diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sci-visualization/qtiplot')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 444 deletions
diff --git a/sci-visualization/qtiplot/Manifest b/sci-visualization/qtiplot/Manifest
index d94c587da42e..30ec73549047 100644
--- a/sci-visualization/qtiplot/Manifest
+++ b/sci-visualization/qtiplot/Manifest
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-AUX qtiplot-0.7.7-qmake.patch 11384 RMD160 fa0491bd504d3445645817871fa831d0b70b4602 SHA1 5cd18e99d39664ef48e0d18069d89cb4b417a175 SHA256 2d89427ab1304b1ec8165d6ceaedf474a48ba59d55dafbb4977b5ddaab8509ca
AUX qtiplot- 5134 RMD160 22ce572f6c000fe5fcedb3bd4a291753e95e7a06 SHA1 0811284e08111cd1bdd070687078b4432e7f4d63 SHA256 0cdb2396d70cca2dacb358107033ffbe03aa42769f64f405d5e5c3df6f10cbad
AUX qtiplot- 2179 RMD160 011a6f3c71f0c5993ddea8a0b679867f40fe6753 SHA1 aed721371c106d041eeabcac55b627eceaa84ae0 SHA256 f3b043e16d099edd45ad4f41af602627883859f91731efcac077e123189073b0
AUX qtiplot- 605 RMD160 e68908d5ca887e64fe99bed21ea7d1d746f5409d SHA1 23089d7955cc15f6e56e3401266421cae24975c3 SHA256 161657d37de71ea58fc0e0af3495dc45082f5c398bd82c70e40968b23d0b898b
@@ -8,9 +7,7 @@ AUX 1684 RMD160 d01587b1cb8d8e43c3606f5132cfd
AUX qtiplot- 1113 RMD160 afd2089074108bb9ca8c4526bdd0b8c3a5c5d495 SHA1 52745c241f72e6ae2df77d2a54a2a3bd054babe0 SHA256 8195baadb206a13f583ccdb6f63ff457b8eaea0135ae20aea1afa988ef670fa5
AUX qtiplot- 986 RMD160 c952187ddf284818439c52c129843a359f2fec9a SHA1 750b4fc08bdf14f3fa960d21145f34d470f05dc0 SHA256 ef4b63a77fe64fde6c15c89300ac705db690485d733facf63fe19c829ebb2278
AUX qtiplot- 2111 RMD160 d052c2abbc46745f8cc069a666bf9650cfe368dc SHA1 4e82c2041dd9bd232337da679a8955206afd04c8 SHA256 1585bf2207739e7475e86c19178407addafc2d31ed89a84db67fa6f805f97177
-DIST 812738 RMD160 6f62b32059eec57bf931b5bae9f524672d436ee9 SHA1 b201e600ec057ff0f7b4b4572850b0b072a0e0fb SHA256 937849c42cc3047df3975d1cb7a26a2503a499d548066937589340f55bd1ab01
DIST qtiplot- 7948018 RMD160 21e4ce18b1eab877fd89e97065daa246c637da67 SHA1 38558d9026113a728834536627efbc1bff9c66e1 SHA256 88f8c45f369fb0427720757983cbe033c6761f507f8efb68c63b8d67bcfbf099
-EBUILD qtiplot-0.7.7.ebuild 1095 RMD160 a5ccfad6cdadadf0f11600f9b8114f9c7fb8ae2b SHA1 e6008083cbd394f979d675035c6c11fb6771fc26 SHA256 b4019c8262709376fc6d2d6fc34150da0d1079db79718d3c50adc06ed3f95c03
EBUILD qtiplot- 3498 RMD160 8294c2628e355f8b1fdc5af32a82d708b136775c SHA1 34452f46739d75ed2d8a7047b72fcbe135279d23 SHA256 418debe276c06939d828d5a9e446a4088a7b730077f281e34454325002243e5e
MISC ChangeLog 12544 RMD160 54f6c1b344503b398039039ff13ff9d1111d617f SHA1 37b16e8bb1509d03a00141e8a29bc2ad058ae962 SHA256 dfc30f6ac93c646759ca68175c191a7411f0fff41a04ac55dc01d9d8893d2275
MISC metadata.xml 604 RMD160 1e0ed48d48668781cafc44ef8a14c3fb1e41eb28 SHA1 0f1b65755c3b923539a54b7e05dfda9679c4d758 SHA256 094795782ea49d41a8c4106510bb80d360f1bdaae3ab89c23c369def31bab56c
diff --git a/sci-visualization/qtiplot/files/qtiplot-0.7.7-qmake.patch b/sci-visualization/qtiplot/files/qtiplot-0.7.7-qmake.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ab89f2a299c..000000000000
--- a/sci-visualization/qtiplot/files/qtiplot-0.7.7-qmake.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,398 +0,0 @@
---- 2006-01-30 20:38:46.000000000 +0000
-+++ 2006-01-30 20:39:28.000000000 +0000
-@@ -1,197 +1,197 @@
--TARGET = qtiplot
--TEMPLATE = app
--CONFIG += qt warn_on release thread opengl
--MOC_DIR = ../tmp/qtiplot
--OBJECTS_DIR = ../tmp/qtiplot
--DESTDIR = ../
--TRANSLATIONS = translations/qtiplot_de.ts \
-- translations/qtiplot_es.ts \
-- translations/qtiplot_fr.ts \
-- translations/qtiplot_ja.ts \
-- translations/qtiplot_pt.ts
--win32:INCLUDEPATH += C:/Qt/WinGsl
--INCLUDEPATH += ../3rdparty/qwt/include
--INCLUDEPATH += ../3rdparty/qwtplot3d/include
--win32:LIBS += ../3rdparty/qwt/lib/qwt.lib
--win32:LIBS += ../3rdparty/qwtplot3d/lib/qwtplot3d.lib
--win32:LIBS += C:/Qt/WinGsl/Lib/WinGsl.lib
--unix:LIBS += -L../3rdparty/qwt/lib -lqwt
--unix:LIBS += -L../3rdparty/qwtplot3d/lib -lqwtplot3d
--unix:LIBS += -L /usr/lib -lgsl -lgslcblas
--unix:INSTALLS += target
--unix:documentation.path = /usr/share/doc/qtiplot
--unix:documentation.files = doc/*
--unix:INSTALLS += documentation
--win32:RC_FILE = src/iPlot.rc
--HEADERS = src/application.h \
-- src/graph.h \
-- src/graph3D.h \
-- src/worksheet.h \
-- src/curvesDialog.h \
-- src/valuesDialog.h \
-- src/plotDialog.h \
-- src/plot3DDialog.h \
-- src/plotWizard.h \
-- src/exportDialog.h \
-- src/importDialog.h \
-- src/axesDialog.h \
-- src/pieDialog.h \
-- src/polynomFitDialog.h \
-- src/expDecayDialog.h \
-- src/functionDialog.h \
-- src/functionDialogui.h \
-- src/fitDialog.h \
-- src/surfaceDialog.h \
-- src/tableDialog.h \
-- src/textDialog.h \
-- src/txtDlg.h \
-- src/lineDlg.h \
-- src/scalePicker.h \
-- src/canvaspicker.h \
-- src/ErrorBar.h \
-- src/pie.h \
-- src/errDlg.h \
-- src/LegendMarker.h \
-- src/LineMarker.h\
-- src/ImageMarker.h\
-- src/imageDialog.h \
-- src/fit.h \
-- src/nrutil.h\
-- src/pixmaps.h\
-- src/multilayer.h\
-- src/layerDialog.h \
-- src/intDialog.h \
-- src/sortDialog.h\
-- src/bars.h \
-- src/cones.h \
-- src/configDialog.h \
-- src/BarCurve.h \
-- src/Histogram.h \
-- src/VectXYXYCurve.h \
-- src/scaleDraws.h \
-- src/imageExportDialog.h \
-- src/matrix.h \
-- src/matrixDialog.h \
-- src/matrixSizeDialog.h \
-- src/matrixValuesDialog.h \
-- src/analysisDialog.h \
-- src/parser.h \
-- src/colorBox.h \
-- src/patternBox.h \
-- src/importOPJ.h\
-- src/symbolDialog.h \
-- src/plot.h \
-- src/colorButton.h \
-- src/associationsDialog.h \
-- src/renameWindowDialog.h \
-- src/widget.h \
-- src/interpolationDialog.h\
-- src/fileDialogs.h\
-- src/epsExportDialog.h\
-- src/smoothCurveDialog.h\
-- src/filterDialog.h\
-- src/fftDialog.h
--SOURCES = src/application.cpp \
-- src/graph.cpp \
-- src/analysis.cpp \
-- src/graph3D.cpp \
-- src/worksheet.cpp \
-- src/valuesDialog.cpp \
-- src/curvesDialog.cpp \
-- src/plotDialog.cpp \
-- src/plot3DDialog.cpp \
-- src/plotWizard.cpp \
-- src/exportDialog.cpp \
-- src/importDialog.cpp \
-- src/axesDialog.cpp \
-- src/pieDialog.cpp \
-- src/polynomFitDialog.cpp \
-- src/tableDialog.cpp \
-- src/textDialog.cpp \
-- src/scalePicker.cpp \
-- src/canvaspicker.cpp \
-- src/expDecayDialog.cpp \
-- src/functionDialog.cpp \
-- src/functionDialogui.cpp \
-- src/fitDialog.cpp \
-- src/surfaceDialog.cpp \
-- src/txtDlg.cpp \
-- src/lineDlg.cpp \
-- src/ErrorBar.cpp \
-- src/pie.cpp \
-- src/errDlg.cpp \
-- src/LegendMarker.cpp \
-- src/LineMarker.cpp \
-- src/ImageMarker.cpp\
-- src/imageDialog.cpp \
-- src/multilayer.cpp\
-- src/layerDialog.cpp \
-- src/intDialog.cpp \
-- src/sortDialog.cpp\
-- src/bars.cpp \
-- src/cones.cpp \
-- src/analysisDialog.cpp \
-- src/configDialog.cpp \
-- src/BarCurve.cpp \
-- src/Histogram.cpp \
-- src/VectXYXYCurve.cpp \
-- src/imageExportDialog.cpp \
-- src/matrix.cpp \
-- src/matrixDialog.cpp \
-- src/matrixSizeDialog.cpp \
-- src/matrixValuesDialog.cpp \
-- src/parser.cpp\
-- src/colorBox.cpp \
-- src/patternBox.cpp \
-- src/importOPJ.cpp\
-- src/main.cpp \
-- src/symbolDialog.cpp \
-- src/plot.cpp \
-- src/colorButton.cpp \
-- src/associationsDialog.cpp \
-- src/renameWindowDialog.cpp \
-- src/widget.cpp\
-- src/interpolationDialog.cpp\
-- src/epsExportDialog.cpp\
-- src/nrutil.c \
-- src/fit.c \
-- src/smooth.c\
-- src/smoothCurveDialog.cpp\
-- src/filterDialog.cpp\
-- src/fftDialog.cpp
--#parser (muParser)
--HEADERS+=../3rdparty/muParser/muParser.h \
-- ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserBase.h \
-- ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserInt.h \
-- ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserError.h \
-- ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserStack.h \
-- ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserToken.h \
-- ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserBytecode.h \
-- ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserCallback.h \
-- ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserTokenReader.h \
-- ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserFixes.h \
-- ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserDef.h
--SOURCES+=../3rdparty/muParser/muParser.cpp \
-- ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserBase.cpp \
-- ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserInt.cpp \
-- ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserBytecode.cpp \
-- ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserCallback.cpp \
-- ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserTokenReader.cpp \
-- ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserError.cpp
--#Origin Import (liborigin)
-\ No newline at end of file
-+TARGET = qtiplot
-+TEMPLATE = app
-+CONFIG += qt warn_on release thread opengl
-+MOC_DIR = ../tmp/qtiplot
-+OBJECTS_DIR = ../tmp/qtiplot
-+DESTDIR = ../
-+TRANSLATIONS = translations/qtiplot_de.ts \
-+ translations/qtiplot_es.ts \
-+ translations/qtiplot_fr.ts \
-+ translations/qtiplot_ja.ts \
-+ translations/qtiplot_pt.ts
-+win32:INCLUDEPATH += C:/Qt/WinGsl
-+INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include/qwt
-+INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include/qwtplot3d
-+win32:LIBS += ../3rdparty/qwt/lib/qwt.lib
-+win32:LIBS += ../3rdparty/qwtplot3d/lib/qwtplot3d.lib
-+win32:LIBS += C:/Qt/WinGsl/Lib/WinGsl.lib
-+unix:LIBS += -L../3rdparty/qwt/lib -lqwt
-+unix:LIBS += -L../3rdparty/qwtplot3d/lib -lqwtplot3d
-+unix:LIBS += -L_LIBDIR_ -lgsl -lgslcblas -lqwt -lqwtplot3d
-+unix:INSTALLS += target
-+unix:documentation.path = /usr/share/doc/qtiplot
-+unix:documentation.files = doc/*
-+unix:INSTALLS += documentation
-+win32:RC_FILE = src/iPlot.rc
-+HEADERS = src/application.h \
-+ src/graph.h \
-+ src/graph3D.h \
-+ src/worksheet.h \
-+ src/curvesDialog.h \
-+ src/valuesDialog.h \
-+ src/plotDialog.h \
-+ src/plot3DDialog.h \
-+ src/plotWizard.h \
-+ src/exportDialog.h \
-+ src/importDialog.h \
-+ src/axesDialog.h \
-+ src/pieDialog.h \
-+ src/polynomFitDialog.h \
-+ src/expDecayDialog.h \
-+ src/functionDialog.h \
-+ src/functionDialogui.h \
-+ src/fitDialog.h \
-+ src/surfaceDialog.h \
-+ src/tableDialog.h \
-+ src/textDialog.h \
-+ src/txtDlg.h \
-+ src/lineDlg.h \
-+ src/scalePicker.h \
-+ src/canvaspicker.h \
-+ src/ErrorBar.h \
-+ src/pie.h \
-+ src/errDlg.h \
-+ src/LegendMarker.h \
-+ src/LineMarker.h\
-+ src/ImageMarker.h\
-+ src/imageDialog.h \
-+ src/fit.h \
-+ src/nrutil.h\
-+ src/pixmaps.h\
-+ src/multilayer.h\
-+ src/layerDialog.h \
-+ src/intDialog.h \
-+ src/sortDialog.h\
-+ src/bars.h \
-+ src/cones.h \
-+ src/configDialog.h \
-+ src/BarCurve.h \
-+ src/Histogram.h \
-+ src/VectXYXYCurve.h \
-+ src/scaleDraws.h \
-+ src/imageExportDialog.h \
-+ src/matrix.h \
-+ src/matrixDialog.h \
-+ src/matrixSizeDialog.h \
-+ src/matrixValuesDialog.h \
-+ src/analysisDialog.h \
-+ src/parser.h \
-+ src/colorBox.h \
-+ src/patternBox.h \
-+ src/importOPJ.h\
-+ src/symbolDialog.h \
-+ src/plot.h \
-+ src/colorButton.h \
-+ src/associationsDialog.h \
-+ src/renameWindowDialog.h \
-+ src/widget.h \
-+ src/interpolationDialog.h\
-+ src/fileDialogs.h\
-+ src/epsExportDialog.h\
-+ src/smoothCurveDialog.h\
-+ src/filterDialog.h\
-+ src/fftDialog.h
-+SOURCES = src/application.cpp \
-+ src/graph.cpp \
-+ src/analysis.cpp \
-+ src/graph3D.cpp \
-+ src/worksheet.cpp \
-+ src/valuesDialog.cpp \
-+ src/curvesDialog.cpp \
-+ src/plotDialog.cpp \
-+ src/plot3DDialog.cpp \
-+ src/plotWizard.cpp \
-+ src/exportDialog.cpp \
-+ src/importDialog.cpp \
-+ src/axesDialog.cpp \
-+ src/pieDialog.cpp \
-+ src/polynomFitDialog.cpp \
-+ src/tableDialog.cpp \
-+ src/textDialog.cpp \
-+ src/scalePicker.cpp \
-+ src/canvaspicker.cpp \
-+ src/expDecayDialog.cpp \
-+ src/functionDialog.cpp \
-+ src/functionDialogui.cpp \
-+ src/fitDialog.cpp \
-+ src/surfaceDialog.cpp \
-+ src/txtDlg.cpp \
-+ src/lineDlg.cpp \
-+ src/ErrorBar.cpp \
-+ src/pie.cpp \
-+ src/errDlg.cpp \
-+ src/LegendMarker.cpp \
-+ src/LineMarker.cpp \
-+ src/ImageMarker.cpp\
-+ src/imageDialog.cpp \
-+ src/multilayer.cpp\
-+ src/layerDialog.cpp \
-+ src/intDialog.cpp \
-+ src/sortDialog.cpp\
-+ src/bars.cpp \
-+ src/cones.cpp \
-+ src/analysisDialog.cpp \
-+ src/configDialog.cpp \
-+ src/BarCurve.cpp \
-+ src/Histogram.cpp \
-+ src/VectXYXYCurve.cpp \
-+ src/imageExportDialog.cpp \
-+ src/matrix.cpp \
-+ src/matrixDialog.cpp \
-+ src/matrixSizeDialog.cpp \
-+ src/matrixValuesDialog.cpp \
-+ src/parser.cpp\
-+ src/colorBox.cpp \
-+ src/patternBox.cpp \
-+ src/importOPJ.cpp\
-+ src/main.cpp \
-+ src/symbolDialog.cpp \
-+ src/plot.cpp \
-+ src/colorButton.cpp \
-+ src/associationsDialog.cpp \
-+ src/renameWindowDialog.cpp \
-+ src/widget.cpp\
-+ src/interpolationDialog.cpp\
-+ src/epsExportDialog.cpp\
-+ src/nrutil.c \
-+ src/fit.c \
-+ src/smooth.c\
-+ src/smoothCurveDialog.cpp\
-+ src/filterDialog.cpp\
-+ src/fftDialog.cpp
-+#parser (muParser)
-+HEADERS+=../3rdparty/muParser/muParser.h \
-+ ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserBase.h \
-+ ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserInt.h \
-+ ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserError.h \
-+ ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserStack.h \
-+ ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserToken.h \
-+ ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserBytecode.h \
-+ ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserCallback.h \
-+ ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserTokenReader.h \
-+ ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserFixes.h \
-+ ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserDef.h
-+SOURCES+=../3rdparty/muParser/muParser.cpp \
-+ ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserBase.cpp \
-+ ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserInt.cpp \
-+ ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserBytecode.cpp \
-+ ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserCallback.cpp \
-+ ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserTokenReader.cpp \
-+ ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserError.cpp
-+#Origin Import (liborigin)
diff --git a/sci-visualization/qtiplot/qtiplot-0.7.7.ebuild b/sci-visualization/qtiplot/qtiplot-0.7.7.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index b36f91a301f6..000000000000
--- a/sci-visualization/qtiplot/qtiplot-0.7.7.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-visualization/qtiplot/qtiplot-0.7.7.ebuild,v 1.6 2008/07/27 22:23:40 carlo Exp $
-inherit eutils multilib qt3
-DESCRIPTION="Qt based clone of the Origin plotting package"
-KEYWORDS="amd64 ~x86"
- <x11-libs/qwt-5
- <x11-libs/qwtplot3d-0.2.7
- !bindist? ( sci-libs/gsl )
- bindist? ( <sci-libs/gsl-1.10 )"
- app-arch/unzip"
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-qmake.patch
- sed -i -e "s|_LIBDIR_|/usr/$(get_libdir)|" ${P}.pro || die "sed failed."
-src_compile() {
- ${QTDIR}/bin/qmake QMAKE=${QTDIR}/bin/qmake ${P}.pro || die 'qmake failed.'
- emake || die 'emake failed.'
-src_install() {
- make_desktop_entry qtiplot qtiplot qtiplot Graphics
- dobin ../qtiplot || die 'Binary installation failed.'