diff options
authorChristian Ruppert <>2011-03-15 16:56:16 +0000
committerChristian Ruppert <>2011-03-15 16:56:16 +0000
commitbe31461f2886bbabb333e14ab49e717c6bcf8d9f (patch)
tree1076a431edd226ef53ed72670676ace6aa720277 /www-apache/mod_perl
parentVersion bump. Redo LINGUAS patch. Add patch to respect LDFLAGS/CFLAGS. (diff)
Version bump, bug 355303, fixes also bug 352724.
Package-Manager: portage-2.2.0_alpha27/cvs/Linux x86_64
Diffstat (limited to 'www-apache/mod_perl')
4 files changed, 248 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/www-apache/mod_perl/ChangeLog b/www-apache/mod_perl/ChangeLog
index e39a8720771b..a62e9130747b 100644
--- a/www-apache/mod_perl/ChangeLog
+++ b/www-apache/mod_perl/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
# ChangeLog for www-apache/mod_perl
-# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-apache/mod_perl/ChangeLog,v 1.86 2010/03/07 13:19:57 hollow Exp $
+# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-apache/mod_perl/ChangeLog,v 1.87 2011/03/15 16:56:16 idl0r Exp $
+*mod_perl-2.0.5 (14 Mar 2011)
+ 14 Mar 2011; Christian Ruppert <> +mod_perl-2.0.5.ebuild,
+ +files/mod_perl-2.0.5-bundled-Apache-Test.patch:
+ Version bump, bug 355303, fixes also bug 352724.
07 Mar 2010; Benedikt Böhm <> mod_perl-2.0.4-r1.ebuild:
remove duplicate dependency on apache
diff --git a/www-apache/mod_perl/Manifest b/www-apache/mod_perl/Manifest
index 85a8d1b7fdf0..7114a8b0e619 100644
--- a/www-apache/mod_perl/Manifest
+++ b/www-apache/mod_perl/Manifest
@@ -1,8 +1,25 @@
+Hash: SHA256
AUX 2.0.3/75_mod_perl.conf 1221 RMD160 5fe4dee7d3123be5f3cd8cd41bb54fd1b63f0328 SHA1 068bf3f674a13e1db51046851a837ee7501353b7 SHA256 e7c2f4b84e9c9fc73e421740736f67674ebc7e7f13f8b2f71c9360f746fd441a
AUX 2.0.3/ 478 RMD160 ef12070dd5e5707286e3c714ec3aeae78ce5cfd4 SHA1 80ece64910771b6c36d7b2d30373287bc1bf4b87 SHA256 f77741fb3bb18928fb15f95c6908a17d8f06d7efbb6785e0732f201347e26544
AUX CVE-2009-0796.patch 1284 RMD160 b46e62380f82f7a05d62e9b65ae4c7d72a03aa8a SHA1 b4d79f705d6148b4cae34f05a4e01248839f8e72 SHA256 2ef34be0541cf9866d0af551e54d062c9c62d0e0f155d206bc710a3d125004d5
AUX mod_perl-2.0.1-sneak-tmpdir.patch 337 RMD160 56c6023dc46bb5531fa44730f52b68b8333155f0 SHA1 96b2a385e5934d99222de545836329ea359b8115 SHA256 1f319a15e3d12a349c46c0783c7ad840d81d01ed41adda55c47d4ac31595615d
+AUX mod_perl-2.0.5-bundled-Apache-Test.patch 2075 RMD160 bf3664f1f000b6cb8d1b0068043d41032d2562e5 SHA1 eb5db1b682f5de9e101012b5d5334ae49df5ae7b SHA256 c02e8f270393854d7453adfe737f0802441630ed8e3a733e134fb2bccf3a31ae
DIST mod_perl-2.0.4.tar.gz 3727717 RMD160 111b8f33e2dcc43ef7a0a7d557ceb467f0c55c6d SHA1 65299a16ec414a690a48a2bbe63acaa3c6bb897b SHA256 7da2046aa65dbef64ff5b71400bed4b6b82441e6313c8ca4becb85fb4a89a0f0
+DIST mod_perl-2.0.5.tar.gz 3778910 RMD160 d659db1c64200ed9c8863c6e283360dfdd0c8384 SHA1 e749e2d7236273217f33cbe7fcd704a662e532d1 SHA256 fa95be3d6d00f083afaea4b17fd594b505998e396feb71260857604566aa8afa
EBUILD mod_perl-2.0.4-r1.ebuild 4315 RMD160 be88f1c53c76052bf79bc2957f44116a6108bd3b SHA1 fac4a0af4d745d6b30754804f0da0aef8882bef6 SHA256 33daa1b9b9f4a9bb00e232f32cde95a9a5f159335b47d838ac2ad5fd7a82f0e4
-MISC ChangeLog 21516 RMD160 1a70106e1116971b94193da705c7016a9669bcca SHA1 5c5d0e2a231452ad6f5ada27408d272ff5b7e23a SHA256 d4cdab25d757a6b5dcf53457af1d00664825f09e08d5fded1de082cd8f3c0b90
+EBUILD mod_perl-2.0.5.ebuild 4776 RMD160 8065d6e2c2a54021d6bbfc05b56d1ff7511e821a SHA1 8f609aaada061bc595664c14f93e735e502c04df SHA256 872f17cfd105dd2f227204d37ca294d0f93dd8f41f2df80d56139734233bfc4e
+MISC ChangeLog 21725 RMD160 1cb75e198d7f9045811336691823d55974d6209e SHA1 566235ea36100a3bdd0b1f8557ee49d2291e5b29 SHA256 847979eb6a9079648439966c07ba444566cc90c41636c49125e8438b85954339
MISC metadata.xml 289 RMD160 490c4256f14e1d9f37d432f700d4daea64a76b7c SHA1 e17d9d05b33898dddf745543d699ccb7348afc0a SHA256 a6c8f7ccb9eed3ab8dc936a39b96af61d48b48734852c78b80d85979508a13ce
+Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/www-apache/mod_perl/files/mod_perl-2.0.5-bundled-Apache-Test.patch b/www-apache/mod_perl/files/mod_perl-2.0.5-bundled-Apache-Test.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1c7828b48949
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-apache/mod_perl/files/mod_perl-2.0.5-bundled-Apache-Test.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+diff --git a/Makefile.PL b/Makefile.PL
+index ca80816..4196f8e 100644
+--- a/Makefile.PL
++++ b/Makefile.PL
+@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ BEGIN {
+ }
+-use lib qw(lib Apache-Test/lib);
++use lib qw(lib);
+ use Config;
+ use File::Spec::Functions;
+@@ -116,16 +116,6 @@ sub get_DEFINE {
+ }
+ sub configure {
+- # mod_perl test suite relies on having Apache-Test bundled with
+- # the mod_perl source, since any pre-installed version may not do
+- # the right thing
+- unless (-d "Apache-Test") {
+- error "Can't find a sub-directory Apache-Test. " .
+- "Make sure that you are using a complete source distribution";
+- exit 1;
+- }
+ set_modperl_version();
+ if ($old_modperl_version) {
+@@ -794,47 +784,11 @@ run_tests : test_clean
+ run_subtests ::
+ $(MAKE) -C ModPerl-Registry test
+-run_subtests ::
+- $(MAKE) -C Apache-Reload test
+-run_subtests ::
+- $(MAKE) -C Apache-SizeLimit test
+ test :: pure_all run_tests test_clean
+ }
+-sub MY::postamble {
+- my $self = shift;
+- my $string = $self->ModPerl::BuildMM::MY::postamble;
+- $string .= <<'EOF';
+-mydist : Apache-Test/META.yml mod_perl.spec manifest tardist
+-rpm: dist
+- @[ -d $(PWD)/rpm ] || mkdir $(PWD)/rpm
+- rpmbuild -ta --define "_rpmdir $(PWD)/rpm" \
+- --define "_srcrpmdir $(PWD)/rpm" \
+- $(DISTVNAME).tar.gz
+- @mv $(PWD)/rpm/*/*.rpm $(PWD)/rpm/
+- @rm -rf $(PWD)/rpm/*/
+-mod_perl.spec: build/make_rpm_spec
+- $(PERL) build/make_rpm_spec
+- cd Apache-Test && make metafile
+-tag :
+- svn copy$(VERSION_SYM)
+- return $string;
+ # this is a workaround so that ModPerl::MM will move MY::constants
+ # away, and Apache-Test/Makefile.PL which has its own MY::constants
+ # won't get complaints on MY::constants redefined
diff --git a/www-apache/mod_perl/mod_perl-2.0.5.ebuild b/www-apache/mod_perl/mod_perl-2.0.5.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c9457255c88c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-apache/mod_perl/mod_perl-2.0.5.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-apache/mod_perl/mod_perl-2.0.5.ebuild,v 1.1 2011/03/15 16:56:16 idl0r Exp $
+inherit apache-module perl-module eutils
+DESCRIPTION="An embedded Perl interpreter for Apache2"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+# Make sure we always use the latest Apache-Test version or even check the
+# version of the bundled Apache-Test!
+ >=virtual/perl-CGI-3.08
+ dev-lang/perl
+ || ( www-servers/apache[-threads] dev-lang/perl[ithreads] )"
+ >=dev-perl/Apache-SizeLimit-0.95"
+src_prepare() {
+ perl-module_src_prepare
+ # I am not entirely happy with this solution, but here's what's
+ # going on here if someone wants to take a stab at another
+ # approach. When userpriv compilation is off, then the make
+ # process drops to user "nobody" to run the test servers. This
+ # server is closed, and then the socket is rebound using
+ # SO_REUSEADDR. If the same user does this, there is no problem,
+ # and the socket may be rebound immediately. If a different user
+ # (yes, in my testing, even root) attempts to rebind, it fails.
+ # Since the "is the socket available yet" code and the
+ # second-batch bind call both run as root, this will fail.
+ # The upstream settings on my test machine cause the second batch
+ # of tests to fail, believing the socket to still be in use. I
+ # tried patching various parts to make them run as the user
+ # specified in $config->{vars}{user} using getpwnam, but found
+ # this patch to be fairly intrusive, because the userid must be
+ # restored and the patch must be applied to multiple places.
+ # For now, we will simply extend the timeout in hopes that in the
+ # non-userpriv case, the socket will clear from the kernel tables
+ # normally, and the tests will proceed.
+ # If anybody is still having problems, then commenting out "make
+ # test" below should allow the software to build properly.
+ # Robert Coie <> 2003.05.06
+ sed -i -e "s/sleep \$_/sleep \$_ << 2/" \
+ "${S}"/Apache-Test/lib/Apache/ \
+ || die "problem editing"
+ # rendhalver - this got redone for 2.0.1 and seems to fix the make test problems
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/mod_perl-2.0.1-sneak-tmpdir.patch
+ # bug 352724
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-bundled-Apache-Test.patch"
+ rm -rf Apache-{Test,Reload,SizeLimit}/ lib/Bundle/
+src_configure() {
+ perl Makefile.PL \
+ PREFIX="${EPREFIX}"/usr \
+ INSTALLDIRS=vendor \
+ MP_TRACE=1 \
+ MP_DEBUG=1 \
+ MP_USE_DSO=1 \
+ MP_APXS=${APXS} || die
+src_test() {
+ # make test notes whether it is running as root, and drops
+ # privileges all the way to "nobody" if so, so we must adjust
+ # write permissions accordingly in this case.
+ # IF YOU SUDO TO EMERGE AND HAVE !env_reset set testing will fail!
+ if [[ "$(id -u)" == "0" ]]; then
+ chown nobody:nobody "${WORKDIR}"
+ chown nobody:nobody "${T}"
+ fi
+ # this does not || die because of bug 21325. kudos to smark for
+ # the idea of setting HOME.
+ TMPDIR="${T}" HOME="${T}/" perl-module_src_test
+src_install() {
+ apache-module_src_install
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die
+ # TODO: add some stuff from docs/ back?
+ # rendhalver - fix the perllocal.pod that gets installed
+ # it seems to me that this has been getting installed for ages
+ fixlocalpod
+ # Remove empty .bs files as well
+ perl_delete_packlist
+ doins "${FILESDIR}"/2.0.3/ || die
+ # this is an attempt to get @INC in line with /usr/bin/perl.
+ # there is blib garbage in the mainstream one that can only be
+ # useful during internal testing, so we wait until here and then
+ # just go with a clean slate. should be much easier to see what's
+ # happening and revert if problematic.
+ # Sorry for this evil hack...
+ perlinfo # just to be sure...
+ sed -i -e "s,-I${S}/[^[:space:]\"\']\+[[:space:]]\?,,g" \
+ -e "s,-typemap[[:space:]]${S}/[^[:space:]\"\']\+[[:space:]]\?,,g" \
+ -e "s,${S}\(/[^[:space:]\"\']\+\)\?,/,g" "${D}/${VENDOR_ARCH}/Apache2/" || die
+ for fname in $(find "${D}" -type f -not -name '*.so'); do
+ grep -q "\(${D}\|${S}\)" "${fname}" && ewarn "QA: File contains a temporary path ${fname}"
+ sed -i -e "s:\(${D}\|${S}\):/:g" ${fname}
+ done
+ # All the rest
+ perl_remove_temppath
+pkg_postinst() {
+ perl-module_pkg_postinst
+ apache-module_pkg_postinst