diff options
authorJeroen Roovers <>2009-06-16 07:42:55 +0000
committerJeroen Roovers <>2009-06-16 07:42:55 +0000
commitaa8697ccaf1fa7dfcfd2a7ae2435dc8203eddd83 (patch)
tree35b2d0f7eae813b3fbafc0eb8ae320fcb0396a61 /www-client/opera
parentdrop x11-libs/vte package.mask entry, broken ebuild has been axed (diff)
Version bump <>.
Package-Manager: portage-2.2_rc33/cvs/Linux i686
Diffstat (limited to 'www-client/opera')
3 files changed, 218 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/www-client/opera/ChangeLog b/www-client/opera/ChangeLog
index 0c3dc68602d9..f4905e110eb0 100644
--- a/www-client/opera/ChangeLog
+++ b/www-client/opera/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
# ChangeLog for www-client/opera
# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-client/opera/ChangeLog,v 1.350 2009/06/04 16:25:58 jer Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-client/opera/ChangeLog,v 1.351 2009/06/16 07:42:55 jer Exp $
+*opera-10.00_pre4440 (16 Jun 2009)
+ 16 Jun 2009; Jeroen Roovers <> +opera-10.00_pre4440.ebuild:
+ Version bump <>.
04 Jun 2009; Jeroen Roovers <> opera-10.00_pre4402.ebuild:
Fix the fix (bug #272496 again).
diff --git a/www-client/opera/Manifest b/www-client/opera/Manifest
index 666114b02871..de09d2564ca6 100644
--- a/www-client/opera/Manifest
+++ b/www-client/opera/Manifest
@@ -25,6 +25,11 @@ DIST opera-10.00-4394.gcc4-shared-qt3.i386.tar.bz2 7967423 RMD160 49e891777decd4
DIST opera-10.00-4394.gcc4-shared-qt3.ppc.tar.bz2 8044122 RMD160 6a2fee957296d9da1882630c89037fc468d8abba SHA1 41a99e4ce6f38b7083370816398633d5dbab5ade SHA256 96cc5e38cfa678142d70cf10db53782a3007dde9a58c072882d2b76c83e2e99b
DIST opera-10.00-4394.gcc4-shared-qt3.x86_64.tar.bz2 8626279 RMD160 62dba7fe1f6f8c15ddc21e2e36129d5d3a9e03e8 SHA1 584523cc6ef612b22f764097bfaaf76a449c376e SHA256 6d6c4538458c5c6114c38e372fbfcd11a86514d98ff0566dd8dc9bce3be8cc3c
DIST opera-10.00-4394.gcc4-static-qt3.i386.tar.bz2 9876602 RMD160 c21700d44500cb35c549c60578445f17f53c8714 SHA1 f14a0db2b77b50c4b9362d721e947da8c0de0b95 SHA256 ae625865de120a97d4d49b4958c2345fc28d0763d77a005d175f596cdad5ec0a
+DIST opera-10.00-4440.freebsd5-shared-qt3.i386.tar.bz2 9734039 RMD160 e6357bcc03b30cdb5da43629948af5e441dcf083 SHA1 9d78fbdfd9f9de60acd66816a9546f70a3cab65a SHA256 fcc7ba27ec177a744a9cf5178a9475b16b4a714e5fae0d33eac225008fc02d07
+DIST opera-10.00-4440.gcc4-shared-qt3.i386.tar.bz2 9545030 RMD160 7711689e1045e34a2121f328a6529b5f62756264 SHA1 b7a58c588e484f985369eb712ea322dc956121ef SHA256 503841ff45735c0a7159c379656d09b4e1e47cd5d06af944e910513344666331
+DIST opera-10.00-4440.gcc4-shared-qt3.ppc.tar.bz2 9638292 RMD160 e7fcb8bf0aef99331105a5d340ed72f6e9420655 SHA1 434e73948eac661d87afacc9f741fb62d1c1113b SHA256 dee2c9e49f947564cd96b0d56d1ce900f2ac76ee9583fac60ff36e15fe9248bb
+DIST opera-10.00-4440.gcc4-shared-qt3.x86_64.tar.bz2 10262166 RMD160 56edd61603303d0c3de65c52a24d4a50367fb0de SHA1 6ee61a915973b934a23b433663926add4264bd4e SHA256 4a08062cf5e19f60b857bf2e6c890eb1ef6c087e34c315990c2525c2c12a6ea6
+DIST opera-10.00-4440.gcc4-static-qt3.i386.tar.bz2 11451881 RMD160 bd067a9263e0db0a9a0c24e62c8819fefeb27f37 SHA1 8c5e6424adb01e7388679afd45f8161b47157263 SHA256 389ee74a2a41594f4b1c21d81f311462a98ad035f733279203c73a65c72fbe41
DIST opera-10.00-b1-freebsd5-shared-qt3.i386.tar.bz2 6562405 RMD160 235ee2a570a05221c194bbb478bca3b1d8c1b3cb SHA1 ce618794f75438f0d7668b98a312855ea0e1f9ac SHA256 2554f6f68c2e180598ff1c6fc73c64fa1968a374ae62b1d2d540aaa6de6f0b56
DIST opera-10.00-b1-freebsd5-static-qt3.i386.tar.bz2 8491058 RMD160 7121dfee4c9e94b4d3d40fe0d55d6f4d06bd7a0d SHA1 d0244f6998ffab869baae7c552d774b3d7eec751 SHA256 700a758f14a293e51999a5cad53d30732b99073162672c36b40abc711dca93fb
DIST opera-10.00-b1.gcc4-bundled-qt4.i386.tar.bz2 11132463 RMD160 704d9df1c3dba8dc5c6a2ef08abc3a18e070d80d SHA1 37a79075d04c4c287ec138bb9def5ab3f791411c SHA256 adec320da74582c63dcd7267e8f6fcab787fab8a59dd00f54b59e4d6ec6d5be3
@@ -49,7 +54,8 @@ EBUILD opera-10.00_pre4340.ebuild 6449 RMD160 a3cb684d1ec9038f1d77d913f46eac8ee7
EBUILD opera-10.00_pre4345.ebuild 6361 RMD160 32e809e38f8d64279e4b692ab26c6284173158ba SHA1 61edccab7580e142840b1a6a1e674e4f53c35856 SHA256 b4cf9e3204c216368eb307b5f727b793382e86fddbc283f150818e767d8cdac0
EBUILD opera-10.00_pre4394.ebuild 6597 RMD160 00dce84b665b0d4787236d8dda89726b3a6e8e47 SHA1 a0da5c0fd86ce2c0fc3384c471354279322b01f3 SHA256 9b259b1b804b68174c566aa5a55218788593df066ae66209c4416c6130b44c3c
EBUILD opera-10.00_pre4402.ebuild 6737 RMD160 5f63f84b93773c770075edd3838795cd2b21f9ce SHA1 6188bf8838710447529edb41c9be2e014a5b5c32 SHA256 a6e55fc1a880c58a378d1d8c32c755cdd773d5dfffa14ad6117346f92ea936ae
+EBUILD opera-10.00_pre4440.ebuild 5836 RMD160 bb8f26b7bb8b87f34f2ce8eb0ca5b6dc9c463ec6 SHA1 416cd41209ead72ca6393ebf1b38d7a178b4293f SHA256 44d27af4986fa174a4e147567a2fbf4b769675f5d3ef62402f011ee8419d4a5a
EBUILD opera-9.27.ebuild 6053 RMD160 fa86d79c0a1beae6d3605467122c2a5451b21bff SHA1 32d8ea747f757e99ce0af0c456c4aed71a660689 SHA256 4b0d2bb5bbbdc1eb4cee89f717d6bdc556337fb4d7e7973c216292d1f4cd8fee
EBUILD opera-9.64.ebuild 7896 RMD160 0c981a40e72c64929e06cb3643e0a04ab538202d SHA1 64fcac7617e01be342ac7b0c2c65a38b9a867d92 SHA256 6eb45e59ecf811df18afc8ff52cb48d3608060a5c76c883abfa8772388dd7806
-MISC ChangeLog 67807 RMD160 6ea9d59a7338c94e616c9681d2fff0667cfc8fd6 SHA1 2a767959543bd077423387d85c756cdb94a35578 SHA256 49d8ed7f0a920da87e254c689cc1f167e8591c295e3097d09f44a912bbba71d6
+MISC ChangeLog 67962 RMD160 fad7b305ffd1fb758b362cf77f0f05ab581492b5 SHA1 59b6bd94ae78b958fa8c514d7f0312e65278332b SHA256 ede1b4c46149efefd56601c92c8f953a6ce2f73af6a43a678aec1fd2994e191e
MISC metadata.xml 697 RMD160 704ad62aa31055fa9c677a77b86ae8aab2a919aa SHA1 809cd142def2fe81ecce28c5d9fb8d54abb52120 SHA256 e65a1cc3846a285fa12fa8a751722c21baa2df029fbdf15b4ec86581dd911657
diff --git a/www-client/opera/opera-10.00_pre4440.ebuild b/www-client/opera/opera-10.00_pre4440.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4f882b555d6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-client/opera/opera-10.00_pre4440.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-client/opera/opera-10.00_pre4440.ebuild,v 1.1 2009/06/16 07:42:55 jer Exp $
+inherit eutils gnome2
+DESCRIPTION="A standards-compliant graphical Web browser"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
+RESTRICT="mirror strip test"
+IUSE="elibc_FreeBSD gnome ia32 qt-static"
+MY_LINGUAS="be bg cs da de el en-GB es-ES es-LA et fi fr fr-CA fy hi hr hu id it ja ka ko lt mk nb nl nn pl pt pt-BR ru sv ta te tr uk zh-CN zh-TW"
+for MY_LINGUA in ${MY_LINGUAS}; do
+ IUSE="${IUSE} linguas_${MY_LINGUA/-/_}"
+ amd64? (
+ ia32? (
+ qt-static? ( ${O_U}intel-linux/${O_P}.gcc4-static-qt3.i386.tar.bz2 )
+ !qt-static? ( ${O_U}intel-linux/${O_P}.gcc4-shared-qt3.i386.tar.bz2 )
+ )
+ !ia32? ( ${O_U}x86_64-linux/${O_P}.gcc4-shared-qt3.x86_64.tar.bz2 )
+ )
+ ppc? ( ${O_U}ppc-linux/${O_P}.gcc4-shared-qt3.ppc.tar.bz2 )
+ x86? (
+ qt-static? ( ${O_U}intel-linux/${O_P}.gcc4-static-qt3.i386.tar.bz2 )
+ !qt-static? ( ${O_U}intel-linux/${O_P}.gcc4-shared-qt3.i386.tar.bz2 )
+ )
+ x86-fbsd? ( ${O_U}intel-freebsd/${O_P}.freebsd5-shared-qt3.i386.tar.bz2 )
+ "
+ media-libs/jpeg
+ media-libs/libexif
+ >=media-libs/fontconfig-2.1.94-r1
+ x11-libs/libXrandr
+ x11-libs/libXp
+ x11-libs/libXmu
+ x11-libs/libXi
+ x11-libs/libXft
+ x11-libs/libXext
+ x11-libs/libXcursor
+ x11-libs/libX11
+ x11-libs/libSM
+ x11-libs/libICE
+ amd64? (
+ ia32? (
+ !qt-static? ( =x11-libs/qt-3*[-immqt] )
+ )
+ !ia32? ( =x11-libs/qt-3*[-immqt] )
+ )
+ ppc? ( =x11-libs/qt-3*[-immqt] )
+ x86? (
+ !qt-static? ( =x11-libs/qt-3*[-immqt] )
+ )
+ x86-fbsd? ( =x11-libs/qt-3*[-immqt] )
+ "
+opera_linguas() {
+ # Remove unwanted LINGUAS:
+ local LINGUA
+ local LNGDIR="${D}/opt/opera/share/opera/locale"
+ einfo "Keeping these locales: ${LINGUAS}."
+ for LINGUA in ${MY_LINGUAS}; do
+ if ! use linguas_${LINGUA/-/_}; then
+ LINGUA=$(find "${LNGDIR}" -maxdepth 1 -type d -iname ${LINGUA/_/-})
+ rm -r "${LINGUA}"
+ fi
+ done
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ if [[ ! -d ${S} ]]; then
+ cd "${WORKDIR}"/${PN}* || die "failed to enter work directory"
+ S="$(pwd)"
+ einfo "Setting WORKDIR to ${S}"
+ fi
+src_prepare() {
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-gentoo.patch"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-simplify-desktop.patch"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-freedesktop.patch"
+ # bug #181300:
+ if use elibc_FreeBSD; then
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-10.00-pluginpath-fbsd.patch"
+ else
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-10.00-pluginpath.patch"
+ fi
+ sed -i -e "s:config_dir=\"/etc\":config_dir=\"${D}/etc/\":g" \
+ -e "s:\(str_localdirplugin=\).*$:\1/opt/opera/lib/opera/plugins:" \
+ -e 's:#\(export LD_PRELOAD OPERA_FORCE_JAVA_ENABLED\):\1:' \
+ -e 's:#\(OPERA_FORCE_JAVA_ENABLED=\):\1:' \
+ || die "sed failed"
+src_configure() {
+ # This workaround is sadly needed because gnome2.eclass doesn't check
+ # whether a configure script exists.
+ true
+src_compile() {
+ # This workaround is sadly needed because gnome2.eclass doesn't check
+ # whether a Makefile exists.
+ true
+src_install() {
+ # Prepare installation directories for Opera's installer script.
+ dodir /etc
+ # Opera's native installer.
+ ./ --prefix="${D}"/opt/opera || die " failed"
+ einfo "It is safe to ignore warnings about failed checksums"
+ einfo "and about files that would be ignored ..."
+ einfo "Completing the installation where abandoned us ..."
+ # java workaround
+ sed -i -e 's:LD_PRELOAD="${OPERA_JAVA_DIR}/":LD_PRELOAD="$LD_PRELOAD"\:"${OPERA_JAVA_DIR}/":' "${D}"/opt/opera/bin/opera
+ dosed /opt/opera/bin/opera
+ dosed /opt/opera/share/opera/java/opera.policy
+ # Adapt desktop file to Gnome when needed
+ use gnome && sed -i -e s:"GenericName\[":"Comment\[": "${D}"/usr/share/applications/opera.desktop
+ # Install a symlink /usr/bin/opera
+ dodir /usr/bin
+ dosym /opt/opera/bin/opera /usr/bin/opera
+ dodir /etc/revdep-rebuild
+ echo 'SEARCH_DIRS_MASK="/opt/opera/lib/opera/plugins"' > "${D}"/etc/revdep-rebuild/90opera
+ # Change to for gentoo/freebsd
+ if use elibc_FreeBSD; then
+ scanelf -qR -N -F "#N" "${D}"/opt/${PN}/ | \
+ while read i; do
+ if [[ $(strings "$i" | fgrep -c -ne 1 ]];
+ then
+ break
+ fi
+ sed -i -e 's/libz\.so\.3/' "$i"
+ done
+ [[ "$SANITY_CHECK_LIBZ_FAILED" = "1" ]] && die "failed to change to"
+ fi
+ # Add the Opera man dir to MANPATH:
+ insinto /etc/env.d
+ echo 'MANPATH="/opt/opera/share/man"' >> "${D}"/etc/env.d/90opera
+ [[ -z MY_LINGUAS ]] || opera_linguas
+pkg_postinst() {
+ use gnome && gnome2_pkg_postinst
+ elog "To change the UI language, choose [Tools] -> [Preferences], open the"
+ elog "[General] tab, click on [Details...] then [Choose...] and point the"
+ elog "file chooser at /opt/opera/share/opera/locale/, then enter the"
+ elog "directory for the language you want and [Open] the .lng file."
+ elog
+ elog "To use the spellchecker (USE=spell) for languages other than English, do:"
+ elog " emerge app-dicts/myspell-[your language]"
+ elog " mkdir \${HOME}/.opera/dictionaries"
+ elog " cd \${HOME}/.opera/dictionaries"
+ elog " ln -s /usr/share/myspell/*.{aff,dic} ."
+ elog "A future release of Opera 10 should remedy this inconvenience."
+ if use elibc_FreeBSD; then
+ elog
+ elog "To improve shared memory usage please set:"
+ elog "$ sysctl kern.ipc.shm_allow_removed=1"
+ fi
+ elog
+ elog "The current Opera builds may still have issues with plugins, notably"
+ elog "www-plugins/adobe-flash. See also"
+pkg_postrm() {
+ use gnome && gnome2_pkg_postrm