diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'net-misc/neatx')
3 files changed, 150 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/net-misc/neatx/ChangeLog b/net-misc/neatx/ChangeLog
index 111daabb6270..7dadb9041c32 100644
--- a/net-misc/neatx/ChangeLog
+++ b/net-misc/neatx/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
# ChangeLog for net-misc/neatx
-# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-misc/neatx/ChangeLog,v 1.11 2010/10/05 21:09:47 maekke Exp $
+# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-misc/neatx/ChangeLog,v 1.12 2011/03/14 05:20:27 wormo Exp $
+*neatx-0.3.1_p59-r2 (14 Mar 2011)
+ 14 Mar 2011; S. Lockwood-Childs <>
+ +neatx-0.3.1_p59-r2.ebuild:
+ Protect custom $NX_HOME_DIR/.ssh/authorized_keys from being clobbered
+ by an upgrade/reinstall (bug #339366)
05 Oct 2010; Markus Meier <> neatx-0.3.1_p59-r1.ebuild:
x86 stable, bug #336646
diff --git a/net-misc/neatx/Manifest b/net-misc/neatx/Manifest
index 58dc06cd4e72..c606ae4f931c 100644
--- a/net-misc/neatx/Manifest
+++ b/net-misc/neatx/Manifest
@@ -1,17 +1,8 @@
-Hash: SHA1
DIST neatx-0.3.1_p43.tar.bz2 59158 RMD160 232e26bceee83418f8404d992a1eea73287b12ce SHA1 b412b7a47cfac02949183ce9b39b07c1201a03dd SHA256 dc4a750bc5239dc984cae78f087256eb8a9184e11c5b3833b45fc0cb89a9c2db
DIST neatx-0.3.1_p59.tar.bz2 77036 RMD160 9d1d5bace5ac56c97e92abcdcc2eca676c0caa19 SHA1 525f6c6ec74c13785b8f37cc43d1d65e5729a741 SHA256 ed4eea8395ae884c9e4b206cbed0f54c4c7f4138ed608c7f6ad52c56b496e77d
EBUILD neatx-0.3.1_p43-r1.ebuild 3016 RMD160 0d519e0350f5f41ad4e5534dbd7cbee1ab29b336 SHA1 5346f0b2a27aa75202034db00fa18dcabb5ef49f SHA256 c4492719854ba569a363a7eac869c0d7279cd894faa4f6278ca627b146f4d9f9
EBUILD neatx-0.3.1_p59-r1.ebuild 3276 RMD160 48fc788ff703690f9c2b3e716aa6d7a1b3a0db2c SHA1 8371adc9e6e5813ceb0f04d95e0f139fa9591d25 SHA256 68ffb2b5bebe15aa78c10cba085649833652e4b86f0c0eac8704c9f08e212b2c
+EBUILD neatx-0.3.1_p59-r2.ebuild 4016 RMD160 28f67ee27fb7a8d6601c57d62f774ff21fc46cba SHA1 8a3e327162d2894aacae7aa05d7814813fb6bddd SHA256 55b8a89cc8f705910d483657b2f886f4348464820f43c11a705608fa449f9c74
EBUILD neatx-0.3.1_p59.ebuild 3057 RMD160 1335b75b6d65ecdbee54508459befaec2ae94851 SHA1 171513837c7ccd1b628ec6eeaf25e13002c26704 SHA256 61f89302bc9f825460e6e32086e87fddb515bd11503faa93fed314d75c648ccf
-MISC ChangeLog 1934 RMD160 b5367edce37f7562078644f06be76b95e6877e3b SHA1 72e275718318de0f6fa3c986ea7023462a74f118 SHA256 e7ef9beb9e6cb592f547d21d71717df267868b0c29f499d6de0ad22a699402ef
+MISC ChangeLog 2164 RMD160 640919b5e3ac9cba1d3e6d1f08a38d98fbc61704 SHA1 cb0ae3497b11713ef71f8983090c3ec3cc7e8993 SHA256 e74f23cca90d5c010c606139cd3bab61d64ca66df034e85bac4d15e46dfbe4f4
MISC metadata.xml 334 RMD160 cf5f1838adacd57b72fc13f8d8fc3f64ab81cb8d SHA1 b34dc4617f03bb49a8df90220ec4ae2a54f3935f SHA256 499f67f73f4048db1c41db8e934a720dd9cdc00b6a7a48bb774993ff40eb8d8a
-Version: GnuPG v2.0.16 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/net-misc/neatx/neatx-0.3.1_p59-r2.ebuild b/net-misc/neatx/neatx-0.3.1_p59-r2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..21d4de46d2d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/neatx/neatx-0.3.1_p59-r2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-misc/neatx/neatx-0.3.1_p59-r2.ebuild,v 1.1 2011/03/14 05:20:27 wormo Exp $
+inherit eutils autotools distutils
+DESCRIPTION="Google implementation of NX server"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+ dev-python/simplejson
+ >=dev-python/pygtk-2.14
+ >=dev-python/pygobject-2.14
+ app-portage/portage-utils
+ media-fonts/font-misc-misc
+ media-fonts/font-cursor-misc
+ || ( net-analyzer/gnu-netcat
+ net-analyzer/netcat
+ net-analyzer/netcat6 )
+ net-misc/nx"
+pkg_setup () {
+ # configure script looks for latest python2 only,
+ # no multiple versions support
+ python_set_active_version 2
+ if [ -z "${NX_HOME_DIR}" ];
+ then
+ export NX_HOME_DIR=/var/lib/neatx/home
+ fi
+ enewuser nx -1 -1 ${NX_HOME_DIR}
+src_prepare() {
+ sed -i -e "s/rst2html]/]/" \
+ || die " sed failed"
+ sed -e "s#/lib/neatx#/neatx#" \
+ -e "/^docdir/s#\$(PACKAGE)#${PF}#" \
+ -i \
+ || die " sed failed"
+ sed -e "/DATA_DIR =/s#/lib/neatx#/neatx#" \
+ -i lib/ || die " sed failed"
+ eautoreconf
+src_compile() {
+ default_src_compile
+ # Scripts are automatically generated, fix them here
+ python_convert_shebangs 2 src/nx*
+src_install() {
+ emake install DESTDIR="${D}" || die "Failed to install"
+ fperms 777 /var/lib/neatx/sessions
+ dodir ${NX_HOME_DIR}/.ssh
+ fowners nx:nx ${NX_HOME_DIR}
+ fowners nx:nx ${NX_HOME_DIR}/.ssh
+ insinto /etc
+ newins doc/neatx.conf.example neatx.conf
+ # nc or netcat6 or netcat?
+ if has_version net-analyzer/gnu-netcat; then
+ nc_path="/usr/bin/netcat"
+ elif has_version net-analyzer/netcat6; then
+ nc_path="/usr/bin/nc6"
+ else
+ nc_path="/usr/bin/nc"
+ fi
+ cat >> "${D}"/etc/neatx.conf << EOF
+netcat-path = ${nc_path}
+use-xsession = false
+start-gnome-command = /etc/X11/Sessions/Gnome
+ insinto /usr/share/neatx
+ insopts -m 600 -o nx
+ newins extras/authorized_keys.nomachine authorized_keys.nomachine
+ insinto ${NX_HOME_DIR}/.ssh
+ insopts -m 600 -o nx
+ newins extras/authorized_keys.nomachine authorized_keys
+ # protect ssh key from getting clobbered by future upgrade (bug #339366)
+ echo "CONFIG_PROTECT=\"${NX_HOME_DIR}\"" > "${T}/60${PN}"
+ doenvd "${T}/60${PN}"
+pkg_preinst () {
+ # preserve custom ssh key if present (bug #339366)
+ # CONFIG_PROTECT entry created above will only work for future emerges,
+ # not the current one (until bug #276345 gets fixed)
+ if [ -e "${ROOT}/${NX_HOME_DIR}/.ssh/authorized_keys" ] ; then
+ einfo "Preserving existing ssh key: ${NX_HOME_DIR}/.ssh/authorized_keys"
+ insinto ${NX_HOME_DIR}/.ssh
+ insopts -m 600 -o nx
+ newins "${ROOT}/${NX_HOME_DIR}/.ssh/authorized_keys" authorized_keys
+ fi
+pkg_postinst () {
+ distutils_pkg_postinst
+ # Other NX servers ebuilds may have already created the nx account
+ # However they use different login shell/home directory paths
+ if [[ ${ROOT} == "/" ]]; then
+ usermod -s /usr/$(get_libdir)/neatx/nxserver-login nx || die "Unable to set login shell of nx user!!"
+ usermod -d ${NX_HOME_DIR} nx || die "Unable to set home directory of nx user!!"
+ else
+ elog "If you had another NX server installed before, please make sure"
+ elog "the nx user account is correctly set to:"
+ elog " * login shell: /usr/$(get_libdir)/neatx/nxserver-login"
+ elog " * home directory: ${NX_HOME_DIR}"
+ fi
+ if has_version net-misc/openssh[-pam]; then
+ elog ""
+ elog "net-misc/openssh was not built with PAM support"
+ elog "You will need to unlock the nx account by setting a password for it"
+ fi
+ elog "If you want to use the default su authentication (rather than ssh)"
+ elog "you must ensure that the nx user is a member of the wheel group."
+ elog "You can add it via \"usermod -a -G wheel nx\""