diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-java/jruby')
-rw-r--r--dev-java/jruby/jruby-1.4.1-r1.ebuild (renamed from dev-java/jruby/jruby-1.3.1-r1.ebuild)115
3 files changed, 73 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/dev-java/jruby/ChangeLog b/dev-java/jruby/ChangeLog
index 017eaf90af77..4ce6dec32aa0 100644
--- a/dev-java/jruby/ChangeLog
+++ b/dev-java/jruby/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
# ChangeLog for dev-java/jruby
# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-java/jruby/ChangeLog,v 1.61 2010/06/26 11:58:41 ali_bush Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-java/jruby/ChangeLog,v 1.62 2010/06/26 12:06:07 ali_bush Exp $
+*jruby-1.4.1-r1 (26 Jun 2010)
+ 26 Jun 2010; Alistair Bush <> -jruby-1.3.1-r1.ebuild,
+ +jruby-1.4.1-r1.ebuild:
+ Bump 1.4.1 to 1.4.1-r1 as last commit will change installed files. Clean
+ 1.3.1.
*jruby-1.5.1-r2 (26 Jun 2010)
diff --git a/dev-java/jruby/Manifest b/dev-java/jruby/Manifest
index 687b20f9cf2c..3f262968a351 100644
--- a/dev-java/jruby/Manifest
+++ b/dev-java/jruby/Manifest
@@ -8,13 +8,12 @@ AUX jruby-1.4.0-bindir.patch 743 RMD160 ea3ea934abb45fda138afd336a0dee2bbcb7126a
AUX jruby-1.4.0-system-jars-r2.patch 8332 RMD160 d59ae12abcc4184c1d9f39a3dafe769d00a0f732 SHA1 a3fcb2a452d65757c838c6883420d1a3b84b91fa SHA256 92f67d30f0be4ff029d3045e9446b5191da474fe0280269e4b1dc5b026e51556
AUX jruby-1.5.0-system-jars.patch 8113 RMD160 59ac1750a53176c90e134804d7021ca9bab39926 SHA1 d3400e71d456712756d91992a65626c86a316e08 SHA256 69f14036398c8fa2210fee8dee63e85925c37805dd8985586752fad8596c87da
AUX user-test-fixes.patch 5147 RMD160 6258879413ae81a18d0c6bcaa3b0661d86a0d14a SHA1 32d3f80db383cf664c9ad1f9e52c2688ae3cbe5c SHA256 f21469d41de9f9b5fb1682596f64899a71c92332db24bf27e8c50dbb1896a92e
-DIST jruby-src-1.3.1.tar.gz 12076705 RMD160 ef10395dbdf9490820caa65ff6236dd99e7c62c8 SHA1 e4de71e5c01f71f236b3135e07a5841784767fd8 SHA256 9095b0bec0ee8e6cd96b72c7f2aec8a90fa429b840484d57a48d8fb760aae600
DIST jruby-src-1.4.0.tar.gz 12731458 RMD160 70b6a34a9e1b174fe1c8f1df8ba8ea7cbfa4da37 SHA1 3d6f634e16b789a5a086327c0f09710dd29d1ec7 SHA256 b9fd84ed097ac136afce4462a13bb0752bab467db203ed3797e228a435e26d23
DIST jruby-src-1.4.1.tar.gz 12351374 RMD160 079036e7df373d444221083a9487b6ad8a676879 SHA1 282a730d33fe5ba0686297de6ff68eee443e67ab SHA256 685e6ba0a4709e06fab1158ef6e4d2b246ab91a770fe8b5c1b642d55d22c725a
DIST jruby-src-1.5.1.tar.gz 11260259 RMD160 6bfa5aa1c28d1a9e250be0b8364e423caf905c17 SHA1 b022ad9a5a24a207fcb3e0ded76f70bc305b67ba SHA256 0ddfa33e42510e1c2848dacbde51a7642d7a411583a235f4e78c77036aa1bcac
-EBUILD jruby-1.3.1-r1.ebuild 5362 RMD160 9cc4b0f1cd310a6a3d833e8bb339e15853ca44fa SHA1 cdf3e7003c9794372c3c949c37c92eedb95310bd SHA256 f955390140221f98f15b837fc2d62b45be4c0289fb3521e71e65c554fd1f4218
EBUILD jruby-1.4.0-r6.ebuild 5777 RMD160 c4e0db8272cc8978f5df2b8ba961aee64b556fb8 SHA1 66403cb4213cc39cab98da522d4dbe61f64e1c6d SHA256 f61a9ca66617fe3278e39b448e55f6c22dce10e8510b4683d3a609a4a47f0a09
+EBUILD jruby-1.4.1-r1.ebuild 5996 RMD160 3ade1f4ce4b0cc23fde323699a2b73ff2ead2136 SHA1 7c7e2848fc0da8d7540c12a7a2100d2217c90df1 SHA256 3af0279541a852f8b770c51b8146ee91f86bc6f6237b91a0b0398281207d56b8
EBUILD jruby-1.4.1.ebuild 5993 RMD160 b2949a33ada6a7aa2c496b695330e69d0d2473df SHA1 c605dcf9f62c8ae5d262a3ca62104f6db64e4cd2 SHA256 452b7ef3bb1bbc4ee9de0ad2c060430db61d3e8909593f68b497f5385af8c033
EBUILD jruby-1.5.1-r2.ebuild 5988 RMD160 a85d78911ecc1be7388a08c10261f1435e80d40d SHA1 2dfda45d8302c1e120c0ff58df974efbfe8a4561 SHA256 e1de151e160be2adcd93247f2e50f82e1c59c9bf16708a035a53da023825f56d
-MISC ChangeLog 12238 RMD160 710efe849c406fbfda5f0ea7ac8de207fa3b976e SHA1 cb0582cf08ca4ead3128e69d9e5b0e6ba950849c SHA256 89c1f76828cba15adf922012a64d7a9a75446904f215424edc9fe0bc2b7a4569
+MISC ChangeLog 12455 RMD160 03d46b7ae17716b247f4eb0fd2afd4c241411537 SHA1 800001a1cd5e747b8564ba1adb741df3c60aee16 SHA256 105ac80248a5025739288b77fb2e430a21bbfe11bd2792f87d2db6410824aa00
MISC metadata.xml 179 RMD160 3813d8d3651faaf99042cb3c776d0bc59ad7b5b4 SHA1 421371d5338c6b9b8b4950c44d78a9dbe79cf64d SHA256 0df27adc265ef6596f973641d25b64b7291c87f1b114d6895f69d222049bed1b
diff --git a/dev-java/jruby/jruby-1.3.1-r1.ebuild b/dev-java/jruby/jruby-1.4.1-r1.ebuild
index 526d0c04722b..52215ad2a4a1 100644
--- a/dev-java/jruby/jruby-1.3.1-r1.ebuild
+++ b/dev-java/jruby/jruby-1.4.1-r1.ebuild
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-java/jruby/jruby-1.3.1-r1.ebuild,v 1.3 2010/02/09 17:10:23 caster Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-java/jruby/jruby-1.4.1-r1.ebuild,v 1.1 2010/06/26 12:06:07 ali_bush Exp $
JAVA_PKG_IUSE="doc source test"
@@ -10,11 +10,12 @@ MY_PV="${PV/_rc1/RC1}"
DESCRIPTION="Java-based Ruby interpreter implementation"
LICENSE="|| ( CPL-1.0 GPL-2 LGPL-2.1 )"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
-IUSE="bsf java6 ssl"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+IUSE="bsf ssl"
@@ -22,32 +23,29 @@ CDEPEND=">=dev-java/bytelist-1.0.2:0
- dev-java/asm:3
- dev-java/jcodings:0
- dev-java/jffi:0.4
+ >=dev-java/asm-3.2:3
+ >=dev-java/jcodings-1.0.4:0
+ >=dev-java/jffi-0.7_pre:0.4
- dev-java/nailgun:0"
+ dev-java/nailgun:0
+ dev-java/jaffl:0
+ dev-java/jgrapht:0"
- !java6? ( =virtual/jre-1.5* )
- java6? ( >=virtual/jre-1.6 )"
+ >=virtual/jre-1.6"
-# using 1.6 produces 1.6 bytecode, not sure why
- !java6? ( =virtual/jdk-1.5* )
- java6? ( >=virtual/jdk-1.6 )
+ >=virtual/jdk-1.6
bsf? ( dev-java/bsf:2.3 )
test? (
- )"
+ )
+ !!<dev-ruby/jruby-1.3.1-r1"
- >=dev-ruby/rake-0.7.3
- >=dev-ruby/rspec-1.0.4
- ssl? ( dev-ruby/jruby-openssl )"
+PDEPEND="ssl? ( dev-ruby/jruby-openssl )"
# Tests work for ali_bush. But fail for flameeyes see #282439.
# Tests work for ali_bush inside the ebuild env
@@ -64,7 +62,7 @@ GEMS=${RUBY_HOME}/gems
EANT_GENTOO_CLASSPATH="asm-3 bytelist constantine jay jcodings jffi-0.4 jline \
-joda-time joni jna jna-posix jvyamlb,nailgun"
+joda-time joni jna jna-posix jvyamlb nailgun jaffl jgrapht"
pkg_setup() {
@@ -72,20 +70,22 @@ pkg_setup() {
local fail
- if [[ ! -d "${GEMS}" && -L "${GEMS}" ]]; then
- eerror "${GEMS} is a symlink. Please remove this symlink."
- fail="true"
- fi
- # the symlink creates a collision with rubygems, bug #270953
- # cannot be currently solved by removing in pkg_preinst, bug #233278
- if [[ -L "${SITE_RUBY}" ]]; then
- eerror "${SITE_RUBY} is a symlink. Please remove this symlink."
- fail="true"
- fi
+ for directory in "${GEMS}" "${SITE_RUBY}"; do
+ if [[ -L ${directory} ]]; then
+ eerror "${directory} is a symlink. Please do the following to resolve the situation:"
+ echo 'emerge -an app-portage/gentoolkit'
+ echo 'equery -qC b '"${directory}"' | sort | uniq | sed s/^/=/ > ~/jruby.fix'
+ echo 'emerge -1C $(< ~/jruby.fix)'
+ echo "rm ${directory}"
+ echo 'emerge -1 $(< ~/jruby.fix)'
+ echo 'rm ~/jruby.fix'
+ eerror "For more information, please see"
+ fail="true"
+ fi
+ done
if [[ -n ${fail} ]]; then
- eerror "Unmerging the old jruby version should also fix the problem(s)."
die "Please address the above errors, then run emerge --resume"
@@ -93,6 +93,8 @@ pkg_setup() {
java_prepare() {
epatch "${FILESDIR}/ftype-test-fixes.patch"
epatch "${FILESDIR}/user-test-fixes.patch"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.4.0-system-jars-r2.patch
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.4.0-bindir.patch
# We don't need to use Retroweaver. There is a jarjar and a regular jar
# target but even with jarjarclean, both are a pain. The latter target
@@ -103,9 +105,15 @@ java_prepare() {
-e "/<zipfileset .+\/>/d" \
build.xml || die
+ sed -i -e '/Arndt/d' src/org/jruby/
# Delete the bundled JARs but keep invokedynamic.jar.
# No source is available and it's only a dummy anyway.
- find build_lib lib -name "*.jar" ! -name "invokedynamic.jar" -delete || die
+ find build_lib -name "*.jar" ! -name "jsr292-mock.jar" -delete || die
+ rm lib/profile.jar || die
+ use bsf && java-pkg_jar-from --into build_lib \
+ --build-only bsf-2.3
if ! use bsf; then
# Remove BSF test cases.
@@ -118,7 +126,8 @@ java_prepare() {
src_compile() {
- eant jar $(use_doc create-apidocs) -Djdk1.5+=true
+ eant jar $(use_doc apidocs) $(use bsf && echo "-Dbsf.present") \
+ -Djdk1.5+=true
src_test() {
@@ -131,7 +140,7 @@ src_test() {
# ali_bush was getting crashes while attempting to run a test.
# No info about why it crashed seemed to be produced.
# remove it as temp fix.
- sed -i -e '/MRI/d' build.xml || die "Failed to sed build.xml"
+ #sed -i -e '/MRI/d' build.xml || die "Failed to sed build.xml"
# BSF is a compile-time only dependency because it's just the adapter
# classes and they won't be used unless invoked from BSF itself.
@@ -152,27 +161,29 @@ src_install() {
use doc && java-pkg_dojavadoc docs/api
use source && java-pkg_dosrc src/org
- dobin "${FILESDIR}/jruby" || die
- exeinto "/usr/share/${PN}/bin"
- doexe "${S}/bin/jruby" || die
- # Install some jruby tools.
- dobin "${S}"/bin/j{gem,irb{,_swing},rubyc} || die
+ # We run the sed here in install so that we don't get the wrong
+ # data during the test phase!
+ sed \
+ -e '/++ebuild-cut-here++/, /--ebuild-cut-here--/ d' \
+ -e '/^JRUBY_HOME=/s:=:=/usr/share/jruby:' \
+ bin/jruby > "${T}"/jruby
- # Symlink some common tools so that jruby can launch them internally.
- for bin in {j,}gem jirb jrubyc rake rdoc ri spec{,_translator} ; do
- dosym "/usr/bin/${bin}" "/usr/share/${PN}/bin/${bin}" || die
- done
+ dobin "${T}"/jruby "${S}"/bin/j{irb{,_swing},rubyc} || die
insinto "${RUBY_HOME}"
- doins -r "${S}/lib/ruby/1.8" || die
- doins -r "${S}/lib/ruby/site_ruby" || die
+ doins -r "${S}"/lib/ruby/{1.8,1.9,site_ruby} || die
- # Autoload rubygems and append regular site_ruby to $LOAD_PATH.
- # Unfortunately the -I option prepends instead.
- insinto "${SITE_RUBY}"
- doins "${FILESDIR}/gentoo.rb" || die
- doenvd "${FILESDIR}/10jruby" || die
+ # Remove all the references to RubyGems as we're just going to
+ # install it through dev-ruby/rubygems.
+ find "${D}${RUBY_HOME}" -type f \
+ '(' '(' -path '*rubygems*' -not -name 'jruby.rb' ')' -or -name 'ubygems.rb' -or -name 'datadir.rb' ')' \
+ -delete || die
- keepdir "${GEMS}"/1.8/{cache,doc}
+pkg_postinst() {
+ ewarn "If you're updating from <=jruby-1.4.0, you're going to get errors related"
+ ewarn "to gentoo.rb load failure."
+ ewarn "This is due to a stray definition of JRUBY_OPTS variable from the previous ebuilds."
+ ewarn "To solve the problem, either login in a new shell, use 'env -i ${SHELL} --login'"
+ ewarn "or explicitly unset the variable before running jruby."