compile_all_python_bytecodes() {
+ python -c "from compileall import compile_dir; compile_dir('${1}', quiet=True)"
+ python -O -c "from compileall import compile_dir; compile_dir('${1}', quiet=True)"
+remove_orphan_python_bytecodes() {
+ [[ -d ${1} ]] || return
+ find "${1}" -name '*.py[co]' -print0 | \
+ while read -d $'\0' f ; do
+ src_py=${f%[co]}
+ [[ -f ${src_py} ]] && continue
+ rm -f "${src_py}"[co]
+ done