diff options
authorStephen Klimaszewski <>2007-04-01 09:50:56 +0000
committerStephen Klimaszewski <>2007-04-01 09:50:56 +0000
commit9d7325076d9ad8729d7bffbad07a2df3993089c6 (patch)
tree9cf2c1068e7fa2143bcc390245f4560376d8d089 /sys-apps
parentNew upstream release (diff)
New upstream release, again, please test this one, 0.5.9 is around the corner
Package-Manager: portage-
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-apps')
4 files changed, 184 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/sys-apps/hal/ChangeLog b/sys-apps/hal/ChangeLog
index 94f37c0587e9..9aa0e29d27f3 100644
--- a/sys-apps/hal/ChangeLog
+++ b/sys-apps/hal/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
# ChangeLog for sys-apps/hal
# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/hal/ChangeLog,v 1.137 2007/03/30 23:25:44 steev Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/hal/ChangeLog,v 1.138 2007/04/01 09:50:56 steev Exp $
+*hal-0.5.9_rc3 (01 Apr 2007)
+ 01 Apr 2007; Steev Klimaszewski <> +hal-0.5.9_rc3.ebuild:
+ New upstream release, again, please test this one, 0.5.9 is around the corner.
30 Mar 2007; Steev Klimaszewski <>
+files/fix-scsi-fake-host-event.patch, hal-0.5.9_rc2.ebuild:
diff --git a/sys-apps/hal/Manifest b/sys-apps/hal/Manifest
index 9a18fee92495..760cf3e1044e 100644
--- a/sys-apps/hal/Manifest
+++ b/sys-apps/hal/Manifest
@@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ RMD160 3d15723862416de29b6e2d18c53aec05b05216c3 files/hald 522
SHA256 92f584b631026307485faa9ba386353b6d833349999e052fae0e8e9f82f83b6e files/hald 522
DIST hal- 1503156 RMD160 2861818b29546bd3628b1bda3d41238cf644c644 SHA1 233b67e724e68f41ec3f53adcfb7d139328c5813 SHA256 f15320c1ec3e5c89307fc0a6fbf75b6619de12c15ce8cc1a689e7bc3f2c0831b
DIST hal-0.5.9.rc2.tar.gz 1543333 RMD160 e3c788d9ef8778034f92b35e250e15eb034bf31c SHA1 863d4d06251a90bb53824dad78f46b4dcf43083f SHA256 107bd9e76de2ac7fc086dd545e08580a5aa75b1f979fdb55b3a686a1e833b166
+DIST hal-0.5.9.rc3.tar.gz 1579447 RMD160 433b91056263cba4e0a65f829b10d9845ba2e735 SHA1 d8c1767b2c81028394384f512e965bbc8bf908c1 SHA256 59fff487a63a1dcd79e9ebf9d3d1393df10386a1c5ebfffc63ddd03334b379ef
EBUILD hal- 6222 RMD160 5b7c01c492988a99e04b1e5516982bbe62fa8182 SHA1 6028da543a35928eb8ba9681f9c188c203842b11 SHA256 0ecad9d4f734c2deeaa1b1d14642ee148a0a9808584e7fde02a2633113f67ad0
MD5 516e7380bdf23063008d943c55a02c85 hal- 6222
RMD160 5b7c01c492988a99e04b1e5516982bbe62fa8182 hal- 6222
@@ -120,10 +121,14 @@ EBUILD hal-0.5.9_rc2.ebuild 5246 RMD160 0e9aa04e4894e452d002cec7532fda31d024085e
MD5 9fcd878332741eccc43d7595e91f6923 hal-0.5.9_rc2.ebuild 5246
RMD160 0e9aa04e4894e452d002cec7532fda31d024085e hal-0.5.9_rc2.ebuild 5246
SHA256 453768e5bcb268b3913850dc4901795d78358c7d986bedd17f331da5b1ae15da hal-0.5.9_rc2.ebuild 5246
-MISC ChangeLog 20992 RMD160 c7680675e8881033eb9614d8fc7d6a482f5ababe SHA1 b72bbfc7b4fc5acbe78eafb14a5517f64bf84998 SHA256 14d9b0f746853d9666dffec1bfe2e3f0bf978992e9e8cd3e441e2becb9a73b4d
-MD5 3059c5ab7e07a333a04dc077d5a4c0a9 ChangeLog 20992
-RMD160 c7680675e8881033eb9614d8fc7d6a482f5ababe ChangeLog 20992
-SHA256 14d9b0f746853d9666dffec1bfe2e3f0bf978992e9e8cd3e441e2becb9a73b4d ChangeLog 20992
+EBUILD hal-0.5.9_rc3.ebuild 5195 RMD160 bad37a37b0ae093cdf5a67f90a7668c1815d89ad SHA1 e59cee9e4880c054ae596664adc01c55e50ac170 SHA256 1bbfad357ace2939447db3b2fdf426e593e6732e20cff62337dcaa10681d48ab
+MD5 013ee086c29791006b789c5345046794 hal-0.5.9_rc3.ebuild 5195
+RMD160 bad37a37b0ae093cdf5a67f90a7668c1815d89ad hal-0.5.9_rc3.ebuild 5195
+SHA256 1bbfad357ace2939447db3b2fdf426e593e6732e20cff62337dcaa10681d48ab hal-0.5.9_rc3.ebuild 5195
+MISC ChangeLog 21180 RMD160 341d50db223443e3a5979cefe94610b946c12d6e SHA1 1ed65f5f22af86921a25c293cd2e3f6ed70f730a SHA256 76c54b7ccde3198490947492c5888b70f1871b0c17c425676481b832179bdd01
+MD5 af955c2fb7c0449b62c7ce51ddf554c1 ChangeLog 21180
+RMD160 341d50db223443e3a5979cefe94610b946c12d6e ChangeLog 21180
+SHA256 76c54b7ccde3198490947492c5888b70f1871b0c17c425676481b832179bdd01 ChangeLog 21180
MISC metadata.xml 345 RMD160 aa6e810e9546542453ebe5d6ca46804e99f447f2 SHA1 fef829210e8555807f9b69ba5afedffb8af8d02c SHA256 0c9aeabf473a6836c25a5db2ca86b880dec1efa9e52310725e08d1e0df93447d
MD5 3317c4000387b670183d305ef9937b75 metadata.xml 345
RMD160 aa6e810e9546542453ebe5d6ca46804e99f447f2 metadata.xml 345
@@ -137,3 +142,6 @@ SHA256 6fede189bf70fa0a1009bcefea0a23a8941a051256e7fafc16793324db3c61c0 files/di
MD5 39710d0d56c5beb18d67b2845c19cc0a files/digest-hal-0.5.9_rc2 244
RMD160 f540b0fa0b03dcb17a1cf39caa83e3d67c1fabf1 files/digest-hal-0.5.9_rc2 244
SHA256 15c93494f0692b662024325758c82c96451ab4255eaa77ae67b5417457effda3 files/digest-hal-0.5.9_rc2 244
+MD5 0029809bafcc00ebedef8036a56f4a09 files/digest-hal-0.5.9_rc3 244
+RMD160 d83b6ed978021e7b0c07e001c831efaf0fded65a files/digest-hal-0.5.9_rc3 244
+SHA256 9df1136edad9b2da93c5d7d938f59fbb40a1096998dcaa43fa9b2b31abbe9a7f files/digest-hal-0.5.9_rc3 244
diff --git a/sys-apps/hal/files/digest-hal-0.5.9_rc3 b/sys-apps/hal/files/digest-hal-0.5.9_rc3
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7c3772a75e31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/hal/files/digest-hal-0.5.9_rc3
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+MD5 47c6922e514abff92c9723ef822ed4c4 hal-0.5.9.rc3.tar.gz 1579447
+RMD160 433b91056263cba4e0a65f829b10d9845ba2e735 hal-0.5.9.rc3.tar.gz 1579447
+SHA256 59fff487a63a1dcd79e9ebf9d3d1393df10386a1c5ebfffc63ddd03334b379ef hal-0.5.9.rc3.tar.gz 1579447
diff --git a/sys-apps/hal/hal-0.5.9_rc3.ebuild b/sys-apps/hal/hal-0.5.9_rc3.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5a9017890979
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/hal/hal-0.5.9_rc3.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/hal/hal-0.5.9_rc3.ebuild,v 1.1 2007/04/01 09:50:56 steev Exp $
+inherit eutils linux-info autotools flag-o-matic
+DESCRIPTION="Hardware Abstraction Layer"
+LICENSE="|| ( GPL-2 AFL-2.0 )"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sh ~sparc ~x86"
+IUSE="acpi crypt debug dell disk-partition doc mactel pcmcia selinux"
+ >=dev-libs/dbus-glib-0.61
+ >=sys-fs/udev-104
+ >=sys-apps/util-linux-2.12r-r1
+ || ( >=sys-kernel/linux-headers-2.6 >=sys-kernel/mips-headers-2.6 )
+ >=dev-libs/expat-1.95.8
+ >=sys-apps/pciutils-2.2.3
+ >=dev-libs/libusb-0.1.10a
+ virtual/eject
+ amd64? ( >=sys-apps/dmidecode-2.7 )
+ x86? ( >=sys-apps/dmidecode-2.7 )
+ ia64? ( >=sys-apps/dmidecode-2.7 )
+ dell? ( >=sys-libs/libsmbios-0.13.4 )
+ disk-partition? ( >=sys-apps/parted-1.7.1 )
+ crypt? ( >=sys-fs/cryptsetup-luks-1.0.1 )
+ selinux? ( sys-libs/libselinux )"
+ dev-util/pkgconfig
+ >=dev-util/intltool-0.35
+ doc? ( app-doc/doxygen app-text/docbook-sgml-utils )"
+## HAL Daemon drops privledges so we need group access to read disks
+function notify_uevent() {
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "You must enable Kernel Userspace Events in your kernel."
+ ewarn "For this you need to enable 'Hotplug' under 'General Setup' and"
+ ewarn "basic networking. They are marked CONFIG_HOTPLUG and CONFIG_NET"
+ ewarn "in the config file."
+ ewarn
+ ebeep 5
+function notify_procfs() {
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "You must enable the proc filesystem in your kernel."
+ ewarn "For this you need to enable '/proc file system support' under"
+ ewarn "'Pseudo filesystems' in 'File systems'. It is marked"
+ ewarn "CONFIG_PROC_FS in the config file."
+ ewarn
+ ebeep 5
+pkg_setup() {
+ kernel_is ge 2 6 17 || ewarn "HAL requires a kernel version 2.6.17 or newer"
+ if ! ( linux_chkconfig_present HOTPLUG && linux_chkconfig_present NET )
+ then
+ notify_uevent
+ fi
+ if use acpi ; then
+ linux_chkconfig_present PROC_FS || notify_procfs
+ fi
+ if [[ -d ${ROOT}/etc/hal/device.d ]]; then
+ eerror "HAL 0.5.x will not run with the HAL 0.4.x series of"
+ eerror "/etc/hal/device.d/ so please remove this directory"
+ eerror "with rm -rf /etc/hal/device.d/ and then re-emerge."
+ eerror "This is due to configuration protection of /etc/"
+ die "remove /etc/hal/device.d/"
+ fi
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd ${S}
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PN}-0.5.7-plugdev-allow-send.patch
+src_compile() {
+ # TODO :: policykit should have a pam useflag
+ append-flags -rdynamic
+ econf --disable-policy-kit \
+ --with-doc-dir=/usr/share/doc/${PF} \
+ --with-os-type=gentoo \
+ --with-pid-file=/var/run/ \
+ --with-hwdata=/usr/share/misc \
+ --enable-hotplug-map \
+ $(use_enable debug verbose-mode) \
+ $(use_enable disk-partition parted) \
+ $(use_enable pcmcia pcmcia-support) \
+ $(use_enable acpi acpi-proc) \
+ $(use_enable doc docbook-docs) \
+ $(use_enable doc doxygen-docs) \
+ $(use_with mactel macbookpro) \
+ $(use_enable selinux) \
+ || die "configure failed"
+ emake || die "make failed"
+src_install() {
+ make DESTDIR="${D}" install || die
+ # remove dep on gnome-python
+ mv "${D}"/usr/bin/hal-device-manager "${D}"/usr/share/hal/device-manager/
+ # hal umount for unclean unmounts
+ exeinto /lib/udev/
+ newexe "${FILESDIR}"/ hal_unmount
+ # initscript
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/0.5-hald.rc hald
+ # We now create and keep /media here as both gnome-mount and pmount
+ # use these directories, to avoid collision.
+ dodir /media
+ keepdir /media
+ # We also need to create and keep /etc/fdi/{information,policy,preprobe}
+ # or else hal bombs.
+ dodir /etc/hal/fdi/{information,policy,preprobe}
+ keepdir /etc/hal/fdi/{information,policy,preprobe}
+pkg_postinst() {
+ # Despite what people keep changing this location. Either one works.. it doesn't matter
+ #
+ # Create groups for hotplugging and HAL
+ enewgroup haldaemon || die "Problem adding haldaemon group"
+ enewgroup plugdev || die "Problem adding plugdev group"
+ # HAL drops priviledges by default now ...
+ # ... so we must make sure it can read disk/cdrom info (ie. be in ${HALDAEMON_GROUPS} groups)
+ enewuser haldaemon -1 "-1" /dev/null ${HALDAEMON_GROUPS} || die "Problem adding haldaemon user"
+ # Make sure that the haldaemon user is in the ${HALDAEMON_GROUPS}
+ # If users have a problem with this, let them file a bug
+ usermod -G ${HALDAEMON_GROUPS} haldaemon
+ elog "The HAL daemon needs to be running for certain applications to"
+ elog "work. Suggested is to add the init script to your start-up"
+ elog "scripts, this should be done like this :"
+ elog "\`rc-update add hald default\`"
+ echo
+ elog "Looking for automounting support? Add yourself to the plugdev group"