diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools')
13 files changed, 709 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/ChangeLog b/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b222fdb0cb6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# ChangeLog for app-emulation/vmware-linux-tools
+# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/ChangeLog,v 1.1 2006/05/08 13:00:27 wolf31o2 Exp $
+*vmware-workstation-tools-5.0.0 (08 May 2006)
+*vmware-workstation-tools-4.5.2 (08 May 2006)
+ 08 May 2006; Chris Gianelloni <>
+ +files/4.5.2/vmware-workstation-tools, +files/5.0.0/locations,
+ +files/4.5.2/locations, +files/4.5.2/xorg.conf,
+ +files/5.0.0/vmware-workstation-tools, +files/5.0.0/xorg.conf,
+ +metadata.xml, +vmware-workstation-tools-4.5.2.ebuild,
+ +vmware-workstation-tools-5.0.0.ebuild:
+ Moved from app-emulation/vmware-linux-tools to
+ app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools.
+ 08 May 2006; Chris Gianelloni <> metadata.xml:
+ Removed maintainer tag to reclaim maintainership by the herd, since there
+ are open bugs and there hasn't been a commit by the maintainer in over a
+ year.
+*vmware-linux-tools-5.0.0 (30 Apr 2005)
+ 30 Apr 2005; Stuart Herbert <> +files/5.0.0/locations,
+ +files/5.0.0/vmware-linux-tools, +files/5.0.0/xorg.conf,
+ vmware-linux-tools-4.5.2.ebuild, +vmware-linux-tools-5.0.0.ebuild:
+ Initial import
+*vmware-linux-tools-4.5.2 (18 Feb 2005)
+ 18 Feb 2005; Stuart Herbert <> +metadata.xml,
+ +files/4.5.2/locations, +files/4.5.2/vmware-linux-tools,
+ +files/4.5.2/xorg.conf, +vmware-linux-tools-4.5.2.ebuild:
+ Initial import
diff --git a/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/Manifest b/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/Manifest
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..11750d2fb653
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/Manifest
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+AUX 4.5.2/locations 874 RMD160 5a01cc0605d8147d23c25384d409b792daedba41 SHA1 34758dfa2751b1f04044c89c03b879024e67ca0e SHA256 8ea84a436fd9a135c6ffb52b9c0e53f71ce13009e19e2d01eedcdf19ba1bb40c size 874
+MD5 7f6694e67686fa494cb860db3f6a87b4 files/4.5.2/locations 874
+RMD160 5a01cc0605d8147d23c25384d409b792daedba41 files/4.5.2/locations 874
+SHA256 8ea84a436fd9a135c6ffb52b9c0e53f71ce13009e19e2d01eedcdf19ba1bb40c files/4.5.2/locations 874
+AUX 4.5.2/vmware-linux-tools 2086 RMD160 401511da630888e9113ad14601816dc88ee67f22 SHA1 f1741c53dd2e909f015850e52cbb51e0397c52f5 SHA256 3acc62a9a626fdfb9ba10d18c6f3aef8f27a941215c859289c2701c2e9aad415 size 2086
+MD5 5d5be188e4b28fd552d1eb6250e65f1c files/4.5.2/vmware-linux-tools 2086
+RMD160 401511da630888e9113ad14601816dc88ee67f22 files/4.5.2/vmware-linux-tools 2086
+SHA256 3acc62a9a626fdfb9ba10d18c6f3aef8f27a941215c859289c2701c2e9aad415 files/4.5.2/vmware-linux-tools 2086
+AUX 4.5.2/xorg.conf 2646 RMD160 c3e2e153b3b9520fc8d5fa20e9e8f7a6c3790084 SHA1 a44f4240f19390a6707da4313139160ee6972da0 SHA256 2503352f7fd53f23e51d53017f76167a2da0fdfbb9eb434c85573108c6bc53c8 size 2646
+MD5 bd0505ab92d03f82b898858d45787f58 files/4.5.2/xorg.conf 2646
+RMD160 c3e2e153b3b9520fc8d5fa20e9e8f7a6c3790084 files/4.5.2/xorg.conf 2646
+SHA256 2503352f7fd53f23e51d53017f76167a2da0fdfbb9eb434c85573108c6bc53c8 files/4.5.2/xorg.conf 2646
+AUX 5.0.0/locations 874 RMD160 5a01cc0605d8147d23c25384d409b792daedba41 SHA1 34758dfa2751b1f04044c89c03b879024e67ca0e SHA256 8ea84a436fd9a135c6ffb52b9c0e53f71ce13009e19e2d01eedcdf19ba1bb40c size 874
+MD5 7f6694e67686fa494cb860db3f6a87b4 files/5.0.0/locations 874
+RMD160 5a01cc0605d8147d23c25384d409b792daedba41 files/5.0.0/locations 874
+SHA256 8ea84a436fd9a135c6ffb52b9c0e53f71ce13009e19e2d01eedcdf19ba1bb40c files/5.0.0/locations 874
+AUX 5.0.0/vmware-linux-tools 2088 RMD160 372af76fb9f49b60fc37c8dff68cd9221f1a2d07 SHA1 65858f654da1044b143b3fa41de53cb5119dc043 SHA256 1aead6a3d63187f89dd52b992d48beac7b6a7dbe0e2f69d0069fb417474dbc2d size 2088
+MD5 1f1a95b6601fd95afe53d3f7957a7c9f files/5.0.0/vmware-linux-tools 2088
+RMD160 372af76fb9f49b60fc37c8dff68cd9221f1a2d07 files/5.0.0/vmware-linux-tools 2088
+SHA256 1aead6a3d63187f89dd52b992d48beac7b6a7dbe0e2f69d0069fb417474dbc2d files/5.0.0/vmware-linux-tools 2088
+AUX 5.0.0/xorg.conf 2646 RMD160 c3e2e153b3b9520fc8d5fa20e9e8f7a6c3790084 SHA1 a44f4240f19390a6707da4313139160ee6972da0 SHA256 2503352f7fd53f23e51d53017f76167a2da0fdfbb9eb434c85573108c6bc53c8 size 2646
+MD5 bd0505ab92d03f82b898858d45787f58 files/5.0.0/xorg.conf 2646
+RMD160 c3e2e153b3b9520fc8d5fa20e9e8f7a6c3790084 files/5.0.0/xorg.conf 2646
+SHA256 2503352f7fd53f23e51d53017f76167a2da0fdfbb9eb434c85573108c6bc53c8 files/5.0.0/xorg.conf 2646
+DIST VMwareTools-5.0.0-13124.tar.gz 11370290 size 11370290
+DIST vmware-linux-tools.tar.gz 6630450 size 6630450
+EBUILD vmware-linux-tools-4.5.2.ebuild 2026 RMD160 cae4fd66361492b18194096d20b65dab73fdaf37 SHA1 fc8edbe3da9fb83a6119edf4de509024e5001aa5 SHA256 d70fe4c34756367ebf283c0acff2176d32f98be9e7efc2ebdfa973cbbd869a5c size 2026
+MD5 8630908eb71f5741bd6d8cd303bd6e5c vmware-linux-tools-4.5.2.ebuild 2026
+RMD160 cae4fd66361492b18194096d20b65dab73fdaf37 vmware-linux-tools-4.5.2.ebuild 2026
+SHA256 d70fe4c34756367ebf283c0acff2176d32f98be9e7efc2ebdfa973cbbd869a5c vmware-linux-tools-4.5.2.ebuild 2026
+EBUILD vmware-linux-tools-5.0.0.ebuild 2061 RMD160 74dc78b83e7eff4e11abfa329f5ac6307dcc87c3 SHA1 256f8168ed6e6ff497b41ce2f8bd3351806220c4 SHA256 1982fffe6a1978899eec6deedf35d8334c4d317377caf7f2ff9e1ed52073eaef size 2061
+MD5 e2e9ad15f8bca46fb04aa6f4c155c1aa vmware-linux-tools-5.0.0.ebuild 2061
+RMD160 74dc78b83e7eff4e11abfa329f5ac6307dcc87c3 vmware-linux-tools-5.0.0.ebuild 2061
+SHA256 1982fffe6a1978899eec6deedf35d8334c4d317377caf7f2ff9e1ed52073eaef vmware-linux-tools-5.0.0.ebuild 2061
+MISC ChangeLog 971 RMD160 46796b7c0aff9dd044a81f743b4f84fdd895f0a0 SHA1 23aba81aede5a5f2188e4b51e13c0593b8cdc58e SHA256 b05fb109362f840b98e76d9cdb6bb0ed518e98388c387547b36bf7969bb2ece3 size 971
+MD5 c145bab823da0af823fdee7eeba6bca7 ChangeLog 971
+RMD160 46796b7c0aff9dd044a81f743b4f84fdd895f0a0 ChangeLog 971
+SHA256 b05fb109362f840b98e76d9cdb6bb0ed518e98388c387547b36bf7969bb2ece3 ChangeLog 971
+MISC metadata.xml 159 RMD160 fc7f68a382390e5916b0fb43f37a893fad4f9798 SHA1 f46b02a39bcd0165558de67ff4256cfc812418a3 SHA256 8581ae1c90a48f50fa0542c7fb28cb8984baaf12f50fa18f33e467081effb215 size 159
+MD5 7cc95faad4185e8ed375248bc73a17fc metadata.xml 159
+RMD160 fc7f68a382390e5916b0fb43f37a893fad4f9798 metadata.xml 159
+SHA256 8581ae1c90a48f50fa0542c7fb28cb8984baaf12f50fa18f33e467081effb215 metadata.xml 159
+MD5 076b748d7140400d21d72352b91b1e33 files/digest-vmware-linux-tools-4.5.2 71
+RMD160 f6ed69b1678feb4966ed3ed286236fb5ff2c541f files/digest-vmware-linux-tools-4.5.2 71
+SHA256 ed43126e26db436288e4cf2542931f9a6ac1da3bf8d50a2a51dfbaea408539fd files/digest-vmware-linux-tools-4.5.2 71
+MD5 f13d821596ed2bcb3e100efff3191ef8 files/digest-vmware-linux-tools-5.0.0 77
+RMD160 0ede7694d90f0f5cacd0196b70e4a60faffafcfd files/digest-vmware-linux-tools-5.0.0 77
+SHA256 9b3d73092409906bc9fab5238a73a09ce5f33b66d190b94a1a095a72557169d5 files/digest-vmware-linux-tools-5.0.0 77
diff --git a/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/files/4.5.2/locations b/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/files/4.5.2/locations
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..478b1e4d1af4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/files/4.5.2/locations
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+file /etc/vmware-tools/locations
+answer DOCDIR /usr/share/doc/vmware-tools
+answer RESTORE_MODULES_CONF /etc/modules.conf
+answer RESTORE_MODULES_CONF_BAK /etc/modules.conf.BeforeVMwareToolsInstall
+answer BUILDR_vmhgfs yes
+answer HEADER_DIR /lib/modules/2.6.7-gentoo-r9/build/include
+answer VMHGFS_CONFED yes
+answer BINDIR /usr/bin
+answer INITDIR /tmp
+answer SBINDIR /usr/sbin
+answer LIBDIR /usr/lib/vmware-tools
+directory /etc/vmware-tools
+directory /etc/vmware-tools/state
+file /etc/vmware-tools/not_configured 1109770680
+file /etc/vmware-tools/ 1109770680
+file /etc/vmware-tools/poweron-vm-default 1109770680
+file /etc/vmware-tools/resume-vm-default 1109770680
+file /etc/vmware-tools/suspend-vm-default 1109770680
+file /etc/vmware-tools/poweroff-vm-default 1109770680
diff --git a/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/files/4.5.2/vmware-workstation-tools b/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/files/4.5.2/vmware-workstation-tools
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..bc69e5475baa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/files/4.5.2/vmware-workstation-tools
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# Copyright (C) 1998-2002 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Updated by to support Gentoo Linux
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/files/4.5.2/vmware-workstation-tools,v 1.1 2006/05/08 13:00:27 wolf31o2 Exp $
+# This script manages the services needed to run VMware software
+# Is a given module loaded?
+isLoaded() {
+ local module="$1"
+ /sbin/lsmod | awk 'BEGIN {n = "no";} {if ($1 == "'"$module"'") n = "yes";} END {print n;}'
+vmware_tools_load_module() {
+ if [ "`isLoaded "$1"`" = 'yes' ]; then
+ /sbin/rmmod "$1"
+ fi
+ /sbin/insmod -s -f "/lib/modules/`uname -r`/misc/$1.o" >/dev/null 2>&1 || /sbin/insmod -s -f "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 || exit 1
+vmware_tools_unload_module() {
+ if [ "`isLoaded "$1"`" = 'yes' ]; then
+ /sbin/rmmod "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 || exit 1
+ fi
+depend ()
+ before clock
+checkconfig ()
+ if [ -f $VMWARE_NOT_CONFIGURED ]; then
+ eerror "Please run $VMWARE_CONFIG_TOOLS first"
+ eend 1
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if ! $VMWARE_CHECKVM_BIN > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
+ eerror "Not running inside vmware"
+ eend 1
+ return 1
+ fi
+start ()
+ checkconfig || exit 1
+ ebegin "Loading vmware filesystem"
+ vmware_tools_load_module $VMWARE_VMHGFS_MOD
+ eend $?
+ ebegin "Starting vmware guestd"
+ start-stop-daemon -b --quiet -m --pidfile ${VMWARE_GUESTD_PID} --start --startas ${VMWARE_GUESTD_BIN}
+ eend $?
+stop ()
+ ebegin "Stopping vmware guestd"
+ start-stop-daemon --stop --pidfile ${VMWARE_GUESTD_PID} -x ${VMWARE_GUESTD_BIN}
+ eend $?
+ ebegin "Unloading vmware filesystem"
+ vmware_tools_unload_module $VMWARE_VMHGFS_MOD
+ eend $?
+reload ()
+ stop ; start
diff --git a/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/files/4.5.2/xorg.conf b/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/files/4.5.2/xorg.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9fcf4bae1848
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/files/4.5.2/xorg.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+Section "ServerLayout"
+ Identifier " Configured"
+ Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0
+ InputDevice "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
+ InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
+Section "Files"
+ RgbPath "/usr/lib/X11/rgb"
+ ModulePath "/usr/lib/modules"
+ FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/misc/"
+ FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/TTF/"
+ FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/Type1/"
+ FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/CID/"
+ FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/75dpi/"
+ FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/100dpi/"
+Section "Module"
+ Load "extmod"
+ Load "dri"
+ Load "dbe"
+ Load "record"
+ Load "xtrap"
+ Load "glx"
+ Load "type1"
+ Load "freetype"
+Section "InputDevice"
+ Identifier "Keyboard0"
+ Driver "kbd"
+Section "InputDevice"
+ Identifier "Mouse0"
+ Driver "mouse"
+ Option "Protocol" "auto"
+ Option "Device" "/dev/mouse"
+Section "Monitor"
+ Identifier "Monitor0"
+ VendorName "Monitor Vendor"
+ ModelName "Monitor Model"
+ HorizSync 1-10000
+ VertRefresh 1-10000
+ ModeLine "640x480" 100 640 700 800 900 480 500 600 700
+ ModeLine "800x600" 100 800 900 1000 1100 600 700 800 900
+ ModeLine "1024x768" 100 1024 1100 1200 1300 768 800 900 1000
+ ModeLine "1152x864" 100 1152 1200 1300 1400 864 900 1000 1100
+ ModeLine "1152x900" 100 1152 1200 1300 1400 900 1000 1100 1200
+ ModeLine "1280x1024" 100 1280 1300 1400 1500 1024 1100 1200 1300
+ ModeLine "1376x1032" 100 1376 1400 1500 1600 1032 1100 1200 1300
+ ModeLine "1600x1200" 100 1600 1700 1800 1900 1200 1300 1400 1500
+ ModeLine "2364x1773" 100 2364 2400 2500 2600 1773 1800 1900 2000
+Section "Device"
+ ### Available Driver options are:-
+ ### Values: <i>: integer, <f>: float, <bool>: "True"/"False",
+ ### <string>: "String", <freq>: "<f> Hz/kHz/MHz"
+ ### [arg]: arg optional
+ #Option "HWcursor" # [<bool>]
+ #Option "NoAccel" # [<bool>]
+ Identifier "Card0"
+ Driver "vmware"
+ VendorName "VMWare Inc"
+ BoardName "Unknown Board"
+ BusID "PCI:0:15:0"
+Section "Screen"
+ Identifier "Screen0"
+ Device "Card0"
+ Monitor "Monitor0"
+ SubSection "Display"
+ Viewport 0 0
+ Depth 4
+ Modes "1024x768"
+ EndSubSection
+ SubSection "Display"
+ Viewport 0 0
+ Depth 8
+ Modes "1024x768"
+ EndSubSection
+ SubSection "Display"
+ Viewport 0 0
+ Depth 15
+ Modes "1024x768"
+ EndSubSection
+ SubSection "Display"
+ Viewport 0 0
+ Depth 16
+ Modes "1024x768"
+ EndSubSection
+ SubSection "Display"
+ Viewport 0 0
+ Depth 24
+ Modes "1024x768"
+ EndSubSection
diff --git a/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/files/5.0.0/locations b/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/files/5.0.0/locations
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..478b1e4d1af4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/files/5.0.0/locations
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+file /etc/vmware-tools/locations
+answer DOCDIR /usr/share/doc/vmware-tools
+answer RESTORE_MODULES_CONF /etc/modules.conf
+answer RESTORE_MODULES_CONF_BAK /etc/modules.conf.BeforeVMwareToolsInstall
+answer BUILDR_vmhgfs yes
+answer HEADER_DIR /lib/modules/2.6.7-gentoo-r9/build/include
+answer VMHGFS_CONFED yes
+answer BINDIR /usr/bin
+answer INITDIR /tmp
+answer SBINDIR /usr/sbin
+answer LIBDIR /usr/lib/vmware-tools
+directory /etc/vmware-tools
+directory /etc/vmware-tools/state
+file /etc/vmware-tools/not_configured 1109770680
+file /etc/vmware-tools/ 1109770680
+file /etc/vmware-tools/poweron-vm-default 1109770680
+file /etc/vmware-tools/resume-vm-default 1109770680
+file /etc/vmware-tools/suspend-vm-default 1109770680
+file /etc/vmware-tools/poweroff-vm-default 1109770680
diff --git a/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/files/5.0.0/vmware-workstation-tools b/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/files/5.0.0/vmware-workstation-tools
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..5fd6fe4e5a13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/files/5.0.0/vmware-workstation-tools
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# Copyright (C) 1998-2002 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Updated by to support Gentoo Linux
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/files/5.0.0/vmware-workstation-tools,v 1.1 2006/05/08 13:00:27 wolf31o2 Exp $
+# This script manages the services needed to run VMware software
+# Is a given module loaded?
+isLoaded() {
+ local module="$1"
+ /sbin/lsmod | awk 'BEGIN {n = "no";} {if ($1 == "'"$module"'") n = "yes";} END {print n;}'
+vmware_tools_load_module() {
+ if [ "`isLoaded "$1"`" = 'yes' ]; then
+ /sbin/rmmod "$1"
+ fi
+ /sbin/insmod -s -f "/lib/modules/`uname -r`/misc/$1.o" >/dev/null 2>&1 || /sbin/insmod -s -f "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 || exit 1
+vmware_tools_unload_module() {
+ if [ "`isLoaded "$1"`" = 'yes' ]; then
+ /sbin/rmmod "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 || exit 1
+ fi
+depend ()
+ before checkfs
+checkconfig ()
+ if [ -f $VMWARE_NOT_CONFIGURED ]; then
+ eerror "Please run $VMWARE_CONFIG_TOOLS first"
+ eend 1
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if ! $VMWARE_CHECKVM_BIN > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
+ eerror "Not running inside vmware"
+ eend 1
+ return 1
+ fi
+start ()
+ checkconfig || exit 1
+ ebegin "Loading vmware filesystem"
+ vmware_tools_load_module $VMWARE_VMHGFS_MOD
+ eend $?
+ ebegin "Starting vmware guestd"
+ start-stop-daemon -b --quiet -m --pidfile ${VMWARE_GUESTD_PID} --start --startas ${VMWARE_GUESTD_BIN}
+ eend $?
+stop ()
+ ebegin "Stopping vmware guestd"
+ start-stop-daemon --stop --pidfile ${VMWARE_GUESTD_PID} -x ${VMWARE_GUESTD_BIN}
+ eend $?
+ ebegin "Unloading vmware filesystem"
+ vmware_tools_unload_module $VMWARE_VMHGFS_MOD
+ eend $?
+reload ()
+ stop ; start
diff --git a/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/files/5.0.0/xorg.conf b/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/files/5.0.0/xorg.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9fcf4bae1848
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/files/5.0.0/xorg.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+Section "ServerLayout"
+ Identifier " Configured"
+ Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0
+ InputDevice "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
+ InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
+Section "Files"
+ RgbPath "/usr/lib/X11/rgb"
+ ModulePath "/usr/lib/modules"
+ FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/misc/"
+ FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/TTF/"
+ FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/Type1/"
+ FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/CID/"
+ FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/75dpi/"
+ FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/100dpi/"
+Section "Module"
+ Load "extmod"
+ Load "dri"
+ Load "dbe"
+ Load "record"
+ Load "xtrap"
+ Load "glx"
+ Load "type1"
+ Load "freetype"
+Section "InputDevice"
+ Identifier "Keyboard0"
+ Driver "kbd"
+Section "InputDevice"
+ Identifier "Mouse0"
+ Driver "mouse"
+ Option "Protocol" "auto"
+ Option "Device" "/dev/mouse"
+Section "Monitor"
+ Identifier "Monitor0"
+ VendorName "Monitor Vendor"
+ ModelName "Monitor Model"
+ HorizSync 1-10000
+ VertRefresh 1-10000
+ ModeLine "640x480" 100 640 700 800 900 480 500 600 700
+ ModeLine "800x600" 100 800 900 1000 1100 600 700 800 900
+ ModeLine "1024x768" 100 1024 1100 1200 1300 768 800 900 1000
+ ModeLine "1152x864" 100 1152 1200 1300 1400 864 900 1000 1100
+ ModeLine "1152x900" 100 1152 1200 1300 1400 900 1000 1100 1200
+ ModeLine "1280x1024" 100 1280 1300 1400 1500 1024 1100 1200 1300
+ ModeLine "1376x1032" 100 1376 1400 1500 1600 1032 1100 1200 1300
+ ModeLine "1600x1200" 100 1600 1700 1800 1900 1200 1300 1400 1500
+ ModeLine "2364x1773" 100 2364 2400 2500 2600 1773 1800 1900 2000
+Section "Device"
+ ### Available Driver options are:-
+ ### Values: <i>: integer, <f>: float, <bool>: "True"/"False",
+ ### <string>: "String", <freq>: "<f> Hz/kHz/MHz"
+ ### [arg]: arg optional
+ #Option "HWcursor" # [<bool>]
+ #Option "NoAccel" # [<bool>]
+ Identifier "Card0"
+ Driver "vmware"
+ VendorName "VMWare Inc"
+ BoardName "Unknown Board"
+ BusID "PCI:0:15:0"
+Section "Screen"
+ Identifier "Screen0"
+ Device "Card0"
+ Monitor "Monitor0"
+ SubSection "Display"
+ Viewport 0 0
+ Depth 4
+ Modes "1024x768"
+ EndSubSection
+ SubSection "Display"
+ Viewport 0 0
+ Depth 8
+ Modes "1024x768"
+ EndSubSection
+ SubSection "Display"
+ Viewport 0 0
+ Depth 15
+ Modes "1024x768"
+ EndSubSection
+ SubSection "Display"
+ Viewport 0 0
+ Depth 16
+ Modes "1024x768"
+ EndSubSection
+ SubSection "Display"
+ Viewport 0 0
+ Depth 24
+ Modes "1024x768"
+ EndSubSection
diff --git a/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/files/digest-vmware-workstation-tools-4.5.2 b/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/files/digest-vmware-workstation-tools-4.5.2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e23e561bfaaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/files/digest-vmware-workstation-tools-4.5.2
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+MD5 86b9a24aa1effe4da4f09a3393d44105 vmware-linux-tools.tar.gz 6630450
diff --git a/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/files/digest-vmware-workstation-tools-5.0.0 b/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/files/digest-vmware-workstation-tools-5.0.0
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4655f2a3b18e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/files/digest-vmware-workstation-tools-5.0.0
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+MD5 c920e12c64bd6352a29cf2f1ddf79c99 VMwareTools-5.0.0-13124.tar.gz 11370290
diff --git a/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/metadata.xml b/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/metadata.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3260ec55a8de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/metadata.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
diff --git a/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/vmware-workstation-tools-4.5.2.ebuild b/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/vmware-workstation-tools-4.5.2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..20483b3c2a8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/vmware-workstation-tools-4.5.2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/vmware-workstation-tools-4.5.2.ebuild,v 1.1 2006/05/08 13:00:27 wolf31o2 Exp $
+inherit eutils
+DESCRIPTION="Guest-os tools for VMWare workstation"
+# the vmware-tools sources are part of the vmware virtual machine;
+# they must be installed by hand
+src_install() {
+ # install the binaries
+ dosbin sbin/vmware-checkvm
+ dosbin sbin/vmware-guestd
+ dobin bin/
+ dobin bin/vmware-toolbox
+ # NOTE: we deliberately do NOT install the
+ # script
+ #
+ # if you want to uninstall vmware from this machine, use Portage!
+ # install the config files
+ insinto /etc/vmware-tools
+ for x in \
+ \
+ not_configured \
+ poweroff-vm-default \
+ poweron-vm-default \
+ resume-vm-default \
+ suspend-vm-default \
+ ; do
+ doins etc/$x
+ done
+ # populate the locations file
+ # we replace the timestamp in that file with the current
+ # timestamp
+ insinto /etc/vmware-tools
+ doins ${FILESDIR}/${PV}/locations
+ timestamp="`date '+%s'`"
+ sed -i "s|1109770680|$timestamp|g" ${D}/etc/vmware-tools/locations
+ # install the library files
+ mkdir -p ${D}/usr/lib/vmware-tools
+ cp -r lib/* ${D}/usr/lib/vmware-tools
+ # install the init scripts
+ doinitd ${FILESDIR}/${PV}/vmware-linux-tools
+ # if we have X, install the default config
+ if useq X ; then
+ insinto /etc/X11
+ doins ${FILESDIR}/${PV}/xorg.conf
+ fi
+ # and we're done
+pkg_postinst ()
+ einfo "To start using the vmware-tools, please run the following:"
+ einfo
+ einfo " /usr/bin/"
+ einfo " rc-update add ${PN} default"
+ einfo " /etc/init.d/${PN} start"
+ einfo
+ einfo "Please report all bugs to"
diff --git a/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/vmware-workstation-tools-5.0.0.ebuild b/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/vmware-workstation-tools-5.0.0.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b286e3332fa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/vmware-workstation-tools-5.0.0.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-emulation/vmware-workstation-tools/vmware-workstation-tools-5.0.0.ebuild,v 1.1 2006/05/08 13:00:27 wolf31o2 Exp $
+inherit eutils
+DESCRIPTION="Guest-os tools for VMWare workstation"
+# the vmware-tools sources are part of the vmware virtual machine;
+# they must be installed by hand
+src_install() {
+ # install the binaries
+ dosbin sbin/vmware-checkvm
+ dosbin sbin/vmware-guestd
+ dobin bin/
+ dobin bin/vmware-toolbox
+ # NOTE: we deliberately do NOT install the
+ # script
+ #
+ # if you want to uninstall vmware from this machine, use Portage!
+ # install the config files
+ insinto /etc/vmware-tools
+ for x in \
+ \
+ not_configured \
+ poweroff-vm-default \
+ poweron-vm-default \
+ resume-vm-default \
+ suspend-vm-default \
+ ; do
+ doins etc/$x
+ done
+ # populate the locations file
+ # we replace the timestamp in that file with the current
+ # timestamp
+ insinto /etc/vmware-tools
+ doins ${FILESDIR}/${PV}/locations
+ timestamp="`date '+%s'`"
+ sed -i "s|1109770680|$timestamp|g" ${D}/etc/vmware-tools/locations
+ # install the library files
+ mkdir -p ${D}/usr/lib/vmware-tools
+ cp -r lib/* ${D}/usr/lib/vmware-tools
+ # install the init scripts
+ doinitd ${FILESDIR}/${PV}/${PN}
+ # if we have X, install the default config
+ if useq X ; then
+ insinto /etc/X11
+ doins ${FILESDIR}/${PV}/xorg.conf
+ fi
+ # and we're done
+pkg_postinst ()
+ einfo "To start using the vmware-tools, please run the following:"
+ einfo
+ einfo " /usr/bin/"
+ einfo " rc-update add ${PN} default"
+ einfo " /etc/init.d/${PN} start"
+ einfo
+ einfo "Please report all bugs to"