diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'games-action/armagetronad/armagetronad-')
1 files changed, 75 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/games-action/armagetronad/armagetronad- b/games-action/armagetronad/armagetronad-
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..41909ab978fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games-action/armagetronad/armagetronad-
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/games-action/armagetronad/armagetronad-,v 1.1 2005/06/09 17:11:20 wolf31o2 Exp $
+inherit flag-o-matic eutils games
+DESCRIPTION="3d tron lightcycles, just like the movie"
+ opengl? (
+ )"
+KEYWORDS="~x86 ~ppc"
+IUSE="dedicated opengl"
+ opengl? (
+ virtual/x11
+ virtual/opengl
+ media-libs/libsdl
+ media-libs/sdl-image
+ media-libs/libpng )"
+ app-arch/unzip"
+src_compile() {
+ filter-flags -fno-exceptions
+ if use dedicated && ! use opengl; then
+ egamesconf --disable-glout || die "egamesconf failed"
+ else
+ egamesconf || die "egamesconf failed"
+ fi
+ emake || die "emake failed"
+ make documentation || "make doc failed"
+src_install() {
+ dodoc COPYING.txt
+ dohtml doc/*.html
+ docinto html/net
+ dohtml doc/net/*.html
+ newicon tron.ico ${PN}.ico
+ insinto "${GAMES_LIBDIR}/${PN}"
+ if use dedicated && ! use opengl; then
+ doins src/tron/${PN}-dedicated || die "copying files"
+ else
+ doins src/tron/${PN} || die "copying files"
+ fi
+ doins src/network/armagetronad-* || die "copying files"
+ insinto "${GAMES_DATADIR}/${PN}"
+ if use dedicated && ! use opengl; then
+ doins -r log language || die "copying files"
+ else
+ doins -r arenas models sound textures language log music \
+ || die "copying files"
+ fi
+ insinto "${GAMES_SYSCONFDIR}/${PN}"
+ doins -r config/* || die "copying files"
+ if use dedicated; then
+ dogamesbin "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-ded"
+ fi
+ cd "${S}"
+ insinto "${GAMES_DATADIR}/${PN}"
+ if use opengl; then
+ dogamesbin "${FILESDIR}/${PN}"
+ insinto "${GAMES_DATADIR}/${PN}"
+ doins -r ../moviepack ../moviesounds || die "copying movies"
+ make_desktop_entry armagetronad "Armagetron Advanced" ${PN}.ico
+ fi
+ prepgamesdirs